Interstellar Miner

Chapter 306 Huang Hongzhuo

Chapter 306 Huang Hongzhuo

Mo Xuan returned the treasure stored by Zhuan Sun Hongsheng and the other three to Zhuan Sun Hongsheng and the other three.

The three of Zhuan Sun Hongsheng finally glanced at it, and found that everything inside was there, and Mo Xuan didn't move at all. How upright this is!The three of Zhuan Sun Hongsheng asked themselves, if the three of us had captured the three Xuanxians, we would definitely have made a lot of money and demanded a large amount of ransom.

Huh!Zhuan Sun Hongsheng frowned, why is the most important Xuanshi missing?
Mo Xuan added: "Three fellow daoists, put Xuanshi on my side first, and then we will set off together."

Zhuan Sun Hongsheng and the three looked at each other, and nodded, not feeling anything wrong.After all, there is no evidence for what you say, and you have to keep a hand in everything.

Mo Xuan once again hosted a banquet in honor of Zhuan Sun Hongsheng and the three of them.

And this time is the real banquet!How could Zhuan Sun Hongsheng and the others be in the mood to eat and drink when they were in deep trouble before.

Now they are free, Zhuan Sun Hongsheng and the three completely let go, talking and laughing, intending to please, wishing to worship Mo Xuan.

Mo Xuan had been fascinated by Lao Qingyuan's Jinxian Patriarch for a long time, so he immediately asked.

Originally related to taboos, Zhuan Sun Hongsheng and the others always spoke vaguely when they mentioned the Jinxian Patriarch. Now, anyway, the Patriarch couldn't sense it in the second layer of time and space, so let's talk about it!
The ancestor of Jinxian was named Huang Hongzhuo. He was born in the royal family of a senior immortal cultivator in Qingyuan Immortal Realm.Of course, Qingyuan Immortal Realm was not called Qingyuan at that time, it was just a not too big fairyland.

Only then did Mo Xuan know that Taiyi's surname is Huang, and his full name is Huangtaiyi. What a good name!
Huang Hongzhuo had mediocre aptitude since he was a child, and he was not favored very much, but he was a famous family after all. Huang Hongzhuo had a daughter relative, and the daughter was named Shangguan Qingyue, who was the jewel in the palm of the Shangguan family, a new family of cultivators.

Completely different from Huang Hongzhuo, who is mediocre, Shangguan Qingyue is a genius who has emerged at a young age and is a leader in the new generation.

When he was 15 years old, Huang Hongzhuo met Shangguan Qingyue by chance, and was very happy with his unmarried wife. Since then, he has been thinking about it day and night, worrying about it, often giggling in a daze, and his cultivation progress has been even slower.

Shangguan Feiyun, the patriarch of the Shangguan family, wanted to train Shangguan Qingyue to be his successor, but Huang Hongzhuo's mediocrity was obvious to all, and he was not a good match at all. Shangguan Feiyun wanted to regret the marriage.

But the royal family is a famous family after all, so retiring the engagement rashly is tantamount to a slap in the face.The Shangguan family came up with a compromise and agreed on a time limit. If Huang Hongzhuo hadn't succeeded in establishing the foundation by the time he reached the age of one hundred, the marriage would be forgotten.

After a lot of twists and turns, the Huang family still complied with some embarrassment!

The patriarch of the Huang family was depressed, so he gave Huang Hongzhuo a special treatment, practiced desperately, and finally broke through to the foundation building stage when Huang Hongzhuo was 99 years old.

But at this time, Shangguan Qingyue was already at the golden core stage, and the Shangguan family had higher and higher expectations for Shangguan Qingyue, and they became less and less happy with the really bad Huang Hongzhuo.But Huang Hongzhuo succeeded in building the foundation as promised. For a while, the Shangguan family really couldn't refuse this marriage. Naturally, it will attract the attention of more and more immortal cultivating families, and then it will be easy to handle, and we don't need to worry about it at all.

The royal family naturally knew the wishful thinking of the Shangguan family, but the Shangguan family refused to urge the marriage repeatedly for various reasons, and it was helpless.

During this period in Qingyuan Great Immortal Realm, Li Qiyu, a grassroots body-building super genius, rose strongly. In just two hundred years, he had already cultivated to the Mahayana stage. He was invincible in the same realm and swept all kinds of things.

At this time, the Body Refining School and the Qi Training School gradually became rivals, and the fights became more frequent.

The Body Refining School focuses on body refining, constantly strengthening the body and polishing their own bodies, taking the path of becoming a Taoist through martial arts. After becoming an immortal, their punches and kicks are infinitely powerful, and their own defense is also extremely strong.

Practicing Qi style is to introduce spiritual energy into the body, build an internal circulation system, and use this to comprehend the avenue of heaven and earth, and seek transcendence. Everyone is blind to explore the way, and incidents such as madness often occur.Those who can finally cultivate into immortals are very few among the very few, and the earth immortals are already big bosses!

Compared with the risks, although the body training school is extremely hard work, as long as you grit your teeth and persevere to the end, it is much safer and smoother to become an immortal than to practice qi.

Coupled with the frequent battles among various sects and groups, there are more and more large-scale group fights. Qi-training monks are generally fragile, and they will be seriously injured if they survive a sneak attack.However, body training monks are thick-skinned and dry, very resistant to blows, even if they are seriously injured, they still have good combat power, and their survival rate is much higher than that of Qi training monks. Gradually, the proportion of body training monks is increasing. became a trend.

The patriarch of the royal family looked far ahead and encouraged the children of the family to turn to body training. Only by suffering through hardships can they become masters!
The children of the royal family gritted their teeth, endured hardships, worked hard, worked hard, and practiced and practiced again.

However, Huang Hongzhuo was stubborn, or because he knew that he had some aptitude, and his qi training was bumpy, and he was really not capable enough to train his body, so he focused on practicing qi to the end.

Gradually, the body-refining disciples began to show up, but Huang Hongzhuo was still stuck in the foundation building stage, unable to form a golden pill.

The Shangguan aristocratic family was more embarrassed. After all, their power was limited, and they failed to snatch a good enough body training book. Although many children in the family also practiced body training wantonly, the results were mediocre.

Shangguan Qingyue is a girl, she has no love for body training, she is also focused on Qi training, she soon breaks through to the Nascent Soul stage, and she is in the spotlight for a while.Naturally, more and more male immortals began to pay attention to Shangguan Qingyue, and they also knew that Shangguan Qingyue had a baby relative, but she was the famous useless Huang Hongzhuo of the Royal family. ah!
But the words of the matchmaker ordered by the parents are child's play!

As long as Huang Hongzhuo doesn't retire, Shangguan Qingyue will always be his unmarried wife!

Ever since, Huang Hongzhuo's already difficult life became even more difficult!

Facing the intimidation, intimidation and oppression of many powerful male immortals, the scarred and bruised Huang Hongzhuo never changed his original intention, and he only wanted to marry Shangguan Qingyue as soon as possible.

Shangguan Qingyue really didn't have much impression of the ordinary Huang Hongzhuo, and she didn't remember seeing him before.Although Shangguan Qingyue was very dissatisfied with her marriage since she was a child, but after all, the deal was done and she had to accept this marriage.

But after all, he is in the Nascent Soul Stage, while Huang Hongzhuo is in the Foundation Establishment Stage, the difference is too far!Shangguan Qingyue looked down upon Huang Hongzhuo really.Since the family is determined to procrastinate, let's procrastinate!

Shangguan Qingyue has already heard about what happened to Huang Hongzhuo. If this continues, Huang Hongzhuo will definitely give up in a short time.

Unexpectedly, Huang Hongzhuo was stubborn, never giving up, clenching his teeth and advancing step by step, and finally got the golden elixir.

But at this time, Li Qiyu finally crossed the gap between immortality and became an immortal. His combat power doubled several times, and he became the mainstay of the Body Refining School.

Shangguan Qingyue also took another big step forward, cultivated to the stage of Mahayana, and became a shining new star who practiced style, and the eyes of many earth immortals turned to her.

Beautiful women always have privileges. After many battles, Shangguan Qingyue, who has achieved great military exploits, has not been injured at all. Her status in the training style is getting higher and higher, and there are more and more suitors.

And Huang Hongzhuo's problem must be solved after all!

After all, the Huang family still failed to withstand the huge pressure, and sent Huang Hongzhuo to the battlefield. Life and death are fate, wealth and honor depend on your own destiny.

Completely different from Shangguan Qingyue, who sees cars in cars and flowers in bloom, Huang Hongzhuo is like a mouse crossing the street, everyone shouts to beat him!

After almost every battle, Huang Hongzhuo would lose most of his life, and he would recuperate for a long time!

But Huang Hongzhuo seemed to be an immortal Xiaoqiang, who couldn't die no matter what!I have wandered between life and death countless times, but in the end I have returned to the side of life!
At this time, Li Qiyu also fell in love with Shangguan Qingyue, and started a crazy pursuit. He was really willing to spend all his money, and gave all his painstaking body training experience to Shangguan's family for free.

The Shangguan family has finally begun to rise in body training, and it is also trying its best to match Li Qiyu and Shangguan Qingyue. Anyone with a discerning eye can tell that Li Qiyu will definitely be the leader of the body training school in the future, and maybe even become the leader of the entire Qingyuan Immortal World. Ninety-five supreme!
Shangguan Qingyue also had feelings for Li Qiyu at the beginning, and her feelings gradually warmed up. There are different opinions on how good the two are.

Some say that the two respect each other as guests, some say that the two have held hands, some say that the two have already kissed, and there are even rumors that the two have slept many times... Only the two parties know the specifics!
Li Qiyu knows about Huang Hongzhuo's existence, can he give Huang Hongzhuo good fruit to eat?That was a small beating every day, a big beating every three days, and Huang Hongzhuo was beaten to death at least once a month!
Ten years passed in a flash!Li Qiyu also had to admit that Huang Hongzhuo was really a man, he died so many times, and yet he still didn't give up!

Just when Li Qiyu was extremely impatient and wanted to kill Huang Hongzhuo directly, an accident happened!

Shangguan Qingyue discovered Li Qiyu's secret - Li Qiyu was wearing a wig, but he was bald!
This discovery caused Shangguan Qingyue's affection for Li Qiyu to plummet, and since then she has kept her at a respectful distance and avoided seeing her.

Li Qiyu is so depressed!But Luohua intentionally flows ruthlessly, what's wrong with being bald?What's wrong with being bald?Isn't that bald?As for what!God!Don't play with me like this!

Li Qiyu's good deeds with Shangguan Qingyue are in vain!Li Qiyu has been sad for many years.

In a flash, Shangguan Qingyue has cultivated to become an immortal, Li Qiyu has become an earth immortal, and Huang Hongzhuo is still in the golden core stage.

The Body Refining School and the Qi Training School were fighting fiercely, and the Body Refining School had an overall advantage. Li Qiyu was already the leader of the Body Training School. At that time, he could actually beat the Qi Training School to death, but Li Qiyu had no more affection for Shangguan Qingyue. He was not willing to deal with Lian Qi Pai ruthlessly, but only suppressed it, giving Lian Qi Pai the luck to survive.

Thousands of years have passed by.

Shangguan Qingyue is already an Earth Immortal, Li Qiyu is still an Earth Immortal, and Huang Hongzhuo has finally reached the Nascent Soul Stage.The Body Refining faction is still dominant.

Another 1000 years passed.

Shangguan Qingyue has become a celestial being, and Lian Qi Style has finally gained a firm foothold.Li Qiyu is still an Earth Immortal, and Huang Hongzhuo has finally reached the stage of Mahayana.

In the blink of an eye, it was 2000 again, Shangguan Qingyue was a celestial being, Li Qiyu finally became a celestial being, and Huang Hongzhuo finally became a celestial being.

1 years have passed.

Shangguan Qingyue is already a Xuanxian, and the Qi training style has a comprehensive advantage, Li Qiyu is still a heavenly fairy, the body training school has begun to decline, and Huang Hongzhuo has become an earth immortal.

Fast forward 10 years.

Shangguan Qingyue was still a mysterious fairy, Li Qiyu was still a celestial fairy, but Huang Hongzhuo caught everyone's eyeballs and became a golden fairy in an unprecedented way, named Qingyuan Golden Fairy!

From then on, Qingyuan Immortal Realm has been named Huang Hongzhuo!Huang Hongzhuo also got his wish and married Shangguan Qingyue, which became an eternal story.

As for Li Qiyu, he became Old Immortal Li, shrunk to a corner, and his life was not easy.

(End of this chapter)

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