go back to the past to be a singer

Chapter 183 It's Actually Chen Ze

Chapter 183 It's Actually Chen Ze

In the auditorium, Chen Ze stood in the center of the stage, Huang An in front of him looked pale, and looked at Chen Ze weakly.In the seats, everyone became pensive, reflecting on the behavior of laughing at Li Jian just now.

"Okay, okay, the poem just now is also very good." Gao Xiaotian said, looking at Chen Ze in front of him, he was very satisfied. The two poems written by Chen Ze just now greatly exceeded his expectations, especially The first song, majestic and majestic, traverses ancient and modern times, which almost makes him feel ashamed.

Gao Xiaotian is an honorary professor of Yenching University. He has seen many so-called young geniuses in Yenching University and those associations of poetry and literature. Most of them are at the same level as Huang An, and they are better than ordinary people. In the eyes of such a true professional, it is still far away.

A small part is better, and it can afford the word genius, but it is far from the boy in front of him.The poem just now by this young man, especially the line 'Thousands of years passed, Wei Wu swung his whip', Gao Xiaotian even thinks it is the first-class words and sentences in modern times.

It was hard for him to imagine that such words and sentences came from the young man in front of him.

"Student, are you a senior student in the Chinese Department?" Gao Xiaotian asked.

"Teacher, he is not from our Chinese Department." Before Chen Ze could answer, the students in the seats began to speak.

At this moment, Chen Ze didn't take off his sunglasses and peaked cap, so everyone couldn't see his face clearly, but they all knew that Chen Ze was not a student of the Chinese Department.

"Not from the Chinese Department?" Gao Xiaotian was stunned. He thought that the person who could write such talented words and sentences must be a student from the Chinese Department of Yenching University. ?”

"I'm not a student of Yenching University, I came here with my friend today." Chen Ze looked at Gao Xiaotian, and said.

"Not from Yenching University? Then you are from Huaqing University?" Gao Xiaotian asked, suddenly he thought of a very crucial question, his face changed instantly, "Student, you are not from Yenching University, then I Did you already know about today’s topic, or did you only find out when you came here today?”

"I just saw it when I came here today. I came to this event on a whim this morning." Chen Ze replied.

"I just saw it when I came here, doesn't that mean!" Gao Xiaotian swallowed, thinking of a very scary thing.

"I just saw it, I just saw it just now."

"Then isn't that just saying, just saying!"

Hearing Chen Ze's words, most of the students in the seats who hadn't noticed that Chen Ze and Qin Lan came together also became agitated. They thought of the same thing as Gao Xiaotian.

"That means, this guy wrote the song Wei Wu Swinging the Whip on the spot!"

Everyone looked at each other, and they all saw the horror in each other's eyes. The song Wei Wu's Whiplash was already an extraordinary and unimaginable lyrics.

If it is said that it took a long time to write the words meticulously since the title was announced, then it is acceptable.But now I heard that it was actually written on the spot, and it was written by the young man in front of me who looked to be in his twenties and was about the same age as me. How, how could this be possible.

In ancient times, there was indeed Cao Zhi who could write a poem in seven steps, but in modern society, there is such a genius?
The shock in Gao Xiaotian's heart was deeper than that of others. As a leading figure in the domestic literary world, he knew more clearly than these students how difficult and valuable Wei Wu's Whiplash was.

It turned out to be the student in front of me who wrote it on the spot.This, Gao Xiaotian immediately had a feeling that he had lived on a dog in the past.Compared with the young man in front of him, the arrogant literature is nothing.

"I see, this must not be written by you. How can you, such a young student, write such poems? You must have plagiarized someone else's."

At this moment, Huang An jumped out again and shouted loudly.

Hearing what Chen Ze said just now, he felt that this poem was definitely not written by Chen Ze, definitely not, how could he, who looks younger than himself, write such a poem.

Yes, it must be like this, how could someone be more talented than me, who can write this kind of poems at this age, it must be others who plagiarized.

Huang An thought so in his heart, although he didn't know who Chen Ze copied this from, but he was sure that Chen Ze must be someone else who copied it, so he quickly pointed it out loudly, with a ferocious smile on his face at the moment .

You bastard, you made me lose such a big person, and made me never have a chance to chase Qin Lan, so I can't just let you go.

"Everyone, don't be fooled by this guy. He is obviously plagiarizing some master's words. Think about it, just look at him like this, does he seem to be such a talented person? And he wrote poems on the spot, which is simply ridiculous. He I thought he was Cao Zhi!"

Huang An thought he had caught Chen Ze, and shouted to everyone in the audience, especially to Qin Lan: "He is a liar, everyone, look at him, wearing a peaked cap and sunglasses, he doesn't dare He shows his true face, and think about it, if he is really so talented, he should have been famous in the literary world long ago, but we seem to have never heard of such a person."

"Yeah, it's really strange for Huang An to say that. Just now I was wondering why this person has been dressed like this. It can't be that he doesn't dare to show his true colors."

"Yes, yes, it is really possible. His poems are too talented. If he is really so talented, he should have been famous long ago."

"It can't be that there is a real problem, thanks to the fact that I admired him so much just now."

After hearing Huang An's words, everyone said one after another, thinking about it along Huang An's train of thought, they all felt a little strange, and they all began to suspect Chen Ze.

Even the girls beside Qin Lan looked at Chen Ze with a hint of suspicion. Although Huang An's character was poor, but thinking about it carefully, what he said might not be unreasonable.

Hearing the whispers of these students in the seats, Huang An showed a smug smile again, and he looked down at Chen Ze: "You are a liar, let me expose it. If you want to refute, please tell me Why are you wearing sunglasses and a peaked cap? And why if you can really write such poems, you have no reputation in the literary world."

Huang An was very happy in his heart. He felt that he had caught the guy in front of him.No matter how this guy explains, there is absolutely no way to explain these two problems.

"Everyone, I believe this person, he must not be a liar." Li Jian said loudly at this moment, he absolutely believed in Chen Ze.But the rest of the people didn't listen to Li Jian's words, they all looked at Chen Ze suspiciously.

Even Gao Xiaotian felt that what Huang An said was not unreasonable, if the person in front of him was really so talented, why bother to cover his face, and why has he not been famous all this time?

Is it really plagiarized which everyone's poems?But is there such a coincidence?It just so happens that everyone has written this topic that they have arranged by themselves?

Moreover, if such a wonderful poem is really written, it should be published immediately. How could it be kept hidden like this?

Gao Xiaotian couldn't figure it out. He felt that Huang An's words were contradictory, but there was indeed something wrong with the boy in the sunglasses and peaked cap in front of him.

"This classmate, why don't you take off your sunglasses and peaked cap, and let's see who you are." Gao Xiaotian said.

"Yes, do you dare to pick it? I don't think you dare." Huang An smiled triumphantly. He thought he had caught Chen Ze's weak spot, and a liar like Chen Ze would never dare to pick it.

"Hey!" Chen Ze sighed, "Okay." He didn't want to pick it at first, so as not to cause a stir, and he wouldn't be able to leave later.But looking at it now, it's impossible not to pick it yourself.

With that said, under the gaze of everyone, Chen Ze slowly took off his peaked cap and sunglasses.Then, an extremely handsome face appeared in front of everyone.

In an instant, all the people who were originally suspicious and questioning were all condensed into fossils.

This person in front of him, this person, this person is actually Chen Ze.

(End of this chapter)

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