Chapter 304
We Mo family sons have been rich and well-clothed since childhood, and we have gradually become accustomed to it. Even though we knew that the Mo family was poor and poor in food and clothing, we still didn’t have a correct understanding. With the superiority and wealth now, how can we truly understand it? The original situation.All imaginative associations are based on one-sided understanding, which is far from the truth!
Everyone has heard of this big white steamed bun, but no one has eaten it. Now that you eat it in your mouth, swallow it in your stomach, and drink a sip of plain boiled water, you can truly understand how hard it was at the beginning.

In the past, this big white steamed bun was a daily delicacy that only a few people in the family could enjoy, and the rest of the people could only eat a decent meal during the holidays!

It is said that one year the Mo family’s harvest was not good, and the family could only eat wild vegetables and weeds to satisfy their hunger. At that time, they thought wild vegetables were delicious and healthy, and they should eat more. Now thinking about it, how naive and ridiculous.

In the past, the whole family tightened their trouser pockets so that they could barely support a child in elementary school, and the rest of the children could only help with farming at home, doomed to a busy life.Unlike now, there is no family where children can’t afford to go to school. If they really can’t afford it, the elementary school will also waive tuition fees and provide meal subsidies.

It was so difficult back then, but we have made it to today step by step.But we are used to it, and we don't take today's happy life seriously, which is so wrong!

Seeing the clansmen who were all lost in thought, Mo Shi nodded in relief. These years, the Mo family has been going so smoothly, and they have made great progress along the way, and the atmosphere of luxury has gradually risen.The children have hardly experienced wind and rain, and they really need to polish and practice!
I remember that when Xuan'er became a fairy, the family immediately followed suit. Later, because I was too used to it, the children were so weak. After so many years, there were not many half-immortals. Fortunately, Xuan'er returned safely , After some rectification, the Mo family really began to rise!
Mo Shi clapped his hands together and decided that from now on, this day of every month will be designated as the Day of Frugality and Remembrance of Suffering, and all three meals a day will be according to Xuan'er's childhood!
"What are you doing in a daze, hurry up and eat! If you can't finish eating, you'll have to spank!" Mo Shi scolded.

To be honest, this big white steamed bun is much better than what Xuan'er ate back then, mainly because the second-class small noodles back then can't be found in Lingdao.Now that the day of frugality and memory of suffering has been set, let’s restore the past as much as possible and buy some rice and flour so that the little ones can eat and endure hardships.

The little ones looked at the remaining half of the steamed bun in their hands, and smacked their lips bitterly, why is it so unpalatable?I was belching, my stomach was full, I couldn't eat anymore!Take a few more bites, and it sticks in your mouth all the time, chewing and chewing, it feels like you can't swallow it!
Many children threw steamed buns into a bowl, and if they didn't eat it, just spank their buttocks!

Little ancestor, it can't be like this!This is not a simple breakfast, it can be said that it is related to the future, if you can't eat it, you have to eat it!The adults coaxed and frightened, and finally fed it.

The little ones covered their swollen stomachs with bitter faces. They really felt nothing but full!Did ancestor Mo Xuan eat this every day when he was in the junior school?Even the soles of the shoes are broken once a month, the ancestor is too bitter!
Adults educate at the right time, endure hardships and hardships, and then you will be a master. If you can't bear such a little hardship, you can achieve something in the future!The little ones are all thoughtful.

After Mo Xuan and his party got up, they were surprised to see this simple breakfast.

Big white steamed buns, I haven't eaten them for many years, Mo Xuan happily ate two big white buns with plain water, the taste is really not good.

Mo Que'er didn't suffer much when he was a child. Since Mo Xuan became a fairy, he has basically been rich and well-clothed, and barely ate a big white steamed bun.

Kong Ling is still very particular about her diet. After eating half of it, she really doesn't want to eat anymore. What, it's too unpalatable.Little Que'er and Xiao Ling'er were almost as rare.

Mo Xuan lightly slapped each of the three women's asses!The three daughters were so angry that they punched a fist, and the whole family enjoyed themselves.

With a big white steamed bun in each hand, Huali hopped into Mo Xuan's small courtyard while biting left and right. Although Mo Xuan hadn't made a clear statement yet, Sister Que'er had quietly told her that it was done!

Huali was full of joy, only felt that the whole world was so colorful, and this big white steamed bun was really sweet.

"Brother Xuan, Sister Ling, Sister Que'er, Xiao Ling'er, Xiao Que'er, good morning." Huali Hanhan ran to Mo Que'er and gave Mo Xuan a shy look.

Xiao Que'er and Xiao Ling'er didn't know that the matter had been settled, and they looked at Huali with some vigilance. This one knew at a glance that he had something wrong with our Mr. Xuan, but he was so thick-skinned that he almost regarded Mojia Lingdao as a It's home!I have to guard against it!Xiao Que'er and Xiao Ling'er stopped between Mo Xuan and Huali without any trace.

Seeing this, Mo Xuan couldn't help laughing secretly, but smacked his lips. In fact, girls are not petty. Everyone wants to dominate their husbands alone, but because of various reasons, they can only share with others.Mo Xuan felt sad for a while, he really owed Ling'er and Que'er too much!
There are only less than 20 days left before the one-month deadline. Although Mo Xuan still hasn't come up with a good solution, he is not in a hurry.There are still 20 days, think slowly.

Three layers of time and space, Asgard.

The second-tier space-time rescue fleet specially set up by the seven major forces has begun to operate officially, and Tianjianmen is naturally the most enthusiastic, working hard day and night.Even if the other six strengths are not as motivated as Tianjianmen, they will not be passive and sabotage, after all, the wages are still quite high.

The rest of the small and medium-sized forces are small and silent; there are also those with high ideological awareness, such as the Tengfei Temple, which has also set up a small fleet;

As a result, the black hole on the Asgard Square was filled almost continuously, instead of filling in once for each Asgard quota, it was a bit of a saving, but now I just fill the hole with my eyes closed, without even looking at the gate of the Asgard. .

Affected by the disastrous defeat of the 2000-plus five or six hundred quotas in that round of Tianjianmen, no one wants to be ranked at the bottom now, but those small forces were pushed to the bottom. It was very depressing at first, but seeing it is completely useless Then go to mine the fragments of the upper fairy world, just wait in line to enter, and the mood is much better.

Unknowingly, the [-] places have been exhausted, and it is the turn of the last [-] places.

Although they can only get one treasure of the fairy palace, those small forces that didn't even have a place in the past are still very content, and happily entered the fairy palace, starting a wonderful journey of experience in the fairy palace.

I don't know the years in the Immortal Palace, and the experience is over before I know it. Oh, how come it's so fast!I really don't know if I can enter the Immortal Palace again in this life, that's all, let's see how my luck is and what treasures I can get, I hope I can be more powerful.

Huh, different?Shouldn't it be the same?How could it be different?Could it be that I performed very well in practice, so I got an extra reward?What's the matter?
Many experienced practitioners have thought carefully, people outside only know that a treasure will be produced, so I might as well keep it private!
At the beginning, the Seven Great Immortals guarding the fairy palace didn't care, and they really let those chicken thieves get away with it.

Later, with the arrival of the disciples of the Seven Great Sects, the Seven Great Celestial Immortals discovered the trick, and it also confirmed that the last thousand places in the Immortal Palace are still two treasures!
Is it no longer reduced?The treasures produced by Xiangong are fixed at [-] pieces?

How dare you!
Originally, I was worried that there would be fewer and fewer treasures produced by the Immortal Palace. In order to compete for the number of Immortal Palaces, sooner or later there would be a big fight. Maybe the Immortal War would break out again. If it really does not decrease, then the peace can last for a long time!

The Seven Great Immortals hurriedly reported the situation to their family, and waited with great anticipation for the final announcement of the answer.Two, two... or two, it seems that there should be no difference!Very good!
The second floor of time and space, the garbage dump.

In a blink of an eye, the time limit for the ten-year occupation is approaching, and the Taiyimen Fleet Haohao Tangtang sailed near the garbage dump, ready to change shifts.

According to past experience, this rotation is likely to be a tragedy, but when everyone in the four schools has their turn, they can only admit that they are unlucky.Therefore, the enthusiasm of the disciples of the Taiyi Sect is generally not high.

Huh!What is Hei Ming doing, it's almost the deadline, why is there no sign of getting ready to leave?The periphery of the garbage dump is crowded with black and dense pieces of garbage, and it is really hard to see the specific situation inside!

Lin Chengbi, commander-in-chief of the Taiyimen Fleet, frowned, and ordered to send an ultimatum to Hei Ming. What do you mean?Don't want to rotate anymore?
According to the past, Hei Ming's side must have responded immediately, but this time there was no reply for a long time, Lin Chengbi suddenly couldn't sit still, maybe Hei Ming Xiaoxian felt that he was already strong enough, and wanted to start a war again?It shouldn't be, the advantage of our Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm is still very obvious, does the Black Underworld Little Immortal Realm have some new killers?Like the latest warship?
Lin Chengbi immediately reported this abnormal situation to Mr. Tai Yidao, pacing back and forth, thinking secretly, are we going to fight again?In other words, haven't you Hei Ming been afraid of being beaten by Lord Kong Jiandao, let alone now that Mo Xuan has risen strongly and is in full swing, do you Hei Ming really dare to do it?

Hei Ming finally replied: Sorry, I accidentally forgot the time, please rest assured, we will abide by the agreement and evacuate within the stipulated time.

Lin Chengbi was skeptical, ordered the fleet to make full preparations for battle, and then waited patiently.

It's been the last two days, and Hei Ming still has no intention of evacuating at all!The nerves of the Taiyimen Fleet couldn't help but tense, it was too abnormal, is Hei Ming really going to tear up the peace agreement?Could it be that our fleet has already been dumped?
It was the last day, and Heiming had a slight retreat.

Lin Chengbi became more and more uncertain, leaving only two death-defying warships, and the whole army quietly withdrew 100 million miles!
It was the last few hours, and Hei Mingfa finally began to retreat in an all-round way.After Lin Chengbi got the news, he was still worried, there must be too many warships on the Hei Ming side, something is wrong!Something is wrong!

Lin Chengbi still stood still and remained vigilant.

Finally, Heiming completed the retreat before the last moment.

The garbage dump suddenly became empty!
The two death-defying battleships rushed into the garbage dump, and were immediately shocked, what what?
Cool!Lots and lots of top-grade fairyland fragments!Is Hei Ming an idiot? He doesn't even know how to take it away!No no no!There must be something tricky, is it a bait?Want to swallow our Taiyi Sect fleet in one go?
Lin Chengbi still stood still and asked the two death-defying battleships to gather as much information as possible!

The two death-defying battleships were divided into two groups and wandered in the garbage dump for a while, as if there was no abnormality!

Not long after, a large number of top-quality fairyland fragments suddenly appeared in the garbage dump, huh?The two death-defying warships were all dumbfounded, what... what's going on?Are these two rounds not the most tragic off-season, but the hottest peak season?It's not that Hei Ming is a fool who doesn't know how to take it away, but that there are too many, can he take it away?

After Lin Chengbi got the news, he understood why Hei Ming dawdled and procrastinated until the end, but he was still a little worried, and ordered the transport of the spirit ship troops to go to the garbage dump for mining, while the battleship troops remained on hold, waiting for reinforcements.

(End of this chapter)

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