Interstellar Miner

Chapter 319 is imminent

Chapter 319 is imminent
Erwazi and Zhang Qinxin won a big ring each, making their long-winded sect master happy from ear to ear, and his mouth became even more long-winded.

Mazi's defeat of Wang Hu caused an uproar.

Tian Wanghu has always had a dark face these days, especially when the number one competitor Ouyang Bao won a big ring, and Cheng Chuan also won a big ring, but he was the only one who lost the ring!Wang Hu was really unhappy, but Chiyu and Fengshengfang were far away, with the Heavenly Sword Gate in between, even if he wanted to find trouble for Mazi, it would be difficult!How depressed!
Taoist Fengsheng was always worried along the way, for fear that Wang Hu would intercept him halfway and take revenge, so he said earnestly to Mazi: "Junior brother, I know you are powerful, but you have to look at your opponent, Wang Hu is no ordinary second-generation fairy!" , he is Chi Yu's prince, a big brother on equal footing with Ouyang Bao, our little Fengshengfang can't afford to offend him!"

Mazi waved his hand disapprovingly, and comforted him, "Well, I know that, we are so far away from Chiyu, what are we afraid of! Even if he really comes to the door, I will follow." Actually, Mazi is the most important thing. I still want to show off in front of those beauties and pave the way for the future!

Taoist Fengsheng sighed secretly, Junior Brother Mazi is really a newborn calf not afraid of tigers, he is really aggressive!But this time the younger brother defeated Wang Hu at the last moment, which really made a big splash for our Fengshengfang, and almost instantly became the big brother of the surrounding forces. From now on, we should leave all the matters of the sect to the younger brother. Peace of mind retreat practice is.

Xiaohua and the master of the blue and white sect also each won a big arena, everyone in the blue and white sect was overjoyed, Xiaohua is already firmly seated on the second in command throne, and she and the master of the blue and white sect are even more like sisters, that's it!

Qi Haoxuan made a big show, and returned to Fenghuo Academy with Qiu Yemeng, taking the opportunity to chase and fight fiercely.The two sisters Linglong and Zheng Ling also opened their eyes and closed their eyes. Junior brother Qi Haoxuan is indeed a dragon among men, and Xiaomeng and Xiaomeng can be regarded as a match made in heaven. If they can be together, it will be a beautiful thing.

Well, sisters Linglong and Zheng Ling still feel very sorry. It would be great if Xiaomeng could be with Senior Moxuan!We can also get closer to senior Mo Xuan, hey~

Tongqian, Siliang, Aniu, and Baitiao have all become heroes of their respective forces, and they took the opportunity to develop their respective forces!


After a month and a half of hardships, the little ones finally stopped, or rather accepted it, obediently became the disciples of the Longevity Sect, and worked hard to cultivate immortality from morning to night every day.

Hao Changsheng and Niu Niu didn't have much peace of mind, they were used to teaching outstanding disciples before, and now they teach these disciples with mediocre aptitude, hey~ are all of them dumb-headed?How to teach and how not to understand, teach over and over again, or forget it later!
Both Hao Changsheng and Niu Niu felt the urge to break the jar, but they still had to be patient and work hard to help the disciples lay a solid foundation, otherwise it would be difficult for the little ones to become immortals!

Yu Nianzu gradually came to the fore, perhaps it had a lot to do with Hao Changsheng's promise that he would send him home as long as he cultivated immortality for a month.Yu Nianzu devotes all his attention to cultivating immortals, and the progress is gratifying, he has already become the elder brother of Changshengzong.

Together, Hao Changsheng and Niuniu will suffer if this continues. The talents of the little guys are really mediocre, and it seems that they can only take the road of making up for one's weakness with hard work.

How can hard work make up for one's weakness?Easy!
When the heavens send a great mission to the people, they must first suffer from their will, exhaust their muscles and bones, and starve their bodies and skins.Back then, in order to allow the disciples to successfully draw Qi into the body, the Lingdong School always carried water and chopped firewood to strengthen their bodies, and it took them three full years of training!

Let's do the same!Let the little guys know how powerful they are. Cultivating immortals is not about going to a private school. If you want to study, you can study. If you don’t want to study, you can take leave to rest. It's possible, I can only look at the more and more distant backs of others and sigh, regretting the beginning!
Hao Changsheng sang "Black Face", holding a black bamboo stick, shouting and drinking; Niuniu sang "Red Face", giving the disciples careful and gentle care.

In layman's terms, it is to give a date with a stick, to scare and coax the disciples to work hard and be positive!
It's really embarrassing for this young couple!
But at this time, Bai Meier, the son of destiny of the Yaozu, is really having a hard time!Bai Meier was furious, but Huang Wu Xiaoxianjie and the immortals of the Anti-Huangwu Alliance forced the Yaozu compatriots to serve as mounts, and even whipped and kicked them, saving many compatriots, and ended up offending Huangwu Xiaoxianjie and the Anti-Huangwu Alliance Now, a group of monsters have turned into street rats that everyone shouts and beats, so they can only hide in the XZ. Fortunately, Zhang Desheng is watching over them, otherwise it would really be unsustainable!

It can't go on like this!Zhang Desheng persuaded: "Meier, I know you are impatient and want to rescue your compatriots as soon as possible, but right now the third level of time and space is dominated by the human race, and the monster race is weak. We must take a long-term plan. First, we must find a few secret bases. Prepare for a protracted war."

Bai Meier pursed her small mouth, wiggled her eight furry tails, and gave a low hum.

Zhang Desheng saw Meier's drooping ears, big watery eyes and lost energy, and he sighed in his heart. Although he is a human race, Meier is a monster race. As Meier's man, he has to help Meier carry the burden. That burden will do!
Although the loach who supervised the mining at the Black Star Gate and the monkey who joined the Chiyu Small Immortal Realm were suppressed, their strong strength was there, and they had already received some younger brothers, and the little days gradually began to nourish.

Tao Zi from Qianlong Mountain is already the official squadron leader, and no matter how well he performs, the team leader is not too far away.

Black Star Gate headquarters.

This time the real Black Star didn't even participate in the ring competition. He would rather give up a proper big ring with a full [-] Asgard quotas, and put all his thoughts on building a turtle-shell battleship!
Not long after the ring competition in Asgard Palace ended, the tortoise-shell warship built by Real Black Star was finally completed!

The three of Zhuan Sun Hongsheng and the real person Black Star tested and evaluated the tortoise-shell battleship together. My dear, the defensive power is really not covered, and the tortoise-shell battleship deserves its name!

With this tortoise-shell battleship, it can be said that it is safe to cross the boundary membrane and reach the second layer of time and space!

The three of Zhuan Sun Hongsheng were overjoyed, and they were full of praise for the real Black Star, who was a genuinely talented battleship forge.

Real Black Star is also smiling. The cost of this tortoise-shell battleship is almost equal to two four-star warships. Simply weaken the defense, strengthen the transition system, and reduce the cost to create a new series of tortoise-shell warships. Can make a lot of money!
After receiving the news, the various forces reacted differently, and most of them sighed secretly. Now it seems that it will cost money again. After all, the other side has a tortoise-shell warship, but our own side does not. !
It’s not that the real Black Star doesn’t want to monopolize the benefits, it’s just that he knows the truth of being pregnant, so he sells the warship. It doesn’t matter if it’s expensive, but if he doesn’t sell it, then the Black Star Gate will be attacked by a mob and disappear in history In the middle of the river!It's not easy for anyone these days!

Of course, Mo Xuan got the news at the first time, and secretly sighed, it's still coming after all!Forget it, it's nothing to worry about all the time, hurry back to the Qingyuan Little Immortal Realm and get ready!
The three of Zhuan Sun Hongsheng couldn't wait to bid farewell to Real Black Star, and immediately set off for the Immortal Palace in the tortoise-shell battleship, preparing to forcibly break through the boundary membrane near the Immortal Palace and go to the second layer of time and space.

Because the mining authority of the upper fairy world fragment belt has been relaxed, although the defense around the fairy palace is far less fortified than before, it is still quite tight even though it is not loose.

Although the tortoise shell battleship has a strong defense, it is not good in other aspects. It was quickly discovered and stopped by the fleet of the outer defense circle of Asgard.

What kind of weird battleship is this?The immortals in the battleships in the defense circle were all unknown, so they stared at the tortoise shell battleship.

Zhuan Sun Hongsheng flew out of the battleship and said loudly: "The three of us are not interested in the Immortal Palace, please let me go."

Although most people don't know Zhuan Sun Hongsheng and three people yet, the person in charge of the outer defense circle has seen the image of Zhuan Sun Hongsheng and three people. report.

Soon the seven celestial beings who were in charge of guarding this round of Asgard rushed over in a hurry.

Fan Shi and Yi Xiuzhu also flew out of the tortoise shell battleship, floating beside Zhuan Sun Hongsheng.

The two camps are confronting each other, and the Tianxian camp is obviously in a weak position.

Yu Dongxian of the Black Star Sect had already received the news from the Sect Master in advance and acted as a peacemaker.

The three of Zhuan Sun Hongsheng just want to enter the fragmented area of ​​the upper fairy world; the seven heavenly immortals are only responsible for guarding the fairy palace, and there is no reason for the two sides to conflict.

The seven celestial beings also knew that they were not the opponents of Zhuan Sun Hongsheng and the others, so they tactfully stepped aside.

The three of Zhuan Sun Hongsheng said some polite words, and drove the tortoise-shell battleship into the upper debris zone, and soon disappeared in front of the immortals.

The seven celestial beings hurriedly sent news to their respective sects, temporarily standing still, and still guarding the fairy palace.

In fact, the easiest way to travel to the second level of time and space is to go through the black hole in the Asgard Square, but Zhuan Sun Hongsheng and the other three wanted to act in secret, so they had to adopt a more thankless method, forcibly breaking through from the fragmented area of ​​the upper fairy world. Break through the boundary membrane, and then rely on the tortoise shell battleship to break through!

It’s easy to say, but not so easy to implement!
First of all, the boundary membrane does not mean that it can be pierced through. Moreover, the third layer of time and space is sandwiched between the second layer of time and space and the fourth layer of time and space, so there are two layers of boundary membrane. Boundary membrane, without the body of black ice, just relying on the tortoise shell battleship is quite enough, there will be casualties in seven or eight out of ten!
The three of Zhuan Sun Hongsheng didn't dare to be careless in the slightest, they formed a triangular formation with their hands together, concentrating on sensing the existence of the boundary membrane together.

This feeling took a full forty hours!

Got it!

The three of Zhuan Sun Hongsheng pushed out a palm in one direction, blasting out a huge black hole with a diameter of [-] meters!

The three of Zhuan Sun Hongsheng hurriedly boarded the tortoise shell warship, and bravely rushed into the black hole!
Visible to the naked eye, the black hole gradually shrinks, and finally heals completely, as if it never existed before!
After the tortoise-shell battleship rushed into the black hole, it seemed to be sucked into a super tornado, the sky was spinning, and the ship was shaking violently!
The three Zhuan Sun Hongsheng who were staying in the battleship could even hear the harsh and sharp sound of the battleship shell being squeezed, twisted and cut.

The three of Zhuan Sun Hongsheng all turned pale, and they were frightened. They came from the fourth layer of time and space to the third layer of time and space before, they were frozen in the black ice, and they had no intuition!It turns out that crossing the boundary membrane is such a terrifying thing!
It seems that a quarter of an hour has passed, and it seems that hundreds of millions of years have passed, the hull trembled violently, and suddenly calmed down!

Is it done?Zhuan Sun Hongsheng and the others took a deep breath, and carefully flew out of the tortoise shell battleship, only to see the endless dark void, without any sound, without even a ray of light! !
The three of Zhuan Sun Hongsheng looked at each other in amazement, is this really the second layer of time and space?

Zhuan Sun Hongsheng hurriedly took out the soul lamp of Young Master Taiyi, and the trembling and weak flame inside the transparent glass cover swelled several times, jumped happily, and the tip of the flame deviated to one direction!
Huh!That's right!This is the second layer of time and space!Young Master Taiyi is right here!The three of Zhuan Sun Hongsheng looked and looked in all directions in a daze, but there was really no light at all!

Occasionally go!What happened to the second layer of time and space?Why does it seem that there is no star at all!
The three of Zhuan Sun Hongsheng calmed down and checked the tortoise-shell warship. Alas, the shell seemed to be eaten by tens of thousands of dogs. It was pitted and pitted, which was horrible. However, most of the middle defensive shell was still preserved, and the inner defensive shell was almost intact. This defense is really awesome!
Zhuan Sun Hongsheng and the other three nodded approvingly. After repairing it, it should be able to support another time through the boundary membrane!Give Real Black Star a thumbs up!
Zhuan Sun Hongsheng released the mini battleship stored in Xuebai Fingers, with the mini battleship as the leader, he took the tortoise-shell warship to the position of Young Master Taiyi!
(End of this chapter)

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