Chapter 312
Baifeng Xiaoxianjie.

"Tie Dan? Your name is Tie Dan?" The person in charge of the Recruitment Office looked up and down at Tie Dan dumbfounded. How could anyone call him such a name? It's clearly a pseudonym!And Tie Dan is so handsome and handsome, it doesn't match the name Tie Dan at all!
Tie Dan nodded with certainty: "Young master, if you don't change your name or surname, you will be called Tie Dan."

The person in charge had no choice but to use a talisman to write the name of Tie Dan on the identity card, and secretly complained in his heart, even if it is an alias, don't call it Tie Dan, it is better to call it Silver Dan or Golden Dan!

"Origin?" The person in charge was business-like.

"Flower Guduo Xing." Tie Dan was already prepared.

Uh... The person in charge is considered well-informed, but he has never heard of the planet Huaguduo. After searching carefully through Baifeng's intelligence system, he found it with great difficulty, but it was an extremely remote small planet. planet.

With a pseudonym and an unknown little planet, the person in charge couldn't help but sized Tie Dan up and down again, and said with a cold snort: "My little brother, let me put my ugly words in front of me, our Baifeng Little Immortal Realm doesn't care about the immortals who sincerely join us. You are very welcome, and the treatment is very good. But if you are a spy or spy of any force, once we find out, you will be killed without mercy! You have to think about it!"

Tie Dan shrugged and said, "Ann, I really come from Huaguduo Xing, and I'm really called Tie Dan, my family gave me this name, and other brothers and sisters are called Ergou, Mouse and so on. "

Then your family's name is really weird!Forget it, forget it, anyway, the above policy has already come down, and the newly joined immortals will not reuse it until they die, it is nothing more than cannon fodder work!One more is not much, one less is not much.The person in charge registered Tie Dan's information in the register, threw the ID card with his name written on it to Tie Dan, and told him, "Go out and turn left and go straight for 500 meters. The rookie training camp is waiting for you. Come on."

Tie Dan nodded, and then Shi Shi ran out.

The person in charge secretly admired, this Tie Dan is really elegant and extraordinary, he looks like a dragon among men, if he is really sent to be a spy or a spy, then who is really blind!
At this time, Xiao Hua, who teamed up with Tie Dan, has successfully joined the Blue Flower Sect. Although Xiao Hua is not very outstanding among her friends, she is still a real fairy. The head of the sect is regarded as a guest of honor, eating, practicing and sleeping together, almost the second in command of the blue and white sect.Of course, many people are not convinced, and Xiaohua also needs to show her own strength and contribute her own strength in order to secure the second-in-command throne.

Black Star Gate.

Although Loach joined the Black Star Gate as he wished, he started his old job as a master, supervising mining underground in the dark and smelly mine.

Although Loach knew that it was not easy to get in touch with the advanced battleship technology of the Black Star Gate, he never thought that Tangtang's own Earth Immortal would actually supervise the mining. How disgusting it is to see the new joining Immortal!I can't wait to drive them away. In line with the principle of one more, one more, one less, they will all be used as waste!

Loach gritted his teeth secretly, and punched the steel cave wall, sinking into a deep hole.Hey, the finger hurts a little bit. Loach pulled out his fist and found a small piece of black iron heart inside. Oh, this is such a treasure!The loach was immediately confiscated, and wandered around the mine with great interest, intending to save up the black iron heart and create a pair of indestructible black iron gloves for his own use.

The future is long, don't worry.


Even before Mazi showed any strength, he had already impressed the senior Immortal Fangzhu from the bottom of his heart.The two had already made obeisances, and Mazi became the real second in command of Fengshengfang.

If in the past, the small powers were all petty, no matter how powerful the immortal would be, he would be the leader and grasp all the real power, so he didn't want to dig holes and add obstacles to himself.But Tianjianmen is the best example. Although Xuanyuanjian, the former master of the sect, has now become the deputy master, Xuanyuanjian's current sphere of influence is more than three times that of the former Tianjianmen!

Therefore, there are still many leaders of the forces who are still hoping that a genius like Mo Xuan will join them, so that they can rise with the tide and rise to the top in the future.

Taoist Fengsheng is a senior earth immortal, and he once bought a place in the fairy palace by selling pots and pieces of iron, but his luck was mediocre, and he got two ordinary treasures of the fairy palace, which was a loss of money.He is still a senior Earth Immortal to this day, and he doesn't know if there is any hope of becoming a Celestial Immortal in this life.

Taoist Fengsheng founded Fengsheng Fang, and worked hard for thousands of years, but there was no improvement, and the total number of disciples was only more than 500.

It's not just because he's just an Earth Immortal, Taoist Fengsheng knows very well, it's more because he's not that material!
Although Junior Brother Pockmarked is not good looking, and his pockmarked face is quite eye-catching, but it is obviously that piece of material!

Taoist Fengsheng boldly offered to ask Mazi to be his master, and gave Mazi the money he had worked so hard for thousands of years, or let Mazi act as his sole agent.
The new official took office three fires, and Mazi made a big move vigorously and resolutely.

Taoist Feng Sheng said worriedly: "Junior brother, although it is good for you to make a big deal like this, but our family is weak, so we can't last long!"

Mazi waved his hand, and said confidently: "Don't worry, the next round of quotas for the Immortal Palace will open in a few years. Let's fight for more quotas, and if you sell a few, you will get rich." There is no pressure in the Immortal Arena. There are at least fifty Immortal Palace quotas. When the time comes, I will also enter the Immortal Palace to practice and gain a lot of knowledge.

Uh... Taoist Fengsheng smiled wryly about the quota of Immortal Palace. The last time Fengshengfang fought like chicken blood, and there were heavy casualties, but in the end, he couldn't even get a quota. ah!
Since Junior Brother Mazi is so confident, then choose to believe in Junior Brother!Taoist Fengsheng nodded, went to retreat, and handed over the management of Fengshengfang to Mazi.

Qianlong Mountain.

Compared with the rest of the major forces who are self-locking and eating their own money, and deliberately suppressing the newly joined immortals, Qianlong Mountain is after all an upstart among the seven major forces, and it still has a complete set of support policies for newly joined immortals. There will be a chance to get ahead!As long as it is sincerely for the good of Qianlongshan, then it is our own family of Qianlongshan!
Taozi is now the captain of a team of twenty newly joined immortals.

On the other hand, Chen Ye failed to join Mo Yugu as he wished.

The owner of Mo Yugu is an old stubborn one. He is reluctant to hand over the foundation he has worked so hard for. Even if it is destroyed, it must be destroyed in his own hands!
There is no place to stay here, but a place to stay.Chen Ye joined Nether Mountain, a small faction near Mo Yugu, and easily became the second in command. The first plan he made was to annex Mo Yugu!
Outside the Heavenly Sword Gate.

Erwazi, Zhang Qinxin and Siliang are in the same mood at the moment, and they admire Master Moxuan even more!

The small faction that Erwazi and Zhang Qinxin joined, the first thing to do when getting started is to follow behind the sect master and shout the slogan: "Constantly strive for self-improvement, work hard, develop in an all-round way, and strive to join Tianjianmen as soon as possible!"

The young couple almost sprayed on the spot.

The door owner said earnestly: "Xiao Er, be careful, don't make jokes, this is not my family, and the various forces outside the Tianjianmen, who would not want to join the Tianjianmen! It's a pity, we were not good enough at the beginning, I failed to get into the eyes of the Heavenly Sword Sect, so I have no choice but to strive for self-improvement, work hard, develop in an all-round way, and strive to be favored by the Heavenly Sword Sect as soon as possible."

Erwazi and Zhang Qinxin nodded in amazement, sect master, you are far-sighted and have a great vision!

The door owner then sighed again: "It's a pity that I haven't been able to figure out the bright sword spirit of Tianjianmen. Xiaoer, be careful, you young people can help you figure it out more. If you can understand and learn the bright sword spirit well, let's join Tianjianmen." It’s a sure thing.”

good good good good!Erwazi and Zhang Qinxin continued to nod.

Fenghuo Academy.

Although a skinny camel is bigger than a horse, Fenghuo Academy has lost its glory after all, and it can't always be tough at critical moments.

Qi Haoxuan's joining made Fenghuo Academy's high-level executives feel as if they had collectively beaten chicken blood. What kind of genius is this, a proper fairy seed, and it can even be said to be a mysterious fairy seed!Is our Fenghuo Academy finally turning its luck?
Qi Haoxuan suddenly became a man of the hour in Fenghuo Academy.In fact, Qi Haoxuan is already a celestial being, but he still has to put on a pretense. After some hard training, he will become a celestial being in a low-key manner, and become a real high-level executive of Fenghuo Academy, and then it will be easy.

Qiu Yemeng, another influential figure in Fenghuo Academy, rarely stays in Fenghuo Academy, accompanied by sisters Linglong and Zheng Ling, and a large number of flower guardians, traveling all over the world to accumulate wealth for Fenghuo Academy.Of course, Qiu Yemeng's purse is getting bigger and bigger.

Qi Haoxuan is also very curious and expecting a lot about the new third beauty in the third layer of time and space, thinking that if there is an opportunity, he should try his best to win it.Zhang Desheng actually chased Bai Meier from the Yaozu, while Erwazi and Zhang Qinxin were childhood sweethearts, and they were always in love.As the head of the three male gods of Xiuxian Academy, but still single, how can this be possible!
On the other hand, Ah Niu came to Yuanzheng Mansion with the image of an idiot, calling himself A Niu who moved the mountain, and indeed moved a giant peak in Yuanzheng Mansion with brute force, raised his hands above his head, and then supported it with one hand, allowing Yuan All the people in the main government were dumbfounded and stunned.

The head of the Yuanzheng Mansion came back to his senses, and immediately kept Ah Niu, and named him the Great Immortal of the Mountain. He served him with delicious food and drinks. He usually rested or practiced his body. Whatever you like, only occasionally Just help fight.

Ah Niu was indeed too lazy to use his brain all the time, so he happily agreed, no problem.

On the other hand, the monkey has joined Chiyu Xiaoxianjie, and the treatment is similar to that of the loach, so let's work hard and suffer slowly.

Baitiao joined the Peony Pavilion where there are many fairies as he wished, like a fish in water, very happy and happy!

According to the statistics, the friends who joined the Martial Arts generally have a hard time, while the friends who joined the Small Martial Arts are all popular and hot.Hao Changsheng and Niu Niu's establishment of the sect is struggling.

Soon, all the quotas for this round of Immortal Palace will be exhausted, and the next round is about to start. Isn't it the ring competition this time?Or how?
All forces are waiting to see, everyone knows that from now on, Immortal Mo Xuan will have the final say!
(End of this chapter)

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