Interstellar Miner

Chapter 328 Mysterious Immortal Contest

Chapter 328 Mysterious Immortal Contest

Yan Zhengxin glanced at Mo Xuan in surprise, nodded and said: "Yes, our Tai Fanhui discovered this newly derived Little Immortal Realm three months ago, and then Binyun Temple also came, so we can only compete for it , until today the forces from all directions will be considered complete."

Mo Xuan and his party nodded in understanding. According to the rules set by the four little Taoist lords, the newly-born Little Immortal Realm will be declared by the party that discovered it first. If no other forces are interested within one month, it will be returned to the party that discovered it within 1 years. All the powers are owned, but if other powers are also interesting, then the top eight powers who arrived will compete for the competition.Winners can have 1 years of use rights.

After 1 years, the rest of the forces can apply for a contest again, with up to four forces competing.The previous owner automatically gets a quota. If there are many jealous forces, they can only compete for three quotas first.After the four parties win the martial arts competition, the winner can obtain 1 years of use rights, and then after 1 years, the four parties will compete again, and so on.

Generally speaking, few of the territories won by the five super powers and those powerful middle powers dare to try to get involved, and the competition is fiercer for the small powers! 1 years is not long, nor is it short, and the parties change hands frequently.

Taifanhui is also of medium strength. If one's own side does not have enough powerful Xuanxian powers to come and participate in the competition, it is purely seeking abuse, so it took three months to fill up the eight contest spots.

Before Mo Xuan and his party set off, they thought that they could find as many experts as possible to compete with each other. They didn't expect that they would be able to compete with Xuanxian when they first arrived. If they could win the final victory, they would be able to own this top-quality little fairy world. Haha, luck Really good!
The Four Immortals Sect actually has a very good privilege. After all, the Four Immortals Sect does not have a base camp yet, and it belongs to the duckweed category. After winning this small faction, you can apply for it as the base camp for the establishment of a sect, and you can have it for 10 years. Permissions to use!

And these four layers of time and space to compete for the base camp rarely happen, the procedures are extremely complicated, and the review is extremely strict. Generally, they will not snatch other people's base camp without deep hatred.

This is a rare opportunity, and the four of Mo Xuan are gearing up for a big fight!
After all, they are newcomers to these four layers of time and space, and Dao still needs to get used to it, so Mo Xuan, Kong Ling, and Mo Que'er seized the time to meditate and practice.

Ten days passed in a flash.

During the period, several battleships rushed over in a hurry, and one even crashed into a giant peak in the Little Immortal Realm, causing considerable damage.In the end, he could only watch helplessly that the forces from all directions had arrived, cast a nostalgic glance at this lush little fairy world, and left with a sigh.

The word Li on the gossip competition board finally lit up!Mo Xuan and his party can be regarded as having established a foothold in this fourth-level space-time, and the Four Immortals have officially become a trivial sect in the fourth-level time-space!

It's good!The small forces of Gen and Dui couldn't wait to sign up!

The entire gossip competition board lit up, and then the surface of the roulette went dark.Then a grid lit up, and it began to spin rapidly, and finally stopped at the exchange position.Immediately afterwards, another grid lit up, turned around and finally stopped at the shock position.

The two competing Xuanxians who exchanged positions and shook positions immediately stepped out and flew into the sky together.

The gossip competition disk follows closely, and is responsible for recording the process of the competition.The time limit for a martial arts contest that requires the use of gossip contests is one month, and Xiantian, Xianhuan, etc. are not used by default, otherwise it may not be possible to tell the winner after ten or eight years of fighting!
After the time limit is over, if the two sides of the competition fail to decide the winner, then the remaining six parties participating in the competition will need to vote for a ruling. If they still fail to reach a consensus, they will compete again. You have applied for arbitration.Of course, it is extremely rare for the four little Taoist monarchs to arbitrate, and it will not happen once or twice in 100 years!
Xuanxian and Tianxian from the rest of the forces followed up to watch the battle, and those who were not strong enough stayed on the ground honestly. The battle between Xuanxian and Tianxian is not a child's play. If you don't have enough strength to protect yourself, it is an act of death. , I might not even know how he died.

Naturally, Mo Xuan and his party followed up to watch the battle with great interest.

The two Xuanxians who exchanged positions and shook positions flew into the void, far away from the Little Immortal Realm, bowed to each other, and the fight started!

The representative of the martial arts competition is a water-attribute female fairy from Gaoshuanggu, wearing a bright water-colored Taoist robe, named Shang Mengyu; Zhenwei Xuanxian is a wood-attribute male fairy from Kuobenxie, named Yan Song.

In terms of the attributes of the two sides, there is no mutual restraint.

The Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm itself has the wood attribute, so naturally there are a large number of wood attribute angels, and it will be much more difficult for senior earth immortals with other attributes to advance to the rank of heavenly immortals in the Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm!There are even fewer water-attribute celestial beings, so the focus of Mo Xuan's party is on the water-attribute female Xuanxian Shang Mengyu.

Immortals are almost never ugly, female immortals are all beautiful, and male immortals are handsome and unrestrained, and after becoming immortals and immortals, there is a leap in temperament, beautiful and handsome, so I won't say much.

Shang Mengyu and Yan Song fought fiercely for half an hour. They were very different. They both knew in their hearts that they couldn't tell the winner in a short period of time. They could only fight steadily and look for opportunities!

However, Mo Xuan and his party gradually became a little bored watching them. Shang Mengyu's moves with the water attribute were very gentle, and most of them adopted the routine of being inclusive and pulling a thousand catties.Yan Song, who is of the wood attribute, is also tepid, taking every step of the way and never rushing forward.

Hurry up, how long will it take to decide the winner!It was someone else's competition, so Mo Xuan and his party could only wait patiently on the sidelines.

As a result, this wait was a full month!

Both Shang Mengyu and Yan Song were slightly injured, but they couldn't decide the winner!The two looked at each other, and flew to the Eight Diagrams competition board together, and clicked on each of Dui and Zhen characters.

The gossip contest board flickered a few times, and the two brightly lit grids of exchange position and shock position went dark, and then the remaining six forces voted.

Mo Xuan made a total calculation and voted for the female Xuanxian Shang Mengyu.In the end, the redemption lights up, and Shang Mengyu successfully won.

Yan Song secretly gritted his teeth, didn't bring up any complaints, and accepted the result. When there is no winner in the martial arts competition, the female fairy will always be more popular!Yan Song bowed to the crowd, and consciously led Kuobenxie's troops to leave first.

After a round of gossip competition, the next step is to play against the Gen position.

Yan Zhengxin Shi Shi ran out, wiping off his mustache, full of confidence.

That male Xuanxian gritted his teeth, flew out every now and then, and bowed to Yan Zhengxin, please!
This contest lasted only three hours, Yan Zhengxin really had two brushes, and he kept fighting against Gen, the male Xuanxian.After the male Xuanxian received his wounds, he knew that he could not recover, so he withdrew from the battle group, bowed to admit defeat, and left with his troops.

In the next martial arts contest, Kunwei played against Xunwei.

Bin Yunguan's Zhanlong Xuanxian is also quite strong. It took [-] hours to successfully defeat his opponent.

Then there are the off-position and the threshold.

Mo Xuan kept the finale, and Kong Ling played.Although Kong Ling was obviously much stronger than her opponent, but she was an earth attribute, and it took a full [-] hours to defeat her opponent!
Yan Zhengxin, Zhanlong and Monk Mengyu couldn't help but secretly startled. This Wu Nianxuan female Xuanxian of the Four Immortals Sect is really powerful. She can win so quickly with the earth attribute. I don't know how strong the other two Xuanxians are.Under normal circumstances, the first player to play will be the middle-to-higher strength, try to win the first game as steadily as possible, and the most powerful player will often be saved until the finale.

Of course, there are all kinds of rankings in the competition, which vary from person to person, and the imagination is free.

Yan Zhengxin and the others can only hope that Wu Nianxuan is the more powerful among the three Xuanxians of the Four Immortals Sect, and the other two are not so powerful!
After the first round of martial arts competition, there will be a one-month rest period, which is quite humane and as fair as possible.

After a period of time in seclusion, Mo Xuan and his party had nothing to do, so they simply formed a sightseeing tour group, enjoying this small fairyland.Tsk tsk, the mountains and rivers are picturesque, the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant, and the aura is abundant, it's really good, it's almost catching up with our fairy world!
The rest of the small forces of the three parties are quite critical, please, the competition is not over yet, you are so impolite, you are almost treating this little fairy world as your own home, you are so thick-skinned!
Yan Zhengxin, Zhanlong and Shang Mengyu also frowned secretly, but Mo Xuan and his party were just playing around, and didn't touch every plant or tree in this small fairy world, so it's hard to say anything.

Mo Xuan and his party soon discovered a mine that was artificially concealed, which was rich in high-grade fairy stones above the first grade, but there were obviously traces of being excavated in the mine, and nearly a quarter of it had been dug. It should be The first one to discover this Fang Xiaoxianjie Taifanhui's handiwork, hmph, actually engaged in petty tricks.

Xiaoyun approached Taifanhui very rudely, what are you doing, do you understand the rules?
This is an unspoken rule, okay? We can't let the first one to discover this small fairy world lose all benefits, right?You actually exposed such a secret thing in public, you really are newborn calves not afraid of tigers!You don't even think about it, even if you can win this small fairy world this time, Tao will be enough for you to drink a pot in 1 years!While Yan Zhengxin was speechless, he naturally refused to admit it.

Monk Zhanlong and Monk Mengyu glanced at each other in amazement. They never thought that this little fairy world could produce top-quality fairy stone mines. We must keep it secret and never let other forces know about it!One thing is more troublesome, the Four Immortals should declare this small fairyland as their base camp, 10 years would be too long!See you later!

Yan Zhengxin took a look at Monk Zhanlong and Monk Mengyu. Fortunately, only our four forces know that the next time it should be the four of us to fight.

The rest time is over, and the semi-finals, the semi-finals, have begun.

It is still sorted by the gossip contest table, first of all, the four forces decide the representative.

There are a total of three Xuanxians in Taifan Hui, and they sent Xuanxian, a man of swordsmanship, who seems to be a professional martial arts contestant; Binyun Temple also has three Xuanxians, and sent a second Xuanxian, Gao Xun. However, Gao Shuanggu only had two female Xuanxians. Shang Mengyu and Yan Songxuanxian competed for a full month, and they could not fully recover in a short time. This match can only be played by another female Xuanxian, Zhang Hai. Show up.

On the side of the Four Immortals Sect, Mo Que'er, who had been itching for a long time, appeared on the stage.

The gossip contest went around a bit, the first match was between Four Immortals and Bin Yunguan; the second match was naturally Taifanhui against Gao Shuanggu.

Mo Que'er was still as hot-tempered as ever, and he beat that Gao Xun Xuanxian in Binyun Temple into a circle, coughing up blood and surrendering, no more fights, no more fights!It's so powerful, I can't beat it!
The rest of the Xuanxian's faces turned pale, this... this is too powerful!Why hadn't this Huoqinglingnv Xuanxian never heard of it before?Is it possible we can beat her?

Yan Zhengxin secretly swallowed his saliva, and looked worriedly at Junior Brother Fang Yang, who had always been icy-faced beside him, would he have a chance of winning?

Fang Yang stared at Mo Que'er for a while, shook his head slowly, and raised a finger, at most, there was only a [-]% chance of winning.

Yan Zhengxin couldn't help gasping, and looked at Mo Que'er in a daze. Where did this extremely powerful female Xuanxian come from? I've never heard of it!
It won't work so soon, it's not strong, it seems that old man Li is still strong, no matter how hard he hits, Mo Que'er curled his lips in displeasure, and floated back to Mo Xuan's side.

Uh... the whole scene was awkward for a moment.

Yan Zhengxin gave a friendly reminder: "Fellow Daoist Huo, for the winner, please click on the corresponding faction on the gossip contest board."

It turned out that this was still happening, so Mo Que'er went over and clicked on the off-position, the off-position grid flickered a few times, and it was always on, while the Kun's grid went dark.The Four Immortals officially won the contest.

Although we prepared so much, we still lost, but Bin Yunguan was convinced, we didn't lose at all, and it was an honor to be defeated by such a powerful Xuanxian!Maybe, this mighty Huoqinglingxuanxian can also be on the list of hundreds of heroes!We can brag about it in the future too.

(End of this chapter)

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