Interstellar Miner

Chapter 317 Ouyang Ruhua

Chapter 317 Ouyang Ruhua
Baifeng Xiaoxianjie newcomer training camp.

A large group of newcomers sat in a circle, listening to the iron egg sitting on the grand master's chair in the middle talking nonsense, how he punched the second generation of officials, kicked the second generation of rich people, and the current situation.

Of course, some newcomers were not convinced at the beginning, but in a place like the newcomer camp, in the final analysis, big fists are the last word!So, the newcomers are now listening attentively, clapping and flattering Tiedan from time to time.

Tie Dan gushed and spitted: "This time, Tianjianmen won the most big arenas in the Immortal Palace Ring Competition, a total of 26 seats. There is nothing wrong with its outstanding combat power. And our Baifeng won 2 seats. There are quite a few, it is No.[-], but, that is because we have the largest base of celestial beings in the Baifeng Little Immortal Realm, and if the factor of celestial beings is removed, this result is not uncommon."

"The reason is that our Baifeng Dixian class lacks combat power, lax organization, poor cooperation, and can't be tough when it should be tough."

"In the beginning, the outer sect and collateral lineages were sent to the ring to fight to death, and later the inner sect and direct lineage earth immortals went up to guard the ring. Once they defended the ring, they would be covered with gold. But the outer sect and collateral lineage Earth immortals generally dare to fight for their lives, but the inner sect and the direct descendants of the earth immortals are timid and afraid of death, so they always have the advantage in the middle and early stages of battle, and they are decadent in the later stage."

"It's not just our family, Huang Wu and Chi Yu are almost like this. As a result, everyone knows that even Chi Yu's young master Wang Hu was knocked off the ring at the last moment by a little-known Earth Immortal. "

"And we are still the outermost sect, and we haven't even had the chance to participate in the ring competition yet! Hey, I've heard rumors that Baifeng's senior management is deliberately suppressing us newcomers and not giving us any chance to stand out, just because of Tianjian There may be spies in the door! Grandma, bear, if I don’t happen to be metal, I want to enter the Baifeng Little Immortal Realm for further studies! If I just find a sect, I will be the second in command immediately. If you can go up to show off, and if you are lucky, you can even win a big ring, then you can make a lot of money!"

"I joined Baifeng because I wanted to stand out, and I didn't come here to be cannon fodder for a hard-working newcomer! Isn't this a waste of my time! I will stay for a few more years at most, and I won't give me a chance to make a difference. Master Liu has his own place, the outside world is big, and you, Bai Feng's family, are not the only ones."

The rookies nodded wildly, brother Tiedan, you are so right!If you want to change jobs, be sure to bring us with you!We follow your lead!
"Brother Tie Dan, there is a beautiful woman looking for you." A younger brother who was in charge of the door hurriedly ran into the tent.

"Oh~" A group of younger brothers all looked at Big Brother Tie Dan ambiguously.

"Trouble." Tie Dan curled his lips, but had to go out to deal with it, and took a look, he was ugly and ugly.Tie Dan gave the younger brother a vicious look. It's really a newcomer's camp for a long time, and he can even regard a sow as a beautiful woman. This is also a realm!

"Hello Tie Dan, I'm Ouyang Ruhua." Ouyang Ruhua looked at Tie Dan obsessively. He had heard that a super handsome guy had come to the rookie camp. We see a lot of handsome guys, it's not unusual.

Later, the rumors became more and more exaggerated. The maids said so, Ouyang Ruhua felt itchy in her heart, so she came over to see what happened.

When I saw it today, I'm sorry, this is the super handsome guy here, he is clearly the invincible handsome guy in the universe!Ouyang Ruhua's heart was pounding, her complexion was flushed, her eyes were full of peach blossoms, and she couldn't help but move closer to Tie Dan.

"What do you want from my young master?" Tie Dan asked impatiently, drooling actually came down when you looked at it, and you can look at my young master casually.

"My surname is Ouyang, just call me Xiaohua." Ouyang Ruhua said coyly.

Tie Dan's eyebrows twitched, Xiao Hua is ten thousand times prettier than you!Tie Dan took a step back, I can leave if it's okay, the young master has to go back and continue to do the ideological work of the younger brothers!
Seeing that Tie Dan didn't respond, Ouyang Ruhua sighed secretly, he was a newcomer after all, and couldn't hear such an obvious hint, so Ouyang Ruhua had to say more clearly: "Ouyang Bao is my real brother."

Tie Dan oh.

Ouyang Ruhua was a little dazed, and couldn't help asking: "You don't even know about Ouyang Bao, do you?"

"I know." Tie Dan nodded slightly, isn't it the prince Bai Feng, who won a big ring for Bai Feng this time, and Bai Feng boasted that he was the only leopard in the world!What a thick skin!

"I'm Ouyang Bao's sister with the same father and mother, do you know what I mean?" This is the first time Ouyang Ruhua has encountered such a situation. Normally, as long as she announces her name, she will immediately be flattered and pursued wildly. .

Tiedan still nodded, you guys are very talkative!Isn't it just the status of a princess, young master, I am still the number one disciple of Master!
Ouyang Ruhua pursed her lips in wonder, and said, "I came to you to give you a chance to stand out."

"Let's hear it." Tie Dan became a little interested, after all, it's useless to stay in the rookie camp and dominate.

Ouyang Ruhua blushed, and said coyly: "As long as you can serve me comfortably, I will guarantee you prosperity."

Occasionally go!Tiedan rolled his eyes, save you.Tie Dan turned and left without looking back.

"Hey, Tie Dan, where are you going! Why don't you reply." Ouyang Ruhua was in a hurry.

"I'm not interested." Tie Dan curled his lips, unexpectedly meeting such a shameless bastard, the forest is so big that there are all kinds of birds!Tie Dan waved his hand, you can go back and forth wherever you come from, the young master has no time to chat with you.

Ouyang Ruhua's face turned pale and then turned red, and she roared fiercely: "Tie Dan, don't be shameless, grandma likes you, it's your luck! If you dare to refuse me, I will let you live or die !"

Tie Dan stopped in his tracks, and glanced sideways at Ouyang Ruhua, just you? !Which onion are you on the ground!

Ouyang Ruhua thought that Tie Dan could not withstand her intimidation and changed her mind, so she walked towards Tie Dan with a smile.

Tie Dan sneered, showing such disdain, and walked away.

Ouyang Ruhua stayed on the spot in a daze, he...he actually...

"Tie Dan, wait for my aunt, I want you to look good! I want you to kneel in front of my aunt and kowtow a hundred times, I want you..." Ouyang Ruhua roared hysterically, but Tie Dan had long since disappeared. !
Asshole!Ouyang Ruhua gasped for a while, gritted her teeth viciously, and went back to find someone.

Tie Dan returned to the tent, and the younger brothers all stared at Big Brother Tie Dan in a daze. Whoever growled so arrogantly was obviously not easy to provoke. We are newcomers, and we have no roots in Baifeng, so we can't fight!

Tie Dan said in an old-fashioned way: "It's okay, since the higher-ups won't let us take the lead, then we can only forcibly stand up, and then get ahead! Don't be afraid, the higher-ups will press down, and I will stand up!"

Brother, can you stand it?Brothers, I feel sorry for you, big brother, you have no problem beating our rookies, but Baifeng Xiaoxianjie is like a forest of masters, even if he can beat one or two, if such a large group comes over, we still have to be beaten to death dog!

A younger brother timidly suggested: "Brother Tie Dan, why don't we run away now, or we won't be able to run away if it's too late."

Tie Dan gave the younger brother a blank look, and curled his lips and said, "Why run? If you run now, it's useless. If you go to other places in the future, who will want it!"

The younger brothers pursed their lips, looked at each other with wry smiles, and secretly complained that they didn't want the beautiful blessings that flew in, but they offended him to death. Brother Tie Dan usually looks so smart, why is he so confused at this time!
Tie Dan didn't care at all, just smiled lightly, and continued to talk nonsense.

But the younger brothers, who are in the mood to listen again, are all panicked.

"Which one is the iron egg, get out of here." A loud roar shook the entire novice training camp!

oops!coming!Many younger brothers jumped up in fright.

Tie Dan snorted, Shi Shiran walked out of the tent, and caught a glimpse of a strong man like a black iron tower, but Ouyang Ruhua was not there.

Tie Dan nodded himself with his thumb, and hummed: "Master is here, who are you, yelling, loud noises are not allowed in the rookie camp, do you understand the rules?"

The Black Iron Tower sneered, and rushed directly towards Tie Dan, smashing it with a casserole-sized fist unceremoniously.

"Hey, what are you doing! How dare you do something in the rookie training camp, instructor, where are the instructors?" Tie Dan yelled loudly, but out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of the two instructors sneaking back into the tent.

boring!Tie Dan turned sideways with his mouth pursed, dodged Hei Tie Tower's fist, raised his right hand, and slapped Hei Tie Tower's face with a slap, and immediately sent Hei Tie Tower flying.

Still in the air, half of the teeth of the black iron tower flew out with blood, and then hit the ground with a bang, twitched a few times, and fell silent, but fainted to death.

The younger brothers who were originally terrified suddenly became dumbfounded!Good... so good!Brother Tie Dan is mighty and brave!
Tie Dan stepped onto the black iron tower: "It's an eyesore, throw it out."

Several younger brothers hurried forward to handle it with care, and moved the Black Iron Tower out of the newcomer training camp.

Tie Dan went back and continued speaking.

The two instructors poked their heads out of the tent, why there was no movement at all, what about people?

"Dahei is really trash." Ouyang Ruhua snorted coldly and waved his hands. Since one can't handle it, let's do both!
Can't handle two?That's three!My aunt has plenty of faces!

Tiedan doesn't matter anyway, come one, crack one, two, crack two, three, crack three, a group, a group!
Ouyang Ruhua never thought that Tie Dan was so strong, and she also blamed herself for being so useless!
At the same time, Ouyang Ruhua's heart felt even more itchy, thinking that ordinary earth immortals are no match for Tie Dan, it seems that he has to find a real master!However, Bai Feng's master and his younger brother Ouyang Bao both went to participate in the arena competition in the Immortal Palace, and they are still on their way back now, beyond their reach!
Ouyang Ruhua is grinding her teeth, so I'll let you dance around for a few days first, and when my younger brother comes back, I'll see you!
The younger brothers in the rookie camp admired Tie Dan so much. In just a few days, the reputation of Big Brother Tie Dan has spread throughout the Baifeng Little Fairyland. Everyone knows that a Yushu Linfeng, An iron egg with unparalleled combat power and unlimited achievements in the future!

Many fairies made a special trip to the training camp to meet Tie Dan, and then took the initiative to invite Tie Dan to enjoy the moon, flowers and gardens at night.

Tiedan all replied in the same way: sorry, no time.

Ouyang is looking forward to it like a flower, Ouyang Bao and the others are back!
(End of this chapter)

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