go back to the past to be a singer

Chapter 129 Qin Lan's Novel Is On Fire

Chapter 129 Qin Lan's Novel Is On Fire

"How long can a woman's life be? It can be as short as a few decades, and as long as a hundred years. It is possible to finish writing a novel in such a long time, and such a short lyrics? Some people may say, how can the lyrics I used to have this idea of ​​writing a woman's life, but now I know that a few lines of lyrics can really write a woman's life, this is "She Comes to My Concert".

I have to admire this song, a woman's life, just like this is taken lightly by a few lyrics.But behind this understatement, there is endless sadness.

From 17 years old to 40 years old, from an innocent girl to a mother of a child, few people can go smoothly in love, even if it is smooth on the surface, there must be sadness behind it.

To be honest, I have been listening to songs for more than ten years, and the feeling after writing listening songs on Douban website has also been more than five years.I have never liked Chen Ze's songs very much, and I always feel that people of my age should not listen to them.But I like his song very much. The short lyrics describe a woman's life. Even when I listened to it, I wondered if he had investigated my past, because this song and my life It's so similar.

A 20-year-old boy can write such lyrics. I have to say that maybe Chen Ze, the singer, or the creator, will bring an unimaginable future to the entire Chinese music scene. "

Just after the recording of the second phase of "Huaxia Singer" ended, there was such a post on the Douban song section. The person who posted it was still a master of the Douban community. Because of her accurate comments and extensive research, she had quite a few fans.

Therefore, as soon as her post was posted, it immediately attracted the attention of netizens on Douban.

"I'm going, the great master posted again. Did this just come back from the scene of "Huaxia Singer"?"

"This post is so well written, it made me want to cry. Is Chen Ze's performance in the second episode really so wonderful?"

""She Comes to My Concert"? The Great God doesn't give a song such a high rating easily, so I must go and see it."

"A woman's life? Is this song really written so well? I remember that you don't like Chen Ze's songs. It seems that his new song is really well written."

Douban netizens commented that everyone is very interested in Chen Ze's song written by this great god.They all remembered that this great god actually didn't like Chen Ze's songs very much, and always felt that they were a little exaggerated, and there was still a gap between them and the songs of their predecessors.

But I didn't expect her attitude towards Chen Ze to take a 180-degree turn after participating in the second issue of "Huaxia Singer". He praised his song.

"Damn it, what kind of song did Chen Ze write, and even this great god has been conquered." Many netizens thought to themselves that they were very surprised by Chen Ze's second issue of the song "She Comes to My Concert". interested.

In addition to Douban, discussions on Chen Ze's song have also started in Weibo, Moments, forums, and post bars in other places on the Internet. The [-] viewers who participated in the second recording of "Huaxia Singer" all talked about it This song, and their discussion attracted the attention of netizens, and in the end, Chen Ze's song was discussed in various places on the Internet.

A song that hasn't been aired yet has actually caused such a big sensation on the Internet. This is something that has never appeared on the Internet before.

While everyone was discussing Chen Ze's song, they thought of another thing.

"How did this Chen Ze do it? How could he, a man under the age of 20, write a song about a woman's life? It's a bit too perverted."

Soon, some of the [-] spectators stood up and explained the matter.

"This song is Chen Ze's inspiration from a novel he read, which seems to be written by his friend, the name is "How Long is a Woman's Life", and it seems to have only been posted on the post bar. "

After seeing this message, netizens have become quite interested in this book.Although I can't hear this song by Chen Ze now, it's great to read this novel.At least I can know the general idea of ​​Chen Ze's song from the book.

Thus, curious netizens began to dig into Qin Lan's novel.It's a pity that the novel was written by Qin Lan four or five years ago, and it was only posted on a very remote post bar, so netizens searched for a long time, but they couldn't find the novel.

"I'll go, this novel is really hard to find, why can't I find it?"

"That's right. After reading Douban's evaluation, I really want to read this book. Why can't I find it?"

"I want to read it. I heard that this book is very exciting. I really want to read it!"

Netizens discussed one after another that although they didn't find it all at once, they didn't give up and continued to search.Also because of their discussion, more and more people began to join in the search for this novel.

For two full days, I don't know how many netizens on the Internet have been looking for this novel, but they have not found it.

But because of their search, the name of the novel "How Long is a Woman's Life", or rather this keyword, entered the top ten of the online thousand-degree search list.

A novel four or five years ago was not read at all at the time, but because of Chen Ze's introduction, it actually entered the top ten searches in a single day. This kind of thing has never happened in the past.

Within a few days, this kind of thing that has never happened before, because Chen Ze's "She Comes to My Concert" actually happened twice, which is really weird.

In the next few days, netizens finally found this novel from a post bar.That was the city post bar where Chen Ze and Qin Lan lived. At that time, Qin Lan had just entered high school and wrote this novel during the summer vacation.

Qin Lan has liked reading books and novels since she was a child, and her own writing is also very fresh and solid, quite like everyone else.

Therefore, even though this novel was just boringly written by her when she was in high school, and she basically forgot about it after she finished writing it, netizens read this novel as if they had found a treasure, and they were really impressed by the novel in it. The plot and text style are attractive.

"Not bad, this novel, at the level of a high school student, is simply a masterpiece."

"This writing skill, if I don't say it, I would think it was written by some writer. It's just a high school student. This high school student is too perverted."

"Geniuses are always surrounded by geniuses. Can Chen Ze, a friend of geniuses, be any worse?"

Netizens commented that they liked the novel very much, and they also became interested in the author of the novel.But they only knew that the author was a friend of Chen Ze's age, they didn't know who it was.

Therefore, I am quite curious about this author.

(End of this chapter)

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