Chapter 318
Ouyang Ruhua didn't even give the high-spirited Ouyang Bao the time to sit down for a sip of tea and make out with his two beautiful wives. He hurriedly pushed the door open and yelled, "Brother, your sister, I'm being bullied! You have to make the decision for me." ah!"

Can't you take it easy, Ouyang Bao couldn't help but smiled wryly, but he still knew very well about his elder sister's temper, and never gave up until she reached her goal!
Mu Yiqiu and Pu Yixue snickered secretly at the side, they stayed behind Bai Feng, so they naturally knew what happened, they didn't like this sister with many faces very much, and it was nice to see her deflated.

Ouyang Bao glanced at the two wives in amazement, and asked his sister what happened, I'll go, it turned out to be that shit!It's obviously that little guy named Tie Dan who is being bullied by you, okay? If he didn't have two brushes, he would have been beaten by you to be paralyzed, and then tied to the bed by you to do whatever he wants!

But that little guy is really not very sensible, he lacks the minimum respect for his elder sister, so let him understand the rules!Ouyang Bao immediately arranged for his sister to send two capable generals, and sent her away.

Ouyang Ruhua vigorously led the two fighters directly to the rookie training ground, handsome iron egg, let's see how arrogant you are this time, obediently lick your aunt's feet, quack!
It can be regarded as leaving, Ouyang Bao couldn't wait, hugged Mu Yiqiu and Pu Yixue on the left and right, and walked towards the big bed.Let the five beauties gathered in the fairy palace stand aside, my two beautiful wives are the real first and second beauties!
It's broad daylight!Mu Yiqiu and Pu Yixue also knew that Ouyang Bao had been holding back for several days, so they had to obey him and took the initiative to undress him.

Mu Yiqiu complained: "Husband, Sister Ruhua is too much, I heard that that iron egg is a good seedling, so don't let it go to waste."

Ouyang Bao clicked his tongue, shrugged and said: "This is what the old man meant. The more protruding newcomers, the more likely they are spies planted by Tianjianmen or other forces. Although it is a peaceful time, it is just turning Ming Zheng into Cold war, the water is deep! But don't be careless!"

Mu Yiqiu and Pu Yixue looked at each other, forget it, let's not meddle in your men's affairs.

"Husband, you showed your prowess in the ring competition this time, sister Yiqiu and I came up with a new trick specially to reward you." Pu Yixue said affectionately.

Ouyang Bao was elated when he heard it, his heart was itching, and he couldn't wait, so let's start now!Aww~
As a result, Ouyang Bao had just enjoyed it for a while, and was fascinated, when Ouyang Ruhua slammed into the door and yelled: "Brother, what kind of subordinates are you? Overturned!"

Mu Yiqiu and Pu Yixue exclaimed and hurriedly hid in the bed, what are they doing!

your sister!No, your brother-in-law's!Ouyang Bao was so frightened that he almost didn't move on the spot, he hammered the big bed angrily, and forced his anger to say: "Sister, what are you doing!"

It's broad daylight, you guys are all on it!Ouyang Ruhua curled her lips and complained angrily: "Brother, what kind of master did you give me! Who are you fooling!"

ah?Ouyang Bao was startled, and only poked his head out of the bed curtain, and said in surprise: "The Feng brothers lost?"

Ouyang Ruhua rolled her eyes and complained: "It's not that I lost, I was slapped by Tiedan directly, and then I passed out! I'm so fucking embarrassed!"

Are the Feng brothers underestimating the enemy?Ouyang Bao frowned and said: "The two of them are good players that I managed to recruit, and this time they also won a big ring at the last moment!" Could it be that they consumed too much?
Mu Yiqiu and Pu Yixue also got their heads out of the bed in surprise.

Ouyang Ruhua yelled: "But the two of them clearly can't do it! They are still lying on the ground at the moment, brother, give me the best, I have to find my place!"

Ouyang Bao pondered for a moment, nodded his head and said: "Then I will let the Four King Kongs go with you! If the Four King Kongs are not even the opponent of Tiedan, sister, you can go directly to the old man, and there is nothing I can do." Even so It is said that Ouyang Bao still has great confidence in the Four King Kongs, even if the Celestial Immortal is surrounded and beaten by the Four King Kongs, his front teeth will be knocked out.

Ouyang Ruhua's complexion changed, how dare she really bother the old man with this matter, isn't this just a joke!Ouyang Ruhua still knows the power of the Four Great King Kongs. They are all based on senior earth immortals. They give up the opportunity to become a heavenly immortal and constantly train their bodies to strengthen their own bodies. The strength of the possessor far surpasses that of ordinary senior earth immortals. The fighting power is second to that of a fairy!Thinking that Iron Egg is only an Earth Immortal, how could it be the opponent of the Four King Kongs!This time he must look good!
Ouyang Ruhua hurriedly led the Four King Kong to find Tie Dan's bad luck!

Rookie training ground.

The two instructors are serving tea and water to Tie Dan, brother Tie Dan, you are so brave and brave!The Feng family brothers are our top experts in Baifeng, and they even gave you a slap and a remake. Aren't you a proper fairy seed, and we will all follow behind you in the future!You eat meat, let's drink soup!

"Oh, brother Tie Dan, that woman brought four strong men over again, it's not easy to mess with! Brother, be careful." A younger brother ran into the tent in a panic.

"What are you panicking about?" Tie Dan waved his hand, and Shi Shiran walked out of the tent amidst the stars and moonlight of his younger brothers.

"Tie Dan~" Ouyang Ruhua pointed at Tie Dan with a half-smile, and hummed, "It was just an appetizer just now, but this time it's a meat dish. Sensible, kneel down and lick it now." My aunt's foot, my aunt will spare your life."

"Why so much nonsense!" Tie Dan curled his lips in disdain, and glanced at the four strong men, hey, it looks like copper oil has been smeared all over his body, is this body training?It's a bit troublesome, of course it's not that Tie Dan can't beat it, but the senior earth immortal who refines his body has good combat power, if he slaps him again, he will be exposed.

Ouyang Ruhua gritted his teeth and said, "You four go together! Let my aunt break his limbs, and my aunt will keep him in an urn, so he can cook!"

The Four King Kongs are full-time thugs, so what should the master tell them to do!The four of them rushed towards Tie Dan fiercely!
The younger brothers felt the arrogance of the Four King Kong's outbursts, and they couldn't help but be terrified. They knew deeply that if they were themselves, they would be beaten to death if they met each other.

Who is Iron Egg?The majestic master of the Mingcheng Pavilion, there is only Erwazi who can be equal to him in his life, and it is difficult to distinguish between the two!Mo Xuan sits down and is recognized as the eldest disciple, the son of destiny who has no one in hundreds of millions!
It's just four big fools, of course Tie Dan can cover them!

"Come on, kill him! Hit him! Kick him! Oops!" Ouyang Ruhua jumped up and down, wishing she could fight herself!

The Iron Egg Spirit Monkey usually punches and kicks around the Four King Kongs, and generally plays with the Four King Kongs between its palms!
The Four King Kongs didn't pay much attention to Tie Dan at first, thinking that it was easy to catch, but who knew that after a fierce fight, there was nothing they could do with Tie Dan, instead the four of us were beaten up with black noses and swollen faces!How unreasonable!

Ouyang Ruhua gritted her teeth for a while, what are the Four King Kong doing, but quickly take down the iron egg!
The Four Great King Kongs are not completely stupid, they were also born in Qi training, since their fists and feet are not the opponents of Tiedan at all, then it is better to compete in Taoism!

As a result... If you talk too much, you will be in tears!Better than fists and kicks, the Four King Kong can barely hold on, but compared to Taoism, they are no match for Tie Dan at all!After a while, King Kong was naked, and his hair and eyebrows were all burned off!Woah!
After fighting fiercely for half an hour, the four King Kongs fell to the ground one after another.Tie Dan also pretended to be out of breath and drenched all over.

Ouyang Ruhua stared at Tie Dan in a daze, not knowing what to say!
The little brothers woke up like a dream, and burst into cheers, the big brother is brave and invincible!We adore you so much!
Tie Dan smiled at Ouyang Ruhua.

Ouyang Ruhua was so frightened that her face turned pale, she hurriedly took a few steps back, and stammered, "You...don't act recklessly!"

Tie Dan sneered, turned and left.The younger brothers followed closely behind, surrounded by Tie Dan, as if celebrating a festival.

Ouyang Ruhua's face turned red and white, gritted her teeth, stomped her feet angrily, and left angrily.This time, Ouyang Ruhua didn't bother Ouyang Bao anymore.

After Ouyang Bao and his two beautiful wives fell in love, while reminiscing endlessly, he suddenly remembered the matter of Tie Dan. Although he thought it was a proper matter, he still checked it out. The main thing was that he didn't want his sister to go too far. people.

Who would have thought... Nima, what happened, the Four King Kongs all kneeled? !Ouyang Bao got up suddenly, checked in detail, and couldn't help being shocked!That iron egg is so powerful, even the Four King Kong teamed up are no match for him!Isn't he much stronger than me!
Ouyang Bao also had to pay attention. He found his sister and inquired about what happened at that time carefully.But how?
Many angels in Baifeng heard about Tie Dan, and they were amazed, the Four King Kongs are not weak, but they were beaten to the ground by a little guy from the rookie camp, how capable!These days, there are quite a lot of rookies who show up. Isn't Chi Yu's Wang Hu just being disgraced by a pockmarked and ugly newcomer?
Ouyang Bao finally found Grandpa Bai Huan and reported the incident.

Xuanxian Bai Huan had heard about Tie Dan before, so he smiled lightly and said, "Since Tie Dan is so capable, it really doesn't make sense to not use it. You can handle the details."

Ouyang Bao gave a deep bow, pushed it out, secretly thinking about the meaning of his grandfather, by the way, the policies and strategies formulated are not important, it does not mean that they are not used!
If talents like Tie Dan are lost and turn to other forces, it will be a great loss for us Baifeng, so we would rather rot than let him go for nothing!
Don’t you want to stand out, we will give you a chance, but if you can’t grasp it, or if you make a mistake, then you can’t blame us. You will be imprisoned for 80 years, enough for you to drink a pot!

Ouyang Bao nodded, and then he issued an order to arrange a super troublesome job for Tie Dan.

Tie Dan smiled complacently, this is not the first time, he waved his sleeves: "If you don't want to be a waste in the rookie camp for the rest of your life, follow the young master!"

Hurrah, the younger brothers all followed Tiedan and left the rookie camp.

After Ouyang Bao learned about it, he couldn't help but smile, the little guy is still a little hot, so let's wait and see how long you can laugh!
When Tie Dan forcibly took the lead, the other friends were not idle either.

(End of this chapter)

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