Interstellar Miner

Chapter 305 Treasure Mine

Chapter 305 Treasure Mine

The Taiyimen transportation spirit ship troop moved into the garbage dump with trepidation, and soon lost their fear, oh my god, there are so many top-grade fairy palace fragments!Is this true?Is it true?We are not dreaming, are we?This is too much too good!There is no such good thing in the dream!

Even though the Taiyi Sect is the wealthiest compared to the other three, but in this hard-pressed second-floor time and space, no matter how rich the family is, it cannot withstand the consumption of more than 1 years. Now the Taiyi Sect is living a tight life. Let's live a good life with a good harvest at this junkyard!
What the hell!what's the situation?
The mining of the transporting spirit ship troops is extremely obedient!Can't catch up at all, the amount mined is far behind the increased amount!What's going on with Nima?The third level of time and space suddenly went crazy?

Lin Chengbi couldn't help being dumbfounded. Could it be that Hei Ming didn't want to start a war or something, but was racing against time to mine the best fairyland fragments, so he procrastinated.But looking at the number of warships in the Hei Ming side, there are indeed quite a lot, so it's better to be careful!

Lin Chengbi held back his anxiety, and ordered the spirit transport troops not to be chaotic, and to proceed step by step. When the support troops arrived, they should work together in time.

No matter what, we still have to suppress the news as much as possible. This time, the big meat meal, we have to eat it alone!
More than ten days passed in a blink of an eye, and Lin Chengbi saw that the area around the garbage dump was calm all the time, and it was obvious that Hei Ming had gone completely clean.

There are continuous good news about the transport of the spirit ship troops, and more and more fragments of the best fairy world are accumulating!

Lin Chengbi saw that the support troops of the Taiyi Sect were not too far away, gritted his teeth, and ordered the whole army to station in the garbage dump, and help mine the top-quality fairyland fragments together, hurry up!
Mining, mining, mining!Nima, I can't make it in time!This is not a garbage dump, it is clearly a treasure mine!

The eyes of everyone in the Taiyi Sect were red, they didn't care about so many, and they worked desperately to mine.

Lin Chengbi kept urging to support the troops, hurry up, hurry up, fear of changes!
Mojialing Island.

Mo Xuan and his friends gathered together, it's time to make the final decision!

The Taiyi Gate was desperately hiding, but Mo Xuan and the others knew about it a long time ago. As long as Hei Ming didn't suddenly lose his mind, there would be no problem.Hei Ming really can't think about it, hehe, let's let the three high-ranking Xuanxians go down to the realm, and then Hei Ming will be able to drink a pot!

But judging from the current situation, Hei Ming obviously did not dare to act rashly. The Taiyi Sect would probably be a little excited this time, thinking they had taken advantage of the sky!Who knew it would be like that in the future!

Mo Xuan thought about it, if Qingyuan Xiaoxianjie advanced to the third level of time and space, it would no longer be a fantasy, and it could be officially put on the agenda!

Of course, it will take time to ferment slowly, so there is no rush.

The most urgent thing right now is how to deal with the three high-ranking Xuanxians.

After thinking about it for so many days, my friends have more or less come up with ideas, and my family members don't need to be polite, just say whatever you want, and express your opinions.

Tie Dan proposed to let the three high-ranking mysterious immortals go first, then knocked them unconscious halfway, and locked them in a dark prison without leaving any clues, trying to separate themselves from Tianjianmen.

Hao Changsheng suggested letting go of the three high-ranking Xuanxians in a high-profile manner, and then manipulated them while they were crossing the boundary membrane.

Erwazi proposed to set up an ambush on the second floor of time and space, and Mo Xuan changed his appearance and caught him again.

Zhang Desheng proposed to find a way to let the three high-ranking Xuanxian and Hei Ming fight to the death, and it is best to lose both sides.

Some little fellows even proposed to lure Mr. Taiyi out and kidnap him once and for all.

If he didn't know the identity of Lord Taiyi, Mo Xuan might really have done this, but since he knew that Lord Taiyi was the heir of Qingyuan Jinxian Patriarch, he must have a trump card that he didn't know, so forget it.If it wasn't for the Qingyuan Jinxian Patriarch's piece of talisman paper that didn't have any killing intent at the end and just slapped it, he would have been in desolation, and he would have been seriously injured if he didn't die. Mo Xuan didn't want to experience it again so soon!
Bai Meier proposed to turn her back on her and continue to be imprisoned. After all, it was the three Xuanxians who were benevolent first, so the old Qingyuan had to be reasonable when he came to him.


There are so many things, the most important thing is just a word!The longer you delay, the better!

Mo Xuan probably had a plan in mind, so he went to discuss it with Teacher Kong Jian and Xiao Yun, and finally made a decision.

Mo Xuan and his party hurried back to Tianjian Gate and took the initiative to find Zhuan Sun Hongsheng and the other three.

In this month, Mo Xuan didn't know where he went, and the three of Zhuan Sun Hongsheng really didn't know what to do. After all, there are too many people who go back and forth these years!Even if Mo Xuan turned his back and refused to admit it, the three brothers had nothing to do.

Now that Mo Xuan had arrived as promised, the three of Zhuan Sun Hongsheng secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but also felt a burst of tension. It all depended on Mo Xuan's intentions whether they would continue to be detained or regain their freedom.

Mo Xuan was not in a hurry to solve the mystery, but sat down and chatted with Zhuan Sun Hongsheng and the three of them.

Zhuan Sun Hongsheng and the three had no leisure time, looked at each other a few times, and Zhuan Sun Hongsheng said, "Fellow Daoist Moxuan, it's been a month, have you got your answer yet?"

Mo Xuan nodded and said, "Of course there is."

Zhuan and Sun Hongsheng sat upright and listened attentively.

Mo Xuan smiled slightly, and said, "I really want to have more exchanges with Sanwei and learn from each other, but the three of you are on business after all, so I really shouldn't force you to stay."

The three of Zhuan and Sun Hongsheng were pleasantly surprised. So, we can regain our freedom?
Mo Xuan pursed his lips and said, "Three fellow Taoists, I wonder if we can have a discussion."

Um?Zhuan Sun Hongsheng and the others looked at Mo Xuan in astonishment, but still nodded, you said.

Mo Xuan didn't make any detours anymore, and said directly: "My two Taoist companions and I are very yearning for the fourth level of time and space, can you take the three of us along the way to the fourth level of time and space?"

ah? !It turned out to be such a discussion, this... this... Zhuan Sun Hongsheng and the three of them looked at each other in embarrassment, and there was only one piece of Xuanbing left, although it was a bit bigger than the one they used when they went down to the world, it could hold up. Four people is already the limit, there is really no way to bring extra people!
"Is there any difficulty?" Mo Xuan asked, in fact, Xiaoyun had already analyzed the function of that piece of profound ice, the most critical point is this piece of profound ice, as long as he controls this piece of profound ice, he can master a lot of ice. initiative.

Zhuan Sun Hongsheng really had no way to make a guarantee, so he explained ambiguously that the more people carried by Xuanbing, the greater the risk, and there was no way to add three more people.

Mo Xuan stroked his chin and complained: "I don't have much Xuan Bing, I only brought two pieces."

Zhuan Sun Hongsheng and the three of them kept laughing wryly, if there were more Xuanbing, we would go to war and ask you to borrow the warship by force, would it be even more tragic to become a prisoner!In order to obtain these two pieces of profound ice, how much effort the Patriarch Qingyuan Jinxian spent!

Xuanbing is not an ordinary treasure, only a small piece is occasionally produced from the Tower of Infinity, and after a little refining, it is the most superb magic weapon for body protection and defense, which can be encountered but not sought after!

If the boundary membrane was so easy to traverse, Qingyuan Jinxian Patriarch would have gone down to the realm by himself to find Lord Taiyi, why should we send the three of us!

Breaking through the boundary membrane, the three of us can barely do it together, but if we want to cross the boundary membrane, then it's a desperate attempt!Without the protection of Xuanbing, it is a great fortune for the three of us to survive!And Xuanshi also has a lot of restrictions. The immortals of Zhuan Sun Hongsheng and the others are still in Qingyuan Great Immortal Realm, and they can't carry them with them. Otherwise, even if they lose to Mo Xuan and his party, they can last for a long time.

Mo Xuan also just learned from Xiaoyun that crossing the boundary membrane is far from being as simple as they originally expected. Regardless of the fact that the strategic ship Explorer travels through time and space, it is a common occurrence. It belongs to the Guandu category, so it goes smoothly, and Zhuan Sun Hongsheng and the others belonged to illegal smuggling, so they had to risk their lives!The higher the level of space-time smuggling through the boundary membrane, the more dangerous it is!
Therefore, the policy formulated by Xiaoyun was aimed at that piece of mysterious ice. Without the mysterious ice, even if the three of Zhuan Sun Hongsheng kidnapped Lord Taiyi, they could only stare blankly, unable to go back to the fourth layer of time and space, and they could buy enough time .

With the policy in hand, Mo Xuan had a backbone, and he and Zhuan Sun Hongsheng were soft-spoken, and finally even proposed that he and his party go to the fourth level of time and space with Tai Yijun, and Zhuan Sun Hongsheng could stay and manage Tianjian on his behalf. Door.

The three of Zhuan Sun Hongsheng were dumbfounded for a long time, and after thinking about it, although the Heavenly Swords were only the super powers of the third level of time and space, they were incomparable with the forces of all parties in the fourth level of time and space.But after all, Xuanxian is the highest combat power in the third layer of time and space. If the three brothers join Tianjianmen, it is not impossible to unify the three layers of time and space!Moreover, Mo Xuan and his party went to the fourth layer of time and space, and it would be extremely difficult to come back.By then, the Heavenly Sword Gate will still belong to the three of us!

The three of Zhuan Sun Hongsheng are really not firm in their willpower, but Qingyuan Jinxian Patriarch is really hard to explain, if none of the three of us can go back, then it will be embarrassing for us to stay in old Qingyuan's family up.After all, our roots are still in Lao Qingyuan!

For a while, the three of Zhuan Sun Hongsheng couldn't make up their minds, so they asked Mo Xuan for a few days to let them think about it.

Of course, Mo Xuan can't wait to ask for it, you all think about it slowly, don't worry.

Mo Xuan and his party also took advantage of the last vacancy to discuss matters related to the identity of the gang. Now Mo Xuan really regrets that he didn't change his appearance and use a pseudonym at the beginning, otherwise why is it so troublesome now!
It was cool at the beginning, but it’s too late to regret it now. Lessons learned from the past can be a guide for the future. It’s better to keep a low profile on the fourth-level time travel!

Mo Xuan and his party have now truly experienced the power of the Expedition strategic ship. The ability to travel through time and space at will is simply against the sky. If the news leaks out, there will inevitably be a terrifying bloodbath. .

In the final analysis, those who have strength are not afraid of challenges.The current Xuanxian strength is enough to play with the lower three layers of time and space, but if you want to play with high-level time and space, you must at least have the strength of Jinxian or above!

Zhuan and Sun Hongsheng discussed for several days, and finally came to a conclusion.Unexpectedly, Mo Xuan had already retreated, and Mo Xuan had to wait for another half a month before leaving.

"I'm sorry, I suddenly realized something and kept the three of you waiting for a long time." Mo Xuan apologized.

The three of Zhuan and Sun Hongsheng didn't even dare to talk, but at the same time they were very envious. We have wanted to have the insight of 01:30 for many years, but we have never had it!Fellow Daoist Mo Xuan is really blessed, no wonder he can have such amazing achievements!
Zhuan Sun Hongsheng coughed lightly and said, "Fellow Daoist Moxuan, the three of us brothers and sisters have reached a conclusion. We can leave two of us to join Tianjianmen, but one of us must escort Young Master Taiyi back to Qingyuan." Xiaoxianjie. There will be a little risk, we should be able to minimize the risk by making more preparations."

This result was not beyond Mo Xuan's expectation. He nodded immediately and said, "Okay, since Fellow Daoist Zhuan Sun is so sincere, let's make it so!"

Mo Xuan smiled and raised his hand.Zhuan Sun Hongsheng hastily raised his hand and hit Mo Xuan lightly!
The three of Zhuan Sun Hongsheng heaved a sigh of relief, it's great, the negotiation is finally concluded!

With a wave of his hand, Mo Xuan lifted the restraint of Zhuan Sun Hongsheng and the others.

Feeling that the profound energy in the body was finally no longer dead and silent, and was gradually surging, the complexions of Zhuan Sun Hongsheng and the three of them became more and more red, and gradually returned to normal.

The three of Zhuan and Sun Hongsheng let out a long sigh of relief at the same time. The feeling of being a prisoner is really uncomfortable. Their gestures are no different from ordinary people, and they can only walk on two feet. It is unbearable to look back!

Finally, we regained our magical powers and turned back into a powerful Xuanxian!For a moment, the three of Zhuan Sun Hongsheng had mixed feelings, looked at each other a few times, and bowed deeply to Mo Xuan.

Mo Xuan cheerfully returned his bow, you are welcome.

(End of this chapter)

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