Interstellar Miner

Chapter 309 Game

Chapter 309 Game
Pro departure.

Zhenzhen and Miaomiao saw Tie Dan off, and Linghu Jiao also saw Hao Changsheng off.

It wasn't long before the three girls became Earth Immortals, and they were too far away from Tie Dan and Hao Changsheng. Going to the third level of time and space together would only hinder them. They could only stay in Mojialing Island and work hard to become immortals as soon as possible.

Tie Dan hugged Zhenzhen and Miaomiao into his arms, took a sip of incense each, and said: "I am already a fairy, and I am very safe outside. The two sisters don't need to worry, stay here with Master and practice hard."

Zhenzhen, Miaomiao nodded obediently, and gently snuggled into Tie Dan's arms. After this time, I don't know how long it will be until I really feel Tie Dan's embrace next time!It’s really 1 people who are reluctant, but they also know that a good man has ambitions everywhere, and Tie Dan is even more ambitious. What we can do is try not to hold him back, and stay on Mojialing Island, where safety and cultivation are all important. It is guaranteed, so that Tie Dan can work hard in the third layer of time and space with peace of mind.We are already Earth Immortals, we need to retreat a lot, time flies quickly.

"Senior brother." Linghujiao hugged Hao Changsheng tearfully and did not want to let go. He is so sincere and Miaomiao can be a companion, but he is alone, so he can only envy Niu Niu who can accompany Hao Changsheng.Linghujiao is always a bit self-pitying. Although God gave her an extremely outstanding appearance, she didn't give her enough qualifications. It would be great if she could exchange her appearance for qualifications!

Of course, Linghujiao just thought this way, Hao Changsheng is still extremely picky about appearance, if he becomes ugly, he may not be as favored as he is now!

Hao Changsheng gently stroked Linghujiao's beautiful hair, and said softly: "Be good, practice hard, and when you become a fairy, we can be together forever."

Linghujiao responded in a low voice, rubbing some tears on Hao Changsheng's chest, telling Hao Changsheng to be careful.

Hao Changsheng smiled happily, and said confidently: "Don't worry, although I am not a fairy yet, my combat power is not inferior to a fairy, and Niuniu is a real fairy. If I join hands with Niuniu, even if Xuanxian comes fear!"

It's great that senior brothers and senior sisters live together, Linghu nodded with a sweet smile, but sighed faintly in her heart.

Niuniu patted Linghujiao's fragrant shoulder, okay, okay, it's not like we won't see each other again, we will meet again sooner or later.

Hao Changsheng comforted Linghujiao, and then sent a message to Zhan Yuanyao and other Taoist couples to retreat and attack the heavenly immortals, and they will never leave the customs unless they become immortals!Dear sisters, take care and wait for my good news!
Then Hao Changsheng directly turned off the communication, lest the love between his children and his daughter would be difficult to get away!
Mo Xuan saw that the eighteen disciples were ready, waved his sleeves, and set off!

After the expedition's strategic ship set sail, Mo Xuan called together the eighteen disciples again.

Mo Xuan took out a thick stack of jade plates, and said: "This is Xiaoyun's special communication jade plate, please keep it, and report the latest situation once every ten years under normal circumstances. If there is an emergency, don't worry about it." No, please contact us as soon as possible to avoid accidents."

The little guys are all Mo Xuan's precious bumps, so I don't want to damage any of them.

After distributing the jade plate, Mo Xuan took out a large stack of talisman papers, distributed one to each of the eighteen disciples, and said, "This is the talisman paper I refined, and my blow is sealed inside. It is left for you to defend yourself. There are three usage modes in total: self-defense, deterrence and repelling the enemy, and desperate Saburo."

Mo Xuan explained how to use the three modes, which are very convenient.

This talisman paper was stolen by Mo Xuan from Qingyuan Jinxian Patriarch. It turned out that Huanglong Xuanxian also used an envelope to fight Mo Xuan. Mo Xuan thought it was really easy to use, so he was not ashamed Asked, humbly asked Xiaoyun for advice, and finally figured it out, so there was such a thick stack of talisman paper.

It can also be regarded as Mo Xuan's precautions. After all, there are so many Profound Immortals in the fourth floor of time and space. When they are surrounded by many Profound Immortals, they suddenly throw out such a large amount of talisman paper, and they can always catch their opponents by surprise. The excellent speed of the HMS Explorer leaves the opponent behind.

Mo Xuan is still very self-aware, and will not blindly think that he can deal with a group of high-ranking Xuanxians!Even if the Profound Immortals on the fourth level of time and space are worthless, every Profound Immortal has come here step by step. There are always so many unique skills in the bottom of the box. If you encounter magical powers that just restrain yourself, you will be too passive up!

After all, both Mo Xuan and Mo Que'er are of fire attribute, and Kong Ling is of earth attribute. It is quite difficult to face opponents of water attribute and wood attribute.

Mo Xuan said: "The common currency in Qingyuan Xiaoxianjie is points, but in the third layer of time and space, you need to use spirit stones and fairy stones. If you are penniless, you can't let you grab it. Too many are not in line with your grassroots status. So I will give each of you [-] third-grade immortal stones as pocket money, don’t show it at ordinary times, and use it sparingly.”

Referring to the price of the third-level time and space, [-] third-grade immortal stones seem to be quite a lot, and they are actually called pocket money. The friends secretly clicked their tongues and looked at each other, the master is really a fairy.

Xiaoyun also gave a few words to the little guys: "The intelligence agency of the third layer of time and space is still very powerful. It is best for you to stagger your heads, so as not to let other forces guess that you are together. Your master wants you to use experience as a Lord, it’s okay even if you don’t have the ability to start from scratch, even if you can only receive three or five younger brothers in a year, you can still have three to five thousand younger brothers in 1000 years.”

"Understood, Master Xiaoyun... Uncle." The little guys didn't think so, if they couldn't even receive three or five younger brothers in a year, then they were just a fool, why not go to a cave to retreat and practice hard? !
Mo Xuan half-jokingly said: "Actually, it's not easy to accept a younger brother. You have to shake your body and show your bastard spirit!"

ha?Is there such a thing as paying attention?The little friends looked at each other inexplicably.

The hull shook slightly, and the strategic ship Adventure traveled to the third layer of time and space.

"There are too many spies in Tianjianmen, I will send you to each area directly." Mo Xuan let Jianling Xiaotong stealthily occupy the explorer, and then went to each area in turn.

At this time, Huang Wu is in the small fairy world.

The huge Huangwu power organization is running at high speed, and is analyzing every possibility in detail for the benefit of Xiaoxianjie.It's a pity that because of the arrival of the three high-ranking Xuanxians, the originally clear and clear situation has gradually moved towards a direction that no one can predict and control.

A secret room in Huanglongxuanxian's bedroom, surrounded by dense Dao patterns that wrap this secret room like rice dumplings, not to mention flies, even a speck of dust, don't even want to fly into this secret room, only with the help of Huanglongxuanxian himself Only the refined dragon pattern jade token can enter and leave the secret room within the specified time limit!
The inside of the secret room is very simple, with a small purple-gold Liuhe incense burner placed in the middle, filled with smoke.Ten futons are arranged in a big circle around the small incense burner.

Xuanxian Huanglong sat cross-legged on a futon, waiting patiently for the arrival of all the immortals Huangwu.

Celestial Immortal Huang Anshun and Hu Sanqi from Huanglong Gate entered the secret room together, bowed to Immortal Huanglong, and sat on both sides of Immortal Huanglong.

Zhihao faction Manjie Tianxian, Qingjiangmen and Luan Chengtian also arrived in the secret room soon.

Accompanied by a burst of coughing, Taoist Xiaoyao led his junior brother Nangong Wang Tianxian into the secret room.

The rest of the immortals looked at Nangong Wang, who was pale and coughing constantly, and then looked at Huanglong Xuanxian, who had a normal complexion and seldom coughing.

Nangong Wang bowed to Xuanxian Huanglong, as if he didn't know that his serious injury was bestowed by Xuanxian Huanglong.

Huanglong Xuanxian returned a bow with a smile, fellow daoist looks much better, it seems that he is not long away from recovery.

Nangong Wang suddenly coughed violently, and his body shook like a leaf.Master Xiaoyao hurriedly supported Nangong Wang, and patted his back lightly.

Nangong Wang wiped away the blood from his mouth with a handkerchief, panted and sat down on the futon with the support of Senior Brother Xiaoyao.

Huanglong Xuanxian couldn't help coughing a few times, and secretly smiled wryly.

It didn't take long for Huang Wu's current nine angels to arrive, filling the futons.

Finally, a short, middle-aged male earth fairy hurried into the secret room.

It was an ordinary and unremarkable public face that was impossible to find among the crowd, but it was this ordinary-looking little Nandixian who controlled Huang Wu's most mysterious shadow power.

Huanglong Xuanxian cleared his throat and said, "Shadow, please report the information you have collected recently."

The shadow bowed respectfully to the Huanglong Xuanxian, stood up and spoke in a clear voice, from the appearance of the three high-ranking Xuanxians in the form of mysterious ice, to the smashing of a transport spirit ship after unsealing, breaking the magic circle, releasing The mini-warship left; when the three high-ranking Xuanxian took the initiative to find Mo Xuan, fought fiercely with Mo Xuan, and then were captured and lived in Tianjianmen for more than two months; when they regained their freedom, they left Tianjianmen and disappeared for a while After time, I went to the Black Star Gate again, and finally reached an agreement with the real Black Star, and now I live in the headquarters of the Black Star Gate.The shadows narrated everything exactly, and even the dialogue between the three high-ranking immortals and the maid was exactly the same in detail.

Of course, in order to obtain such detailed information, the Power of Shadow paid an extremely painful price. Many senior secrets that had been hidden for many years had to be exposed, and a large number of them were pulled out!The Heavenly Sword Sect is alright, if they are sent to the mine to be reformed through labor, the Black Star Sect will directly kill them!The loss can be said to be heavy, just because of the high-level words at all costs!
Shadow finally concluded: "The three high-ranking Xuanxians appeared in a high-profile manner, and then hid in a low-key manner. They approached Xuanxian Moxuan and the real person Black Star one after another, and Xuanxian Moxuan and the real person Heixing have one thing in common. They both have a Ultra-advanced battleship."

Manjie Tianxian frowned and said: "Shadow, you mean that the three high-ranking Xuanxians want the ultra-advanced battleships of Moxuan Xuanxian and Black Star?"

"Not necessarily." Shadow analyzed lightly, "According to the latest information we collected from the Black Star Gate, the performance of the mini battleship of the three high-ranking Xuanxians is extremely excellent, and it is almost the same as the six-star battleship of Real Black Star. Good or bad, it’s hard to tell the difference.”

"Then what do the three of them want to do? Really just want to go to the second floor to investigate?"

Shadow said lightly: "If their mission is really to investigate the second layer of time and space, there is no need to hide it at all, and just mobilize our various forces to contribute. Therefore, there must be tricks in it! According to the current information, they It is very likely that he was looking for someone or a certain treasure, so as to avoid leaking the wind and scaring the snake, he kept a low profile and concealed himself."

Is that so?Huang Wu's bosses secretly considered various possibilities.

"Judging from the words and deeds of the three high-ranking immortals, as well as their living habits and other aspects, they are almost the same as our third-level time and space, so I have a bold association. They are old people who have advanced to the fourth-level time and space. An envoy sent by Qingyuan Immortal Realm!"

"Oh~" The bosses of Huang Wuzhong looked at each other in surprise, it is indeed very possible!That old Qingyuan who has the power of a powerful and unparalleled Golden Immortal!That is the real super overlord!Compared with old Qingyuan, we are just children playing house and playing tricks!

By the way, it has been more than 1 years for Lao Qingyuan to advance to the fourth-level time and space, and he must be the super overlord of the fourth-level time-space now!
(End of this chapter)

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