go back to the past to be a singer

Chapter 130 Zhang Jingning’s Cooperation

Chapter 130 Zhang Jingning’s Cooperation

"What's going on? A publishing house has already contacted me, saying they want to publish my novel. Ozawa, what's going on?"

Qin Lan's voice came over the phone.

Hearing Qin Lan's words, Chen Ze laughed.He never expected that a nonsense thing he made in the show would cause such a big reaction. Not only did netizens turn up the post bar and found Qin Lan's novel a few years ago, but they even developed it. Shangdu found out Qin Lan's identity so quickly and got in touch with her.

These businessmen are so clever in order to make money, they have already contacted Qin Lan.

"This is a good thing. I remember that you used to like writing novels, didn't you? You also studied in the Department of Chinese, and now you have the opportunity to publish your own novels. Maybe you will really become a popular female writer in the future. " Chen Ze said.

He thinks this is definitely not a bad thing. Qin Lan likes to write novels. Chen Ze remembers that she often showed herself the novels she wrote since she was a child, but none of them have been published. Now the opportunity to publish But it was delivered to your door, so why not catch it.

"I also know it's a good thing, but I just feel a little inexplicable. Why was the novel a few years ago found out, and why did it say on the Internet that the song "She Comes to My Concert" you wrote was inspired by my novel?" Enlightenment, I remember that you haven't read that novel much, have you?" Qin Lan said on the other end of the phone.

"Ahem!" Hearing Qin Lan's words, Chen Ze coughed. He didn't expect Qin Lan to remember it so clearly, even remembering that he hadn't read the novel much.

"I read this later, but you didn't know about it." Chen Ze quickly explained, "As for the publishing house looking for you this time, it is a great opportunity. You can rest assured to become a writer, and I will support you later. your."

Chen Ze thought that he still remembered a lot of works from his previous life in his mind. If Qin Lan really wanted to develop in that direction, he could indeed help her.

"Well, okay, let me think about it again." Qin Lan said.

Chen Ze nodded, and after chatting with Qin Lan for a few more words, he hung up the phone.

"Sorry to keep you waiting for so long." Chen Ze smiled at Zhang Jingning in front of him.He was talking to Zhang Jingning just now, and Qin Lan's phone call came in halfway through the conversation, so he asked Zhang Jingning to wait for a while.

"It's okay, I know you and Xiaolan have a deep relationship, what am I waiting for!" Zhang Jingning said.

Hearing Zhang Jingning's words, Chen Ze just smiled: "Let's continue talking, what kind of cooperation are you talking about?"

"Aren't I preparing for my studio recently? So I want to ask if you want to join my studio?" Zhang Jingning said.

Hearing her words, Chen Ze was stunned. He knew that Zhang Jingning had been busy opening her studio recently, and he heard that her studio had great rights and independence, except for the manager who was assigned to her every year. Apart from paying a sum of money, the company has basically become an independent company.

So when Zhang Jingning's studio spread to the entertainment industry, the entertainment industry was in an uproar.Zhang Jingning is not the first star to open a studio.However, Zhang Jingning is indeed the first studio that has such a large degree of independence and can basically be said to be independent.

No one thought that Zhang Jingning's agency would agree to Zhang Jingning's opening of such a studio.

Chen Ze wasn't very surprised. He knew that Zhang Jingning's contract was about to expire. With Zhang Jingning's current status and popularity close to that of a queen, if such conditions were not offered, it would be difficult to keep her.

Moreover, after being in contact with Zhang Jingning for a long time, he also learned a little bit about Zhang Jingning's background. Although she is from an artistic family, she has connections with many dignitaries in the country, so it can be said that her status in the country is quite high.If she wanted to open this kind of studio, her agency probably wouldn't dare to stop her.

But Chen Ze didn't expect that she would actually invite him to join her studio. It's not like she didn't know that she didn't even agree to those big-name brokerage companies, so how could she join her studio.

"Jing Ning, you know me. I don't like being someone else's employee and being restrained by others. A while ago, so many brokerage companies invited me, but I didn't agree." Chen Ze said, ready to reject Zhang Jingning's invitation.

"Don't refuse so quickly, listen to what I have to say." Zhang Jingning said, "I am not asking you to join my studio as my employee and artist, but to invite you to join me as my partner, that is, Another boss of my studio."


Chen Ze was stunned, he didn't expect Zhang Jingning to invite him to become a partner.He knew that with Zhang Jingning's popularity and status, it was very possible for this studio to not become popular, or even to become a real brokerage company.

And her funds are sufficient, there is absolutely no need to pull herself into the group.

"I will give you 30.00% of the shares, so that your shares are second only to my 30.00% five. And I have no other requirements for you, only a few. First, I hope that all my albums will be created by you. Second, In the future, if you have time to help create the albums of singers signed by the studio, you will spare time to deal with them, and thirdly, the outside work undertaken by the studio, such as film and television music, I hope you can also write about it, just these three points.”

Zhang Jingning opened her mouth and looked at Chen Zedao.In fact, the two points she gave are very generous, or simply too generous. Just writing a few songs, she can actually get 30.00% of the shares, which is only 5.00% less than her own shares. If this condition is spread, I am afraid. It is to scare people to death.

And if Chen Ze gets 30.00% of the shares, then he is very likely to secretly buy some other shares, so that his shares will surpass Zhang Jingning, and by then the studio can be said to be his.If it were an ordinary person, even if they were given shares, they would never give so much.

However, Zhang Jingning has her own plan. Giving so many shares for writing a few songs is of course too uneconomical for other producers, but if it is Chen Ze, Zhang Jingning thinks it is completely worth it. She knows Chen Ze's talent Yes, if all the songs in her studio will be sung by him in the future, Zhang Jingning feels that there is absolutely no other studio or even company in the country that can compete with her in terms of songs.

As for too many shares threatening her, Zhang Jingning looked at Chen Ze, she absolutely believed that Chen Ze would not do such a thing.This is an extremely talented character whose mind would not be on such matters.

And if Chen Ze really did this, Zhang Jingning would actually feel relieved, and wouldn't have to suffer as much as now.

"This." Chen Ze hesitated, and then said, "I really don't think there is any reason to refuse."

"of course."

"Then I promise."

"Great." Zhang Jingning smiled, "But since you have become my partner, then the affairs of the studio are your affairs now."

"That's right." Chen Ze nodded.

"Okay, then the studio happens to have an urgent case on hand for you to deal with."

"What case?"

"We have undertaken the job of the theme song of a war movie, which is to fight against foreign enemies, and we want you to write this song."

"Oh, okay, this is simple."

"However, there is only one night left before handing it over to the crew, and it will be handed over to them tomorrow morning."

"What?" Chen Ze was stunned. He was going to submit a song tonight, but there was no sign of singing yet.Besides, even if the song is written and produced, it will take time, at least five or six hours. It is now nine o'clock in the evening, which means that the time left for writing songs by myself will not exceed one hour.

"It's okay, aren't you writing fast!" Zhang Jingning smiled and patted Chen Ze on the shoulder.


(End of this chapter)

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