Chapter 314

Qing Yuan established the prohibition order, and the base of immortal cultivators would be greatly reduced. Many immortal cultivators who were born in childhood could only wait to die of old age, while Hei Ming remained the same, with a large number of immortal cultivators.In this way, the balance will inevitably be a little out of balance.

In response to this point, the five Qingyuan masters also gave instructions to all the gods present, and in the future, if there is nothing to do, they will form a group to wander around the border between Qingyuan and Heiming, lest Heiming's brain get hot and want to do something bad matter.

And the biggest advantage of our Qingyuan is that the number of celestial beings can crush Heiming, so we must make good use of it!

The gods are not so stupid, they all nodded and agreed, isn't it just showing off, we are the best at it!
Next, the five Qingyuan bosses negotiated friendly discussions with all the gods present on the specific details of Qingyuan Xiaoxianjie's promotion, and brainstormed, and everyone gathered firewood to make a flame!

A month has passed since this friendly negotiation, but Mo Xuan couldn't sit still.

Please, all of you are too talkative, you can spend half a day talking about little things.

Mo Xuan also knows everyone's thoughts, and he himself is the same. Taking advantage of the last time to open the back door, he has already notified the children of the Mo family as soon as possible to sprint and break through, even if they can't become immortals for a while However, a higher level of cultivation can lead to a few more years of life, and a half-immortal is always much better than an ordinary cultivator. Maybe it can last until the Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm is promoted to the third level of time and space, and then the sea and the sky will naturally be brighter!
The large amounts of resources and top-quality pills accumulated by the Mo family over the years were distributed free of charge, hurry up!If you don't want to wait sadly to die of old age, hurry up and sprint!
In the past, in order to control the cultivation progress and enthusiasm of the Mo family boys, Mo Xuan had extremely strict management of auxiliary pills and so on!

Now, taking advantage of the last moment to fully lift the ban, all kinds of top-quality pills are stuffed into your mouth like eating fried beans!In addition, all the boys of the Mo family have experienced the special training of the devil, and have been honed repeatedly by the Mo family triathlon. , More than 27 and a half cents, it is still growing!

Even if there is no harvest in the next 1000 years, the Mohist will not lose too much!

The other Celestial Clans are not as powerful as the Mo family. Although they distribute top-quality pills without money, they are used to eating pills, and the effect is not obvious if they are eaten in large quantities.

All the angels were also secretly anxious. After receiving news from the Mo family from various channels, they couldn't help but glance at Mo Xuan from time to time, secretly admiring him!

Mo Xuan frowned frequently, time waits for no one!The Immortal Palace on the third level of time and space is waiting for me to preside over it!The three high-ranking Xuanxians don't know what happened!

Mo Xuan saw that other angels were discussing calmly, and his time was getting tighter and tighter. He tapped his fingers a few times impatiently, but he still had to be a bad face, leading the topic to an important issue. Three times Five divided by two, quickly give a solution!

ha?All the angels looked at each other and looked at Mo Xuan again, as if they were meeting him for the first time.

Mo Xuan curled his lips and smiled disapprovingly, before asking another question.

Uh... Mo Xuan, you did it on purpose!All the gods wanted to procrastinate, to buy more time for the sons and daughters of the family, but they only managed to delay for another six days, and all the difficult and miscellaneous problems that could be thought of were easily solved by Mo Xuan!

All the gods were dumbfounded, Nima, this guy is so capable, but he is not in power!As the big brother of Kong Jianmen, he has been a hands-off shopkeeper for so many years!Fuck, this is the biggest waste!
Lu Zhi, the second senior brother of Kong Jianmen, also stared at Mo Xuan in a daze. Originally, he still had some thoughts, thinking that Mo Xuan had not been in power for a long time, maybe because he knew that he was not the type to manage or deal with affairs, so he always acted as a shopkeeper. Now Lu Zhi really found out, Mo Xuan is simply too strong!
No one is perfect, but why is Mo Xuan so perfect?
Poetry and poetry are both excellent, and his cultivation is so advanced. He is also so perfect in other aspects. Does he have any shortcomings?
All the celestial beings couldn't help being deeply jealous!

Even the five Qingyuan bosses looked at Mo Xuan with straight eyes.

Only then did Master Kong Jiandao know that Mo Xuan's amazing achievements in the third layer of time and space are not accidental, and it has nothing to do with Mo Que'er's super strength, but Xuan'er has real materials!

"Is there any problem?" Mo Xuan asked calmly.

That appearance is really unflattering in the eyes of all the gods. You don't have to worry about your Mo family, but our family is too embarrassing!You guy, if you don't think you can't beat it, you really want to pull you to practice!

All the gods look at me, I look at you, after all, they still can't ask questions anymore, and even those small problems that they can easily figure out solutions don't need to be embarrassing.

The five Qingyuan bosses looked at each other, since there is no problem, let's end the meeting!
No matter how reluctant the angels were, they could only leave and return to their respective families.

The five Qingyuan bosses immediately promulgated the prohibition order, and issued it to all states, counties, counties and townships, and implemented it immediately!

Violators will be killed without mercy!

With the promulgation of the prohibition order, the entire Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm is like a sudden heavy snowfall that freezes thousands of miles in March!

What?What is the situation?Okay, why did this prohibition order pop up all of a sudden?There is only one quota for cultivating immortals in one county for five years, oh my god, this makes people die!
No!We don't want it!No……

Countless child-born immortal cultivators all burst into tears. Originally, they could only practice for a few hours a day.Is God going to kill me?

Many child-born immortal cultivators who are stuck on the threshold of half-immortals and immortals want to cry but have no tears. They have not been able to make a breakthrough, so they are not allowed to practice. Isn't this terrible!
Even though the immortals were delayed on the road for a while, they still returned to their respective families before evening, and issued the strictest instructions, if you don't want to die, just be honest!Otherwise, no one can save it!
The families of the celestial beings immediately fell silent, and the disciples who failed to make a breakthrough in time could only grit their teeth and endure it!
Then the five Qingyuan bosses immediately started a high-pressure policy, spreading the eyes of the sky all over the Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm, but whoever is still alive, no matter whether it is a child or a fairy, dare to meditate to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and kill without mercy!

Under such high pressure, countless child-born cultivators were purged!The four Taoist monarchs are more benevolent, and they have not sinned against their families.

The world has finally realized the iron-like determination of the four Taoist monarchs to issue the prohibition order!No matter how reluctant you are, you have to accept this cruel reality!

The children are all working hard to make a living, for fear that they accidentally inhale spiritual energy while sleeping, and they don't even know how they died!Many Tongsheng were already praying that Hei Ming would call over sooner, so that they could continue cultivating immortals.

The spirit energy in Qingyuan Small Immortal World finally began to pick up day by day, and everything gradually returned to normal, thriving.In the face of the common interests of the vast majority of people, the grievances of the children are nothing more than paper stuff, which can be easily broken.

Hei Ming naturally got the news at the first time, Heixuan Taoist and Heiyun Taoist also immediately held a fairy meeting to discuss Qingyuan's prohibition order, and quickly came to the conclusion that Qingyuan Xiaoxianjie probably wanted to prepare It's time to be promoted to the upper level of time and space, otherwise!

Of course, Hei Ming didn't agree, he agreed to be a difficult brother, but Qing Yuan, the troubled brother, wanted to abandon our Hei Ming and promote himself to enjoy the blessings, what a beautiful idea!
Heiming's Celestial Conference was halfway through, when an urgent call came from the outpost, Qingyuan Celestials organized a group to visit the border area!The number of celestial beings is not too many, just the sum of the number of Hei Ming celestial beings!

All the angels in Hei Ming are looking at me and you, their scalps are numb while they are speechless, Qing Yuan actually dispatched such a number of angels, clearly trying to scare us.But if all of us angels go together, we really may not be the opponent of so many angels like Qing Yuan, so we have to accept Qing Yuan's scare.

Daoist Heixuan and Daoist Heiyun couldn't help but smile wryly at each other. They knew that Qingyuan was going to be promoted, so they didn't want to go to war. No deep fear!
After all, the number of angels in our Hei Ming is still too small!Hey, didn't Mo Que'er and Mo Xuan come out? Thinking about it, such big names would not come out easily!
Is there a war?Qingyuan's battleship is now powerful, not inferior to Hei Ming at all, and there are so many heavenly immortals, and there is even Li Taishi who can kill Xuanxian, Taiyi, Qianzao, and Gu Xin are also so powerful, Kong Jiandao Jun is even more like a god with soldiers, and besides Mo Que'er with unparalleled combat power and Mo Xuan who is unfathomable, it feels like you will suffer a big loss no matter how you fight this battle!
But you can't just do nothing!Although Qingyuan is promoted now, it will benefit Hei Ming more, and he can dominate the garbage dump, but in the long run, Qingyuan is promoted to the upper time and space, and will definitely develop rapidly. It's impossible to be half-baked anymore, it will only be the life of being bullied!

Daoist Heixuan and Daoist Heiyun raised their hands to signal everyone to be safe and not to be impatient, and hurriedly began to formulate the main policies in the future. On the premise of not breaking out a full-scale fairy war, they will do everything possible to prevent and delay the promotion of Qingyuan Xiaoxianjie!If it really doesn't work, you can also fight a small-scale fairy battle against the Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm!

To be honest, Daoist Heixuan and Daoist Heiyun are really scared. If Qingyuan is provoked, regardless of promotion, a full-scale battle will break out, no matter whether you win or lose, at least both will suffer. At that time, everyone will only Can nest in this layer of hard time and space to dawdle.Even if one day in the distant future we are promoted to the upper level of time and space, it might already be the world of other powerful forces, and it will not be easy for us to make a living.
No matter what, the things that should be done now still have to be done!Act now!Break up the meeting!
Hei Ming's angels also arrived at the border area in a group, and they faced Qingyuan's angel group across the boundary, speaking to each other, and sparks overflowed!

"It's rare for everyone to meet, why don't we exchange ideas and strengthen our relationship with each other." Lin Chengbi took the initiative to provoke.

Oh, isn't this guy Lin Chengbi who was slapped by Mo Xuan three times, how dare he be so arrogant?All the angels on Hei Ming's side couldn't be more angry, so come here, we don't dare to provoke Mo Xuan, we can still be afraid of you if you are a bastard!

Fang Hongcai, a senior celestial being from Hei Ming, immediately released a huge celestial being [-] kilometers away to fight!

As a result, Fang Hong held on for less than an hour, and bleeding came from the corner of his mouth, and he manipulated the smoldering Xiantian back with a dead face.

All the gods in Hei Ming looked at each other, such a powerful thunder-attribute god, his combat power is so fierce, Fang Hongcai, who is so powerful, was stunned and couldn't withstand the crazy thunder and lightning firepower!
Such a powerful thunder-attribute angel was overthrown by Mo Xuan with three slaps? !Damn it!

Lin Chengbi yelled unsatisfactorily: "Hey, hey, it's over so soon! It's boring! Is there any one of you Hei Ming who can fight?"

Another Heiming senior celestial being, Shan Junming, was so angry that he unleashed a huge 38-kilometer celestial being to fight!

Shan Junming was not foolhardy, he felt that Lin Chengbi had already fought a fierce battle and must have consumed a lot. Now he went up to fight Lin Chengbi with all his strength, so he should have a chance of winning!
In the end... If you talk too much, you will be in tears. What the hell, Lin Chengbi's firepower is too fierce, I really can't stand it!Shan Junming held on for two hours, but still coughed up blood and retreated in defeat.

All the angels in Hei Ming were pale, not because they were afraid of Lin Chengbi, but because they were afraid of Mo Xuan who knocked Lin Chengbi down with three slaps. Is he still an angel?Even Xuanxian is not so fortified, isn't it!

"Enjoy it!" Lin Chengbi laughed happily, retreated to the Qingyuan camp, and resumed his breath adjustment. After these two games, he consumed a lot, but it can be regarded as a big vent of the bad luck in his heart that he lost to Mo Xuan.We are still very good in Tianxian, one vs two is totally worth it!

Qingyuan's other senior celestial succession stepped forward to call out, Hei Ming's celestial beings, do you dare to come and make gestures!

The angels of Hei Ming also had to bite the bullet and go up to fight, only to find out that Qing Yuan's senior angels are too powerful and invincible!
Lost eight games in a row!None of the angels in Hei Ming wanted to continue the sparring, so they sensibly backed away. They are afraid of you, so we can afford to hide if we can't provoke them!
After Heixuan Daojun and Heiyun Daojun got the news, they looked at each other in shock, the corners of their mouths twitched slightly, and their hearts were a little hairy!Hey~ It seems that we have to re-establish the policy!

(End of this chapter)

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