100 must-read books for college students

Chapter 98 The Great Work That Caused an Earthquake in the World Literary World

Chapter 98 The Great Work That Caused an Earthquake in the World Literary World

Chapter 97 The masterpiece that caused an earthquake in the world literary world: "One Hundred Years of Solitude"

Who can forget such a thrilling beginning? ——

"Many years later, facing the firing squad, Colonel Aureliano Buendía will recall that his father took him to see ice

that afternoon. "

Recalling the past from the perspective of the future, it unfolds a 30-word history of "loneliness" in Latin America over the past century.

Read "One Hundred Years of Solitude" and you can't help but be shocked by its extreme exaggeration and fantastic symbols: Gypsies invade the town of Macondo

Holding two magnets, "walking from house to house... iron pots, iron basins, iron tongs, and small iron stoves fell from the front of my eyes,
Nails and screws rattled as they struggled out...following the two pieces of magic iron. "The entire population of Macondo

Suffering from insomnia, I don't want to sleep all day and night, so I lose my memory and have to put labels on items.government dispatched troops
The general strike of banana crushing workers killed 3000 people and loaded 200 wagons with their bodies.The last generation of the Buendia family - a
A baby with a pig's tail was dragged into an anthill to be eaten by ants, and Macondo disappeared in a whirlwind.

One Hundred Years of Solitude Latin American Literature Window

Gabriel García Márquez was born in 1928 in Aracataca, a small town in the Magdalen province of Colombia. 19
In 47, he entered the capital Bogota University to study law, dropped out of school the following year, and worked as a journalist for a long time.

See you
Hearing, accumulating materials, and gaining a deeper understanding of the history and current situation of Latin America.When he started, Latin America

There have been works in literature that reflect reality with magical or magical techniques.

The trigger of Marquez's creative desire began in 1945 when he read Kafka's "The Metamorphosis" for the first time.He said: "I
found that he would become a writer", because he felt that Kafka's "transformation" was not the same as the "magic" taught by his grandmother in childhood.
"Fantasy Stories" have many similarities. He started writing in 1950 and published the novel "One Hundred Years of Solitude" in 1967.

Marquez believed that "the best mode of literature is the truth" and said: "There is not a line of text in all my novels that is not based on truth.

fact-based", but "the reality of the novel is different from the reality of everyday life, although the former derives from the latter", "La
Daily life in Latin America tells us that reality is full of strange things". Therefore, he is promoting the ancient Indian

On the basis of Ann literature, early and late romantic literature and realism literature, it absorbs foreign creative experience and integrates the magical reality
A fusion of reality and magic. The creation of "One Hundred Years of Solitude" pushed the magic realism literature to a peak.

"One Hundred Years of Solitude" was created by Márquez based on his hometown town of Aracataca and some people he knew well.

It is said that the history of changes in the town of Macondo is the history of changes in Aracataca, and it is also the history of changes in Latin America from the second half of the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century.

Centennial history of half leaf.However, the focus of the work is not on the historical process itself, but on "the loneliness of Latin America".cause
The important reason for this loneliness is not because of the geographical location thousands of miles away from Europe, but because many thinkers in Europe

and leaders, failing to understand the "extraordinarily absurd reality of Latin America," doubting and rejecting its efforts to change society
, thinking that the whole world has no other choice but to be at the mercy of the two great powers.They use lives that don't belong to us

Using models to explain our social reality can only make others understand us less, make us less free and more lonely.so

, to present the magical and miraculous reality of Latin America, to make people believe, and to get the support of specific actions from the outside world, to realize

The independence of Latin America in the western hemisphere requires a legitimate way to relieve loneliness, which is the intention of this book.

One cannot use one nation as a yardstick to measure another nation.Every nation has its own history, environment, material

Living conditions, cultural traditions, spiritual substance, character traits and customs.As an ethnic phenomenon, Latin America naturally
It has its own unique appearance.

Everything in Macondo is a true portrayal of the "extraordinary absurd reality" in Latin America during that century.due to makondo environment
Obstruction, no "contact with the civilized world", and "no benefits of science" have caused the ignorance and backwardness of the Macondo people.

The alien gypsies regarded the magnets they had discovered long ago as their latest inventions, and performed to the audience the so-called "Macedonian alchemists' inventions".

The Eighth Wonder of the World", said that ice cubes are also a new invention of Memphis scholars, José Arcadio Buendia actually explained to children
: "This is the largest diamond in the world".The inhabitants of Macondo were so dazzled by such new inventions that it was too late
expressed surprise.

José Arcadio Buendia, who was full of vigor when he founded Macondo, tried to find a way to get rid of the ignorance and backwardness of himself and others.
To find the way to the civilized world, but without success.His wishes are precious; his failures come from ignorance.since gypsy
If a person can enter Macondo, he should find a way out for Macondo to the outside world.

José Arcadio Buendía was imaginative and sometimes ignorant, but also surprisingly intelligent.He calculates and zooms in for hours on end

Mirroring the strategic power of this new weapon, it compiled a well-documented guide to its use.The most amazing thing is that he relies on the telescope

It confirmed the theory that he didn't know but that the predecessors had already confirmed: "The earth is round, like an orange", if you take a boat all the way

Sailing east, you can return to the starting point.José Arcadio Buendia strongly dissatisfied with Conservative government, which he sent to
The mayor of the town is regarded as an enemy.And finally subdued the mayor.Unfortunately, he was mentally ill.

This image of José Arcadio Buendia shows how amazing the people of Latin America will be once they are freed from loneliness and ignorance

Úrsula was José Arcadio Buendia's wife.His important position in the image system of works is no less than that of her son Ao

Colonel Aureliano Buendia.This is a hard-working, simple, kind, lively and heroine Latin American working woman.

She lived at least 115 years, almost throughout the rise and fall of the Buendia family and Macondo.She is both the founder of Macondo

, is also the most prestigious hostess in the family;

Sellers are also agricultural producers.

Ursula not only participated in various labors and raised children and grandchildren, but also dared to intervene in social life with a clear-cut banner.her grandson
At the beginning of the Macondo regime, Catio killed innocent people indiscriminately and put shackles on those who opposed him.Every time she hears his bullying

They all shouted at him: "You are a murderer! When Aureliano finds out, he will shoot you. I will be the first to be happy."
At last, she released the ex-mayor and all those in chains, and took charge of the town, declaring Arcadio's rash orders to

In order to educate future generations and fight for the survival of her own family, Ursula made unremitting efforts for a long time.Although she is industrious and brave, she is very lonely.

Alone, feeling "time is not good", everything changes.

Ursula, a vivid artistic image, is an ideal woman and a model of women in the author's mind.

Artistic images have much more realistic elements.

Colonel Aureliano Buendia was the second son of José Arcadio Buendia and Úrsula.For a long part of the course of his life, he was at war
A prominent figure who was born and died and was the commander-in-chief of the revolutionary army, but the beginning and the end are the loneliness of making goldfish in the house
By.He embodies a cycle of history that is often reflected elsewhere in his work.expresses his loneliness particularly deeply and unbearably


This is a legendary hero.As a teenager, he was taciturn and "terribly lonely", concentrating only on making goldfish

Almost stay at home.At this time, it has initially revealed that he has the special function of foreseeing the future.He said someone was coming to our place,
Sure enough, Rebeca, whose parents died at the age of 11 and who loves to eat dirt and limestone, came here.Later, when he was escorted back to his hometown to be shot, he
He had a premonition that he would not die, and sure enough his brother saved him on the execution ground.However, not all of his predictions, foresights, and premonitions were reliable.

Colonel Aureliano Buendia stepped out of the workshop and joined the uprising. It started when he learned about the political situation in the country from his father-in-law and saw the Conservative Party clearly.
The evil deeds of government departments secretly changing votes, fabricating perjury and framing Liberals.He further "believed in the abolition of conservative
Degree is
Necessary". When the war broke out, he led 21 men under the age of 30 to seize the guns of the garrison sent by the government to Macondo

, and shot the captain of the guard.Then, his team left home to join the revolutionary general Medina.

The main purpose of Colonel Aureliano Buendia's uprising was to "completely destroy the crumbling building of the conservative system" and seek his own freedom.

liberation.To this end, he even went abroad to unite with the victorious federalists in other Caribbean countries, and attempted to unite

Federalist power in Central America, "overthrowing conservatives across the continent—from Alaska to Patagonia"

government". However, knowing that the leaders of the Liberal Party had turned the revolution into a struggle for personal power, he wanted to end this

He hated the war, even at the expense of suppressing the uprising, and finally signed Ned's surrender document.He was ashamed and shot himself
, but missed the point.This suicide was regarded as a noble act, which lifted him from the embarrassing situation of being ridiculed and reviled, and restored
the prestige he had lost.

In the 20-year war between the Liberals and the Conservatives, Colonel Aureliano Buendia stood on the side of the Liberals, went through life and death, and lived and died.
Taking the lead has neither liberated oneself nor destroyed the conservative system.It can be considered that this is both Colonel Aureliano Buendia's
A personal tragedy, but also a national tragedy in Latin America.The source of the tragedy was first the betrayal of the Liberal leaders, and second
The colonel's own yearning for solitude.One of the reasons why he wanted to end this war as soon as possible was to go back to Macondo to make goldfish.
Spend old age.

"One Hundred Years of Solitude" explores in many aspects from Macondo's final demise in the hurricane and the loneliness, rise and fall of the seven generations of the Buendia family.
Discuss the causes of loneliness, rise and fall, and death.This is Marquez's painful reflection on the lessons of Latin America's 100-year history.
A historical summary written by the author in a novel of magical realism.Its intention is to make people believe that the real life conditions in Latin America
, let Latin America and its people develop their own advantages, cut off the root cause of "loneliness", and embark on a prosperous and independent

The road to establish a new society in which "no one has the right to decide how others should live and how they should die". "At that time, people
We can enjoy true love, and everyone can pursue happiness; and those nations that were once destined to be lonely for a hundred years,
And finally get a second chance at eternal life on earth. "The last sentence of the novel said, "The family who suffered from a hundred years of loneliness is doomed

It will not reappear on the earth for the second time", which is the reflection of the author's leading thought.

This novel is based on the theme of anti-colonialism, anti-feudalism, anti-dictatorship, anti-bloody infighting and anti-conservative backwardness.
excellent works.

"One Hundred Years of Solitude" is a representative work of magical realism, and its most prominent feature in art is its strong magical color.

Through this book, full of mysterious, weird and bizarre details, the social turmoil is fierce, the political situation is unstable for a long time, and nature is strange.

Unusually, the myths and legends of Indians and Negroes took root in the spiritual life of the masses, etc., making the reality of Latin America a reality.
For magical, magical reality.But the writer does not represent the magical things as real, but the reality as magical things.
things to describe.

Magic classic literary masterpiece

Marquez is a master of magic realism literature. The publication of "One Hundred Years of Solitude" caused a "literary wave" in the world literary world.

Earthquake", known as "one of the most outstanding novels written in Spanish in the 20th century".

"Magic realism" is a novelty and grotesque style emerging in Latin American literature in the 60s and [-]s.

school.Its appearance mutated Latin American literature and made the world's literary world look new, thus forming the Latin American literature for a time.
Literary boom.The common feature of this genre is the magical technique of "turning reality into fantasy without making it distorted".columbia
This "One Hundred Years of Solitude" published by the famous writer Marquez in 1967 is a "classic work" of magic realism.through magic
In the cloak, we see hypocritical politicians, cruel kings, licentious manor owners and all kinds of evil and dark realities.do
As soon as it came out, it achieved an explosive sensation and was hailed as "caused a literary earthquake in Latin America" ​​and "through
This book has firmly consolidated the reputation achieved by Latin American novels", "Whether it is realism or naturalism,

Neither has produced such a satisfying style on the continent. "The novel was reprinted in one edition, with a printing run of tens of millions of copies. Mark
As a result, he became famous all over the world and won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1982.

(End of this chapter)

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