Interstellar Miner

Chapter 326: Endurance

Chapter 326: Endurance

"Xuan, are you okay?" Kong Ling and Mo Que'er supported Mo Xuan from left to right with concern.

Mo Xuan grinned and twisted his neck. Although he was rattling, he could still move, so there shouldn't be any serious problems.

Xiaoyun leaned over to pat Li Taishi's muscular biceps, tsk tsk, these are called muscles!

Grand Master Li was startled instead, and hastily stepped aside, took out a Taoist robe and put it on, and said speechlessly: "Do you understand if a man and a woman are kissing or not?"

Xiaoyun gave Li Taishi a blank look, I never saw you so shy when you were naked before, what kind of wolf with a big tail are you pretending to be!
Grand Master Li ignored Xiaoyun, and said to Mo Xuan: "Xiao Xuanzi, you are still a little tender. Although the speed is so fast that I can't keep up, it is too easy to be seen through and predicted!"

Mo Xuan blinked in surprise, is that so?Mo Xuan recalled the process of the battle, and indeed, even his own acceleration was not very good, and he had fought with Ling'er and Que'er more times, and it was indeed not as powerful as before!

Taishi Li analyzed: "It should be because you have too little combat experience, and you have been crushing your opponent with your speed. There should not be many serious battles."

Mo Xuan pursed his lips and smiled awkwardly, indeed not many times.

Grand Master Li shook his head and sighed: "It's rare that you have such a good talent, but you don't polish it well. Isn't this a waste! No matter how fast you are, once the opponent's prediction is correct, the effect will be greatly reduced, and you can easily dodge the opponent's prediction." An attack is judged, just like my seven punches in the second round, although you dodged, you still got hit."

Mo Xuan nodded in agreement, awe-inspiring.

"However, Xiaoxuanzi, your magic circle is very interesting. This is the first time for the old man to encounter such a magic circle, that is, the old man and me. It would be at least ten or eight years for someone else to be trapped. Let me teach you later. Let me, old man. I will also teach you boxing kung fu."

Mo Xuan smacked his lips, okay.Speaking of Xiaoxuanzi, Xiaoxuanzi, that’s all, I’ve been listening to it for so many years, and I’m getting used to it soon!
Taishi Li rubbed his chin and said: "The other moves are very powerful, but they need to study more. Last point, Xiaoxuanzi, your stamina is not good. You have only played for a while, and you are already Out of breath, do you seldom exercise?"

Mo Xuan scratched his head in embarrassment. In fact, I have exercised a lot, and my stamina is much stronger than before!
Grand Master Li gave Mo Xuan a blank look, and said with a snort, "Don't worry about it. I took you down in the end because you didn't have enough stamina, and your speed slowed down all of a sudden!"

Uh... Mo Xuan was speechless and thought that he could only smack his lips, which was an admission that his stamina was not enough, and he was depressed.

Taishi Li patted Mo Xuan on the shoulder, and sighed: "Little Xuanzi, don't be convinced. Do you know how the stamina of our older generation comes from? It's all through hard work! How many times have you little fellows? The experience of being completely hollowed out and unable to move a finger for the first time? We have suffered for tens of thousands of years, and our endurance has also gradually increased little by little!"

This... Mo Xuan had to be convinced, and sighed.

Grand Master Li sighed: "Actually, I can't blame you, the time on the second floor is so poor, you have to pinch your fingers to calculate the consumption even if you release a small Taoism."

Yeah yeah!Mo Xuan nodded fiercely, and because of that, he gradually developed a good habit of being thrifty, but he didn't think about it, but it also left a big loophole, and he really lacked stamina-related training!

Grand Master Li said cheerfully: "Taking advantage of the free time now, let me practice hard. You don't need to mess around, just compete with the old man, empty yourself again and again, and exercise your stamina."

This... isn't that a one-sided beating?Mo Xuan's face was a bit dark, but he really needed to practice hard. After all, everyone had reservations when they were competing with Ling'er and Que'er, and they were reluctant to play hard.

"Let's start now." Grand Master Li was gearing up.

Mo Xuan gritted his teeth, he had no choice but to fight!


Kong Jian took a long breath, woke up from the sedation, felt the new self, and nodded in admiration. It really deserves to be the third-level time and space. The avenue is much more perfect than the second-level time-space. So excellent!Now I really can't lose to them!
Hey, where is Xuan'er?Kong Jian failed to see Mo Xuan after leaving the customs, contacted through Yupan, and learned from Kong Ling that Xuan'er had been exchanging ideas with Grand Master Li for more than half a year.

From a long distance, you can feel that the avenue between heaven, earth and void is fighting fiercely!Kong Ling, Mo Que'er and Xiao Yun are watching the battle with great interest.

Kong Jianfei came to the side of the three girls and asked, "How is Xuan'er doing with Master Li?"

Kong Ling and Mo Que'er bowed to Kong Jian Yingying.

Kong Ling smiled wryly, and said, "Grandfather, you should see for yourself."

Kong Jian used his eyesight to investigate the extremely fierce battle group, hey, is that bald man Grand Master Li?What a strong and mighty body!Is this still human!

Huh!That pig's head...could it be Xuan'er?Kong Jian was stunned for a while, seeing Mo Xuan being beaten up by Grand Master Li with a big red and swollen pig's head, looking for his teeth all over the place.

Kong Jian had a toothache, and looked at Kong Ling and Mo Que'er speechlessly, you both are Xuan'er's wives, why are you willing to watch Xuan'er being violently beaten by Taishi Li?
Mo Que'er sighed: "Mr. Kong, it's actually good now. Half a year ago, Xuan Ke was beaten to death by old man Li every time! At that time, Xuan could only last about half an hour, but now he beats each other. It will be fine for ten or eight days.”

But in terms of staying power, Taishi Li is the real fortress!In the past half a year, Mo Xuan passed out, Kong Ling and Mo Que'er naturally would not stand by and watch, they really wanted to avenge their husband, they were determined to take turns to beat Li Taishi to death, and did not give Li Taishi a chance to rest!In the end, fortunately Taishi Li still knew how to pity and cherish jade, Kong Ling and Mo Que'er didn't become pig heads like Mo Xuan.

Even Mo Que'er, who is so proud and arrogant, has no choice but to give Grand Master Li a thumbs-up and praise - bull!

After Mo Xuan was beaten to death by Li Taishi and his students for the first time, he held his breath in his heart, and he still couldn't believe it. He and Li Taishi were so at odds, fighting desperately like Saburo to the death!Not to mention, being exhausted again and again, being beaten to the point of fainting, stamina is really good at it!It's worth it to suffer so many beatings!

But... After losing for more than half a year, Mo Xuan is still quite disheartened, and he is almost losing his temper with Grand Master Li!Mo Xuan couldn't help but sympathize with the Qingyuan Jinxian patriarch who had been bullied by Grand Master Li for so many years!

But Li Taishi's confidence is completely bursting, far beyond the peak state, this time I don't believe it, the little Xuanxian will be hard to beat Lao Tzu!Watch Lao Tzu smash through the gate of Xuanxian with a punch, and walk in with eight-character steps!

Oops, Master is here!Mo Xuan suddenly caught a glimpse of Kong Jian, smacked his lips speechlessly, retreated, withdrew from the battle group, and waved at Grand Master Li, okay, okay, let's stop here!
"What's the matter, this can't work?" Grand Master Li was very unsatisfied. Although he would be injured by the violent Mo Xuan occasionally, they were all skin traumas. To him, it was just a scratching level, but it was a good thing.After all, at Taishi Li's current state, if he wants to improve his body and make his body stronger, he will have a strong enough opponent to help him polish his body, and Mo Xuan's fists and feet are actually not big enough to qualify!
In the past six months, Mo Xuan has greatly strengthened the power of boxing time and time again. The punches he throws will carry the power of the great way, but they can only cause skin trauma to Grand Master Li. It can only be said that Grand Master Li's fairy body is too special. up!
Mo Xuan touched his swollen head like a pig's head, and couldn't help but smile wryly, how can this be seen by people!Taishi Li's fist is not less mixed with the power of Dao, this pig's head can't be removed for a while!

Mo Xuan finally had time to ask out the doubts in his heart: "Master Li, did you really get seriously injured when you killed Hei Ming Hei Daojun?"

Grand Master Li coughed and said, "Well, the hair and beard I wore were all lost by that boy Heishen, so it's not a bad injury."

Mo Xuan and his party couldn't help but roll their eyes, convinced you!

"Xiao Xuanzi, it's agreed, you have to teach me the three reincarnations." Grand Master Li has been thinking about the three reincarnations.

Mo Xuan nodded and said, "I remember, but it's not certain whether I can learn it. Neither Ling'er nor Que'er can learn it."

Grand Master Li was taken aback, didn't Kong Ling and Mo Que'er actually learn it?No matter, learn first!
Mo Xuan taught Li Taishi for ten days, but Li Taishi still didn't know how to do it. He only learned superficially and couldn't integrate it. In the end, he gave up helplessly.

Mo Xuan rolled his eyes, I was the one who lost money, okay? The image of being wise and martial has completely collapsed in front of Ling'er and Que'er!

Hey~ My handsome face, my heroic thick eyebrows... Mo Xuan has the urge to let Xiao Ba shoot Li Taishi a ray, and then beat him up violently!Mo Xuan gritted his teeth, thinking that when he became a Golden Immortal, he would definitely find Grand Master Li to practice his hands well, and experience the wonderful taste of human flesh sandbags!
Grand Master Li was not able to learn the reincarnation of the three lives, and he was not discouraged. After all, supernatural powers are realized by everyone, and it varies from person to person, so learning it is not very common.

Grand Master Li was gearing up again, excitedly preparing to go to the Immortal Palace for a good experience.

Mo Xuan was not happy walking around with a big pig's head on his head, so he seized the time to retreat and heal his injuries. Kong Ling and Xiaoyun sent Li Taishi and Kong Jian to the fairy palace for experience.

Xiaoyun also changed his appearance, and planned to enter the fairy palace again to get the backlog of fairy palace treasures. When he reached the fourth level of time and space, the local treasures of the third level of time and space would be severely depreciated, but the fairy palace treasures would still be very valuable. It also requires sufficient capital to work hard in time and space!
Xiaoyun was the first to enter the Immortal Palace, successfully took the treasure, and then smiled, remembering Mo Xuan's exhortations before departure, must let Grand Master Li have a good experience in the Immortal Palace, how high-end it is!
Xiaoyun was still happy to play tricks, operating in secret, and gave Li Taishi the three most difficult and difficult experiences, and then he happily watched the show.

Kong Jian's experience Xiaoyun also deliberately increased the difficulty, not to fix Kong Jian, but the general experience is not very helpful to Tianxian, Kong Jian's talent is not particularly outstanding, it really needs a lot of experience and a lot of accumulation, in order to win Become a Xuanxian as soon as possible, and prop up the sky of Kong Jianmen.

Xiaoyun was also happy to see Taishi Li was so saddened by the experience, he looked up to the sky and scolded his mother from time to time, the old man beat Mo Xuan like that, he really didn't show mercy at all, he was really upset to see him!If it's not that I'm still only a spirit body for the time being, I can't fight as I want, or I must make Grand Master Li look good, and let this old man know how powerful the high-level space-time is!
Li Taishi and Kong Jian's experience has almost settled down, so Xiaoyun hastily returned to Tianjianmen.

Mo Xuan's injury was also much better.

The competition between Xiaomoxuan No. [-] and No. [-] has also been decided!Xiao Moxuan No. [-] worked harder in cultivation, had a stronger foundation, and took the lead in becoming an immortal.Little Moxuan No. [-] was not far behind, and followed closely behind to become a celestial being!
Even the two avatars of Mo Xuan became immortals smoothly, and the entire Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm was shaken by a magnitude [-] earthquake. I really have nothing to say to Mo Xuan, it is too heaven-defying!
After Hei Ming got the news, he was nothing but dumbfounded, how the hell did he fight!Woah!
Moxuan sent the bred Little Moxuan No. [-] to a layer of time and space, and quietly received Xiao Moxuan No. [-] to Tianjian Gate, explained it carefully, and then set off immediately without hesitation!

Four layers of time and space, here we come!
(End of this chapter)

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