go back to the past to be a singer

Chapter 182 Don't Distort Like Maggots

Chapter 182 Don't Distort Like Maggots

"Thousands of years passed in the past, Wei Wu swung his whip, this sentence is so well written, this sentence is a perfect echo of Cao Cao."

"It's amazing, it's really amazing, who is this guy, he's so powerful, and he wrote such a poem on the spot."

"I'm going crazy. No wonder Qin Lan doesn't like Huang An anymore. It turns out that there are such talented people around her."

Hearing Chen Ze's poems, everyone discussed one after another. They were all very excited. Just now, they could instinctively feel that Chen Ze's poems are definitely the best of the best, far beyond anyone's works today.

Their feelings for Chen Ze also changed from jealousy and wanting to see his jokes to admiration. They all knew that it was impossible for them to achieve the level shown in this poem in their lifetime.

"Xiaolan, who exactly is your friend? It can't be a master in the literary world. He actually wrote such a classic poem, and he wrote it on the spot. I'm going crazy."

"No, he is so young, he looks like he is only 20 years old. How can there be a master of literature who is so young, but he is really amazing. He can write such poems. No wonder you are looked down upon by everyone in school. Such a talented person, I would look down on anyone if it were me."

"It's too powerful, it's simply too powerful, it's unimaginable, this is it."

Beside Qin Lan, the girls were also excited. They all thought that Chen Ze must be ugly and embarrassed now. Who knew that he would write such a poem directly. This, this, this is too awesome a little bit.

Not only Qin Lan's friends, but even her own eyes were shining, looking at Chen Ze with admiration and happiness.She still doesn't know that Chen Ze is so powerful, the power is far beyond her imagination.

On the stage, facing Chen Ze, Huang An's face was very ugly at the moment. He had the urge to vomit blood. He originally thought that the guy opposite would not be able to write any good poems, but this time he must lose face.

Who knew that this guy actually wrote such a poem while talking and laughing, isn't this a real slap in the face, and it was still in front of so many people.

Huang An regretted it very much. If he knew that Qin Lan's friend was really good at writing poems, then killing him would not make him look bad.

Especially when he heard many people below whispering, saying that he was humiliating himself, that he couldn't even compare to other people's toes in poetry writing, Huang An really had the urge to dig into the ground.

More importantly, he was the one who invited him to write poems, which gave him the opportunity to pretend like this.This, this is really self-inflicted humiliation.

"Okay, this poem is well written. Cao Cao once left a poem on Jieshi Mountain, and this poem is in the form of imagination. I imagine myself facing the poem left by Cao Cao, and the last sentence has traveled through thousands of years. , talk directly to Wei Wu. This imagination, this boldness, is unrivaled in all ages, good words and good words."

At this time, Gao Xiaotian opened his mouth, his face was full of excitement, and he was completely conquered by Chen Ze's poem: "Huang An, you recommended it well, this classmate's poem is indeed very good. No, it is beyond my imagination." The courage in the words is far from being compared to anyone in the current literary world. In front of him, your poem is no different from that written by a primary school student."

Gao Xiaotian was very excited, and felt that this poem was probably the best ancient word written by modern people he had ever heard.And under a sudden excitement, he accidentally said all the words in his heart.

Hearing his teacher's words, Huang An's face turned completely pale, and he almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

"Hahaha." Seeing Huang An's appearance, everyone burst into laughter.

"You are amazing."

"How can you be so good, this poem is simply unimaginable."

"It's amazing, you actually wrote such words on the spot." Some people said loudly to Chen Ze.

On the stage, Li Jian also looked at Chen Ze excitedly. He also admired Chen Ze to the extreme.

"You, you." Huang An still wanted to say something, but he didn't know what to say at all. As soon as Chen Ze's poem came out, he lost any confidence

Chen Ze smiled and looked at Li Jian at the side, then turned to look at Huang An, and spoke again.

"If it's not always light, live your life in the dark.

If making noise is dangerous, keep silent.

If you feel powerless to shine, then don't shine on others. "

"Reading poetry again?"

Hearing Chen Ze's words, everyone was stunned again. They didn't expect Chen Ze to read the poem again without saying a word, and the poem seemed to have some meaning in it.

"But don't justify darkness after getting used to it,
Don't be complacent about your own troubles,
Don't mock those who are braver and hotter than yourself. "

Chen Ze looked at Huang An and said coldly.

Everyone at the scene immediately understood what he said. He seemed to be talking about what Huang An had just said about Li Jian's ignorance of social reality and his desire to protect his rights.

He is saying that although the social reality is like this, although it is true that there are many unfairness in the society, we need to adapt and change.

However, when those people with heat and blood are trying to protect their legitimate rights and try to change the injustice of this society, those of us who have been changed by darkness and regard the darkness and injustice of those societies as legitimate things should not laugh at and discriminate against these people .

"You can be humble like dust, but you can't be twisted like maggots!" Looking at Huang An, Chen Ze uttered the last sentence coldly.

Hearing Chen Ze's words, many people who had ridiculed Li Jian and ridiculed Li Jian's wishful thinking immediately blushed.

"It can be like dust, but it can't be distorted like maggots. What's the difference between what I did before and distorted maggots?"

They thought in their hearts and regretted it very much.It is completely normal for Li Jian to protect his rights, why would he laugh at him?

Could it be that he has really gotten used to the darkness and started to defend the darkness?
On the stage, hearing this poem by Chen Ze, Li Jian's eyes were filled with tears.He didn't care that his poems were downgraded by Huang An, but he cared a lot that Huang An laughed at his wishful thinking and tried to protect his rights.And not only Huang An, almost everyone is mocking him.

Now, after hearing this poem and seeing someone speaking for him, he finally couldn't hold back his emotions.

Hearing Chen Ze's song, Gao Xiaotian looked at Chen Ze with admiration, while Huang An's face turned even paler.

He knew that here today, he was completely finished.

 The fourth update is here, I wrote [-] words today, please subscribe, everyone, please subscribe, at least let your grades rise a little, now there is no hope at all, it has been stable at [-], and I am about to cry!
(End of this chapter)

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