Interstellar Miner

Chapter 307 Joining forces

Chapter 307 Joining forces
After hearing the story of Qingyuan Jinxian Patriarch Hongzhuo, everyone in Moxuan couldn't be calm for a long time.

At the same time, when the immortal cultivators were high-spirited, Huang Hongzhuo was the tail of the crane; when the juniors came first and made their mark, Huang Hongzhuo was still the tail of the crane; In the early days, if it were someone else, he would have been completely desperate, but Huang Hongzhuo just didn't, and moved forward step by step, no matter how slow he was, he continued to move forward unremittingly.

Kung fu paid off, Huang Hongzhuo made steady progress step by step, gradually catching up with the stagnant vanguard, and finally reached the peak.

What a great perseverance this must be!
Mo Xuan felt that if it was him, he would have already resigned to his fate. He would withdraw from the marriage as soon as possible, avoiding so many troubles, and live a peaceful life.Maybe she will be able to stand out in the future, but such a big stain will stay with her for a lifetime and won't go away!

Only then did Mo Xuan deeply understand what Xiaoyun said before, those who can achieve extremely high achievements are often mediocre talents with great perseverance and determination.Mo Xuan rubbed his chin, actually, I'm quite mediocre too!

Mo Xuan inquired as much as possible about the information on the fourth layer of time and space.

The fourth level of time and space has a good status quo. All major forces have developed warships, so the battleships of the fourth level of time and space are really varied.

On the basis of the original Ark strategic ship, starry space battleship, and Hongwu battleship, the old Qingyuan Immortal Realm strengthened and strengthened, and brought forth the new, built a new Hongzhuo super battleship, and created a miniature battleship with excellent mobility and defense. It is so small that it can even be stored and transported in the storage magic weapon, which is the small battleship that Zhuan Sun Hongsheng and the three of them took.

Speaking of this ark strategic ship, Mo Xuan only knew that Qingyuan Xiaoxianjie had one, but he had never seen it before.Mo Xuan reckoned that it was either in the hands of Mr. Tai Yidao or in the hands of Grand Master Li, and the possibility of being in the hands of Grand Master Li was higher.After all, Taishi Li had been the overlord of Qingyuan for many years, and the treasures in his hands were really massive, and there was even the Nine-Aperture Linglong Stone, which was the most precious treasure among all treasures.

During the fairy battle between Qingyuan and Hei Ming, this Ark strategic ship has not been dispatched, it must be used as the final killer, but I did not expect Mr. Kong Jian to be victorious in successive battles, and finally there is no need to dispatch the Ark strategic ship.

Mo Xuan could only imagine for himself.

It is precisely because of the large number of space-time warships on the fourth floor that the risk of Mo Xuan and Xiao Yun's strategic ship Explorer being exposed is much smaller.To be on the safe side, Xiaoyun still specially designed a new and cool shape of the four-layer space-time for the Expedition strategic ship, which is very different from the shape of the three-layer time-space, and it is difficult to associate them together.

However, it is still impossible to go to the fourth level of time and space for the time being. After all, the existence of the three Zhuan Sun Hongsheng is too involved, and Mo Xuan has to wait patiently for the follow-up development.

After the banquet, Zhuan Sun Hongsheng and the others did not plan to stay at Tianjian Gate any longer.

Mo Xuan saw them off in person. When parting, Mo Xuan coughed lightly and said, "You three, I will keep your affairs secret, and I hope the three of you can help me keep my affairs secret."

Um?Confidential?What are you keeping secret?The three of Zhuan Sun Hongsheng don't understand, so wait a minute, could it be that Mo Xuan, like us, also came from the fourth level of time and space?That's why it's so inhumanly powerful?But it's not right, he really wants to go back to the fourth layer of time and space with us, hey, this is right, he probably won't be able to go back, that's why he wants to go back with us!
For a while, the three of Zhuan Sun Hongsheng thought a lot.

Mo Xuan didn't explain much, just smiled slightly, and you will know when the time comes, waved his hands, and the three of you walked slowly.

Zhuan Sun Hongsheng and the others bowed deeply to Mo Xuan again, released the mini battleship, boarded and left!
Far away from the Heavenly Sword Star, Zhuan Sun Hongsheng and his three brothers looked at each other a few times, and they all breathed a sigh of relief. This encounter was really dangerous. If Mo Xuan was not afraid of the Qingyuan Jinxian Patriarch, we would have died at all. There is no wiggle room!
Fortunately, they finally regained their freedom and turned back into a powerful Xuanxian. The three of Zhuan Sun Hongsheng secretly rejoiced.

Fan Shi frowned and said, "Brother, is Mo Xuan from our fourth layer of time and space?"

Zhuan Sun Hongsheng sighed and said: "Mo Xuan didn't say clearly that it's still impossible to judge based on the current information. We'd better be careful."

"The most important Xuanshi has been detained by Mo Xuan, or else I don't want to deal with Mo Xuan anymore." Yi Xiuzhu sighed again and again.

Fan Shi said: "Mo Xuan is still worth dating, but it's just that the three of us bumped into him. In fact, we can't blame Mo Xuan. If someone else came to snatch our mini battleship, we wouldn't agree!"

Yi Xiuzhu thought about it, and shook his head with a wry smile.

"The important thing is right now, Xuanshi will talk about it later." Zhuan Sun Hongsheng pondered, "Right now we can only discuss it with Master Black Star, and we have to plan carefully."

Fan Shi and Yi Xiuzhu nodded.

Moxuan bedroom.

In the living room, the nine-turn eight-treasure stove was filled with smoke.

Mo Xuan, Kong Ling, Mo Que'er, Xiaoyun and Huali surrounded a table with a crystal ball the size of a volleyball placed on the table.

Every move of Zhuan Sun Hongsheng and the others after they left was shown through the crystal ball!
Naturally, this was Xiaoyun's stealthy move. He had already captured the mini-warship and obtained its highest authority to monitor every move of Zhuan Sun Hongsheng and the three of them.

This is Mo Xuan's greatest reliance on letting Zhuan Sun Hongsheng and the others leave!When the three of Zhuan Sun Hongsheng were ready to go to the second level of time and space, Mo Xuan and his party would return to the Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm one step ahead, continue to monitor, and maintain the current situation.

Although Mo Xuan did not release the three of Zhuan Sun Hongsheng with much fanfare, the fact that the three of Zhuan Sun Hongsheng left the Tianjian Gate in a mini battleship was still known by various forces through various channels.

Various forces secretly speculated that the most likely possibility was that the three of Zhuan Sun Hongsheng and Mo Xuan reached a secret agreement, or that the three of Zhuan Sun Hongsheng paid a large amount of ransom to regain their freedom.

Speaking of the ransom, Mo Xuan shouldn't collect too much, he is simply a professional ransom collector!During Ouyang Zhang's agency, the immortal war was in full swing. Tianjianmen captured a large number of prisoners in accordance with Mo Xuan's policy and earned a large amount of ransom. They were privately called "Mo Pulling Hair" by various forces!

The blurred battleship of Zhuan Sun Hongsheng and the three passed through the checkpoints of the Heavenly Sword Sect, left the sphere of influence of the Heavenly Sword Sect, and then disappeared into the vast dark void!No one knew where they went or what they wanted to do.Maybe only Xuanxian Moxuan knows something, but who has the ability to question Xuanxian Moxuan.The forces of all parties can only martial law in the whole area. I hope that the three of Zhuan Sun Hongsheng will not find themselves, otherwise it will be too bad. We don't have the supernatural power of Mo Xuan, and we don't know how much we will pay for the three high-level Xuanxian What a terrible price!
Even Huanglong, Baihuan, Chixia, and Tianji, the four big Xuanxians, were very uncertain in their hearts, and they all stayed in their base camp obediently, not thinking about food or tea.Those three high-ranking Xuanxians are too elusive, what on earth are they trying to do, they are secretive and sneaky!It's so annoying!

Just as the forces of all parties became more and more restless, they finally got the latest news.

Zhuan and Sun Hongsheng, who had disappeared for many days, came to the Black Star Gate on their own initiative, but they came to visit as guests.Zhuan, Sun Hongsheng and the others secretly negotiated with Real Black Star, and stayed at the Black Star Gate as honored guests.

How is this going?Zhuan Sun Hongsheng and the three of them, what exactly do they want?Other forces can only continue to put pressure on the intelligence department, at all costs, to find out the intentions of Zhuan Sun Hongsheng and the other three, otherwise we will be too passive!

However, Mo Xuan is very clear. According to the discussion between the three of Zhuan Sun Hongsheng and the black star real person, the cost of a six-star warship is too high to be considered, but a warship with a defense against the sky can be built on the basis of a five-star warship. Come out, after all, Zhuan Sun Hongsheng and the others only need defensive power, not much other performance.

In exchange, Zhuan Sun Hongsheng and his three mini-warships were lent to Real Black Star to study for a month.

Real Black Star is really obsessed with battleships. He has been eager to see through Mo Xuan's magical battleship before, but Mo Xuan's inhuman strength really makes him powerless. Now Mo Xuan is already a Xuanxian. Black Star Real people are even more hopeless!

The appearance of the three Zhuan Sun Hongsheng and their mini battleship made Real Black Star as excited as if he had been beaten with blood. He had always wanted to contact the three Zhuan Sun Hongsheng, but suffered from no chance.

Unexpectedly, the three of Zhuan Sun Hongsheng came to the door on their own initiative!Real Black Star was also worried at first, worried about that!
Zhuan, Sun Hongsheng and the other three experienced the incident of being captured, they kept a low profile, no longer intending to rob, but Xiaozhi used emotion to reason, and when the second-level space-time came out of crisis, the three of them were sent to investigate Banner, reasonably put forward their own requirements.

Real Black Star was not surprised but pleased, and sincerely put forward his request, and the two hit it off.

Time was limited, so the real Black Star immediately threw himself into the research of the mini battleship.

Tsk tsk, this is the advanced battleship of the fourth layer of time and space, it is really tall!However, there is still more or less the shadow of the old Qingyuan. The real Black Star has studied the series of warships of the old Qingyuan back then, so he got started quickly.

Real Black Star first tested the performance of the mini battleship, comparing it with the six-star battleship he worked so hard to build.

The radar system, transition system, stealth system, short-term defense, and sprint acceleration of the mini-warship are all superior; only the weapon system is slightly weaker than the six-star warship in terms of long-term defense and endurance.

It is so small and exquisite, but it has such excellent performance, so that the real Black Star can't help but be amazed, the high-level space-time is really extraordinary!
After all, the mini battleship still has to be used, and the real Black Star has no way to disassemble it. Although he really wants to do this, he can only do it from both the outside and the inside, step by step analysis and deduction part by part, and pay attention to its manufacturing process and process .

The mini battleship uses a lot of materials that can only be found in the fourth layer of time and space, so it can be so small and exquisite, but many of the exquisite craftsmanship are of great help to the real Black Star.The door that has been blocked in front of the real black star for a long time has been pushed open by the real black star!
Real Black Star is confident that after a month of groping and scrutiny, he can raise the performance of the six-star battleship to another level in an all-round way.

(End of this chapter)

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