Chapter 302
Although the Mo family has a big family and a great business, they are all among the best in the state, but no matter how big the family business is, it cannot withstand endless squandering.Therefore, the resources of the Mohists must be used in a planned and controlled manner to various ideas!
Nowadays, all Mohist children can finish the elementary school, and they can decide whether they can become immortals based on their grades and performance.

According to Mo Sijin's previous achievements and performances, there must be nothing to do, but this time Mo Sijin's outstanding performance was even appreciated by the ancestor Mo Xuan. Need to say more, it's done!
The Mo family has the strict family rules established by Mo Xuan in the early years, but now the family business is too huge, and there are still some small frictions and intrigues between the various houses and houses, which cannot be avoided no matter what.Ordinarily, as long as it is not too much, the core members of the Mo family will keep their eyes open and close their eyes. If they cross the bottom line, they will be warned once, and if they do, they will be punished.Therefore, the overall atmosphere of the Mohist school has been harmonious and peaceful after all these years, and there are very few frictions that cross the bottom line.

The development and growth of each sect and house is naturally closely related to the number of immortals. The more immortals born, the more confident they will be.

Although the Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm has completely lifted the ban on cultivating immortals, anyone who is a child can practice immortality, but after all, there are too many child students, and ordinary qualified children rely on daily practice and meditation for a specified time limit. Without the assistance of spiritual fruits and medicines, at most they can only If you can cultivate into a half-immortal, you can still only die of old age.

Although the Mo family has sufficient resources, they can't provide every little baby to cultivate immortality. They can only survive the fittest and give priority to those with good aptitude to cultivate immortality.

Therefore, all schools and houses are competing to cultivate better offspring. Only when there are more and more immortals can they stand firm, otherwise they will be eliminated!
Mo Sijin's door can only be regarded as a small door and a small room. Of course, this small door and small room is compared to the Mo family, and it is far beyond the prestige of the county outside!And the big house of the Mo family has surpassed the prestige of the county!

One can imagine how powerful the Mo family is now!How many people are jealous!

Overnight, Mo Xuan's brain teasers spread throughout the entire Lingdao.

Many grown-ups were delighted when they got one or two guesses right, but what about the last one?I can't figure it out!
Moshi, Motian and other senior old people laughed when they heard about it. Isn't that an easy question? Anyone could guess it at our time. Xuan'er really worked hard to come up with this question!Indeed, the babies of the Mo family are all raised in honey pots now. Although there are training camps after the age of ten, they have never experienced real wind and rain, hunger and cold.

Mo Que'er and Huali looked at each other and smiled. Looking back now, I am filled with emotion.

Mo Que'er is already a Profound Immortal, and compared to her mother, she is only inferior.I must become stronger, and one day, sooner or later, I will avenge my mother!Mo Que'er clenched her fists tightly.

Huali, on the other hand, remembered the first good-fitting clothes in her life, the school uniform robes issued by the Taiyuan Academy at the beginning of the semester. It was a joy at the time, but now thinking about it, she still can't help but smile.

But Kong Ling couldn't figure it out. She was also a daughter of a thousand gold back then, and she was spoiled and spoiled.Kong Ling asked Mo Xuan directly, what was the answer?

Mo Xuan smiled and whispered in Kong Ling's ear, and took the opportunity to kiss Kong Ling's earlobe.Kong Ling's pretty face turned red all of a sudden, and she gently pinched Mo Xuan angrily, the pear is still there!
Seeing the hot eyes, Huali asked curiously, "Brother Xuan, what's the answer?"

Mo Xuan rolled his eyes at Huali, and flicked Huali's forehead with his fingers, it's no wonder you don't know!

Huali stuck out her tongue, and Hanhan hid behind Mo Que'er.

Kong Ling took a few glances at Huali, then at Mo Xuan and Mo Que'er, and sighed in her heart. It seemed that this little girl would become a younger sister sooner or later.

Both Kong Ling and Mo Que'er knew that Mo Xuan was under a lot of pressure recently, but he never showed it in front of them, and didn't want them to worry.

So the two girls will become extremely gentle at night, so that Mo Xuan can relax.

Mo Que'er has been entangled by Huali and Xiao Que'er for a long time, and took a chance to whisper to Mo Xuan: "Xuan, combat power is very precious now, one more fairy will give you more confidence, if you can have one or two more Xuanxian, we It won't be so passive."

Mo Xuan blinked, there are still a lot of celestial seeds coming from the first layer of time and space, but we can't always be in a hurry, we still have to fight steadily.Xuanxian Seeds can only wait patiently for Gao Shan, Tie Dan, and Huali, there is no rush!
The Expedition strategic ship has made itself very big, and many people already know that this is a potential threat.Maybe there was no need to worry before, but it's different now, with the addition of Old Qingyuan's Golden Immortal, I'm at a loss!

Hao Changsheng, A Niu, and Niu continued to polish the fairy body with great interest, while Bai Meier returned to the mountains and forests to understand the world. The four of them are still short of enthusiasm for the time being.

Mo Que'er giggled and said, "In the final analysis, a disciple is a disciple after all, and our family's ability to increase its combat power is the most important thing. And our family has ready-made ones!"

"Our family?" Mo Xuan was stunned, and suddenly understood what Mo Que'er meant. Indeed, if you want to say that the queen of the fairy, Que'er's avatar and Ling'er's avatar, as well as the two little Mo Xuan, can be said to be doing their part, and they have the sense of success of the original body. Now, the four little advanced angels can be said to be very sure.

However, Mo Xuan doesn't seem to make the fourth little one rush to work. If the avatar can realize the powerful way, the main body can also benefit a lot.After all, we have already walked through it, and we can't go back to realize it again, but the clone can go through it again, and even if there is nothing to receive, the main body can also check itself accordingly.

Mo Que'er giggled, and said, "I know I can't hurry up, but it's okay to speed up. Xuan, if Xiao Que'er and Xiao Ling'er can double cultivate with you, they will definitely be able to advance to the rank of Celestial Immortal much sooner."

This... Mo Xuan was a little embarrassed, but he didn't really care about Xiao Que'er and Xiao Ling'er.But Mo Xuan also knew that he was quite petty in this regard. Xiao Moxuan No. [-] applied for a Taoist couple, and Mo Xuan also considered Xiao Que'er and Xiao Ling'er, but it was still nothing.

Kong Ling pondered for a moment, she has been pestered by Xiao Ling'er for a long time, what Que'er said is reasonable, and it will be a matter of time, so it's better as soon as possible, now the Mo family and Kong Jianmen really need more cards.

Now that they have already opened their mouths, Mo Que'er simply said: "There is also Huali, she is also a fairy now, her talent is even more excellent, and she has always been our relatives, Xuan, if you can double cultivate with her, then It will be much faster for her to advance to Xuanxian."

Uh...Hua Li, Mo Xuan scratched his head, he was more concerned with Hua Li than his elder brother and his younger sister, but if it's just Shuangxiu, it's fine.Mo Xuan turned to look at Kong Ling.

Kong Ling gave Mo Xuan a blank look, and pinched Mo Xuan hard, but she didn't make a sound, which was her acquiescence.

Mo Xuan bit his lip, suddenly felt guilty, he had made up his mind not to add another person, but in this world, there are always times when people can't help themselves!At this time, the help of Xiao Que'er, Xiao Ling'er and Huali is really needed!That's it!

Early the next morning, Mo Xuan called the four little ones together.

Xiao Que'er and Xiao Ling'er kept a sufficient distance from the two little Mo Xuans, their bright eyes looked forward, and they always fell on Mo Xuan's little, but they didn't pay attention to the two Mo Xuan clones.

A certain distance was also kept between the two little Mo Xuans, and they seldom talked.

Si Xiao is a little nervous, today Mo Xuan suddenly summoned all our avatars, what is it...

When Mo Xuan saw this scene, he sighed slightly in his heart. He could feel the sorrow of the clone. There was a possibility of being abandoned anytime and anywhere, and there was a knife hanging above his head from the beginning to the end.

Mo Xuan coughed lightly, and first said to the two little Mo Xuan: "You both already know the situation. From now on, you two will start to retreat and practice hard. Whoever becomes a celestial being first can go to the third layer of time and space, representing I manage the Heavenly Sword Sect." Now that this incident happened, the trip to the fourth floor of time and space must not be advanced, but the Heavenly Sword Sect cannot be separated from Mo Xuan, so it is much more convenient to have a celestial avatar to guard it!

The third layer of time and space is much richer than the second layer of time and space and the first layer of time and space, which is a big difference!The two little Moxuan glanced at each other, sparks filled the air.

Xiao Moxuan No. [-] frowned slightly, and asked, "My lord, what about that level of time and space?"

Mo Xuan stroked his chin and said, "Let Junior Brother Jin Lengyu take care of it for now."

Little Moxuan No. [-] worried: "Then Xiuxian Academy will take his surname! We still have to send someone there as soon as possible."

You don't need to be so ignorant, Mo Xuan touched his chin, nodded his head, and said, "Then only Yunyu No. [-] can be used."

The two little Moxuan glanced at each other, feeling a little uncomfortable in their hearts. With more clones, our lives will be even more difficult. If something goes wrong, we will be replaced.

Mo Xuan smiled slightly and said, "I applied for number two before, and I want to be a Taoist companion."

Xiao Ling'er and Xiao Que'er frowned at the same time, probably... the two little girls deliberately moved away from the two little Moxuan to show their feelings.

No. [-] Xiao Moxuan gave No. [-] a glance, please, why are you making such a mess!
No. [-] Xiao Moxuan smiled awkwardly, being stimulated by Tie Dan and Hao Changsheng that time, he was so excited that he applied for it.

Mo Xuan smiled and said: "Don't be nervous, I have thought about it carefully, I am hugging left and right, but you two have been flirting with each other all the time, it is really not good. You two can be regarded as the most outstanding sons of my Mo family , How about this, when the two of you become immortals, you can take care of it yourself, but there is a limit of one Taoist companion, so you have to choose carefully."

The two little Mo Xuan glanced at each other in surprise, and bowed deeply to Mo Xuan's body.If you want to talk about cultivating immortals and Taoists, there are still many beauties in the third layer of time and space!Be the first to become a fairy!Fight!
Xiao Que'er and Xiao Ling'er secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and exchanged glances, a little bit worried, but also a little bit looking forward.

"Alright, let's go." Mo Xuan waved his sleeves.

The two little Moxuan went to retreat and practice hard work happily!

"Xiao Que'er, Xiao Ling'er, come with me." Mo Xuan said to Xiao Que'er and Xiao Ling'er who looked restless.

Xiao Que'er and Xiao Ling'er responded, and followed Mo Xuan from the living room to the bedroom.

Hey, isn't the main body here?Could it be... Xiao Que'er and Xiao Ling'er looked at each other, their pretty faces blushing, could it really be that their dreams come true?
After so many years, Mo Xuan has never wanted us. Xiao Que'er and Xiao Ling'er are really worried. Mo Xuan will never want us, or betroth us to Xiao Moxuan No. [-], number two.Of course, it doesn't mean that Xiao Moxuan No. [-] and No. [-] are bad, they are definitely well-deserved heroes, and marrying one of them is not bad, but after all, the body is better, and the heart is more at ease!

Mo Xuan sat on the edge of the bed, patted his side with both hands, and sat down.

It seems all right!Xiao Que'er and Xiao Ling'er were suddenly overwhelmed, their pretty faces blushed, and they walked to the bed coyly, and sat down beside Mo Xuan on one left and one on the right.

Mo Xuan had thought about coming one by one before, but he didn't get along with Xiao Que'er and Xiao Ling'er very often, and it was awkward to be alone, so he decided to go together.

Xiao Que'er and Xiao Ling'er lowered their heads and pulled the corners of their clothes shyly. Although they had been looking forward to this moment, they were a little panicked when it came to an end. I heard that the first time would be very painful!
Mo Xuan is someone who has been there, and knows the two girls' thoughts, so he is not in a hurry, but first asks about the current situation of the two girls' practice, so that the somewhat awkward atmosphere gradually eases.

Xiao Que'er and Xiao Ling'er gradually let go, smiling sweetly, with high spirits, getting closer and closer to Mo Xuan.

Boys should take the initiative, Mo Xuan took the two girls into his arms at the right time, rubbing their ears together.

Xiao Que'er and Xiao Ling'er soon became distraught and lost their breath, their big watery eyes were filled with mist, and they clung to Mo Xuan's body softly.

When the fire was almost over, Mo Xuan gently pushed Xiao Que'er and Xiao Ling'er onto the big bed, and the bed curtain fell down.

Good things come true!

(End of this chapter)

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