Interstellar Miner

Chapter 331 Focus

Chapter 331 Focus
Mo Xuan, Kong Ling, and Mo Que'er were all rejoicing. They never expected that as soon as they came to these four layers of time and space, they would win a rich little fairy world, which meant they already had a place to settle down!No longer a leaf of duckweed, it counts wherever it floats, and has a warm home!
The more Mo Xuan looked at this little fairy world, the more he liked it, so he deployed heavy defenses regardless of consumption, wrapping and protecting the little fairy world like an iron bucket!
It's finally done!

Mo Xuan wiped the sweat from his forehead, and flew down with Kong Ling and Mo Que'er in his arms, and saw Xiao Yun playing with Xiao Ba, and they had a good relationship.

Xiaoyun rolled his eyes at Mo Xuan, and said, "It's only such a small fairyland, do you need to guard it so strictly?"

Mo Xuan smiled: "Be prepared."

Xiaoyun shook his head secretly, this is pure waste, isn't it!It's gone, it's gone, the fourth layer of time and space is very rich, and when you have seen those real fairy worlds, you will know that this little fairy world is not even a fart.

Mo Xuan still smiled, no matter how good the gold and silver nests are, they can't compare to their own small nests!Now that the nest is already there, it's time to live in it.

Mo Xuan swiftly built an exquisite bamboo courtyard on the top of a mountain, with seats, beds, etc., and finally removed the burrs, and it was done!

Xiao Yun nodded his head and said, "Mo Xuan, I don't see that your craftsmanship is quite good."

Mo Xuan chuckled, he used to play around with these things a lot when he was a child, it's a trivial matter.

A group of people sat around the bamboo table in the small courtyard, eating delicious food brought from their hometown, very happy.

The fly in the ointment is that Xiaoba's head is a bit too big, and he is forced to squeeze in the small courtyard, blocking the view.

Mo Xuan looked up at the sky of the Little Immortal Realm, and he could see the sky full of stars, four of which were as big as longan's eyes, providing enough light and heat for this Little Immortal Realm.

That is to say, there is no difference between day and night in this small fairy world, or it has always been between day and night. There is no satellite, so there is no moon, but the light is more sufficient than the full moon night, and it is small enough. Fairyland plants thrive.

"By the way, what should we name this little fairy world?" Mo Xuan asked.

Xiaoyun said casually, "Just call it Shuiyue Xiaoxianjie."

Mo Xuan gave Xiaoyun a blank look, during the martial arts tournament you were playing soy sauce the whole time, why did you call your pseudonym.

Xiao Ba also joined in the fun and raised his tentacles, how about calling Xiao Ba Xiaoxianjie!

Go on your stomach!Mo Xuan slapped Xiao Ba's tentacle angrily.

Xiao Ba draws circles with his tentacles a little depressed, what a good name Xiao Ba is.

Mo Que'er said: "We are the Four Immortals Sect, or we should call it the Four Immortals Small Immortal Realm."

Kong Ling nodded, not bad.

Mo Xuan and Xiao Yun exchanged glances, then it's settled.

Xiao Ba was even more depressed, the Four Immortals and Four Immortals immediately excluded me, making it seem like I was not one of my own.

Mo Que'er caressed Xiao Ba, and comforted him: "Okay, okay, we will take down Xiaoxianjie in the future, and we will name it after you, Xiao Ba."

Xiao Ba immediately smiled happily, it was so easy to coax.

It was a beautiful day, full of food and drink, Mo Xuan hummed a little tune, hugged Kong Ling and Mo Que'er, entered the bamboo house, and closed the door.

Xiao Yun pouted, and continued to tease Xiao Ba in the courtyard.

at the same time.

The results of the gossip competition sent by the martial arts board passed through various transfer points, and finally reached the martial arts department specially set up by the four Xiaodao Lords, Qingyu, Chiyan, Heihong, and Zhan Hongbo.

Bei Junxian, one of the Yingmao Immortals in the Wudou Department, first checked the results of the competition, and the one who won the final victory was actually the unknown Four Immortals, while Taifanhui actually lost.

Bei Junxian couldn't help being amazed. It stands to reason that a skinny camel is bigger than a horse. Taifan will lose more and win less recently, and it is getting weaker and weaker.

Bei Junxian fast-forwarded to check the process of the martial arts competition. Shang Mengyu and Yan Song's martial arts competition was quite satisfactory, and it was nothing to watch. Fast forward, fast forward, Zhan Long and Yan Zhengxin are both pretty good, and they quickly defeated their opponents.

It's time for Wu Nianxuan of the Four Immortals Sect. Bei Junxian slowed down the playback speed. If it was slower, this Wu Nianxuan Xuanxian's strength is quite good. He is still an earth attribute Xuanxian. He defeated it in only [-] hours. Opponent, rare.

Bei Junxian continues to fast forward, the semi-finals, huh?It's over in a flash?what's the situation?Bei Junxian quickly rewinds, reads it at a slower speed, rewinds it again in a daze, and reads it again at a slower speed, it still disappears after brushing the ground!
Bei Junxian secretly swallowed his saliva, this is Huo Qingling from the Four Immortals Sect?Bei Junxian watched it at normal speed, it was too fast, it was completely crushed!What a powerful fire attribute Xuanxian!Could it be that the Four Immortals relied on this Huo Qingling to win the contest?
Bei Junxian inquired about Huo Qingling's information, what the hell?There was nothing, and this martial arts competition turned out to be Huo Qingling's debut match!Bei Junxian clicked his tongue for a while, and drew a circle behind Huo Qingling's name, which means to focus on the object of attention!

The next match between Wenrenjian Xuanxian and Gao Shuanggu's Zhang Hailu Xuanxian was very exciting, but Bei Junxian didn't pay much attention to watching it, and directly fast forwarded to the final.

Huh, the Four Immortals are actually not the Huo Qingling who played the battle?Hua An, who is this guy?Bei Junxian made some inquiries, well, the Four Immortals Sect was just established, and all four members are also newcomers!

Fang Yang?Fang Yang from the Taifan Society?That Fang Yang who rushed to the [-]th place in the sky list?Bei Junxian checked, there is nothing wrong, it is Fang Yang, with two circles behind his name, he is a special attention target, a genius who is expected to hit the black list!
Bei Junxian already knew the final result, Hua An from the Four Immortals Sect actually defeated Fang Yang?real or fake?Bei Junxian hurriedly checked the process of the martial arts competition, darling, this look is incredible, this Hua An's strength is obviously much stronger than Fang Yang's!

"Brother Junxian, what are you looking at, you are so surprised." A fairy passed by and asked in surprise.

Bei Junxian greeted: "Brother Tiancheng, come and see. Fang Yang from Taifanhui lost to a newcomer, Xuanxian."

"What kind of horse?" Fang Tiancheng hurried over, Hua An, I've never heard of such a character, newcomer?Wow, this Hua An is amazing!Fang Yang is no match at all!

At the back, it is no longer a competition, but a training partner!Let's judge!

Bei Junxian and Fang Tiancheng looked at each other in a daze, and couldn't help swallowing their saliva secretly. This Hua An is amazing, with such strength, it will be a matter of time before he soars to the sky!

Bei Junxian discussed with Fang Tiancheng, drew three circles behind Hua An's name, and reported it.

Soon the higher-ups issued an order, and Bei Junxian was responsible for tracking Hua An and the Four Immortals. You must know that this is the special treatment that only the peerless geniuses on the Xuanbang have. The record is too little, so we can only focus on it for the time being. Once the record reaches the standard, it can be reported to the four little Taoist monarchs, and the Xuanbang is expected!
"Brother Junxian, you are really lucky!" Fang Tiancheng gave Bei Junxian a blow enviously.

Bei Junxian laughed happily and said, "Turn back to Zuixianlou, I'll treat you."

"Then we brothers won't be drunk and won't go home." Fang Tiancheng smiled and went back to work.


I don't know the years in the mountains, Mo Xuan and his two beautiful wives Shuangxiu passed a month in a blink of an eye.

As expected of the fourth level of time and space, and with the blessing of this small fairy world, Mo Xuan and the three of them practiced together with ease, and their understanding of the Dao was more relaxed and compatible!
The harvest of this one-month double cultivation is on top of the one or two years of painstaking cultivation in the third floor of time and space!
Of course, this is because of the first double cultivation, and the next time it won't have such a significant effect, but it is still much stronger than in the third layer of time and space.

Xiaoyun has not been idle in this month, commanding Xiaoba and thousands of puppet beasts to make a big improvement in this little fairy world, reclaiming millions of acres of spiritual fields in the plains, and planting the elixir fairy grass ; The Grand Canal was dug to dredge water conservancy.

Mo Xuan glanced over and almost didn't recognize it. The change can be called earth-shaking!Mo Xuan nodded secretly, Xiaoyun is really a good hand at housekeeping!

The first step after coming to the fourth layer of time and space is quite good, but it still needs to go on steadily step by step.

Although Mo Xuan and his party are quite envious of the Endless Tower, this round of the Endless Tower is just like the fairy palace. It has just been opened for a few years, and the establishment of the next round of competition rings will take seven to eighty years according to the usual practice. It's useless, I can only wait patiently.

The most important thing right now is to gain a firm foothold in these four layers of time and space, and fight steadily.

Mo Xuan took out the contact jade charms and jade plates of Taifanhui, Binyunguan and Gaoshuanggu to play with.The contact symbol of Taifan Club is obviously the most high-end, but it also has many restrictions. Mo Xuan has no authority at all, and can only simply send and receive messages.

The jade plate of Bin Yunguan has additional instant news every day, such as which newcomer in the sect has made a breakthrough, and whoever has advanced to a level will have information prompts, which are intended to motivate newcomers.

Gao Shuanggu's jade plate is much more casual, Mo Xuan was also pulled into a group called Sonorous Rose by Shang Mengyu, which is full of big names of heavenly and mysterious immortals, and girls account for the majority, and Shang Mengyu is the group host.

As soon as Mo Xuan went online, the phantoms of Shang Mengyu and Zhang Hailu rushed over, Yingying bowed to Mo Xuan, Brother Hua An, you are here.

Mo Xuan happily returned his bow, and came over to have a look.

Shang Mengyu and Zhang Hailu smiled slightly, and took the initiative to introduce the online members of the group to Mo Xuan, most of them were Xuanxian and Tianxian from Gaoshuanggu, and there were also several Xuanxian friends who were pulled into the group by Shang Mengyu.

Although Hua An is not well-known, the group members can tell a lot from the attitudes of Shang Mengyu and Zhang Hailu that this Hua An must be very special, they are all cheerful and friendly.

The female fairies looked at Hua An secretly, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, heroic and extraordinary, it made people like it and wanted to get closer.

A bold female fairy asked Mo Xuan if he was single or something, and Mo Xuan naturally told the truth that he already had two lovely wives at home.

The female fairies quietly retreated away, and they were so proud that they didn't have the slightest intention to be small.

Mo Xuan has a gentle temperament, and with the help of Shang Mengyu and Zhang Hailu, he easily integrated into this small circle. After all, he is a newcomer, so Mo Xuan listens more, watches more and talks less, and seeks as much useful information as possible.

Mo Xuan feels that this group is mainly for chatting, and the female fairies still talk a lot, and they often chatter endlessly, talking about a new talented newcomer who has emerged from a nearby force, which one? Da Neng won the contest again, all kinds of things.

On this day, when Mo Xuan went online, he saw that the atmosphere in the group was very hot, and he listened curiously for a while. It turned out that a thousand-year-old chess game played by two tenth-dan masters of the Chess Academy was approaching its final stage, and now it was the most exciting when!Nowadays, there are huge crowds of immortals who come to watch onlookers admiringly, and it is very lively.

(End of this chapter)

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