Interstellar Miner

Chapter 324 1 point lottery head

Chapter 324

The auction results are out!
Excluding Mo Xuan and the three who returned as usual, the two places that could go to the third layer of time and space in the first round were won by Li Taishi and Kong Jiandaojun respectively!

The ten places to go to the forbidden area of ​​time and space were taken by Taiyi, Chihaya, Guxin, three Taoist monarchs, and seven other senior angels.

Zhuan, Sun Hongsheng and the others had many treasures, but Xiaoyun only recognized the energy and not the treasures. The three of them were very injured and had to wait for the next time.

Zhuan Sun Hongsheng originally planned to go back to return to his life, but he didn't expect to have such an opportunity, so he thought about passing the news back, and then stayed in Qingyuan Xiaoxianjie to assist the young master, helping Qingyuan Xiaoxianjie to be promoted as soon as possible, and as soon as possible with Qingyuan Xiaoxian The reunion of the elders in the fairy world can be regarded as equalizing the merits and demerits, and the ancestors will not blame them at that time.

For this reason, Xiaoyun also specially set a vibration mode for the Expedition strategic ship to simulate the shaking when crossing the boundary membrane, so as not to be found to be tricky when crossing too easily.

The four Taoist monarchs and Li Taishi jointly issued a gag order. This matter is only known to the gods, and the rest of the idlers are not allowed to know. Whoever says something slips will be held accountable!
All the angels in Qingyuan also know the truth of the crime of embracing bi, so they kept silent, we just have this advantage, we must not let Hei Ming know.

The whereabouts of Mo Xuan and his party, etc., as well as many details, were not investigated, and the matter just passed by!
Knowing that Mo Xuan has been tirelessly trying his best to nourish the Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm on the second floor of time and space, he has already done well enough, and Mo Xuan is absolutely indispensable for the Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm to be promoted so soon!For the rest, it was all due to his personal struggle. If he is jealous, is it possible that he really has to punish Mo Xuan or drive Mo Xuan out of Qingyuan?What a big joke about the starry sky, the combat power of the three precious Xuanxians, only a fool will offend and rush out!

Didn't you hear Zhuan Sun Hongsheng and the three of them, all three of them were captured by Mo Xuan and the others, so anyone who is not a fool can figure out what that means!
So the four Taoist monarchs and Grand Master Li opened their eyes and closed their eyes. The matter has passed, and it is strictly forbidden to mention it in the future!Always looking back at the past will only stand still, everything has to look forward!
Mo Xuan and his party were also discussing urgently afterwards. The so-called five quotas were naturally created by Xiao Yun temporarily. Rare things are more expensive, and too many are easy to be exposed!But the more troublesome thing now is that Tie Dan and Er Wazi are all working hard in the third layer of time and space, and they must do a good job of keeping it secret, otherwise it will easily lead to various incidents!Send an urgent message to each of them later, in case they are betrayed, just say that they were transported by Xiaoyun in three batches to practice, and the rest just ask three questions and don't know.

Xiaoyun and his party have just returned from the time-sealed area after completing the transaction, so the ten places that Lord Taiyi and the others bid for will have to wait for 80 or [-] years, which is not too long.

The most important thing right now is the two quotas for Li Taishi and Kong Jiandao to go to the third level of time and space.

The three Taoists and the Qingyuan Celestials all took a wait-and-see attitude. After all, the third level of time and space was Mo Xuan's home field. There were too many uncertainties in the past. Let's wait until Grand Master Li and Kong Jian Daojun return safely.

Although the three of Zhuan and Sun Hongsheng have stated that they want to stay in the Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm, they will find a way to pass the news to Old Qingyuan, and they will be a little passive by then!So Mo Xuan and his party are already preparing to go to the fourth floor of time and space first, so prepare a lot.

However, these several timelines are intertwined, and if any one of the timelines goes wrong, it will cause a chain reaction, which is really worrying!
But right now there is no other good way, only the soldiers come to cover the water and soil, and take a step to see!

Taishi Li is very leisurely, ready to be the shopkeeper at any time, ready to go.Taishi Li rushed to the third layer of time and space. On the one hand, he was afraid of the three Xuanxians brought by Zhuan Sun Hongsheng and the snow-white finger that Lord Taiyi added. force.In the short term, Grand Master Li does not plan to return to Qingyuan Xiaoxianjie.

Lord Kong Jiandao is Mo Xuan's mentor, so he will naturally cooperate with Mo Xuan's actions with all his strength, so there is more time for the first round of actions, and it is much easier!
Lord Kong Jiandao explained that it would take decades to leave this time, and Kong Jianmen was taken care of by Lu Zhi and Gao Shan, the five of them, and no trouble was allowed.

Lu Zhi and Gao Shan all responded cautiously.Lu Zhi may have had some thoughts before, but after knowing that Mo Xuan was already Xuanxian and even the master of Tianjianmen, he really accepted his fate. many!
Mo Xuan and his party set off!

The original easy and simple crossing of the boundary membrane suddenly became the existence of a drum washing machine, spinning, bumping, and wobbling!The last violent shaking, finally stopped!
Oh my god, Mo Xuan was shaken so hard that his bones almost fell apart, he couldn't help but shook his head with a wry smile and said, "Every time you cross the boundary membrane, it's a torment!" Well, from now on!
Taishi Li and Lord Kong Jiandao nodded in agreement, it was indeed suffering!
Kong Ling and Mo Que'er looked at each other with wry smiles, and gave Xiao Yun an annoyed look, so exaggerated!
Xiaoyun curled his mouth, it's not that you guys don't even have a pseudonym, and you are just cheating, otherwise it will become like this, this is actually relatively easy!In fact, according to Xiaoyun's temperament, he has long wanted to kick the poor Qingyuan Xiaoxianjie away. There is enough energy in the third level of time and space!

Taishi Li flew out of the Expedition strategic ship in a hurry, looking at the endless void filled with starry sky, the corners of his eyes couldn't help but get slightly moist! After more than 1 years, Lao Tzu is finally back!Huang Hongzhuo, you played tricks, which caused me to be delayed for so many years, but you are advancing bravely in the torrent of time and space on the fourth floor, and you are already at the peak of Jinxian's strength!Wait until I become a Xuanxian first, and then I will settle accounts with you slowly!

Lord Kong Jiandao was born after falling into the second-level space-time in Qingyuan Xiaoxianjie, so this is the first time he really saw the beautiful scenery of the starry sky, it is really beautiful, is this the third-level time-space!

Kong Jian couldn't help but have mixed feelings. He lived all his life to be able to promote Qingyuan Xiaoxianjie to return to this third level of time and space. He never thought that he would be able to come to this third level of time and space first. This was something that he could not even imagine before , thanks to accepting a good apprentice!
Mo Xuan laughed and said: "Master Li, mentor, first go to my Jianmen for a few days, so that you can get familiar with the third layer of time and space."

Taishi Li and Kong Jian both smiled and nodded, they want to see how your Heavenly Sword Sect is doing.

Mo Xuan deliberately showed off, starting from the outer defensive circle of Tianjianmen and entering Tianjianmen, the scenery along the way is really infinite, as if the emperor came to inspect, the fighting spirit of Tianjianmen was high, and countless fleets lined up to welcome Mo Xuan's arrival!
Grand Master Li and Kong Jian couldn't help but click their tongues secretly. No wonder Zhuan Sun Hongsheng and the three said that Tianjianmen would be the biggest opponent after the promotion of Qingyuan Xiaoxianjie. It really is extremely powerful!
Of course, since Mo Xuan is the leader of the Heavenly Sword Sect, he is naturally the biggest help after Qingyuan Xiaoxianjie's promotion!
At that time, the strong will join forces to unify the three layers of time and space, and reproduce the glorious era of the old Qingyuan!Thinking of that beautiful scene, Taishi Li and Kong Jian couldn't help but feel their hearts surge, and they couldn't calm down for a long time!

The strategic ship Explorer finally arrived at Heavenly Sword Star.

Taishi Li and Kong Jian used their fairy eyes to check the luck of Tianjianxing at the same time, and saw that the whole planet was covered with more than golden luck, and in the endless void, countless lucks of various colors gathered towards Tianjianmen.

The place with the strongest luck is the headquarters of Tianjianmen. If you get closer, you can see a large group of extremely rich purple air hovering endlessly, and the surrounding area continues to evolve into shapes such as lotus flowers, fairy swords, orbs, fairy beasts, etc., which is pleasing to the eye!

Grand Master Li couldn't help clicking his tongue, this is the rich purple energy that can only be possessed by the supreme Taoist monarch!Although Xiaoxuanzi doesn't have the blessing of the Little Immortal Realm yet, he is no match for any Xuanxian Daoist!

The fluffy little fellow back then has grown into a full-fledged eagle that can soar high in the blink of an eye!

Kong Jian had a lot of surprises and joys, Xuan'er was so upbeat!With Xuan'er here, I no longer have to worry about Kong Jianmen's future!

Grand Master Li and Kong Jian stayed in Moxuan's palace, and after a little stroll, the palace was decorated exquisitely, pleasing to the eye, but not extravagant at all.

As a landlord, Mo Xuan hosted a banquet in honor of Taishi Li and Master Kong Jian, and chatted about the development and changes of Jianmen in recent years.

Li Taishi and Kong Jian nodded secretly when they heard it, yes yes yes.

The difference between the third-level time-space and the second-level time-space is quite large, and the avenue has been improved a lot.Both Li Taishi and Kong Jian had to retreat to get used to it, and then went to the Immortal Palace to practice.

After all, Taishi Li was originally from the third layer of time and space, and he fully adapted to it after only ten days of retreat.

Kong Jian was still in retreat, unable to leave for a while.

Grand Master Li was idle and bored, so he pestered Mo Xuan, wanting to learn from each other.

Respecting the old and caring for the young has always been Mo Xuan's life principle. Although he didn't really want to fight against Li Taishi, he still couldn't stand Li Taishi's softness and stubbornness, and came to a remote void with Li Taishi.

Kong Ling, Mo Que'er, and Xiao Yun watched the battle with great interest. Taishi Li alone killed the Heishen Xuanxian who was left behind by Hei Ming.
Taishi Li twisted his neck, shrugged his shoulders, squeezed his fists, and moved his body a little, making a crisp sound all over his body.

Mo Xuan didn't dare to be careless in the slightest, after all, his opponent was the bottomless Taishi Li!The last competition in the Tai Academy was just a trivial test, and the half-baked results didn't mean anything!
Taishi Li said loudly: "Xiao Xuanzi, since it's a sparring session, then we two should be more serious and don't go all out. The old man is getting old and his body may not be able to take it. He should use at most [-]% of his strength."

Mo Xuan nodded, smacked his lips and said, "Master Li, why don't you give me a lottery?"

"Oh, let's hear it." Grand Master Li became interested.

"If I win, can you stop calling me Xiaoxuanzi in the future!" Mo Xuan finally said, Xiaoxuanzi Xiaoxuanzi's words are too ugly!
"Isn't Xiaoxuanzi very nice?" Taishi Li nodded because he didn't understand, "Okay, but if I win, then I will continue to call you Xiaoxuanzi."

Mo Xuan nodded speechlessly, hey, okay.

"Then let's start quickly. Xiaoxuanzi, I'll let you go first." Grand Master Li set up his posture solemnly, and in an instant, his whole person's aura changed drastically, and it had nothing to do with old age or anything like that!

Mo Xuan took a deep breath and slapped Taishi Li!
Grand Master Li grinned, and it was another mighty palm. The old man was not happy to be beaten passively all the time.Grand Master Li took a sudden step forward, dodged Hao Ran's giant palm, rushed in front of Mo Xuan, and punched out without fancy!
So fast!If Mo Xuan hadn't been able to speed up, he really couldn't dodge in time. Even with the speed up, he managed to dodge Taishi Li's iron fist narrowly and dangerously!
not bad!It's pretty quick to dodge, but my fist can't just be dodged quickly!Grand Master Li grinned, and blasted out tens of thousands of punches in an instant. The shadows of the fists all over the sky were like a huge tsunami, and they crushed towards Mo Xuan like Mount Tai!
Ouch!Mo Xuan couldn't help gasping, this is too heaven-defying!But how to hide?
(End of this chapter)

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