Interstellar Miner

Chapter 308 Comprehensive Layout

Chapter 308 Comprehensive Layout
Time is so tight!

Mo Xuan let out a long sigh. The originally abundant time suddenly became extremely scarce because of the arrival of Zhuan Sun Hongsheng and the other three!
Mo Xuan's big move, which was still in the preparation stage, must not be brought forward!Times make heroes, so let's start now!Mo Xuan returned to Qingyuan Little Immortal Realm alone, and called his friends for a meeting!
Eighteen personal disciples who have participated in the second ten-year supplement plan gathered together, Tie Dan, Erwazi, Hao Changsheng, Zhang Qinxin, Niuniu, Zhang Desheng, Bai Meier, Qi Haoxuan, Chen Ye, Monkey, Loach, Taozi, Tongqin, Xiao Hua, A Niu, Si Liang, Ma Zi, and Bai Tiao are all full of energy and vigor.

Mo Xuan looked around for a week, nodded with great satisfaction, and said, "I know that everyone has been busy with self-cultivation recently, striving to improve to a higher level, but the situation is tense right now, and we must race against time, so I have to dispatch you!"

"Master, you just need to give orders, we will come and go without any ambiguity." Monkey glibly said.

Mo Xuan smiled and said, "It's an exam question for you that lasts hundreds of years. The content of the exam question is just four words: self-made. All 18 of you here will go to the third layer of time and space to experience and work hard. You practice while practicing, Should be helpful."

Is it finally about to start!The little friends all nodded their heads fiercely, gearing up, let’s start. After so many years of retreating and penance, and no matter how hard it is, it’s almost fading out!

Mo Xuan held up three fingers and said, "There are three things I want to declare in advance! First, the strategic ship Explorer must be kept strictly confidential, and only you can know. Whoever dares to say something slips, I will clean up the door."

The boys were startled, it was the first time that Master Moxuan heard the words "clean up the house", and they couldn't help standing up straight, no longer slouched.You know, no matter how mischievous we were in the past, Master Mo Xuan always smiled slightly and at most reproached us.This time he actually said those four words, this is no joke!Its seriousness can be imagined!

The little friends couldn't help but be concerned, and forced themselves to put a curse on themselves. Since the master has said that he can't leak his mouth, then he should seal his mouth and never say it!Don't ask what you shouldn't ask!
Mo Xuan sighed: "The matter is of great importance, and the secret of the strategic ship Explorer depends on everyone. Originally, I wanted to send more disciples to the third floor of time and space to experience, but I had to give up."

The little friends nodded fiercely, master, don't worry, we will keep our mouths shut.And eighteen of us is enough, if there are more, we will have to fight against our own people!

Mo Xuan went on to say: "Second point, how to practice and where to go to practice, you can decide for yourself. Although the third level of time and space is in a period of peace, there are still many small conflicts in various regions. Of course you are all very good, but Don’t overthink it too much, be careful in everything, pay attention to your own safety, and do whatever else you want.”

That would be fun!The little friends couldn't help but smile on their faces, ready to have a good experience.

Mo Xuan rolled his eyes at the little guys, and said, "Experiencing has the appearance of experience. The identity of the fairy is kept secret for the time being, and try not to get involved with me. It means that everything starts from scratch, starting from scratch, how much power can you have?" , then it depends on your respective abilities. Report to me through a special secret channel every ten years, and we will try our best to make macro-control and cooperate with you to avoid unnecessary internal friction."

"The third point, all the forces you have worked hard for are all owned by you. It is considered to be part-time work for you, and you will give me some snacks. There are too many schools of thought outside, and they all have eyes. Everyone here, including me, one by one Let's see each other clearly, and don't fight each other first when the time comes."

"No, no, no! Definitely not!" "Everyone is so familiar, it's just a matter of experience, we will beat anyone who dares to fight in the nest!"... The friends swear.

Mo Xuan smiled, the little guys are really fledglings, how do you know that once you enter the rivers and lakes, you can't help yourself, you all remember in your heart, don't cross the red line!

Mo Xuan added: "Nominally, it is for you to start from scratch, but in general, it is to pave the way for the future layout of the great unification. If there is really a big event that needs your strength, I will blow the rallying call here, no matter what you are doing at the time." Well, immediately integrate the troops and execute my orders as soon as possible!"

"Yes, Master!" The friends stood at attention solemnly and responded.

Mo Xuan waved his sleeve lightly, and said, "I'll send you information about the third layer of time and space later, you should watch first. We'll start tomorrow, and we'll be disbanded below."

Since we are going to leave tomorrow, the friends will not go back to retreat anymore, and just gather in Tiedan's yard.

Under the tutelage of Mo Xuan, it is also the motto of the iron eggs to be prepared for any danger. They took advantage of the party to study the three-level time-space related information sent by Mo Xuan.

Starting from scratch is not as simple as talking about it, the right time, place and harmony with people are indispensable!Some people took advantage of the trend and became dominant in just a few decades; others struggled for a lifetime and still had no improvement.

Even Tiedan and the others can't guarantee how amazing achievements they can achieve from scratch, but they are all confident that they won't be too bad!
It's really painful to fight in one's own nest, and Tie Dan and the others have to decide on their respective development directions while they get together.A total of 18 people, according to the position of the gossip, directly draw lots to decide.

Erwazi and Zhang Qinxin are a couple, Zhang Desheng and Bai Meier are a couple, Hao Changsheng and Niuniu are a couple, they don't want to be separated, and these three couples will draw lots first.

Qian, Zhen, Kan, Gen, Kun, Xun, Li, Dui, eight notes.

Erwazi caught Kun, Zhang Desheng caught Dui, and Hao Changsheng caught Kan.

The remaining five directions of Qian, Zhen, Gen, Xun, Li, and Li are doubled, plus one each of Kun and Dui, and the rest of the friends swarm to draw lots.

Tiedan caught it and shrugged at Erwazi, we two brothers are a little far away now, let's work together.

Qi Haoxuan got Zhen, Chen Ye got Gen, Monkey got Li, Niu got Xun, Tong Qian got Dui, Xiao Hua got Qian, A Niu got Zhen, Si Liang got Kun, Ma Zi got Xun, Bai Tiao got In Li, Tao Zi caught Gen.

The large location has already been set, and the next step is to subdivide the same location.

Tie Dan and Xiao Hua are both dry positions. Xiao Hua has not been in love with Tie Dan for a day or two, but has been in love with Tie Dan for so many years. Unfortunately, after Tie Dan had two older sisters, she never added any more people to the backyard. idea.This time the opportunity is rare, so Xiaohua proposes to form a team with Tie Dan to practice together.

Tie Dan pondered for a moment, then said: "No, the position is dominated by Baifeng Xiaoxianjie, it's better for us to separate."

Xiao Hua reluctantly responded, and asked, "Brother Tie Dan, how do you want to practice?" "

Tie Dan rubbed his chin and said, "I'm metallic, so I'll join Baifeng Xiaoxianjie and start from the grassroots."

"This is too wronged." Xiaohua pouted, Brother Tiedan, you are the pavilion master of Mingcheng Pavilion, you have responded to everyone, and you have infinite glory, and you want to start from the bottom step by step.

Tie Dan laughed and said, "That's what makes it interesting. Didn't our master also start from the grassroots level of Tianjianmen, and now we are the top leaders of Tianjianmen."

Xiaohua nodded, and said: "Then I'll join the blue and white gate nearby, so that we can take care of each other."

Tie Dan pondered and said: "The Blue and White Sect, it's not too bad. The master of the Blue and White Sect is a fairy, and you, it's not so easy to be swallowed up by the Baifeng Small Immortal Realm, so let's settle this."

Xiaohua happily responded, "Okay."

Loach and Mazi are both in the Xun position, and that area is dominated by the Black Star Gate.Both Loach and Mazi know that Black Star Gate's battleship technology is awesome. If they can steal a lesson, it is also a pretty good craft, and they both want to join Black Star Gate.

The two had no choice but to fight, winning three out of five rounds. In the end, Niach defeated Mazi three to two and could join the Black Star Gate.Mazi decides to join a little-known Fengshengfang, leading Fengshengfang to a better tomorrow.

Hao Changsheng and Niu Niu, the two sons of destiny, have no interest in Tianji Pavilion, so they decide to start their own sect and start from scratch.

They are Chen Ye and Tao Zi, and that is the territory of Qianlong Mountain.Taozi wanted to join Qianlong Mountain, but Chen Ye didn't argue with him, and chose Mo Yugu, a small sect.

The position of Kun is Erwazi, Zhang Qinxin and Siliang. This area is connected to Tianjianmen and belongs to the sphere of influence of Tianjianmen. The three of them can only choose to join the small sect and clear the way for Master Moxuan.

Although the shocking Fenghuo Academy fell to the first echelon, it was not as beautiful as before, but the skinny camel was bigger than the horse, and it was still the dominant one.

Together, A Niu and Qi Haoxuan, the talented Qi Haoxuan joined Fenghuo Academy, trying to lead Fenghuo Academy out of the trough and regain its glory.A Niu joined Yuanzheng Mansion.

Liwei is the territory of Chiyu Xiaoxianjie, Baitiao is a water attribute and has no love, so Monkey joins Chiyu Xiaoxianjie.Bai Tiao plans to join a sect with a large proportion of female nuns.

Zhang Desheng, Bai Meier and Tongqian exchange positions, and Huang Wu is the big brother over there.Huang Wu is the enemy of the master, and the three of them don't want to join Huang Wu to do the unconscionable Infernal Affairs, so they decide to join the sect of the anti-Huang Wu alliance and fight against Huang Wu!
The preliminary plan of the eighteen friends has been decided in this way, but the specifics will be seen in time, flexibility is the basic skill!
This time our [-] brothers and sisters gathered together and gathered together. We will have a farewell tomorrow, and if we want to meet again, it may be many years later!

If you have wine today, you are drunk today, everyone will have a good drink tonight!Done!
The wine is not intoxicating, everyone is intoxicated, the friends are all drunk and hazy, looking at the bright moon around the sky, with mixed feelings, although the moon is in the sky, they can't see the stars, but they can still see the stars with Tie Dan's eyesight of.

But the night sky in Qingyuan Little Immortal Realm really doesn't have a single star in it!After coming to Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm, everything else is pretty good, but this is the only thing I can't get used to!Every time I see a night sky without a single star, my friends can't help complaining.

The night passed quietly, and the sky was bright.

Oh oh oh, the big rooster raised in Mojialing Island crows on time.

The friends are almost drunk, it's time to get ready to go!

The little friends used their kung fu to force all the alcohol smell out of their bodies, washed their faces, and got ready to go.

Three layers of time and space, here we come!
(End of this chapter)

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