Chapter 323
Zhuan Sun Hongsheng and the other three looked at each other in astonishment when they saw the celestial beings in the hall who were about to die or live, what happened?Could it be that that Moxuan Xuanxian was actually from the Qingyuan Little Immortal Realm, that's impossible!Young Master Taiyi is still just a fairy!
Kong Jian coughed a few times, pretending to be ignorant, turned around and asked Mo Que'er beside him: "Little Que'er, you and Xuan'er have the same name, what's going on?"

Little bird?Ink sparrow?Zhuan Sun Hongsheng was startled, and looked at Mo Que'er in astonishment, should...couldn''s her!The rare heroic spirit between the eyebrows cannot be faked, is it really her?Zhuan Sun Hongsheng was a little stunned, no wonder he was just stared at before, and his heart twitched involuntarily!
All the angels in the hall are staring at Mo Que'er in a daze, what are you talking about!

Mo Que'er pursed her lips, rolled her eyes, and said casually: "It's nothing strange, Xiao Yun said that our time and space is too poor, and the energy is seriously insufficient, so he took us to the third time and space to earn energy." .”

you!Good morning, your ink bird!You didn't even tell us about such an important matter. You guys are so excited in the third layer of time and space. This is already a mysterious fairy, but we are forced to pick up trash and dawdle. It is unbearable!

Mo Que'er snorted coldly, glanced over, curled her lips and said, "This is our private matter, what has nothing to do with you!"

Why it has nothing to do with us, Qingyuan's celestial beings are already out of anger, if it wasn't for Mo Que'er who is so strong that he is dying, and now he is already a powerful Xuanxian, they would have rushed forward, let's talk about it first!

Lord Kong Jiandao coughed twice, and acted as a peacemaker: "Everyone, please be safe and don't be impatient, let Xiaoyun come over."

A senior angel snorted coldly with a dark face: "Don't push everything on Xiaoyun, this is a very big event that concerns the entire Qingyuan Little Immortal World, what's the matter with Mo Xuan and Kong Ling hiding their heads and showing their tails all the time!"

"That's right, what about Mo Xuan, hurry up and explain!"


The Qingyuan celestial beings were furious and noisy.

The three of Zhuan Sun Hongsheng were speechless, they were almost certain that the three of them, Mo Xuan and Xuanxian, were really from the Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm. How did they get to the third level of time and space?Could it be that Mo Xuan's battleship can pass through the boundary membrane at will, that is too formidable!No wonder Immortal Mo Xuan didn't borrow battleships anyway!Also, what happened to Xiaoyun?The three of them, Zhuan and Sun Hongsheng, had also met Xiaoyun, and except for his withdrawn personality, he seemed to be fine.

At this moment of commotion, Mo Xuan, Kong Ling and Xiao Yun walked into the Daojun Hall together.

"Oh, three fellow Taoists, long time no see." Mo Xuan cheerfully exchanged greetings with Zhuan Sun Hongsheng and the three of them.

Zhuan, Sun Hongsheng and the others looked at Mo Xuan in a daze, really not knowing what to say.

Mo Xuan bowed to the four Taoist monarchs and Grand Master Li, and then to the Qingyuan angels, and said cheerfully, "It's quite lively, what's the matter?"

What's the matter, it's not something you figured out!All the angels in Qingyuan glared at Mo Xuan indignantly, but they still didn't dare to attack on the spot, and turned to look at the three Taoist monarchs. It's up to you, the three big brothers, to decide.To be honest, facing Xuanxian Moxuan, Xuanxian Kong Ling and Xuanxian Mo Que'er now, the hearts of all the angels in Qingyuan are really up and down!
Tai Yi, Qian Zao, and Gu Xin exchanged glances, and Tai Yi said: "Mo Xuan, we just heard from Zhuan Sun Hongsheng that the master of the third-level space-time Tianjian Gate is also called Mo Xuan. you?"

Mo Xuan nodded, and replied: "It's me. Actually, I really don't want to be one, but they insist on me being one. I can't refuse, so I can only be one."

All the angels in Qingyuan rolled their eyes straight when they heard it, and they didn't want to think that they were stupid, but they also knew that what Mo Xuan said was true, he was famous for being a hand-throwing shopkeeper!
Mo Xuan shrugged and said, "Let Xiaoyun describe the specific situation."

Xiaoyun coughed lightly, and said: "That's what I mean. The second-level space-time is so poor. Of course, I can't sit still. I can only think of ways to go to the third-level space-time to get some extra money. Don't look at Mo Xuan is now Tianjian." The doorknob also started from scratch, step by step. If you don’t believe me, you can ask Zhuan Sun Hongsheng and them.”

All the angels in Qingyuan looked at Zhuan Sun Hongsheng and the others in unison.

Zhuan Sun Hongsheng pursed his lips, and told him everything he had heard in the third level of time and space.At the beginning, Mo Xuan was just an Earth Immortal, and wanted to join the God of Medicine Valley, which was in crisis, but in the end, God of Medicine Valley didn't want it, so Mo Xuan could only join Tianjianmen, and then he was dispatched to Canglan Star to supervise the mining.

All the angels in Qingyuan were stunned when they heard it. It's too much for the majestic senior brother Kong Jianmen to supervise the mining... All the angels smacked their lips and listened patiently.

Then Huang Wu, the prince of the little monsters in the fairy world, brought a large group of people to find Mo Xuan's bad luck, but was captured by Mo Xuan instead, and sent to a labor camp.As a result, Mo Xuan formed a relationship with Huang Wu Xiaoxianjie.

Later, the Ten Thousand Treasures Conference was held, and Mo Xuan brought the three daughters to participate, but Huang Xiaolong, the prince of Huang Wu Xiaoxian Realm, who had seen through the true appearance of the three daughters, gathered five heavenly immortals and set up a net to snatch the three daughters away.

Fuck!That guy actually felt Aunt Mo Que'er's idea, how kind!The angels in Qingyuan clicked their tongues secretly, but the opponents were five angels, Mo Xuan was only an earth immortal at that time, Mo Que'er and Kong Ling should be angels, but it's too much!How did you do it?

Zhuan Sun Hongsheng couldn't help but beam with joy when he talked about this episode. The five celestial opponents decided to win three out of five rounds!Under the eyes of everyone, Mo Xuan, who is only an earth immortal, beat Huang Wu's Hu Sanqi, who was full of minions, and then a very dramatic scene appeared. The furious Mo Xuan said that he would advance He became a celestial being, and because he was too high-profile, he attracted a super celestial calamity that no one has seen before or since.

A good martial arts competition was stunned by this heavenly tribulation, and everyone ran away desperately!

Everyone thought that Mo Xuan was doomed, and must have been knocked out of his wits by the Celestial Tribulation. Who would have thought that Mo Xuan would have withstood the extremely terrifying Celestial Tribulation, and even fought back, killing Huang Wu Crown Prince Huang Xiaolong, Hu Sanqi Tianxian and a large number of second-generation immortals were all captured, and they were sent to the mine to be reformed through labor.

All the angels in Qingyuan were dumbfounded when they heard this, and looked at Mo Xuan in a daze, how could they be so strong?Counting the days, it wasn't long before Mo Xuan returned safely from the time-sealed area, and we only knew for sure that he was already a fairy not long ago, so he was really able to hide it!

Zhuan Sun Hongsheng continued to narrate that Huang Wu had to pay a large amount of ransom to redeem the captives, and finally abandoned the crown prince Huang Xiaolong, and the matter came to an end for the time being.

Then, the number of treasures produced by the Immortal Palace suddenly decreased, and the Immortal War broke out. Mo Xuan led the crowd to fight north and south, invincible, and the scope of Tianjianmen expanded again and again.However, at this moment, Mo Xuan, who was still only a celestial being, was attacked by Huang Longxuanxian and escaped with serious injuries. Everyone thought that Mo Xuan would not live for a few years even if he was not dead, and Mo Xuan had never heard from him.

Uh... All the celestial beings in Qingyuan looked at Mo Xuan in unison again, and it seems that Mo Xuan's trading team suddenly disappeared for more than 500 years!Is every transaction just a cover?
Mo Xuan coughed, and continued: "Actually, it was not me who was seriously injured by the sneak attack, but Junior Brother Ouyang Zhang. At that time, Xiaoyun and I went to the time-sealed area, and more than 500 years passed by accident. Brother Ouyang Zhang was on the verge of dying in the third layer of time and space, but fortunately he was rescued by Xiao Yun."

ah? !Ouyang Zhang?By the way, at that time, Ouyang Zhang did not hear from him at all!
Time restricted area?What stuff?The three of Zhuan Sun Hongsheng didn't understand why, after listening to the explanation, the three of them couldn't help being shocked, my God, the reason why the second level of time and space became so dead was because of the demon devouring beast, and the super warships of the upper level of time and space were not opponents , can only forcibly seal the time, and was trapped together with the Demon Devourer!Xiaoyun turned out to be the clone of the super battleship, and he can go out at will, high-end!

So that's what happened!No wonder Mo Xuan, who was seriously injured and was about to die, would be so powerful when he reappeared, it didn't look like he was seriously injured at all!

The three of Zhuan Sun Hongsheng suddenly realized, nodded in amazement, explained and continued to narrate.

All the angels in Qingyuan suddenly realized that Ouyang Zhang's wife, Shangguan Siling, was actually the number one beauty in the third layer of time and space. Be good!It's really beautiful and blessed!

Zhuan Sun Hongsheng continued to tell, the mystery has been solved, and the part that was considered unbelievable before made sense at once!

All the angels in Qingyuan were amazed when they heard it, it turned out to be such a twists and turns!Most of the previous grievances can't help disappearing, and I take it for granted, thinking that Mo Xuan and his party are popular in the third layer of time and space, and they have become Xuanxian smoothly. A little bit of hard work!
Ask yourself, if you go by yourself, you will probably join a force, enjoy the treatment of a fairy, and work hard, but you can't fight against a force as big as Huang Wu!It happened that Mo Xuan sat down. Although Ouyang Zhang had replaced him for so many years, Mo Xuan's effect on Tianjianmen was real and real!

When Mo Xuan became Xuanxian, he no longer wanted to be the master of Jianmen today, so he had no choice but to become it!
For a moment, all the gods in Qingyuan couldn't help sighing, they really gave birth to a son like Moxuan, and entered the underworld with a smile!This sentence is really incisive!Counting the days, when Mo Xuan's Three Palms defeated the Celestial Immortal Lin Chengbi, he hadn't become a Profound Immortal, no wonder he refused to let the Immortal come out, it must not be too small to handle, but too big!
Taishi Li sighed and patted Mo Xuan on the shoulder, and said: "Little Xuanzi, I will take the old man to the third floor to play in time and space. I haven't gone back for many years, and I miss you very much! I will give the old man a ticket to the fairy palace." Bar."

Mo Xuan nodded again and again, the old man came out to help out, so naturally we have to reciprocate!

Why!Master Li, you are so unkind, how can you do it alone!All the celestial beings in Qingyuan rushed forward, I want it, I want it too!

Mo Xuan shrugged with a wry smile, raised his hand to signal everyone not to get excited, and sighed: "Everyone is their own person, and the tickets to the Immortal Palace are not too valuable, I just give it away for free. But the third layer of time and space is not something you can go to if you want !"

How did you get there?The angels in Qingyuan are not so easy to fool.

Xiaoyun took a step forward, raised his left hand, spread five fingers, and said, "I can only bring five people at most, and a round trip will consume a lot of energy! So, the one with the highest price will get it."

Uh... All the angels in Qingyuan immediately lost their temper. You said that lightly, but we have to sell everything, and almost go bankrupt!Let’s forget about the quota at the beginning, it’s definitely not our turn!
Taishi Li shrugged indifferently, and wanted to see who dared to compete with the old man for the first place!
Mr. Taiyi stroked the snow-white finger on his thumb and pondered for a moment, then asked Xiaoyun: "Xiaoyun, can your battleship travel to the fourth layer of time and space?"

Huh!Mo Xuan was slightly taken aback, why is that snow-white finger a size smaller?what's going on?

Xiaoyun also stared at the snow-white wrench for a few more times, shook his head, and said, "Of course not, otherwise why would we hang around in the poor third-layer time and space! Crossing the boundary membrane is no joke, just One has to be careful when traveling to the third layer of time and space. One bad thing is that the ship is destroyed! If you want to travel through the boundary membrane of the fourth layer of time and space, you must at least need the level of defense treasures like Xuanbing used by Zhuan Sun Hongsheng and the others! "

How poor is the third level of time and space!Our second layer of time and space is really poor, okay!All the angels in Qingyuan smacked their lips and sighed again.

Taiyi Lord looked at Zhuan Sun Hongsheng inquiringly, and Zhuan Sun Hongsheng nodded with certainty. We are sweating when we travel to the second level of time and space, and there is something wrong with the second level of time and space. We want to travel to the fourth level of time and space. It's even more difficult, we didn't plan to be able to return all of them at all!The initial decision was that, depending on the situation, one or two people would escort Taiyi Young Master back, and the rest would stay in the Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm.

Xiaoyun saw that the atmosphere was not very hot, so he said again: "It is not easy to go to the third layer of time and space, but you can enter the time-sealed area from time to time, and you can bring ten people at a time. Maybe you can also feel the time." Supernatural powers!"

When it comes to supernatural powers in terms of time, it's not just the Qingyuan gods, but the four Taoist monarchs and Grand Master Li all have bright eyes!The three of Zhuan Sun Hongsheng are also extremely restless, and we also want to learn more about it!

The good-for-nothing critique meeting turned into an auction meeting in one fell swoop!
Mo Xuan, Kong Ling, and Mo Que'er exchanged glances, and they couldn't help but smile, this time the difficulty was barely passed!Although there must be a lot of troubles in the follow-up, but well, if you have the strength, you are not afraid of challenges!
(End of this chapter)

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