Chapter 310

Shadow continued: "According to this association, and then contacting the three high-ranking Xuanxians who want to go to the second-level time and space, it is very likely that the person or treasure they want to find is not in our third-level time-space, but fell into it. The second layer of time and space, so an additional battleship with strong defense is needed to provide protection when they forcefully cross the boundary membrane."

Huanglong Xuanxian clapped his hands, opponent!In this way, everything makes sense!

The nine celestial beings also nodded secretly, they should be close to each other!

Since this is the case, these three high-ranking immortals are much less threatening to the third-level time and space. Their ultimate goal must still be to return to the fourth-level time-space, which has little impact on us.

Therefore, Huang Wu's biggest threat is still Moxuan Xuanxian and Tianjianmen!Today's Tianjianmen can no longer be contained by a force like Huangwu Xiaoxianjie.

Fortunately, Huanglong Xuanxian and the other three Xuanxian bosses have reached a consensus in private, and work together to curb the future development of Tianjianmen!
Although the Heavenly Sword Sect is completely guarding against death, once the Heavenly Sword Sect decides to attack, it will inevitably be an unstoppable tiger descending the mountain!
Huanglong Xuanxian analyzed: "With Mo Xuan's foresight, it is definitely impossible to just blindly block and retreat. There must be a big move outside, and the most likely thing is to use Infernal Affairs!"

The nine celestial beings all nodded their heads, what the Taoist Lord said was right!If you mistakenly think that Tianjianmen thinks that the territory is big enough and only defends its own territory and seeks steady development, then it is a big mistake!Maybe one day, the Heavenly Sword Sect will attack. At that time, I was shocked to find that the vast area outside was already the territory of the Heavenly Sword Sect, so it was too late to make up for it!
We also have to look far ahead, otherwise we should stop thinking about fighting with Moxuan Xuanxian and Tianjianmen, just sit quietly and wait for death, waiting to be incorporated!

Other forces may have such thoughts, but our Huang Wu and Tianjianmen have a deep grudge, and we are already on the verge of riding a tiger. If we don't fight to the death, how can we survive!

Xuanxian Huanglong issued an order: "From now on, no, together with the previous 50 years, all foreign immortals who joined our Huang Wu will not be reused, no matter how high the ability is, no matter how talented, we would rather give up and let them die If it is lost, it will never focus on cultivation, so as not to become an enemy!"

The nine angels nodded in agreement. Our Huang Wu family has a great career, and it is enough to rely on our laurels. There is no need for additional fresh blood. If we sponsor Infernal Affairs, the loss will be too great!
"Huang Wu's situation is not optimistic, everyone please be careful." Huanglong Xuanxian stood up and gave a deep bow to the nine angels.

"Be sure to use your heart!" The nine angels hurriedly stood up and returned their salutes.

The atmosphere was good at first, but Nangong Wang's getting up caused his injury, and he started coughing violently, which he couldn't stop. The coughing was so miserable that he wished that even the lungs were coughed out, and the blood spurted mouthful after mouthful. .

Xuanxian Huanglong and Daoist Xiaoyao rushed to give first aid.

Huang Wu's high-level meeting broke up in such a hurry.


At this time, Mo Xuan and his party rushed to the outer domain of Huang Wu's sphere of influence on the strategic ship Explorer without stopping.

Zhang Desheng, Bai Meier and Tongqian bid farewell to Master Mo Xuan and the rest of the brothers and sisters, and left the expedition ship.

Watching the explorer strategic ship go away, Zhang Desheng, Bai Meier and Tongqian looked in the direction of Huang Wu, smiled at each other, and split into two groups to find the anti-Huang Wu alliance!

Although the three of them don't even have the most inferior transport spirit ship, and travel freely in the void with their own strength, but... that's enough!
Zhang Desheng and Bai Meier share a fairy sword, which is only half speed, and the flying speed is far faster than that of ordinary two-star warships!Check the coordinates and azimuth of Bai Meier Bridge, Zhang Desheng directly jumps artificially, and disappears in a flash.

The flying magic weapon of the copper coin is a large copper coin. Although it is a bit different, the speed is extremely fast.

Kanbit, Tianji Pavilion.

Hao Changsheng and Niu Niu waved goodbye to Master and friends, let's start a sect!Come on, you too!

Of course, establishing a school is not as simple as talking about it. The most important thing is to have a place!

Hao Changsheng began to pinch his fingers to calculate Fengshui, looking for a good direction.

Feng Shui not only exists on the ground, but also in the universe!

Fengshui is a profound and profound art with a long history, also known as Qingwushu and Qingsangshu. The more academic term is called Kanyu.

Feng Shui is the power of nature and the energy of the great magnetic field of the universe.Wind is vitality and field energy, and water is flow and change.

Feng Shui is the art of geography, that is, the method of checking geography on the spot, also known as geography, or geomancy in ancient times. It is a philosophy of studying the environment and the laws of the universe. Since human beings are a part of nature, nature is also a part of human beings. It is not uncommon to reach the realm of "harmony between man and nature".Immortal cultivators and immortals can more or less comprehend some feng shui survey methods!

According to legend, the founder of Fengshui is the great Neng of the Nine Heavens Xuanxian.

The core idea of ​​Feng Shui is the harmony between man and nature.Feng Shui in the early days was mainly concerned with the site selection, orientation, and construction methods and principles of dragon caves, palaces, residences, villages, and cemeteries. It is a science of choosing a suitable place.Later, it gradually evolved into people's choice of living or burial environment and the treatment of the changing laws of the universe, in order to achieve the purpose of seeking good fortune and avoiding evil; now Feng Shui has become quite mature and has become a truly advanced metaphysics.

Feng Shui is easy to say, but difficult to say it is indeed super difficult.Ordinary immortals may not be able to grasp the true meaning of Feng Shui in their entire lives. Most of them just have a superficial understanding and fool some people who don't understand.

If you want to learn Fengshui, the easiest way is to become a celestial being. The celestial being can unite man and nature, and finding Fengshui is more accurate!

Although Hao Changsheng has not yet become a celestial being, he is not far behind, and he can be regarded as self-taught.

Hao Changsheng counted with his right hand, and adjusted the position of the gossip with his left hand. He muttered something in his mouth: "The dry mountain moves toward the water, and the top of the dry peak comes out; Tang, the general is on the frontier; Kunshan Kun flows to Kun, and the wealth and honor will never end."

"Dry is for heaven, for circle, for king, for father, for jade, for gold, for cold, for ice, for great red, and for good horses."

"Then choose Qianhai. Niuniu, let's go." Hao Changsheng took Niuniu's little hand and headed towards Qianhai.

Fly and fly, fly and fly, Qianhai has never encountered a living planet.

Hao Changsheng coughed, pinched his fingers and deduced again, found a direction and continued to move forward...

In a flash, Hao Changsheng and Niu Niu have been traveling in the void for more than a month just on their way!

Hao Changsheng reckoned that at this time, the brothers and sisters had almost started, but we haven't even been able to find a place to stay!Hao Changsheng smacked his lips, comforting himself, everything is difficult at the beginning, starting from scratch requires a strong beginning, let’s not worry!
After flying for another half a month, Hao Changsheng still got nothing, so he couldn't help muttering: "It seems that this Feng Shui technique is not very effective."

Niu Niu snickered a few times and let the elder brother toss about.

After spending a total of two months, Hao Changsheng finally found a small khaki life planet, which is really not easy!
Hao Changsheng immediately took Niu Niu into the living planet, first flew around the khaki planet, and found that this planet is not only small, but also barren and sparsely populated, which is really not good.However, there is one advantage. There is no sign of any cultivating sect or cultivating force stationed there, but it is perfect for establishing a sect!

That's it!
Hao Changsheng carelessly named this earth-yellow life planet Changshengxing!And what Hao Changsheng is about to establish is naturally the Longevity Sect!

Niu Niu has always lived by Hao Changsheng, she smiled sweetly, okay.

The name has been decided, and the next the question of the location.

The Lingdong faction has always been on the top of the mountain, and Hao Changsheng was really bored, so he decided to station at the foot of the mountain.

Surrounding mountains and rivers is one of the basic principles of Feng Shui. Mountains are the skeleton of the earth, and waters are the source of vitality for all things. Without water, people cannot survive.

Hao Changsheng quickly chose the blessed land of Lingshan. The mountains are good mountains, the water is good water, and the scenery is picturesque, with the singing of birds and the fragrance of flowers!It just so happens that there is a large bamboo forest growing on the mountainside, which exists for the Longevity Sect!

Hao Changsheng started building the bamboo house with great enthusiasm.Hao Changsheng originally planned to build a row of exquisite bamboo houses within a day, and then go out to recruit disciples.

Who ever thought that just building a bamboo house would completely baffle him and Niu Niu.

Originally, Hao Changsheng thought about building a three-story luxury conference hall in addition to a row of exquisite bamboo houses, so that new disciples could feel the wealth and bright prospects of the Changsheng sect.It's just that I didn't's so difficult to build a bamboo house!
Back then, Hao Changsheng was carried to the top of the Lingdong School, barely able to get out of bed, but saw the masters and juniors cut bamboo to build bamboo houses, and after he practiced for a whole day, he sat firmly on the throne of the senior master, without having to do that rough work.So... Hao Changsheng really didn't know how to build a bamboo house.

Hao Changsheng built a bamboo house according to his own expectations, not to mention crooked, with a slight push, it fell down directly...

Why!How was this bamboo house built?Hao Changsheng scratched his head and scratched his head for a while, and tried many times, but the results were all different bamboo houses, which were too different from the exquisite bamboo houses in his memory!
When Niuniu came back to Lingdongpai, all the bamboo houses were ready-made, and she had no relevant experience.

Hao Changsheng and Niuniu had been busy for a whole day, and finally spent the night in a cave.

The next day, Hao Changsheng touched some pieces of iron ore early in the morning, turned them into gold, and then flew to a town five hundred miles away to invite back a dozen master carpenters.There is a specialization in the art industry, so it is better to ask professionals to help build the bamboo house.

Hao Changsheng and Niu Niu were very curious about how to build the bamboo house that they couldn't make by themselves, and helped the master carpenters, and they really learned a lot!
The two sons of destiny really did not expect that there are so many specialties and know-hows in building a small bamboo house!
First, lay the foundation and level the ground; then prepare thick and neat bamboo; split a small amount of bamboo, and saw grooves at one end for laying bamboo tiles; get through the bamboo joints, and the laying of bamboo tiles will The upper and lower pieces of the opened bamboo are matched; the frame is built and the bamboo tiles are laid; then the surrounding and the bottom layer are built; windows and doors are opened; rough edges are removed.

An exquisite bamboo house is so beautifully completed!

Hao Changsheng and Niu Niu couldn't help being amazed, as the master said, they live and learn!

(End of this chapter)

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