Chapter 303
Three days passed in a flash.

Mo Xuan's double cultivation with Xiao Que'er and Xiao Ling'er has come to an end for the time being.

Xiao Que'er and Xiao Ling'er shyly paid a formal visit to Kong Ling and sister Mo Que'er, and they truly became a family.

The newlyweds are the most affectionate, but Xiao Que'er and Xiao Ling'er also know that when the main body is present, they must restrain themselves as avatars. The most critical step has already been taken out. for a while.

The children racked their brains, and many smart ones guessed that it has something to do with feet, but no one could think of the correct answer after all.

The time limit has passed, and the children can only sigh and ask the adults.

But the adults are all hem and haw, these days they haven't thought much about it, and they haven't been able to guess it.

Seeing that the adults are so weak, the children can only run around and ask for answers.

However, Tie Dan and Er Wazi, who are extremely smart, are retreating again, and they will definitely be able to answer them.

Finally, the children asked about the ancestors of the Mo family, Mo Shi, Mo Tian, ​​and Mo Zhu.

The ancestors all laughed cheerfully, not in a hurry to reveal the answer, and started telling stories to the little ones.

Mo Shi cleared his throat to calm down the children, and then began to tell.

In the past, the Mo family was just a small family. The family really didn’t have any extra houses to live in, and the village couldn’t be crowded. The 15-year-old Mo Shi and his younger brother Mo Tu had to leave their hometowns and came to Huanxi Village in Mingyu County to seek development.

After ten years of hard work, the brothers finally saved enough money to build a small courtyard by the river.

Mo Shi finally married his wife and had two sons, Mo Tian and Mo Di.

Later, the eldest son, Mo Tian, ​​married sisters Jiang Di and Jiang Xiao, while the second son, Mo Di, could only be a bachelor.

Being a bachelor is really an extremely unfamiliar term for the little ones. Nowadays, the little ones of the Mo family have not been born yet, and there are countless people who are eagerly looking forward to getting married.Back then, the Mohist family would grab a hundred-year-old bachelor, but now, except for the immortal cultivators, there is no single man over 20 years old in the Mohist family!
The point is not this, so Moshi didn't explain too much, and continued to talk.

After that, Jiang Di gave birth to Mo Zhu, and Jiang Xiao gave birth to Mo Xuan.

Mo Zhu is the older brother, and Mo Xuan's younger brother and older brother. The two brothers have grown up and want to go to the beginner school to study, but the Mo family is poor, and at most they can only pay a tuition fee.In the end, the elder brother gave up this precious opportunity to the younger brother with tears in his eyes.

The children were all stunned to hear that, there are eighteen elementary schools in Mojialing Island, all of which are of the nature of compulsory education, and all of them are free!

Some Xiaowa asked, was the tuition fee of the junior school so expensive?

Mo Shi chuckled, and said, "Let's take the breakfast you eat every day, a bowl of spiritual rice porridge, a spiritual bread, and half a sweet and sour spiritual fruit."

The little ones blinked in a daze, that’s right, we eat like this every morning, Lingmi porridge can sometimes be white fungus porridge, eight-treasure porridge, etc. Lingbing bread has a different pattern every day, sweet, crispy and delicious spirit fruit It is also a change of food every day, which is very common, and it is even better during the festival.

What happened to our breakfast?

Mo Shi let out a long sigh, and solved the mystery: "Just the breakfast you are eating now can pay for Mo Xuan and Mo Zhu to go to the beginner school for a year."

Uh... the kids are collectively dumbfounded, what the hell? !No way, just such a breakfast can let the two brothers go to study!This... How did this happen? Could it be that our Mo family could only get half of the money for such an ordinary breakfast?
Although Xiaowa knew that the Mo family was very poor at the beginning, she never imagined that they were so poor!They really can't imagine that we can have Ancestor Moxuan and Ancestor Mo Zhu go to study together by having a casual breakfast, but everyone knows that only Ancestor Mo Xuan went to study, Mo Zhu The old ancestor could only stay at home and help with farming.

Mo Shi continued to talk about the experience of Mo Xuan's school at the beginning of the year.

At dawn, Mo Xuan's mother, Jiang Xiao, picked Mo Xuan out of the warm blanket, put on clothes for him, washed his face, hung his schoolbag and water bottle around his neck, stuffed a big white steamed bun in his arms, and Stuff a big white steamed bun and push it outside the house.

Little children, look at me, I look at you, are you going to get up at dawn, why, we will never get up until we sleep until the sun shines on our buttocks.

What is big white steamed bun?There is no filling at all, just steamed buns made from the cheapest flour, which the kids have never eaten in their entire lives.

Mo Shi smiled happily, and I will give you a taste tomorrow morning, one big white steamed bun per person, who dares not eat up and waste food, but you will have to spank!

The little ones agreed, old ancestor, you should hurry up and tell the story.

When the cold wind blew, Mo Xuan shivered, and then he woke up completely.While gnawing on the big white steamed buns in his hand, he walked to the elementary school in the county.Not far, less than ten kilometers.

Ten... ten kilometers?The little ones blinked blankly. It is only a few hundred steps from my home to the elementary school. Can the furthest distance be 500 meters?The eighteen elementary schools in Lingdao are all scattered in the middle of the eighteen villages in Lingdao, for the convenience of children going to and from school.

The kids snapped their fingers and counted. Ten kilometers is a full twenty 500 meters. That's too far, but it can be reached in a blink of an eye through the teleportation array.Most of us have to go through the teleportation array to go to the beach playground. After all, Mojialing Island is too big.

Mo Shi shook his head amusedly. How could there be a teleportation formation at that time, let alone Huanxi Village, Mingyu County didn't even have one!

The kids were all shocked, how could they get there without the teleportation array?

Mo Shi shrugged, how could he get there? Of course, he walked on two legs.

Uh... the kids were all shocked, an hour? !We only have an hour to study in the elementary school in the morning, and we have to walk all of it?this……

Mo Shi snorted, what is this? Back then, there were many people who were farther away than the Mo family, even those who needed to walk for two hours!
The junior school established in Mingyu County is not the junior school you are studying now, it is joking and has no rules at all.Arriving late and leaving early, deserting, failing to answer a question, just one word - type!

There is a two-finger-wide bamboo board on the lectern. This is the ruler, made of two pieces of bamboo.

The two trees leaned up and down.The one leaning up is at the bottom, seven cun six fen long, six fen thick, and over one cun fen thick, with strands of noodles on the four sides below.The protruding one is on the top, seven inches and four inches long, five inches thick, and one inch thick, with strands of noodles on the four sides.A wooden button is erected in the middle of the upper wood. The button is two inches five fen long and seven fen high. Catch the button and hit the lower wood.

Mo Xuan was not big or small back then, but he never tasted the taste of a ruler. With a slap, the palm of his palm was instantly hot, and he had to grin his teeth and grin for a long time.

Once Mo Xuan recited Taoist scriptures, but after memorizing half of the book, the palm of his right hand was swollen and swollen, half an inch high, and it turned out to be bright when exposed to the light, and it took half a month for the swelling to subside.

The teacher's ruler had to be broken three times a month!

The little children all shrank their necks in fright, not daring to imagine the scene, except that they were occasionally spanked by their parents when they were mischievous, they really didn't know what a ruler was.

Mo Shi continued to tell, Mo Xuan walked all the way, and if he was lucky, he would meet his classmates, walk together, chat, and the walk would not feel so long.

When I arrived at the elementary school, I followed Teacher Liu to read the Taoism aloud in the morning, and then listened to Teacher Liu's explanation of the meaning; at noon, I ate the stiff white steamed buns in my arms with cold boiled water in the kettle, and slept on the table for a while; in the afternoon, I practiced in the sand basin. Write articles.

Then when I came home from school, the classmates happily walked together, and when they encountered a fork in the road, there were gradually fewer people, and finally only Mo Xuan was left.

Getting up early and being greedy for night, with the head hanging from the beam and the awl piercing the buttocks, coming and going in the wind and rain, every day for ten consecutive years.

It's not that the children have never heard the story of the ancestor Mo Xuan going to school, but they have only heard a few words. They only know that the ancestor Mo Xuan was suffering, but they don't know that it is such a suffering!
Ten years!Have to get up early and late every day, rain or shine!Babies can't imagine it.

Mo Shi returned to the topic and said, "So, we old people can guess the question you asked me."

What is the answer?The kids all looked at Moshi eagerly, we really couldn't figure it out!

Mo Shi chuckled, and said, "It's not surprising that you can't guess it. You spoiled ones, not to mention old clothes and shoes, almost never wear half-new ones."

What the hell is it, old ancestor, don't always talk about it, but tell me quickly!

Mo Shi raised his right foot, turned his foot towards the children, and said, "The sole of the shoe is broken."

ha?Grandpa, are the soles of your shoes broken?It is clearly still good!

Wait!The little ones are not stupid, so they figured it out quickly, oops, it turned out that the sole of the shoe was broken!

God doesn't know the world knows, you don't know me!Could it be that the sole of the shoe is broken!
It turned out to be like this, the soles of our shoes have never been broken, no wonder we can't figure it out!

But... how did the sole of the shoe break?The little ones couldn't figure it out.

Mo Shi shook his head speechlessly, and said, "If you walk too much, the soles of your shoes will break."

The little ones stared blankly at the thick layered bottom, broke through?How many roads do you have to walk to break through?

Mo Shi sighed and said: "The cloth shoes in the past are not willing to use so much cloth now, at most it is only one-third of the thickness of what you wear. Mo Xuan goes to and from school for a month, and almost has to wear a pair of shoes, mend it and change the sole to continue wearing it." .”

The little ones still couldn't imagine, a few little ones with excess energy made a special trip to run, and ran a small half circle around Lingdao in a day, looking at the soles panting, well, how much was worn off at all!
Today, the little ones have learned a good lesson, knowing how difficult it was for the Mo family back then!

The next day, early morning.

According to Mo Shi's order, the Mo family's breakfast was changed to all big white steamed buns plus a bowl of boiled water.

The little ones were quite happy to see the white big white steamed buns. This is the legendary big white steamed buns.Oh, it's so hot, the little ones puffed and took a bite, oh, it's soft, not bad, we can still endure hardship!
The little ones opened their mouths wide and began to woo, woo, and began to bite. After a while, their mouths became dry and they drank saliva. Oh, what kind of water is this? Why does it have no taste at all?It's so far from the sweet and delicious spiritual water that you usually drink!But I'm very thirsty, drink it!

Bite and bite, the little ones ate half of the steamed bun, and then... the little ones looked at the solid big white steamed bun in their hands, and they didn't know what to eat.

Thinking of what the ancestor Moshi said, if you don’t eat enough, you will be spanked. The little baby can only continue to eat.

It's awful to say!There is no taste at all, how can this be eaten!

The adults are generally okay. They took a few big bites at the end, swallowed the rest in one breath, and drank a few more sips of water to relieve their breath.Obediently, was that how Patriarch Mo Xuan came here?Moreover, this is still a good meal, and other tribesmen can't afford big white steamed buns!

Is this the year!The adults had mixed feelings and couldn't help but think a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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