Interstellar Miner

Chapter 321 Forced Marriage

Chapter 321 Forced Marriage
Taiyi Monarch Hall.

Taiyi, Qianzao, Gu Xin, and Kong Jian are sitting on the high platform.

Headed by Mo Que'er, Xi Tian, ​​Jiang Zuo, and Koma Ye, the Qingyuan Dayi group of immortals stood together.

Standing together, the three of Zhuan Sun Hongsheng looked very weak.

But none of the angels in Qingyuan dared to underestimate Zhuan Sun Hongsheng and the three of them. They couldn't see through the three of them. Don't think too much, it must be the three powerful Xuanxians!Be good, old Qingyuan Immortal Realm is really generous, he sent three Xuanxians in one go!It seems that the time and space on the fourth floor are mixed very well!

Because the most important person in Qingyuan has not yet arrived, the four Taoist monarchs remained silent.

The gods whispered, these three mysterious immortals should have come to pick up Lord Taiyi to leave, but judging from their sneaky behavior, they probably planned to kidnap Lord Taiyi directly without anyone noticing!It's really a good idea!
But once you do that, Lord Taiyi disappears inexplicably, and our Qingyuan will be messed up!Hei Ming was given a chance to take advantage of the situation, and our Qingyuan Little Immortal Realm has worked so hard to achieve the current climate, how can we let you do whatever you want!

The three of Zhuan Sun Hongsheng also looked at Qingyuan's celestial beings, tsk tsk, there are so many talents, most of them are new faces, and those who can become celestial beings in the lower time and space, and in the fourth time and space, most of them can become Xuanxian , are all good seedlings!

Zhuan, Sun Hongsheng and the others looked and looked at Lord Kong Jiandao again and again. The traces of their own party were obviously seen through by this one. Although we don't know him, he was able to follow Taiyi, Qianzao, and Gu Xin. A Taoist monarch who sits on an equal footing is definitely not someone to wait for!

Master Kong Jiandao remained calm, discussing urgently with Mo Xuan in private, how to smooth things over in case things get messed up later.

"Oh, old Qingyuan is here, tsk tsk, he has the nerve to send someone over!" Li Taishi walked into the hall with his hands behind his back and humming.

Who is this guy, so old-fashioned!Zhuan Sun Hongsheng and the others glanced at Li Taishi, but he was a young and strong boy with a bald head, wait a minute, bald head?Could this be... Zhuan Sun Hongsheng and the others involuntarily took a step back. Even after so many years, Grand Master Li's fierce reputation is still as loud as thunder!Old Qingyuan's famous characters have all been beaten to the ground by Li Taishi!
Grand Master Li glanced at the main hall, wondering, didn't Xiao Xuanzi come back, didn't he come to join in the fun?
Grand Master Li gave Zhuan Sun Hongsheng and the other three a look, walked to the high platform, threw a futon and sat down, and asked, "Why did that kid Huang Hongzhuo send the three of you over?"

Zhuan, Sun Hongsheng and the others secretly smiled wryly, Qing Yuan is the only one who dares to call the ancestor by his name, you, the oldest senior.We are not qualified to make irresponsible remarks, we were not even born when Taishi Li dominated Qingyuan!

Zhuan Sun Hongsheng expressed his intention in the future respectfully.

Grand Master Li glanced at Mr. Tai Yidao, smiled and said, "What else? That boy Huang Hongzhuo couldn't have forgotten me!"

besides?what else?Zhuan Sun Hongsheng and the three looked at each other in astonishment, and suddenly remembered the piece of talisman. If it was not used, it would be very confident, but now it is gone, so they can only shake their heads guiltily, just to pick up the young master Taiyi. , really nothing else!

Taishi Li snorted and sneered twice, and said to Lord Taiyi: "Xiaoyi, what are your plans?"

Lord Taiyi did not answer immediately, but asked Zhuan Sun Hongsheng and the three old Qingyuan about their status after they advanced.

Zhuan Sun Hongsheng and the others had already told Mo Xuan once before, and now they spoke vividly and fluently!
What?It turns out that there is really a catastrophe in the advancement of the fairy world, such a powerful old Qingyuan suffered heavy losses, and was forced to divide into eight parts to flee for their lives, and the catastrophe wiped out three parts alive!

All the celestial beings in Qingyuan couldn't help but look heavy. It seems that Xiaoyun is definitely not alarmist. Fortunately, we didn't rush forward, and we have already started to prepare for the great catastrophe!
The corners of the mouths of several Qingyuan's senior angels twitched slightly, wondering if our relatives and friends are healthy?It's not a good time to ask.

Zhuan Sun Hongsheng and the three continued to tell the history of Lao Qingyuan's struggle.

Wow, the fourth level of time and space is really not covered, such a powerful old Qingyuan is struggling, and there is Xiaodaojun above the invincible Qingyuan Jinxian Patriarch!There are still three!

Old Qingyuan actually split up, but fortunately they merged again later!There is an ancestor of the first rank of Jinxian, and the old Qingyuan is only moderately weak, darling, the fourth level of time and space is really hidden dragons, crouching tigers, and masters like forests!
No way, Xuanxian is rotten, and now we have to work hard to become a fairy!Hey~ It seems that I really can't keep up with the times!

Wow, Tower of Infinity, what kind of high-end stuff is this?There is actually an Asgard in the third layer of time and space, why do we have nothing!Well, we've got the dump, Granny the fuck!
The three of Zhuan Sun Hongsheng talked about the relationship between the Immortal Palace and the Tower of Infinity. They should all be the masterpieces of the high-level time and space, and the opening method is to fill in the holes.

The fourth level of time and space has always consciously filled the third level of time and space with precious fragments of the fairy world, but no one could have imagined that the fragments of the third level of time and space fairyland could not be mined, and they kept filling the second level of time and space with dangerous garbage. Add fuel to the fire, which is tolerable or unbearable!
All the angels in Qingyuan are also filled with righteous indignation, how can this be justified!

Zhuan Sun Hongsheng once again explained the future policies of the third level of time and space.

Daoist Kong Jian raised his eyebrows slightly. Fortunately, Zhuan Sun Hongsheng didn't mention Mo Xuan's name, but... I'm afraid it's too much!
What?The three layers of time and space have been determined?From now on, I will never throw away trash anymore, all of them will be filled with precious fragments of the upper fairy world!The garbage dump suddenly evolved into a treasure mine!I made a fortune!All the angels in Qingyuan were overjoyed!

Huh!In this way, shouldn't now be the time to make a fortune? Qianzao, Gu Xin, and Kong Jian's celestial beings can't help but glance at Taidao Lord teasingly. We really haven't heard any news, Gao Ming !

Mr. Taiyi coughed, okay, okay, don’t talk about those irrelevant things, what happens after that?
The three of Zhuan and Sun Hongsheng realized the strangeness of the scene, and exchanged glances, uh... Could it be that what we saw at that time were the subordinates of Young Master Taiyi, but in the end, we got rid of it with our big mouths, sweating!

Zhuan Sun Hongsheng hurriedly continued to tell about the mysteries of the Endless Tower.

All the angels in Qingyuan heard surprises constantly, wow, true or false, so many modes?There is even a special training ground for senior celestial beings, as long as the celestial beings enter the experience, they must be Xuanxians when they come out?Gosh!And such a good thing? !

All the angels in Qingyuan's eyes lit up when they heard it, they were fascinated, they really wanted to enter the Endless Tower to practice earlier.

Zhuan Sun Hongsheng talked so much that his throat was about to smoke, he smacked his lips, and took the opportunity to say to Lord Taiyi: "Young master, you have accumulated so much for so many years, as long as you return to the fourth level of time and space, you don't need to enter the endless tower at all. It is easy to become a Xuanxian. You should go back with us first, the ancestor misses you very much."

All the angels in Qingyuan couldn't help looking at Lord Taiyi, after all...

Mr. Tai Yiyi smiled lightly and said: "It's unfortunate that the three of you came here. Our Qingyuan Little Immortal Realm is about to be promoted. Since the garbage dump is in the past and will be a treasure mine from now on, then our Qingyuan Little Immortal Realm should only need to be promoted. About 1000 years! I am one of the Daoist Lords of the Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm, how can I only care about personal gains and losses, and abandon the Little Immortal Realm.”

Zhuan Sun Hongsheng said earnestly: "Young master, the promotion of the Qingyuan Little Immortal Realm should be a sure thing, but the ancestor's attack on the Xiaodao Lord is the top priority, and there is no room for loss. And the young master, you are the last heart of the ancestor, you still follow Let's go back!"

Lord Taiyi stood up, flicked his sleeves, and said: "I have made up my mind, so don't talk too much. When the time comes, I will naturally return to the fourth layer of time and space, and be with Qingyuan Xiaoxianjie! The three of you will report for me to be safe!"

This... the three of Zhuan Sun Hongsheng, you look at me, I look at you, we have no decision-making power at all!Although the ancestor didn't expressly say that he wanted to kidnap the ticket, we all heard the meaning of persuasion is useless, but now his deeds have been exposed, and if he wants to use force, he wants his own people to beat his own people, and the opponent is a lot of angels. Any odds!
What should we do?Difficult!

The atmosphere in the hall suddenly became very delicate.Although the angels in Qingyuan didn't make a sound, they communicated quickly with their eyes.

Taiyi, Qianzao, and Gu Xin also discussed with their eyes.

Grand Master Li looked at Zhuan Sun Hongsheng and the others with a smirk, and the veins on his forehead were throbbing. The boy Huang Hongzhuo was about to advance to the rank of Little Taoist Lord, but he was still stuck outside the gate of Xuanxian. Is there any hope of catching up?
Lord Kong Jiandao coughed at the right time, and said, "Mr. Taiyi, this is also your housework. Can the others avoid it for the time being?"

Lord Taiyi nodded his head ponderously, and said: "I have a private conversation with fellow Taoist Zhuan Sun Hongsheng, then I will trouble fellow Taoists to accompany Fan Shi and Yi Xiuzhu."

Master Kong Jiandao responded, and he and Qingyuan's angels walked out of the hall with Fan Shi and Yi Xiuzhu, and waited outside the hall.

Grand Master Li also stood up and walked out with his hands behind his back.

The celestial beings in Qingyuan started buzzing immediately, the Tower of Infinity is still too far away, but the Immortal Palace sounds amazing, we can have a good time after being promoted to the third level of time and space, and we don’t have to pick up trash anymore Life is tough!
Only Taiyi, Qianzao, Gu Xin and Zhuan Sun Hongsheng remained in the Daojun Hall.

Lord Taiyi took a deep breath, sat back on the futon, twitched the corner of his mouth, and asked, "How is Gong Shichang?"

Hearing the name Gong Shichang, Daoist Gu Xin's expression changed slightly.Daoist Qianzao secretly glanced at Daoist Gu Xin.

Zhuan Sun Hongsheng replied respectfully: "My young master, my wife has been waiting for your safe return."

Mr. Taiyi frowned, and snorted coldly: "I don't want to repeat it over and over again, I have already canceled the baby kiss I made with Gong Shichang, and I have nothing to do with her!"

Zhuan Sun Hongsheng smiled wryly, young master, can you stop being so willful?The Young Mistress has actually lived in your palace for so many years, this relationship has long been a nail in the coffin, and it is useless not to admit it!
Zhuan Sun Hongsheng sighed and told the truth: "Young master, our Qingyuan can be merged again because the ancestor publicly acknowledged your marriage with Miss Gong, and Miss Gong has lived in your palace for many years, and it is already yours. Ming Media is marrying his wife!"

"Nonsense!" Mr. Taiyi hammered the high platform angrily, furious!

Daoist Gu Xin had an indescribable expression on his face, and slightly raised his head to look at the ceiling of the hall.

Daoist Qianzao gently tugged Taiyi's sleeves, the deal is done, just admit it!Except for Shi Chang's aloof personality, everything else is pretty good.

Zhuan Sun Hongsheng smiled bitterly and said, "Young master, please put the overall situation first. Before we come, the ancestor asked us to bring you a few words."

(End of this chapter)

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