Chapter 329

Top [-] outstanding list!
It can also be said to be the Golden Immortal Seed List!

The big waves wash the sand, and strictly select one hundred peerless geniuses according to their record, talent, strength, potential, etc.!

The list of hundreds of heroes is subdivided into two lists: the heavenly list and the mysterious list. The list ranges from 51st to 1th. Those selected are all heavenly immortals with great potential. Almost all of them are first-rank immortals with the ability to defeat the mysterious Excellent record; Xuanbang is from No. [-] to [-], almost all of them are first-rank and second-rank Xuanxian, and the top [-] have outstanding records of confronting Jinxian head-on without losing or even winning!
This Hundred Talents list can be said to be a collection of the most outstanding geniuses in the four layers of time and space. It is not just because of their strong combat power that they can enter the list, but more about their potential!

The potential is unclear, and it is difficult to draw up specific standards, but the judges of the Hundred Excellence List are personally organized by the four little Taoists, and time has proved everything!
Many first-rank Celestial Immortals who didn't make it to the list at the beginning but became powerful were either stuck outside the gate of Xuanxian, or became ordinary after becoming Xuanxian, with little reputation and mediocre combat strength.

And almost none of the heavenly immortals who made it to the heavenly list could not become Xuanxian, and all of them rose to the top. Even if they could not enter the more competitive Xuanbang, they all did well. Not ordinary Xuanxian can compete with it of!

Therefore, this hundred outstanding list is still extremely authoritative!It is also an important protection measure for the outstanding seedlings of the fourth layer of time and space. The forces that dare to murder the geniuses on the list of hundreds of heroes will be attacked by groups and will not end well.

From this, it can be seen that the four little Taoists are by no means the kind of selfish people who have small intestines and can't tolerate others in their eyes, but sincerely hope that these four layers of time and space can be born in large numbers and become more and more prosperous.

Therefore, the geniuses who can enter the Hundred Talents List are all striven for and robbed by various forces, but they dare not threaten and persecute them. They have considerable privileges and prestige, but at the same time, the competition is also extremely fierce, and they accidentally fall out of the list. It is very difficult to enter the list again!
Relatively speaking, the replacement and replacement of the Tianbang is relatively fast. After the appearance of the Tower of Infinity, it will be even more serious. The Celestial Immortals will spring up like mushrooms after a spring rain. It can be said that there is no replacement for the [-]th place!
Even if it falls out of the heaven list, there will be many small forces vying for it. If it can successfully enter the top ten of the sky list, the six superpowers will take the initiative to throw olive branches.

And the celestial beings on the celestial list will basically fall out of the list of hundreds of heroes after they become xuanxian, and start sprinting towards the xuan list!

The Xuanbang is relatively stable, and there are few major changes. It is usually the replacement of the bottom ten and the change of the ranking. After all, the cycle of the Xuanxian is more than ten times that of the Tianxian!
If you want to enter the Xuanbang, you must have outstanding talent, solid strength, stable record and indispensable potential.There are very few people who can enter the Xuanbang after becoming famous in one battle!
Mo Que'er's formidable combat power is really eye-catching, not only Bin Yunguan, but also Taifanhui and Gao Shuanggu were shocked, thinking that the strength of this Huoqinglingxuanxian is enough to enter the list of the hundred heroes!They also inquired, and there has never been a person with the name Huo Qingling in the history of the Hundred Heroes List. Maybe this Huo Qingling is a peerless genius who has just graduated from the teacher!
There are still some examples of directly pointing at Xuanxian without entering the Tianbang. They are all truly peerless geniuses. The best example is the one who entered the Xuanbang 1000 years ago and soared to the top within a hundred years. The No.4 Lei Batian!It's just that after that, the powerful Lei Batian seemed to have encountered a bottleneck, and lost several key competitions one after another, and now he has dropped to the top ten.This may be due to Lei Batian's ordinary background, behind him is only a small force, and he declined the olive branch offered by the six superpowers, and has been working alone to accumulate wealth.However, Lei Batian is still one of the most popular Xuanbang powers at the moment!

So the three Xuanxians of Binyun Temple did not leave in a hurry, but bowed to Mo Xuan and his party, and said sincerely: "We, Binyun Temple, want to stay and watch the battle, I wonder if it is possible?"

Mo Xuan and his party looked at each other a few times, but it didn't matter.Mo Xuan nodded, yes.

The three Xuanxians of Binyun Temple stayed to watch the battle.

The second contest is Wenrenjian Xuanxian from Taifanhui against Zhang Hailu Xuanxian from Gaoshuanggu.

Wenrenjian is a powerful swordsman. Zhang Hailu's water attribute is not dominant, and he is passive everywhere. He persisted for a full 20 days, but was still defeated.

Wen Renjian was still very gentlemanly, and he didn't hit hard after several good opportunities.

Zhang Hailu bowed to Wenren Jian Yingying, in admiration.

Wen Renjian also smiled and bowed politely.

Gao Shuanggu also applied to stay and watch the battle.

The final decisive battle is between the Four Immortals and the Taifanhui, and there is still a one-month rest period in between.

Mo Xuan was not happy to wait too long, after all there are three Xuanxians in Taifan Society, so he suggested: "Why don't we start immediately."

The three Xuanxians of the Taifanhui discussed it, it’s okay, anyway, our last match will be played by Junior Brother Fang Yang, who has been recharging his energy, and Mo Que’er just had a match, so our odds of winning may be good A little bit higher.It's already a decisive battle, even if we know we are invincible, we still have to fight!
Yan Zhengxin nodded and agreed.

Mo Xuan then reported to the gossip competition board: "Four Immortals, Hua'an."

Hey, isn't that powerful Huo Qingling going to fight?Yan Zhengxin and the three looked at each other in amazement. Could it be that Huo Qingling is not as powerful as we imagined, but the three Xuanxians who belong to the axe type, super fierce at the beginning, and then die later?

Bin Yunguan and Gao Shuanggu were also unclear, so they looked at Mo Que'er in surprise, what's going on?

Fang Yang looked at Mo Xuan, or is this Hua An stronger than that Huo Qingling?Fang Yang gritted his teeth secretly, and he knew it by comparison, so he also reported: "Tai Fanhui, Fang Yang."

What?Fang Yang?Fang Yang from the Taifan Club?That Fang Yang who once entered the hundred outstanding list and finally rushed to the fourteenth place in the list? !
Bin Yunguan and the five immortals of Gaoshuanggu couldn't help but look at Fang Yang again and again, the cold appearance was indeed the same as the rumors, it should be him!

Although Fang Yang fell out of the Hundred Heroes list after becoming a Profound Immortal, and has never been able to enter the Profound Ranking, no one dares to underestimate him. After all, he has only been a Profound Immortal for 500 years, and his potential is unlimited!

Generally, geniuses who can enter the Tianbang will stay for a period of time as much as possible, to improve their reputation and so on, and strive to be able to reach the top ten, but Fang Yang did not stay, and directly challenged Xuanxian to succeed when he was ranked fourteen , fell out of the Hundred Excellence List!
On the one hand, this may be because Fang Yang has always been low-key and doesn't like to show his face. On the other hand, it may be that Tai Fan wants to hide Fang Yang privately, lest he be poached by other forces in the top ten, and it will be a big loss.

Bin Yunguan and Gao Shuanggu wait and see.

Yan Zhengxin and Wen Renjian also sweated secretly. If Junior Brother Fang Yang can win the final victory, then this rich little fairy world can be won, and we can also get a lot of commissions, so we can practice for a long time with peace of mind time!

Mo Xuan and Fang Yang bowed to each other, please!
It's a mule or a horse, just pull it out and you'll know!
Mo Xuan used to habitually use his best Grand Grand Palm to test the opponent's depth. Normally, he could take down the opponent with just one face-to-face encounter. It can be relegated to the third line, and it will be dominated by new tricks that are not yet mature, such as the rapid fire thousand handprints and the three-bladed red flame claw.

Mo Xuan used the three-edged red flame claw this time, and took the initiative to attack Fang Yang.

Fang Yang's brows twitched, as the saying goes, an expert will know if there is one as soon as he makes a move. This three-edged red flame claw is amazing, extremely concise, it is simply a real magic weapon!Fang Yang had to muster 12 points of energy, took out a blue-red jade ruler, and released one after another exquisite Taoism to block the attack of the three-edged red flame claw!

Zhanlong, Shang Mengyu and other mysterious immortals secretly exclaimed that they really deserved to be geniuses on the celestial list. Fang Yang's Taoism is not only exquisite, but also fast and accurate.But even so, Hua'an's three-edged red flame claw is nothing to him, who is this Hua'an?

After some searching, there are quite a few people named Hua An, but none of them match the one in front of me!It seemed that this Hua An, like that Huo Qingling and Wu Nianxuan, all appeared out of thin air!

After some fights, Mo Xuan had a good understanding of Fang Yang's strength. He was stronger than Zhuan Sun Hongsheng and the other three, but he was still too tender.

Mo Xuan manipulated the three-edged red flame claw to attack fiercely, so as to hit fast!

Fang Yang gradually became overwhelmed, so he could only dodge and use Taoism to assist him.

Zhan Long, Shang Mengyu and other mysterious immortals looked at each other in astonishment, even Fang Yang was no match for this Hua An at all. Could it be that this Hua An also possessed outstanding strength enough to be on the Xuanbang? !

Just when Mo Xuan felt that he should be able to hold Fang Yang firmly, Fang Yang suddenly split into two, one wrapped around the three-edged red flame claw, and the other rushed towards Mo Xuan bravely!If you don't move, you will be alone, if you move, you will marvel and move the ground!

Fang Yang has also figured out Mo Xuan's strength. If he fights steadily, he will definitely not be able to last for [-] hours. Therefore, Fang Yang, taking advantage of the abundant immortal power now, decisively sacrificed his trump card - Shuangyang Kill !

Why?Is this a split technique?Mo Xuan was taken aback, and Fang Yang, who was charging over, slapped him!Ouch, what a strong force!Mo Xuan's figure couldn't help shaking.Mo Xuan took a closer look at Fang Yang, who was fighting fiercely with the three-bladed red flame claws. His figure was a little blurry. It seemed that he was really a clone, but unlike the three clones of Mo Xuan, No. [-], [-], and [-], they did not have a perfect entity, but more like The comprehensive application of the puppet technique and the avatar technique has increased one's knowledge!

But Fang Yang was even more shocked. The palm he had been brewing for a long time and went all out with his body actually just hit Mo Xuan slightly shaking his body, but he retreated again and again!Good guy, it turns out that he hasn't shown his full strength all this time!
Fang Yang took a deep breath, but instead of being angry, he was happy. Such a strong opponent is rare in a hundred years!If you lose, you lose, come again!Fang Yang stopped his figure, and continued to wrestle with Mo Xuan regardless of consumption!

On the other side, Fang Yang's clone is also tightly entangled with the three-edged red flame claw, not giving him a chance to help!
Yan Zhengxin and Wen Renjian of the Taifan Club couldn't help looking at each other in shock. This Hua An was so strong, Junior Brother Fang Yang had already shown his full strength, but Hua An seemed to be able to handle it with ease, taking it easy!

Be good, Yan Zhengxin and Wen Renjian couldn't help but look at Huo Qingling, Wu Nianxuan, and Shuiyue with the old god with her arms around her chest. They all have extremely good combat power!Originally, he was able to take down this wealthy little fairy world with all chances, but he didn't expect to kill the Four Immortals sect halfway. Such a powerful Junior Brother Fang Yang might not be able to last long!Hey, man is not as good as God!
Mo Xuan was also quite ashamed of his own sidelines, so instead of defeating Fang Yang immediately, he became a competent sparring partner, playing with Fang Yang lively and lively.

Fang Yang also felt Mo Xuan's intentions, and his moves were even more unrestrained, using all kinds of imaginative moves!
The three-edged red flame claw was exhausted after all, but Fang Yang's avatar still had less than half of its energy left. It rushed over to cooperate with Fang Yang's main body and bombarded Mo Xuan indiscriminately. The tricks were upgraded again, and one plus one was far greater than two. power.

Mo Xuan dodged left and right at the same time and couldn't help but nodded secretly. This finale Fang Yang really has two brushes. Although many tricks have not been fully formed and cannot produce enough power, they obviously have unlimited potential. After a while, if he studies it carefully, he will definitely become a supernatural power that is not weak!
Fang Yang went all out to fight with Mo Xuan for a total of nine hours. The celestial energy in his body was exhausted, and the avatar had dissipated long ago. Then he took a deep breath and quit the battle group. He bowed deeply to Mo Xuan, expressing his gratitude !

Mo Xuan smiled back and bowed, you are welcome, I also benefited a lot.

Mo Xuan bowed again to the Xuanxians who were watching the battle, and then flew to the Bagua competition plate, and lightly tapped on the word Li!
The gossip contest board confirmed the final victory of the Four Immortals. It flickered for a moment, and after sending out the results, it fell silent and turned gray!This gossip contest plate is certainly good, but it has a limited time limit, and it can only be used once within ten years!If you want to compete again, you have to buy a second one!It's really a magic weapon for making money!

When it is officially registered, this small fairy world will be labeled as the Four Immortals, valid for a full 1 years.

Others can check this result when they pass by this small fairy world, knowing that this small fairy world is already famous, anyone who dares to come here to fight the autumn wind is an illegal act, and the Four Immortals can declare wanted or something, and Mo Xuan Then you can start your old job of capturing prisoners again!

Of course, there are very few guys who ignore the authority and dare to make trouble, and they don't live long!

(End of this chapter)

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