Chapter 320
At the same time, Kong Jiandaojun's Immortal Heaven.

"Here we come!" Mo Xuan clapped his hands and stood up abruptly.

Daoist Kong Jian groaned and stroked his goatee, what was supposed to come finally came!

The five of Gao Shan and the others took action earlier, issuing small orders one after another, shrinking the various ministries of Kongjianmen as quietly as possible, prepared and prepared
Although Lu Zhi didn't know why, he also conscientiously carried out the orders of Lord Kong Jiandao.Lu Zhi wondered if Daojun got some gossip that Hei Ming was going to call secretly?There seems to be no movement in the other three sects, just leave them alone and take care of ourselves.

The three of Zhuan Sun Hongsheng flew the mini-warship for a while, mainly because they reckoned that the fairyland fragments filled from the third layer of space-time should be not too far away. As expected, the mini-warship soon sensed the existence of the fleet!

Huh!There is no light at all in that direction, weird!
Zhuan Sun Hongsheng left the black tortoise shell battleship in place for the time being, and made the mini battleship invisible and touched it quietly.

Oh~ It turned out that the debris field was surrounded by various large square grids, and many magic circles were arranged inside, so that there was no light at all. It is really a clever technique.

But... Is it the Qingyuan Little Immortal Realm or the Heiming Little Immortal Realm that occupies this place?
The three of Zhuan Sun Hongsheng waited and watched for a while, but they still couldn't tell the difference. The outer warships looked quite different from Qingyuan's warships, and they would be easily spotted if they got closer.

Forget it, no matter whether they belong to Qing Yuan or Hei Ming, our whereabouts must be kept secret, so we don't want to make any troubles!Zhuan Sun Hongsheng and the others quietly turned back, took the tortoise-shell warship around the area, and jumped directly in the direction of Young Master Taiyi.

Mo Xuan waited for a while, heaved a sigh of relief, and said, "It seems that the three of them are going to sneak into the Qingyuan Little Immortal Realm directly!"

Kong Jiandao nodded slightly, then let's catch the three of them by surprise and don't give them a chance to make trouble!
The three of Zhuan Sun Hongsheng were very cautious and did not jump recklessly over a long distance. They approached the position of Young Master Taiyi little by little. After spending a full month, they finally approached the outer defense of the Qingyuan Little Immortal Realm. lock up.

Zhuan Sun Hongsheng and the others first stored the tortoise shell battleship in a distant place, took out dozens of rubbish meteorites from the ring and scattered them around, looking very low-key and feeling safe, and then drove the invisible The miniature battleship quietly approached Qingyuan Xiaoxianjie.

Not long after the three of them left, a small fleet came here for a routine patrol and found this small piece of meteorite. It was a pleasant surprise. I didn't expect to encounter a meteorite around Qingyuan Xiaoxianjie. The grades are so high, they are all good meteorites above the first grade, you are getting rich!
The small fleet happily went over to mine the meteorite, only to find a tortoise-shell battleship hiding inside. Although it looked like it had been eaten by tens of thousands of dogs, it should indeed be a battleship!
Fuck!The small fleet was shocked, thinking that the warship was sneaked by Hei Ming, and immediately surrounded the turtle-shell battleship, and hurriedly reported the situation to the higher authorities!

"Come out! Come out quickly!" "If you don't come out again, we will fire!"..."Fire!"

"Boom boom boom..."

As soon as the small fleet focused their fire, it was discovered, Nima, although this battleship looks like it has been eaten by tens of thousands of dogs, it is extremely horrible, but its defense is so strong that it cannot be moved at all. ah!By the way, is there anyone in there?Why is there no response at all?It's a squeak!

Soon a nearby Gu Xinmen, Zheng Tianrui, rushed over and looked at the tortoise shell warship. It was a model that had never been seen before. Could it be that this is the latest warship developed by Heiming?The defense is really strong!But isn't this a great gift?It's actually hidden under Qing Yuan's nose, and surrounded by extremely precious Grade A meteorites in such a high-profile way, treat us as blind!

Not to mention such a small piece of dozens of first-class meteorites, we will not let go of even the most garbage meteorite!Hei Ming, who's brain is showing off!
Huh!There seems to be no one inside!Wait, is it possible that this battleship is filled with a lot of explosives, trying to blow us up by surprise?Very possible!I have to guard against it, wasn't our warship forging master killed by the self-destructing enemy ship, and suffered heavy losses!

Zheng Tianrui thought to himself, it is very likely that there is more than just such a warship, there is no reason for Hei Ming to just play around like this, there may be more around!

Zheng Tianrui hurriedly reported the situation to Mr. Gu Xindao!

Soon, the entire Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm was under full martial law, and a large number of fleets swept across the surrounding area of ​​Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm!
The three of Zhuan Sun Hongsheng were amazed, the defense system of the Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm is really powerful, and there are many types of warships, it seems that the development is really good!But in terms of battleship technology, our fourth-level space-time is more powerful!

The invisible mini-battleship silently passed through the gaps in Qingyuan's battleship group, and soon saw Qingyuan's Little Immortal Realm.

Oh, what a huge volume!It can't be seen at all that it is the original corner. The young master Taiyi is indeed magnificent and powerful. No wonder the ancestor of Qingyuan Jinxian is always obsessed with it.

The three of Zhuan Sun Hongsheng flew into the atmosphere in a mini battleship, and they couldn't help frowning secretly, the aura is so thin, the second layer of time and space is too poor!These years have been really hard, Young Master Taiyi!

"It's here!" Mo Xuan clapped his hands hard, I waited until the flowers were almost withered!

Daoist Kong Jian notified the other three Daojuns immediately that he had discovered an enemy ship that had sneaked in, and they should be rounded up quickly!
Enemy ship? !Taiyi, Chihaya, and Daoist Gu Xin couldn't help being taken aback, we didn't feel it at all, but judging from the analysis of the battle situation in the Immortal War, Kong Jiandao seems to have an extremely outstanding talent in sensing the reality of the enemy's army. Able to win consecutive battles and beat the mighty dragon Hei Ming!
Since Daoist Kong Jian said so, it must not be groundless, there should be an enemy ship sneaking in!

The three Taoist monarchs couldn't help being concerned. Back then, it was a black warship that sneaked into Qingyuan, hooked up with the sea monster, and stirred up Qingyuan. A large number of spirit islands were bloodbathed, causing heavy losses!

The three Taoists hastily arranged a large number of people, and quietly laid a net of heaven and earth at the location that Taoist Kong Jian said.

Seeing that the infiltration was about to succeed, the three of Zhuan and Sun Hongsheng were rejoicing when they suddenly found that they had fallen into the net of heaven and earth, unable to fly!
Zhuan, Sun Hongsheng and the three couldn't help but gasp, what...what's going on?Have we been found out? !How was it discovered?impossible!
Lord Kong Jiandao went into battle in person, and coldly shouted into the empty air, "Are you going to show up by yourself, or should we invite you out!"

Mo Xuan's true face was seen by Zhuan Sun Hongsheng and the three, so they did not participate in the round-up, but watched from a distance and suppressed the formation. Mo Que'er and Xiaoba, who had recovered their true face, assisted Kong Jiandaojun in arresting him on the spot.If you dare to break through, Xiaoba will serve you directly, so don't even think about running away!
Oh no!Simply the worst!Zhuan Sun Hongsheng and the other three looked at me and I looked at you, they smiled helplessly, they couldn't figure it out, how could it be like this?Shouldn't it be invisible? How did we get discovered? !
Forced to break through?But there are at least ten heavenly immortals around, hundreds of senior earth immortals and a large number of warships besieging them, it is difficult to fly with wings!
"I can only count to three! One!" Kong Jiandao raised his right hand!

Although none of Qingyuan's disciples, battleships, or even the immortals sensed the existence of the miniature battleships, they all trusted Daoist Kong Jiandao, were fully on guard, prepared the formula, and were ready to attack the void at any time!


no solution anymore!You can't really beat your own people!The three of Zhuan Sun Hongsheng had no choice but to make the mini battleship appear!

"Wow!" There was a commotion in Qing Yuan's side, what kind of battleship is this?It's so small, it can still be so perfectly invisible, it's the first time I've seen it!If it weren't for our master Kong Jiandao's supernatural powers, we would have been successfully infiltrated by it!Fortunately!
Zhuan Sun Hongsheng hurriedly said: "Dear friends, please be safe and don't be impatient. We are the envoys sent by Qingyuan Laoxian from the fourth level of time and space. I am Zhuan Sun Hongsheng. Maybe some Taoist friends still remember."

Um?The emissary of the old Qingyuan? !

One stone caused a thousand waves!

Is this true?Or is it someone from Hei Ming pretending to be?But the stealth technology of this mini battleship is obviously not what Hei Ming can have now!it is true? !
Zhuan Sun Hongsheng?A senior celestial being from Qianzao sect remembered the name, and hurriedly sent a sound transmission to Mr. Kong Jiandao.

Lord Kong Jiandao slightly nodded his head, remaining calm.

The three of Zhuan Sun Hongsheng slowly flew out of the mini-warship, and bowed to the surroundings: "Dear fellows, long time no see!"

Kong Jiandao looked at Zhuan Sun Hongsheng and the three in surprise and remained silent.

The rest of Qingyuan's staff is still on alert.

The atmosphere is awkward and subtle!

At this time, the three Taoist monarchs Taiyi, Qianzao, and Gu Xin hurried over.

Seeing Lord Taiyi, the three of Zhuan Sun Hongsheng hurriedly bowed deeply: "I pay my respects to Young Master Taiyi."

Lord Taiyi took a look at the three of Zhuan Sun Hongsheng, and a smile appeared on his handsome face like a crown jade, and asked: "So it's you, grandpa, is he in good health?"

He is really his own!It's Lao Qingyuan's emissary!Everyone in Qingyuan stared at the three Zhuan Sun Hongsheng and the mini battleship!

By the way, Young Master Taiyi?Our Lord Taiyi is really the second generation of immortals!
There are also senior heavenly immortals who know the basics and know the basics, secretly frowning, the grandfather of Lord Taiyi is the ancestor of Qingyuan Jinxian!Back then, because of Lord Qianzao, Lord Taiyi and his family had a very tense fight. Could it be that Qingyuan Jinxian Patriarch sent these three over...

"The old ancestor is in good health, but he misses you very much, young master, so we specially sent three of our senior brothers to pick you up." Zhuan Sun Hongsheng maintained a bowing posture, and replied respectfully.

Pick up? !
What kind of pick-up? !

Qing Yuan was stunned, staring at Zhuan Sun Hongsheng and the other three, what do you mean?Could it be that you have spent a lot of trouble to come to this layer of time and space just to take away our Taidao Lord?What shall we do then?
Taiyi, Qianzao, and Gu Xin frowned and exchanged glances. They had already guessed the intention of Zhuan Sun Hongsheng and the three of them.
Mr. Taiyi coughed lightly and said, "This is not a place to talk, go to my fairyland."

The three of Zhuan Sun Hongsheng responded respectfully, and Zhuan Sun Hongsheng put the mini battleship into the snow-white wrench.Everyone in Qingyuan was astonished, the battleship can still be stored in the magic weapon, what kind of amazing technology is this?
Lord Taiyi sent a voice transmission to Taoist Kong Jian: "Fellow Daoist, please go together, and Mo Que'er will be with you too."

Lord Kong Jiandao nodded slightly in response.

Lord Taiyi was still not at ease, and informed Taishi Li again, since his grandfather sent him to kidnap him, he must have a Xuanxian-level combat power, so it is difficult to deal with!Why did it happen at this time? If Qingyuan Xiaoxianjie has been promoted to the third level of time and space, we will all become Xuanxian, so we will have enough confidence!Now it's a group of celestial beings against three mysterious celestial beings, that's enough!

(End of this chapter)

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