Interstellar Miner

Chapter 313 The Fairy Conference

Chapter 313 The Fairy Conference
In this round of 1 Asgard quotas, a total of [-] Asgard treasures have been produced, and the top-quality rate is the same as in the past.

Basically, it can be confirmed that for a long period of time, the treasures produced by Asgard Palace should not decrease any more!This is a good sign, after all, the peace of the third layer of time and space is closely related to the Immortal Palace.

If there are fewer and fewer treasures produced by the Immortal Palace, then there will inevitably be various struggles and frictions under the situation of more wolves and less meat.The possibility of an all-out fairy war breaking out will be higher!
It has not been long since the opening of the next round of Asgard, and the distribution of Asgard quotas has once again become the focus of attention.

However, the most authoritative spokesperson, Mo Xuan Xuan Xian, went missing, and he was in retreat in name. Many people speculated that Mo Xuan Xuan Xian probably drove his magical battleship again to experience and play somewhere!Please, at this juncture, whether it is retreat or experience, can't you change the time?Why are you in such a hurry!But who made him the Immortal Mo Xuan!Be patient!
In fact, Mo Xuan didn't want to play missing, but at this juncture, Qingyuan Xiaoxianjie suddenly wanted to hold a fairy meeting.

This time the Celestial Immortal Conference was not ordinary, but it was co-hosted by Li Taishi, Tai Yi, Qian Zao, Gu Xin, and Kong Jiandaojun, and it was the most important meeting in Qingyuan's thousands of years.

As the elder brother of Kong Jianmen, Mo Xuan is also one of Kong Jianmen's angels, so it would be shameful not to attend. Kong Ling, Mo Que'er and Huali are all angels, so naturally they also have to attend the meeting.

In addition, the four Taoist monarchs also kindly invited Xiaoyun to participate, and Xiaoyun had to give face.

A group of people could only rush back in a hurry.

As for the three high-ranking Xuanxians, there is really no time and no one to monitor them anymore, so they can only adopt a sheep-herding policy. It should take a lot of time for Real Black Star to build a battleship with super high defense. The three high-level Xuanxians are temporarily Can't run anywhere.

It's just that the quota for the next round of Immortal Palace has not yet been determined. I don't know if the three high-ranking Xuanxians will join in the fun. Without going to the Immortal Palace town by themselves, accidents are prone to happen.

Mo Xuan only hoped that this meeting of immortals would not last too long, otherwise it would be troublesome.

With the strategic ship Explorer, and enough energy, it is actually very easy to go back and forth.I was poor before, so it was not easy to return to defense once.

Now that Mo Xuan is the leader of Tianjianmen, he doesn't have to worry about energy at all.The excavated fragments of the ultimate upper-level fairy world are piled up in several super large warehouses, and Mo Xuan can use them.Therefore, Mo Xuan would act as a porter by the way every time he went back and forth, and never went back empty-handed, and returned with a full load every time, giving Kong Jianmen a good nourishment.

But this time, when Mo Xuan returned to the Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm, he didn't even see Teacher Kong Jian. From his second brother Lu Zhi, he knew that Teacher Kong Jian had been meeting with Qingyuan's other four bosses for a long time, only a few days ago. A message was sent out that the Heavenly Immortal Conference would be held, but there was no other news at all.

Everyone in Moxuan looked at each other in surprise and doubt, and they all faintly felt that this Heavenly Immortal Conference was unusual, and it was estimated that some major event would happen.

Mo Xuan couldn't help but secretly frowned, the three high-ranking Xuanxians were not under surveillance, and the places in the Immortal Palace were waiting to be allocated, and Qingyuan was about to hold the Celestial Fairy Conference again, why did they all rush together!depressed!
Little Moxuan No. [-] is still in the process of cultivation, and No. [-] and No. [-] are both in retreat and penance to attack the gods.Right now there is only Mo Xuan, the bare-handed commander, who can't be divided into three places, so he can only take one step at a time and watch one step at a time.

Mo Xuan joined Gao Shan and other younger brothers first, and Jin Lengyu hurried back from the first layer of time and space.

Before the meeting, everyone discussed it first. It stands to reason that Qing Yuan and Hei Ming have been living in peace for many years, and there is no sign of a war between immortals. So what is this immortal meeting going to discuss?
Mo Xuan pondered for a moment, then let out a surprise, and said, "By the way, our Qingyuan Little Immortal Realm has been developing rapidly in recent years. Could it be that we are about to be promoted?"

Maybe it really is!Everyone in the mountains looked at each other happily. If he could be promoted to the third layer of time and space, Qing Yuan would no longer have to work so hard to make a living by picking up trash!

Mo Xuan and Xiao Yun looked at each other a few times, but they were mostly worried. Promotion is a good thing, but if there is a catastrophe, it will be terrible!Although Mo Xuan can forcibly interfere with Heavenly Tribulation, it is only interference. There is no way to truly manipulate Heavenly Tribulation. Forcible interference can easily backfire and cause Heavenly Tribulation to rebound and riot!

Mo Xuan winked at Xiao Yun, and you should be the bad face when the time comes, lest Qing Yuan be too aggressive and set himself on fire.

Xiaoyun shrugged indifferently, okay!

The Tianxian Conference was held as scheduled, in the Xiantian of Lord Taidao.

It was the first time for Mo Xuan to enter the main hall of Lord Taiyi. He looked around, but he didn't expect that the decoration was quite simple, but it was much better than the empty hall of Lord Gu Xindao and Teacher Kong Jian.

Mo Xuan saw that many angels were staring eagerly at the antique calligraphy and painting equipment in the hall, and their eyes could not wait to paste them, so they also stared curiously at a large floor-to-ceiling vase, uh... there are more than 20 The history of ten thousand years is by no means ordinary, and its specific value is immeasurable!Mo Xuan hurriedly retracted the preface, Mr. Taiyi really deserves to be the second generation of the No. [-] Immortal of our Qingyuan Tianzi!
More and more angels rushed over, and Qingyuan's new and old angels gathered together, lively and lively.

Jiang Zuo, Xi Tian, ​​and Ju Ye, the three great disciples of Daojun, still have the same demeanor; Lin Chengbi, Lu Tai, Ma Gui and other senior immortals have extraordinary bearing; Tianxian is in high spirits.

Back then, there were only 34 celestial beings in the Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm, including Taishi Li and the three Taoist monarchs.But now, there are already 24 heavenly immortals in the Taiyi Sect alone!There are eighteen immortals in Qianzao Gate; fifteen immortals in Guxin Gate; eleven immortals in Kongjian Gate and thirteen immortals in secret, as many as the 24 immortals in Taiyi Gate!However, Kong Jianmen are almost all newly-promoted heavenly immortals, and other sects must have hidden hands, so it may not be so much strength on the surface.

As for Hei Ming, excluding the two Xuanxian Daojuns, there are now a total of 33 heavenly immortals. In terms of high-end combat power, they are still far behind Qingyuan, but in terms of the base of immortal cultivators, Hei Ming still has a great advantage.

Pan Zhao and Meng Qi were the last to arrive, deliberately avoiding Mo Xuan.

After all, Mo Que'er was Meng Qi's disciple, so she went up to exchange a few words with Meng Qi, and then returned to Mo Xuan's side.

Seeing Mo Xuan and Pan Zhao, most of the celestial beings were still playful, but no one was too talkative. After all, there was the case of Lin Chengbi being violently beaten by Mo Xuan first, and few celestial beings had the confidence to catch Mo Xuan. Hit Haoran's giant palm three times.

Accompanied by a melodious bell, Grand Master Li, Lord Taiyi, Lord Qianzao, Lord Gu Xin, and Lord Kong Jian appeared on the high platform.

All the gods bowed together and saluted: "I pay my respects to the four Taoist monarchs and Grand Master Li."

"Excuse me." The five elders waved their sleeves and sat upright on the futon.

All the celestial beings sat down according to the four camps, corresponding to the four Taoist monarchs.Xiaoyun sat idly beside Mo Xuan.

Mo Xuan blinked in surprise, and said, where is Taishi Li's corresponding force?Reminiscent of Ma Gui Tianxian's infernal affairs and successfully killing two Qingyuan rebellious heavenly immortals, this is the work of Li Taishi!But Ma Gui Tianxian belongs to the Taiyi Sect!

In this way, Grand Master Li's influence should be interspersed among the four sects. It's not that the four Taoist monarchs don't know, but they just opened their eyes and closed them, thus forming a delicate balance.

Mo Xuan couldn't help but think of the meaningful words of Li Taishi's last meeting with Li Taishi, thinking deeply.

Mr. Taiyi took a look at Li Taishi.Taishi Li waved his hand, I think it's troublesome for the old man, so let's talk about it for Xiaoyi.

Mr. Taiyi nodded slightly, coughed lightly, and said to all the immortals in the audience: "This time, there are several important matters to discuss with everyone."

All the celestial beings couldn't help but sat upright and listened attentively.

Lord Taiyi paused, and continued: "First, after so many years of hard work, our Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm has finally begun to accelerate its ascent! I believe it will not take long for us to be promoted and return to the upper space-time!"

as expected!All the gods have guessed more or less, and now they have received clear news from the Taoist Lord, that is a nail in the wall!Great, we have been struggling for so many years, and finally we can return to the upper time and space. Thinking about the hardships and hardships of more than 1000 years, it is unbearable to look back!I can't even imagine how I suffered through it!Fortunately, we will finally have the rewards of hardships. Once we return to the upper space-time, we can return home with a strong dragon. Hehe, the world is up to me!
The celestial beings communicated for a while, and then asked Taiyi Lord Qingyuan the time required for promotion in the small fairy world.

Lord Taiyi replied: "Everyone knows the situation of this layer of time and space, so we can't waste it, we must succeed once, and we need to prepare a lot. It is conservatively estimated that it will take about 500 years."

One thousand and five hundred years passed in a flash!All the angels nodded in relief, we can only look forward to that day coming soon.

Xiaoyun raised his hand at this time, and spoke out about the [-]-[-] catastrophe.

Like a large basin of ice water suddenly poured down on the face, the five big bosses, together with so many angels present, all looked at each other in blank dismay, how could they encounter a catastrophe when they were promoted?It is said that we haven't touched this catastrophe for many years, but we almost forgot about it!
Did the Qingyuan Old Immortal Realm also come across it, really encountered it, can the Old Immortal Realm pass through safely?With such a powerful Qingyuan Jinxian Patriarch, there should be no problem!

The five bosses humbly ask Xiaoyun for advice, is there a way to avoid the catastrophe?
Xiaoyun shook his head helplessly, if he could avoid it, it would not be called Heavenly Tribulation.If Qingyuan is unlucky and really encounters a catastrophe, then he can only resist and ask for good luck!No matter what, a lot of preparation is the kingly way!
The five big brothers discussed on the spot, and decided to add another 500 years to the 1000-year plan, making it 500 years. On the premise of resisting the catastrophe, prepare as much as possible!
Two thousand five hundred years, that's a long time!The fairies look at each other, but safety comes first, and that's the only way to go!
Mo Xuan and Xiao Yun glanced at each other, only the two of them know that the garbage dump is a thing of the past, and it will be a treasure mine from now on!
With the massive amount of high-level fairy world fragments nourishing, Qingyuan does not need as long as 500 years, and about 1000 years is enough!

But for the time being, everyone doesn't know, and Mo Xuan and Xiaoyun can only keep silent, and everyone will know by then!Just wait until then to adjust accordingly.

Lord Taiyi continued: "Secondly, in order to cooperate with the promotion of the Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm, from the end of the meeting, the ban on practice will be fully implemented. No matter whether it is a child, an immortal, or even an immortal, all are prohibited from meditating and practicing in the Little Immortal Realm! It is a death order, please cooperate."

The celestial beings all nodded in understanding, we celestial beings rely on meteorites, fragments of the fairy world, etc. to nourish us, and we haven't cultivated in the Qingyuan small fairy world for a long time.

Grand Master Li added: "In the past, there were some little guys in your family who didn't understand the rules. Let's just keep our eyes open and close our eyes. Now we will deal with it in an emergency. So after you go home from the meeting, you still have to advise and supervise it. Hit yourself on the muzzle of the gun."

Master Li casually glanced at the angels.

Those angels felt a chill in their hearts, they hurriedly lowered their heads, their backs crawling in cold sweat.

The rest of the angels also nodded thoughtfully, and we will definitely cooperate.

Grand Master Li went on to say: "In order to avoid the waste of talents for cultivating immortals, each county can have one quota for cultivating immortals in the big exam every five years. It is no longer the same as before, and it depends on each individual's strength. The college teaches in a unified way."

Whoops!Mo Xuan nodded approvingly. Indeed, when Qingyuan Xiaoxianjie is promoted to the third level of time and space, it will no longer be the era of cultivating immortal resources, but the era of cultivating immortal talents!Taishi Li is indeed far-sighted!

From now on, the gold content of each quota of cultivating immortals is really incredible!

In other words, only Mo Que'er used one of the three quotas given to the Mo family by Mr. Gu Xindao.

Grand Master Li seemed to have heard Mo Xuan's heart, and said with a slight smile: "The previously idle quota can still be used, so as to tie for No.1 situation, but you have to pay for it yourself."

Mo Xuan chuckled, OK!Although it has been idle for so long, it is still earned!One ebbs and another.

(End of this chapter)

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