Interstellar Miner

Chapter 330 The Legend Begins

Chapter 330 The Legend Begins
Although they lost the competition, the eight immortals from Taifanhui, Binyunguan and Gaoshuanggu still cheerfully congratulated Mo Xuan and his party. Congratulations. Although this small fairyland is a little small, it is still quite rich. It is gratifying congratulations.

Although the three of Mo Xuan and the others are not well-known, after this battle, they have officially debuted, and they have entered everyone's eyes!With their strength, it will be a matter of time before they stand out, and it is not uncommon to be included in the list of hundreds of heroes, so Yan Zhengxin, Wen Renjian, Fang Yang, Zhan Long, Shang Mengyu and other long-sighted Xuanxian are all If you want to get acquainted and build a good relationship, it's not like you don't know each other. This is a serious martial arts competition, and it's not about seeking revenge in private!

Mo Xuan and his party had just arrived and really needed some help. They also intended to establish a good relationship with Yan Zhengxin and the others, so as to inquire about more useful information, so they took the initiative to invite Yan Zhengxin and other eight mysterious immortals.

Yan Zhengxin and the other eight Xuanxians naturally agreed cheerfully, wishing for nothing.

The banquet arranged by Mo Xuan was very simple. There was a circle of futons on the grass, a few altars of homemade immortal wine, and a few baskets of delicious spiritual fruits.Those who can attend the banquet are naturally Xuanxian and Tianxian, and the rest of them can prepare by themselves. In this era when everyone has a magic weapon for storing things, it is too easy and simple to organize a banquet.

Uh... Soon, there were big fish and big meat in the camps of all forces, and there was a lot of noise, and the banquet arranged by Mo Xuan was a bit too shabby in comparison!

With Moxuan's wealth as the head of Tianjianmen, it's not that he can't produce good things, but this is a four-dimensional time and space after all, so he sailed carefully for thousands of years, carefully referring to the spiritual fruit in the magic treasure stored by Zhuan Sunhongsheng and the other three. For banquets, there are fewer types.

Yan Zhengxin believes that they are also Xuanxian bosses. They have never tasted delicacies from mountains and seas. They did not really participate in the banquet for eating, but just want to get closer to Mo Xuan and his party, and to inquire more about it!
When they go out, Kong Ling and Mo Que'er always look up to Mo Xuan, they just eat lingering fruits gracefully, drink the fine wine from their hometown, smile sweetly, rarely make any noise, and Mo Xuan is solely responsible for socializing.

Mo Xuan smiled slightly, and didn't mention the identities and origins of his party, but only said that he was going out for training, and wherever he went, it counted, and he walked more and saw more to increase his knowledge.

Yan Zhengxin believed that of course they wouldn't pick which pot to turn on, they nodded with a slight smile, drank and ate fruit, and chatted from time to time.

Don't underestimate this small banquet. After careful observation, Yan Zhengxin and the others saw a lot of content. Mo Xuan and his party were obviously headed by Mo Xuan, that is, Hua An, and Huo Qingling and Wu Nianxuan should be Hua An. The Taoist couple, the Shuiyue who seemed out of tune with the atmosphere of the banquet and didn't drink alcohol should not be.

Judging from the elegant and appropriate words and deeds of Mo Xuan and his party, they are all well-educated, knowledgeable and reasonable, and their backgrounds should not be simple.Although Mo Xuan has no arrogance at all and treats others with gentleness, he can always reveal a little bit of majesty inadvertently, which makes us as Xuanxian secretly startled. Obviously, he has always been in a high position, speaks his words, and dominates life and death!

Everyone in Yan Zhengxin couldn't help but have various associations. The most common one is that Mo Xuan and his party are the young masters of a small power. If you fly, you will fly, soar to the sky; if you don't sing, you will stop;
It is also possible that Mo Xuan and his party are geniuses from a certain superpower Xuezang. They have been trained as teachers and did not want to rely on the toughness of the background, so they created their own sect and started from scratch.After all, the three of Mo Xuan are all so outstanding, and ordinary small forces may not be able to recruit so many geniuses.

Of course, there is too little information, and there are many possibilities!
Yan Zhengxin and the others secretly smiled wryly, no matter what the real situation was, we unfortunately bumped into their guns and became the first stepping stone for them to start.

Forget it, if Mo Xuan and the others can really enter the Hundred Excellence List in the future, we can also brag about it!

Yan Zhengxin believes that they are still very self-aware, knowing that they have little hope of becoming a Golden Immortal in this life, maybe Junior Brother Fang Yang can hit the Golden Immortal.

You must know that even among the peerless geniuses on the Hundred Elites Gathering List, those who can become golden immortals are rare!
Quite a few golden immortals in the fourth level of time and space succeeded in attacking when they were fourth, fifth and sixth rank Profound Immortals. They were relatively inferior golden immortals, and it was difficult for them to win against the top ten geniuses on the Profound Ranking.Of course, the Golden Immortal is a Golden Immortal after all, and it is completely crushing against ordinary Xuanxian.Therefore, there are still many Xuanxians who know that their aptitude is limited, and continue to attack Jinxian at the fourth, fifth and sixth ranks. Once they succeed, the golden dragon ascends to heaven over there, and the sea and the sky will be brighter from then on!

After some inquiries, Mo Xuan learned that there were two medium-sized forces nearby, one was the Taifan Society, and the other was the Tianwei Pavilion, which was slightly larger than the Taifan Society, but relatively far away.

In addition, Binyun Temple is considered to be a neighbor, Gao Shuanggu is not far away, and there are a dozen or so small forces in the rest, all of whom are powerful Xuanxians, so they should not be underestimated.

Yan Zhengxin and the others all offered an olive branch to Mo Xuan and his party, inviting Mo Xuan to sit with them when he had time, no matter if it would work or not, if he didn't try hard, he wouldn't even have a chance, what happened in the future Who can tell for sure!

Mo Xuan also agreed with his mouth, and went when he was free.

It was rare for so many Xuanxians to gather together, Yan Zhengxin and the others began to discuss the Tao at the end of the banquet, and the most important thing was to get advice from Mo Xuan and the others.

Mo Xuan didn't have anything to hide, so he made some suggestions based on the status of the martial arts competition among the Xuanxians. Mo Que'er and Kong Ling didn't interject a few words, so that Yan Zhengxin benefited a lot from them and nodded repeatedly.

Fang Yang was instructed by Mo Xuan's key points, only to feel enlightened, wishing to retreat and practice hard immediately, and the rest of the banquet would be out of his mind.

Yan Zhengxin and the others couldn't help sighing, Hua An and the others are really worth making friends with. Although they lost this time in the martial arts competition, they feel that they are not at all a loss to get to know Hua An and the others!

In the end, Yan Zhengxin and the others presented Moxuan Taifanhui, Binyun Temple, Gaoshuanggu's exclusive contact jade talisman, jade plate, etc., for the convenience of contact.

There is no never-ending feast in the world, Yan Zhengxin and they can only say goodbye to Mo Xuan reluctantly, this time, they don't know when they will see each other again.

Mo Xuan saw them off from a hundred miles away, waved goodbye to Yan Zhengxin and the others, turned around and faced the little fairy world, it's time to get down to business!
Mo Xuan calmed down and communicated with that little fairy world with his heart, from now on we will be a family!
Not long after, Mo Xuan was accepted by the Fang Xiaoxian Realm, and the whole body emitted a soft light, illuminating the surrounding dark space, and the energy of the entire Xiaoxian Realm surged towards Mo Xuan, enveloping Mo Xuan completely. Get up!

It's so comfortable, Mo Xuan lazily stretched his waist. Although the blessing of luck is far less than that of Shangtianjianmen, after gathering it is only light blue, but it is extremely light and agile, wrapped like a sauna The bath is average and extremely comfortable!

Yan Zhengxin's warships of the three forces were about to make a leap at this time, and suddenly they saw this unimaginable scene, and they were all dumbfounded!
This... this... what did we see?Gosh!We are not dreaming!Yan Zhengxin's battleships all stopped their leaping movements, and they stared blankly at the little fairy world that was glowing softly.

God, it's true!It turned out to be true!It's incredible!
Yan Zhengxin believed that they had seen the soft light and the package of luck from the Little Immortal Realm several times, which meant that the Little Immortal Realm had recognized Hua An as the master and was completely controlled by Hua An!
Although this small fairy world is very small, it still belongs to the category of the fairy world. It is not an ordinary fairy world fragment or something. Even if it is a golden fairy, if it wants to communicate with this small fairy world and gain control, it will take several years of polishing and communication. Woolen cloth!And it is not uncommon for Xuanxian to spend 80 or [-] years!
According to the legend, only Lord Qingyu Xiaodao completed the communication with a wood-attributed small fairy world and got the package of luck when he was in Xuanxian, which was really shocking and sung all over the world!Later, Xiaodao Lord Qingyu really achieved a shocking achievement and became the oldest Xiaodao Lord in this layer of time and space!Since then, there have been no such legends!

But this Fang Xiaoxianjie is of the earth attribute, Hua An is obviously of the fire attribute, unexpectedly... Yan Zhengxin and the others couldn't help pinching his thigh, oops, it doesn't seem to hurt very much, pinching again, it finally hurts!

Yan Zhengxin and the others couldn't help swallowing a big mouthful of saliva when they looked at Hua An, who was surrounded by luck. Maybe... We were fortunate to witness the beginning of a generation of legends!

Kong Ling and Mo Que'er didn't think there was anything wrong, but Xiao Yun couldn't help but froze, raised his head to look at Mo Xuan with a frown, and curled his lips.

Mo Xuan cheerfully flew down, joined forces with Kong Ling and Mo Que'er to fully deploy defenses for this little fairy world, so be prepared.

Yan Zhengxin stood in a daze for a long time before leaving with a sigh. We must keep it a secret. Although it is only a matter of time before Hua An and the others become successful, everyone has selfish motives. For the time being, we are the only ones who know!This is also a big advantage!

There were no outsiders, so Xiao Ba jumped out of the animal control bag to breathe. The huge space of the animal control bag back then was really not enough for the chubby Xiao Ba now. How can I not live in the ornamental decorations, and the swimming pool has become a drinking pool.

Mo Xuan, who is rich and powerful, has never changed Xiao Ba to a more spacious and luxurious residence, just to let Xiao Ba truly understand the harm of obesity!

Xiaoba has experienced Mo Xuan's good intentions. Although he can't control his mouth, he also pays attention to his healthy diet in daily life. He can control his obesity within a controllable range, and can effectively lose weight by going to and from time-sealed areas.

Mo Xuan saw Xiao Ba wandering around in the fairy world with nothing to do, so he arranged a job for Xiao Ba, and it was also Xiao Ba and his old profession - the interstellar miner!
Back then, Mo Xuan could only drive the lowest transport spirit ship to search for meteorites in the endless void of the second floor of time and space. After a few years, there were only a few meteorites. After Xiaoba, he officially embarked on the road of making a fortune. Road, just fish for meteorites!

Later, in the third layer of time and space, the rich meteorite mine made the poor and poor used to Mo Xuan and his party almost weep with joy!After that, Mo Xuan went to Canglan Star to supervise the mining, and only then did he realize how rich the mineral planet is, and the fairy stone is the real treasure, and he advanced to become a high-level interstellar miner.

Now, in this richer fourth layer of time and space, how can I lose my old job of eating!
There is a ready-made fairy stone mine here in the small fairy world. Although some of it has been mined, there are still a lot of top-quality fairy stones left. Xiaoba, if we want to deploy defense, I will leave it to you!
Little Bale haha ​​raised his tentacles to salute, wrapping it on my senior interstellar miner, it's all right!

Oops, the entrance of the mine is a bit small, so Xiaoba squeezed in abruptly, and started working hard with his tentacles wrapped around the black iron pickaxe and black iron pickaxe!One after another, haha, get rich!
Xiao Ba has so many tentacles, and his efficiency is really fierce, much faster than Mo Xuan working alone!
In just an hour and a half, Xiao Ba mined the Immortal Stone Immortal Palace to a great extent. After all, he has followed Mo Xuan for so many years, and Xiao Ba has learned a lot. Call it a day!

Huh!Why did the entrance of the mine suddenly become smaller, and I couldn't get out, whoops, whoops, master, come and save me, I'm stuck!
Mo Xuan dug open the entrance of the mine without a word, and let Xiaoba forcefully squeeze out, dizzy, I haven't seen you for a while, why are you gaining weight again, I really admire you!
Xiao Ba smiled foolishly, scratched his head with his tentacles in embarrassment, and hurriedly presented the mined top-grade fairy stone to Mo Xuan.

Mo Xuan gave Xiao Ba a blank look, collected most of it, and left a small part for Xiao Ba to use as snacks.

Master, Xiaoba loves you the most!Xiao Ba happily rubbed against Mo Xuan.

Alright, alright, I still have to defend, Xiaoba, you can play whatever you want, Mo Xuan will continue to work now!
(End of this chapter)

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