Interstellar Miner

Chapter 327 Eight Hexagrams Tournament

Chapter 327 Gossip Tournament

"Xiao Er, your deity is too bad, you didn't even take me out to play this time." Huali angrily hit Xiao Moxuan No. [-] on the shoulder with her pink fist.

Little Moxuan No. [-] smiled wryly, Sister Huali, you don’t know how to get along with men and women, you are the deity’s dual monks, I am still eagerly waiting to find a good dual monks, I don’t want to be clicked by the main body!

Xiao Moxuan No. [-] hastily backed away, kept a sufficient distance from Huali, expressed the position of the avatar, and comforted him: "Sister Huali, the fourth-level time and space immortals are worthless, and this deity is naturally worried about your safety, so I didn't take you with me." Let’s go there together. Didn’t the deity also take you to the third level of time and space, so you can practice at Tianjianmen with peace of mind, and if you become a Xuanxian as soon as possible, you will naturally be able to accompany the main body.”

Huali puffed her mouth angrily, and complained: "But Xuancai and I have only double cultivated twice. He is shy and hasn't gained much experience. How can it be so easy to advance to Xuanxian. But he is so anxious. After leaving, I won’t spend much time with others. Xiao Er, since the main body is not here, then you can spend more time with me.”

"Sister Huali, I have just become a celestial being, and I still need to retreat and consolidate it. You are free, I will go to work first." Xiao Moxuan disappeared on the [-]nd.

Huali stomped her feet angrily, and had no choice but to return to Mo Xuan's palace. It was so boring to say, that's all, let's retreat and practice hard, hoping that Xuan can come back soon.

at the same time.

Before departure, Mo Xuan suggested: "To be on the safe side, we have to change our appearance and use aliases on the fourth floor of time and space. Everyone, think about the names first."

Xiaoyun said indifferently, "Then I'll be called Shuiyue."

Mo Que'er blinked her beautiful big eyes and said, "Then I'll be called Huo Qingling."

Mo Xuan nodded.

Kong Ling thought for a while and said, "Then my name is Wu Nianxuan." Kong Ling smiled and gave Mo Xuan a shock.

Mo Xuan accepted Kong Ling's winking eyes with a smile, felt intoxicated, rubbed his chin and muttered, "Then my name is Hua An."

A bowl of water still needs to be leveled, Kong Ling and Mo Que'er are not cheap lamps, once one of them gets jealous, it will be Mo Xuan himself who will suffer.The pseudonym Hua An was used by Tang Bohu before, and it couldn't be better.Uh... By the way, the pseudonym Hua An was used by Tang Bohu to soak up Qiuxiang, forget it, I've already said it, let's just Hua An.

The names of the four people have been decided, and the next is the designation of the four people's small forces.

Xiao Yun curled his lips and said, "There are four of us, so there are four of us."

Mo Xuan shook his head again and again, it's so ugly, don't!

Xiaoyun snorted, don't pull it down, but see what good name you can come up with.

Mo Xuan also snorted, and said, "Even if it's called Four Immortals, it's better than your four people!"

"Then let's call it Four Immortals!" Mo Que'er clapped her hands.Kong Ling nodded in agreement.

Xiaoyun gave Mo Que'er and Kong Ling an angry look, and you two knew that you were standing on Mo Xuan's side without any sense of feminism!But the Four Immortals are indeed much better than the Four.

Mo Xuan chuckled, hugged Kong Ling and Mo Que'er lightly, and said to Xiao Yun: "Let's go, by the way, Xiao Yun, remember to turn off the vibration mode."

Xiaoyun gave Mo Xuan a white look, and complained: "It's up to you, there's so much nonsense."

Mo Xuan smiled and didn't care.

Already remodeled and equipped with two pairs of large wings, the Expedition strategic ship was running at full strength, shaking violently, much more trembling than traveling from the second to the third floor of time and space, and thus traveled to the fourth floor of time and space!

Immediately, Mo Xuan, Kong Ling, and Mo Que'er clearly felt that the avenue between the fourth layer of time and space is much deeper and heavier than that of the third layer of time and space!The first level of time and space and the second level of time and space are even more incomparable!Since this is the fourth level of time and space, it is no wonder that so many Xuanxians can be born. Mo Xuan reckoned that he should be able to pass through this fourth level of time and space by hitting Xuanxian once!Although he was delayed twice in the third layer of time and space, Mo Xuan felt that there were more benefits, and he could save some detours in the future. He decided that the impact on the golden fairy should also be carried out in the third layer of time and space!

With the two girls in his arms, Mo Xuan curiously flew out of the Expedition strategic ship, wanting to take a good look at the four layers of time and space, hey, didn't they appear in the endless void, this place seems to be the high altitude of a small fairyland.Fortunately, it didn't hit a star or something, otherwise it would be troublesome!
This small fairyland is the real small fairyland, with a diameter of less than one hundred kilometers.However, the aura of Fang Xiaoxianjie is extremely abundant, much more condensed than Qingyuan Xiaoxianjie, tsk tsk, not bad.

Xiaoyun also flew out curiously to look around.

"Four friends, can you come down after seeing enough?" An impatient loud voice came from the ground below.

Um?Mo Xuan and his entourage looked down, and they saw seven small camps in the plain in the middle of the Little Immortal Realm waiting solemnly, confronting each other in the direction of gossip, obviously there is still a lack of a direction!
A huge bronze gossip roulette floating in the air hundreds of meters above the ground, majestic, very unusual!
Another impatient voice sounded: "It's already here, don't put on airs! Hurry up, it's just you!"

Uh...well, we actually passed by for soy sauce!Mo Xuan and his party looked at each other in astonishment, we still don't know what's going on, okay?

Xiaoyun said indifferently: "The strategic ship Explorer is still cooling down, so let's go down and join in the fun."

Mo Xuan and his party drove the Expedition strategic ship and flew over. Hey, Zhuan Sun Hongsheng and the others said that although there are quite a lot of space-time immortals on the fourth floor, it is not easy to see one or two, and in the seven small camps below There are at least a dozen Xuanxians!
What is going on?Mo Xuan and his party, who had just arrived for the first time, were all unknown, so they landed on the strategic ship Explorer to the vacant Baguali.

The four of Mo Xuan flew out of the Expedition strategic ship and looked at the seven small camps. Although there were only one or two warships in each camp, they were all different. There were all kinds of strange things, which opened the eyes of Mo Xuan and his party.

And Mo Xuan and his party's strange-looking strategic ship Explorer was not very eye-catching.

By the way, what are we doing here?Mo Xuan was about to ask a question.

"Since everyone is ready, let's start quickly." Xuanxian, the middle-aged man with a mustache in the small camp, immediately flicked his sleeves and patted the bronze gossip roulette above his head.

The bronze gossip roulette was in full swing immediately, shining white light on the small camp in the gossip direction below, and the eight characters "Qian, Kun, Zhen, Xun, Kan, Li, Gen, and Dui" also appeared on the roulette. , and in the center of the roulette appeared a big "Wu" character!

Huh!Mo Xuan and his party directly below the word Li have some impressions. I remember that the three of Zhuan Sun Hongsheng said that when fighting in the fourth floor of time and space, it is not just to draw a field and start fighting. Although that is also possible, it is not How authoritative it is.

The martial arts competition of Zhenger Bajing uses the special arbitration magic weapon jointly launched by the four little Taoists. There are several grades: Liangyi martial arts competition disk, four image martial arts competition disk, eight trigrams martial arts competition disk, sixteen hexagrams martial arts competition disk, and 32 hexagrams martial arts competition disk Pan, 64 hexagrams contest martial arts pan.For more high-end contests, Mr. Xiaodao must be invited to arbitrate in person!

Even if it is the last Liangyi contest, the price is not cheap!

And the one on the top of the head must be the gossip competition board, so we have joined a martial arts competition out of nowhere?Mo Xuan and his party smiled wryly and looked at each other a few times, they were a little speechless, they just crossed over and were about to participate in the martial arts competition, these four levels of time and space are really popular for martial arts competitions!

Mo Xuan looked around, but he didn't see any treasures of heaven, material and earth. So, could it be that they want to compete for this little fairy world?
The middle-aged man with a mustache, Xuanxian, from the small camp raised his head and reported to the gossip competition board: "Tai Fanhui, Yan Zhengxin."

The dry characters on the gossip competition board quickly lit up.

Mo Xuan and his party exchanged glances, remembering that Taifanhui is also one of the middle forces, although it is the bottom one, but there are more than 100 Xuanxians, it should not be underestimated!

Xuan Xian, who took the lead in Kun, also reported: "Bin Yun Guan, Zhan Long." The word Kun soon lit up.

Zhen, Xun, and Kanwei signed up one after another, all of whom Mo Xuan and his party had never heard of, so they should all be small forces.

Then everyone looked at the four of Mo Xuan who had left their seats, and they were stunned, what a speed.

Mo Xuan coughed, and reported imitatively: "Four Immortals, Hua'an."

The small forces in the seven directions blinked in surprise, we have never heard of the Four Immortals!Where did it come from?
Mo Xuan and his entourage also blinked in surprise, but the word Li on the gossip competition plate did not light up, but flickered and turned gray.

My gosh!The small forces of the seven parties are all speechless. Thanks to our urgency, we finally waited for the last force to be in place, but it turned out to be such a Four Immortal Sect. What a waste of our expressions!

The tense small forces in the seven parties immediately relaxed. One moment they were still serious and full of gunpowder, and the next moment they were all idle, drinking and eating, chatting, meditating and practicing, and even lying down to sleep. Great sleep.

Uh...what's the matter?Mo Xuan and his party don't know why.

The middle-aged male Xuanxian Yan Zhengxin with the mustache also shook his head speechlessly, and complained to Mo Xuan and the others: "I said, don't you Four Immortals know how to register first?"

Mo Xuan said with a dry smile, "Well, the Four Immortals were actually founded by the four of us on a whim a few days ago, and there are only four of us."

as expected!The small forces in Qifang sighed for a while, and looked at the four of Mo Xuan, oh, it should be three Xuanxians and one heavenly immortal, Hua An, I have never heard of such a character, these four people look very tender, They should all be fledglings!
Why are there three mysterious immortals, and the small forces in the seven directions can't help but secretly take care of them, it's not easy to deal with!

Yan Zhengxin sighed and said, "You guys are pretty lucky. The Eight Diagrams Contest can help you to officially register the Four Immortals. You don't need to make a special trip. The other three fellow Taoists also reported their names. Come on, save yourself the delay."

How dare you!
Kong Ling, Mo Que'er, and Xiao Yun each reported their aliases, Wu Nianxuan, Huo Qingling, and Shuiyue.

"How long will it take?" Mo Xuan asked.

Yan Zhengxin shrugged his shoulders, curled his lips and said, "It's three to five days faster, and ten days and a half months slower."

Halo, it will take so long!That can only wait slowly.

Mo Xuan smacked his lips and asked again: "Are we competing for this little fairy world?"

The small forces in the seven directions are all speechless, you are really just passing by, right?By the way, the leap of your battleship is too bold, you almost ran into this little fairyland, and we all thought that you rushed over to snatch this little fairyland desperately!However, after the four of Mo Xuan flew out of the battleship, they looked around calmly, maybe they were just passing by!
However, it is also very possible that they are asking questions knowingly and pretending. Since the Four Immortals are newly established, and they just happened to meet this small fairy world, how can such a coincidence happen!Maybe these four want to pretend to be pigs and eat tigers!

The small forces in the seven directions couldn't help being vigilant secretly, and urgently searched for the information of the Four Immortals, but they all found nothing!It seems that the Four Immortals really popped out of nowhere!
(End of this chapter)

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