Chapter 301

Between the blue sky and white clouds, Mo Xuan flew with his red tears on his sword with his hands behind his back. He was unrestrained and unrestrained but also frowned frequently. Naturally, he was worried about the problems of Old Qingyuan and the three mysterious immortals.

Mo Xuan just left from Teacher Kong Jian.

Lord Kong Jiandao had paid a special visit to Lord Taidao before, but no matter how side-stepping he was, Lord Taidao was always practicing Tai Chi, and he was tight-lipped about his identity, and he couldn't find anything out.

In the end, there was no other way, Kong Jian could only sigh and return to his fairyland.

Kong Jian and Mo Xuan master and apprentice looked at each other and smiled wryly. They had no choice but to take one step at a time. Be prepared!
Mo Xuan glanced at the mountains, rivers and rivers under his feet, tapped his fingers lightly, he was really a little dizzy, originally the three layers of time and space were well developed, but the old Qingyuan of the fourth layer of time and space appeared so soon.Mo Xuan couldn't help bursting out a sentence of the Three Character Classic, and the timing was too bad!

Mo Xuan Yujian's speed is extremely fast, before he knows it, the Mo Family Spirit Island has come into view, the first thing he sees is naturally the little golden light of the Golden Bamboo Peak, it's so shiny, you can see it from a long distance!

Mo Xuan slowed down, patted his face with both hands, pushed all his troubles aside, and never brought negative emotions home.What Mo Xuan despises the most is someone who yells at home but doesn't speak much outside. His temper will only be directed at his own family members, and only his family members will tolerate his temper. Only the most incompetent people will do that !
Mo Xuan works hard outside, isn't it just to make the family live more comfortably, to lay a solid foundation for the family, so that the little ones can grow up safely, flourish and prosper!

Mo Xuan adjusted his mood, and a smile appeared on his face again. Here, he flew into Mojialing Island with the fairy sword, and landed on the golden beach.

Xiaomoxuan built a seaside playground on the beach. Children under the age of ten from the Mo family can come here to play and play after school. They are really happy like gods every day and can have a beautiful childhood.

"Look, the ancestor is back!" "Wow, it's the Red Tears Super Immortal Sword, it's really the ancestor himself!"...

Hundreds of little babies cheered and rushed over to surround Mo Xuan, their eyes flickering, wanting to see Mo Xuan enough!You know, it's not easy to meet Mo Xuan's ancestor. After listening to many grandpa's stories, they were lucky enough to meet Mo Xuan's grandpa when they were young. When they meet again in this life, they will even have great-grandsons!

Now that I can finally see the ancestor Mo Xuan himself, of course he has to watch it very carefully, maybe he will only see this side in this life!

Although the ancestor Moxuan is almost exactly the same as the little Moxuan we often see, it feels different. The deity seems to have something more than the body, and the specific children can't tell why. Anyway, this time Fortunately, I was able to meet the ancestor of Moxuan himself, so I have to pay more attention to everything I say.

Mo Xuan looked at the smart, lively and cute little ones, and couldn't help but smile. He touched the head of this one, and then touched the head of that one. As soon as he thought about it, he wanted to do a few brain teasers to test the little kids. , There is a prize for the correct answer.

"Ten kids race, and No.3 surpasses No.2, so what place is he now?"

"No. 1." "No. 1."... The children scrambled to answer with their hands raised.

"It's No.2." A little boy with a snot hanging from his nose replied weakly.

"The correct answer is No.2, everyone, think about it carefully." Mo Xuan glanced at the snot-nosed baby, secretly guessing, could it be that our universe is in the form of a slug, so the snot-nosed baby is more blessed?
Speaking of slugs, I have to say Erwazi, even though he is already a fairy, still has snot hanging from his nose from time to time. Mo Xuan finds it an eyesore when he sees it!

In other words, Mo Xuan rubbed his nose. When I was a child, I also had a snotty nose. After all, the soul is not a child. How can I stand hanging around with a snotty nose? I used folk remedies to cure it!

The kids are very smart, and they figured it out very quickly, so it turned out to be the case!

"It's agreed that there will be a reward for the correct answer, here." Mo Xuan stuffed a green jade pendant to the snot-nosed baby.

The snot-nosed baby looked at the jade pendant in his hand, a little at a loss.

The rest of the children stared at the jade pendant that they knew was the best at a glance, and their mouths were almost drooling.A few children rolled their eyes, clamoring if they had any questions, and we wanted to answer them.

Mo Xuan smiled slightly and asked another question: "An object fell from a very high place, but it didn't hit anyone. Why?"

With the case of the first question here, the kids didn't say it immediately, they were all thinking about it.

A little boy raised his hand and said, "That's because the person who was smashed was a powerful immortal, so he was not injured."

Why?Mo Xuan blinked, this... really can't be wrong, Mo Xuan nodded, and rewarded the little baby with a big pearl.

"Any other answers?"

A little boy looked happy, raised his hand and said, "What falls is light!"

"It's the wind!" Another little baby followed suit and raised his hand.

It seems that it can't be wrong, Mo Xuan nodded slightly, the children's divergent thinking is not bad.Of course, Mo Xuan would not be stingy with rewards, and each of them rewarded a big pearl.

Oh, it was answered by others first. A little girl pouted and raised her head to look at the sky. What can hit her head without getting hurt?Have!The little girl raised her hand in surprise and said, "Raindrops!"

"That's right." Mo Xuan nodded approvingly, and rewarded the little girl with a small storage bag.

Wow, it's a storage bag!The little ones were all jealous.The snot-nosed baby was holding the jade in his hand, but he was also looking at the storage bag eagerly.

"There are still more, we still have to answer the questions." The little ones clung to Mo Xuan tightly.

"Okay, okay, I'll ask three more questions, everyone, don't worry, think carefully, everyone has a chance."

Only then did the little ones settle down, concentrating on each of them, waiting to answer the questions.

"Once upon a time there was a tiger, a rabbit was on the left of the tiger, a tortoise was on the right, and a hedgehog was in front, then..."

"Rabbit! The tiger will definitely bite the rabbit." A little boy answered directly.

Mo Xuan smiled and continued, "What's behind the tiger?"

ah? !The kids were all dumbfounded, behind the tiger?We only know that the rabbit is on the left, the tortoise is on the right, and the hedgehog is in front, but what ancestors behind the tiger did you not mention?

All of a sudden, the kids were scratching their heads, but they couldn't figure it out.

A few kids were playing tricks, trying to get the answer straight away, and they gave all kinds of answers, most of which were unreliable.

"Tigress! Or cub!" The answer of the little boy was rewarded by Mo Xuan.

"The answer is actually in the question, everyone use your brains and think about it." Mo Xuan pointed out.

Is there an answer in the question?Is there?where is it?Xiaowa repeated the question over and over again, no!

It was still the snot-nosed kid who said weakly, "Bugs."

Mo Xuan smiled and gave a high five, that's right!
There was a tiger in the past, and there was a tiger in front of the worm. Is this the case? !The little ones suddenly realized, oh, why didn't we think of it.

"What's your name?" Mo Xuan asked the snotty baby.

The snot-nosed baby replied weakly: "Ink four catties."

Mo Xuan patted Sijin's head, and rewarded Sijin with a precious pearl.

The little ones all know the goods, knowing that it is a magic-level Na Baozhu, which is better than pearls.Emerald is too strong!Jealous!
Why did we fail to guess it, depressed!In other words, isn't Si Jin usually quite stupid, and he can't even read well, so how did he become smart all of a sudden?

The little girl holding the storage bag also looked at the Nana orb eagerly, and squeezed over to exchange her storage bag and Mo Sijin for the Nana orb.

Mo Sijin thought for a while, then shook his head.

Cheapskate!The little girl gave Mo Sijin a white look, walked aside angrily, and kicked Sha Shuo under her feet.

Mo Xuan was secretly amused, and asked two more questions. The children racked their brains, but they only answered one question correctly, and they couldn't answer the other question, and they couldn't get it right.

"Don't worry, I will stay at home for a few days. If anyone comes up with the correct answer, please come to me. Just let yourself think, the time limit is three days, if you really can't think of it, just ask the adults." It's easy to guess, but now it's very difficult to guess, it depends on the understanding of the children.

Mo Xuan waved his hand and left in a hurry.

All the little ones had no intention of playing, and sat on the beach with their chins in their hands, thinking hard.What is the answer?Can't think of it!Fortunately, there are three days, I still don't believe that I can't figure it out!

When Mo Xuan returned to his small courtyard, he saw Kong Ling and Mo Que'er sitting in the pavilion with little Kong Ling and Xiao Que'er, playing [-] points.

"I'm back." Kong Ling smiled slightly at Mo Xuan.

Little Kong Ling and Xiao Que'er were thoughtful when they saw that Mo Xuan's Taoist robe was a little wrinkled and there were still some gravel stuck to it.

Mo Que'er giggled, and gave Mo Xuan a look.

Mo Xuan understood, and sat next to Mo Que'er. Sure enough, Mo Que'er had a good hand.

Mo Que'er wanted to give her a final flick, but who would have thought that although Xiao Que'er's cards weren't very good, she restrained her, and made up [-] points out of everything.Mo Que'er was so depressed, he arched Mo Xuan angrily, it's all your fault, once you came, my luck became worse, and I lost all the cards that were sure to win.

Knowing Mo Que'er's temper, Mo Xuan sat next to Kong Ling.

Mo Que'er pouted for a while, seeing Mo Xuan and Kong Ling sitting together, but there was nothing beside her, she immediately regretted it, she knew she was wrong, she shouldn't lose her temper, hey~
"Where's Huali?" Mo Xuan suddenly remembered, isn't Huali living in Mojia Lingdao now?

Mo Que'er replied, "Let's go to the film and television city to play."

Mo Xuan nodded and continued to watch the four girls playing cards.

At this time, in the film and television city, Huali is working hard to do the ideological work of Mo Xuan's grandfather, Mo Shi.

Mo Shi naturally knows Huali's small thoughts, but to be honest, although Mo Xuan is the grandson of the old man, there is no doubt that Mo Xuan is the real master of the Mo family. hot thing.

But Huali grew up by herself, so she can wear a pair of pants with Mo Queer, and Huali is also a fairy now, if she can marry Xuan, she will be a four-day fairy.

For the time being, the old man doesn't know that the three of Mo Xuan have become Xuanxians. It's not that Mo Xuan deliberately concealed it, but he was really busy and forgot to tell.But no matter how many people talk about it, the less people know about it, the better.

Unable to withstand Huali's soft and hard foam, Moshi still responded, "Okay, okay, I will say a few good words for you later, as for whether it will be successful, the old man is not sure!

Huali happily hugged Moshi's arm, Grandpa, you are the best.

Before I knew it, it was already evening, but the kids didn't go home to eat honestly, did they all go crazy?Is your ass itchy again?

The parents found the beach playground together, but they didn't expect to see all the children sitting on the beach thinking hard, forgetting themselves, what's wrong?
Soon, the parents knew the truth, stopped blaming the little ones, and cheerfully led the little ones home for dinner.

And the parents of the little baby who received the reward from the ancestor of Moxuan are even more elated, our little baby is really promising!

Mo Sijin's parents were a little dumbfounded, they didn't expect that Sijin could get two rewards, even the precious Na Baozhu, darling, Sijin is so smart, we really didn't know!Mo Sijin's father happily patted Sijin on the shoulder, and hugged Sijin into his arms. Now our hospital is really going to flourish!

(End of this chapter)

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