Interstellar Miner

Chapter 332 The Year of Chess

Chapter 332
Mo Xuan also heard Zhuan and Sun Hongsheng talk about this Chess Academy. Although the scale of the Chess Academy is small, its status is very detached!
In the fourth level of time and space, among the four little Taoist lords today, three of them like Go!
Just like the three dao lords Taiyi, Qianzao, and Gu Xin in the Qingyuan Little Immortal Realm loved flower cards, and as a result, flower cards prevailed in the entire Qingyuan Little Immortal Realm. Go is also popular in these four layers of time and space, and the treatment of Go players is quite good.

And the Chess Academy has gathered the top Go masters in the four layers of time and space, and they are divided into one to ten ranks according to their chess strength and record!

The Chess Academy only recruits 100 new people every 20 years, and if you successfully enter the Chess Academy, you will be the first stage!

And it is extremely difficult to get a rank in the first stage of the Chess Academy!It is said that there are a total of ten classes in the first stage of Chess Academy, and each class has a fixed number of 100 students!That is to say, when 100 new recruits are recruited in 20 years, the last ten will be eliminated at the same time, and only the top ten can get a rank.

And one to ten paragraphs are in the shape of a pyramid, the more difficult it is to go up!Those above three ranks are all existences of heavenly immortals or above, and the only four tenth rank masters today are all golden immortals!

It is under such an atmosphere that the Academy of Chess Saints can sweep out any section at random, and there are few opponents!And ten-dan masters can even face-to-face with Xiaodaojun!


But don't underestimate the growth of these two routes, the amount of calculation required is a geometric growth!

The mortal chess game is 21-way by 21-way, and generally it only takes one or two hours for a game; a serious game of 23-way by 23-way takes ten days and a half a month; 25-way by 25-way takes one or two years. The most powerful computer on the earth can only barely play at this level; 27 times 27 ways is powerful, and it takes decades to play a casual game; and 80 times 1000 ways are the patent of master level chess players. , It takes 10 years to play rapid chess, and it takes [-] years to play the next game of Zhenger Bajing, so it is also called a thousand-year chess game. Because it takes too long, it is rare to see it in [-] years!
And this time, the thousand-year chess game is between Qu Caiyi's tenth dan and Yun Yuanjia's tenth dan from the Chess Academy. It has just passed 1000 years, and the millennium chess game deserves its name!

Needless to say, there is no need to talk about the chess skills of the two [-]th-dan masters. Now that the millennium chess game is coming to an end, it has naturally attracted countless Go lovers to come and see it!
Although Mo Xuan prefers to play chess, he didn't play Go less when he was in Taiyuan Academy.

Of course, Mo Xuan is usually so busy with studies, so Mo Xuan naturally doesn't have that leisure time to play chess. It's because Gao Shan and the others are too boring to play blind chess to pass the time. .

Mo Xuan's Go level is still very good. He participated in amateur competitions when he was on Earth and won a good ranking.Mo Xuan often uses a pair of high mountains and two or three of them, and they still win more and lose less. There is really no time to play more than 23 roads.

So Mo Xuan is still very interested in this thousand-year chess game that is rare in 10 years.

When there are more people, there will be gatherings, trade conferences and so on. The key is that the Chess Academy is not too far away.

Shang Mengyu and Zhang Hailu started to form a sightseeing tour group with great interest, and those who want to go sign up now!Although most members in the group don't feel much about chess games, there are still many people who sign up for shopping and Taobao.

Mo Xuan then told the three daughters about the thousand-year-old chess game, and the three daughters were very interested. Anyway, they are idle, so let's join in the fun and do some shopping. There should be quite a lot of good treasures in the fourth floor of time and space!

Mo Xuan also signed up.

According to Shang Mengyu and Zhang Hailu's last statistics, there were 42 Xuanxians and [-] Heavenly Immortals in the group, plus Kong Ling, Mo Que'er and Xiaoyun.

Shang Mengyu and Zhang Hailu agreed on a meeting time, ten days later.Shang Mengyu and Zhang Hailu kindly invited Mo Xuan and his party to stay in Gaoshuang Valley for a few days in advance, so that they could show their friendship as landlords.

Mo Xuan nodded and agreed, since they are also close neighbors, they still need to establish a good relationship.

Leaving the puppet beast to look after the house, Mo Xuan and his party set off.

Although Gao Shuanggu is not ranked at all in these four layers of time and space, among the small forces, they can only be regarded as the middle and lower reaches, and the territory is not too big, but the fourth layer of time and space is so full of flowers, there are several life planets in a small galaxy, The Little Immortal World can also be seen everywhere.Even if factors such as high-end combat power are not considered, Gao Shuanggu is still much stronger than the power of Medicine God Valley in the third level of time and space!

Shang Mengyu and Zhang Hailu greeted each other thousands of miles away, and led Mo Xuan and his party to the Mengyu galaxy in charge of Shang Mengyu.Zhang Hailu is in charge of the Hailu Galaxy.

There are a total of nineteen Xuanxians in Gaoshuanggu, of which only four are male Xuanxians, and three of them are considered to be matriarchs. It can be said that the proportion of female cultivators is particularly large, which can be regarded as the prosperity of yin and the decline of yang.

A group of people came to Mengyuxing, which is the living planet of female Xuanxian after all. The scenes of the whole planet were created dreamlike and beautiful.

Mo Xuan and his party couldn't help but secretly sigh in their hearts, what a prodigal, there are so many high-quality spiritual fields, but they don't plant any elixir and fairy grass, even if they plant some spiritual grains, they are all planted Nothing but beautiful flowers and trees!
Mo Xuan still remembers that when he first arrived at the third level of time and space, he followed Luo Xiang to visit Xiangxiu Xing. At that time, he felt that the God of Medicine, Gutu, was a prodigal. Compared with Meng Yuxing, Xiangxiu Xing was simply a model of thrift!
It can only be said that the upper layer of time and space is indeed much richer than the lower layer of time and space!Mo Xuan and the others are used to the barren second-level space-time, and when they go to the upper-level space-time, they feel that everything is extravagant and wasteful!
Kong Ling and Mo Que'er are also female fairies, and they are still very happy with the pleasing and beautiful Meng Yuxing. They happily followed Shang Mengyu and Zhang Hailu to visit and travel.

Everyone had another extremely sumptuous feast together, and before they knew it, it was almost time to gather and set off.

Although Shang Mengyu and Zhang Hailu are both Xuanxians who have just achieved in the past 5000 years, they can be regarded as new Xuanxians, but they can speak well and have a very wide network of contacts.

In fact, the story of every mysterious fairy can be written into a novel with millions of words. Shang Mengyu and Zhang Hailu were newcomer disciples who lived under the same roof. , and then to the current Xuanxian Da Neng, it can be said that walking is difficult and difficult!
But those are all in the past tense. After becoming Xuanxian, Shang Mengyu and Zhang Hailu immediately became the powerful elders of Gaoshuanggu, possessing many privileges, and living a happy life that may not have been possible in their dreams before!
Three Xuanxians from the surrounding forces rushed over one after another. It can be seen that the three of them are very interested in Shang Mengyu and Zhang Hailu, but judging from what Shang Mengyu and Zhang Hailu mean, they can only be regarded as ordinary friends with the three of them. , there is no intention of developing in the direction of Taoist companions for the time being.

It is very rare for ordinary people to fall in love for ten or eight years, but for Xuanxian to fall in love, 10 years or 8 years is not too much!

The three male Xuanxians know the truth that they can't eat hot tofu in a hurry, and they get along with Shang Mengyu and Zhang Hailu sincerely.
Xuanxian's male to female ratio is seriously out of balance, with more males than females!Therefore, female Xuanxians are always more popular in martial arts competitions!

Naturally, Gao Shuanggu, who has more women than men, is very popular, and the momentum of development is quite good.

The three bachelor male Xuanxian looked and looked at Mo Xuan, who was hugging left and right. Be good, to have two female Xuanxians as Taoist companions, it is definitely very good!The three male Xuanxians all took the initiative to greet Mo Xuan, wanting to make friends.

Mo Xuan was naturally easy-going and good old man, and soon became brothers and sisters with the three male Xuanxians.

In the end, Shang Mengyu and Zhang Hailu's large group of girlfriends came late, and they were basically Gao Shuanggu's female Xuanxian.Fairies always have the privilege of being late, and it doesn't need much explanation.

Hey, is this Hua An?The female immortals couldn't help looking at Mo Xuan again and again, the communication in the group could only be phantoms, and there was still a big difference from the deity!Seeing Immortal Hua'an face to face at this moment, the female immortals couldn't help but secretly marvel, what a handsome Xuanxian who is facing the wind in a jade tree, with extraordinary temperament, and even more unfathomable, no wonder Shang Mengyu and Zhang Hailu, two girls, can't help but want to stick to the door!
Kong Ling and Mo Que'er approached Mo Xuan unobtrusively, standing like door gods on the left and right, hey, hey, hey, Xuan is our husband, you have no chance, here, there are three single men over there Xuanxian, you better watch them!

The female immortals couldn't help looking at Kong Ling, Mo Que'er, and Kong Ling. Let Xiaoyun, who is a celestial being, let Wu Nianxuan and Huo Qingling look weak. !

It's still the newly created Four Immortals, tsk tsk, its origin is also a mystery, but it's really interesting!

Shang Mengyu and Zhang Hailu greeted each other. Now that everyone is ready, let's set off quickly so as not to miss the most exciting content!
Sightseeing tour group, everyone is traveling lightly, with a total of nine warships, with Shang Mengyu and Zhang Hailu's warships as the leaders, forming a small fleet for ultra-long-distance jumps, and then changing the leader and jumping again, only cost It took three days to arrive at the small galaxy where the Chess Academy is located.

This is mainly because Mo Xuan and his party are very low-key, and the strategic ship Explorer's transition distance is controlled at the middle and lower reaches of the nine warships, otherwise it will be there in one go!
In the final analysis, this is the fourth level of time and space where Xuanxian's rotten street and masters are like forests, not the third level of time and space where Mo Xuan and his party can already dominate and walk sideways. A low profile is a must!
Come on, there are so many people!Such a small galaxy is about to be crowded with countless strange warships!It's so densely packed that it's almost impossible to squeeze in!
This is the first time Mo Xuan and his party have seen such a bustling scene. From this, it can be seen that the law and order of the fourth floor is very good. It is strange to change to the third floor. up!

After negotiating with Zhang Hailu, Shang Mengyu finally found a rare and tortuous passage to the Little Immortal Realm where the Chess Academy is located.

Mo Xuan and the others took a look at this small fairy world, which is three thousand kilometers in diameter, so big!The Chess Academy is built among the lofty mountains surrounded by fairy mist.
The nine warships waited in line for a while, then flew into a huge warship mooring tower, and parked together in a large grid, which was very convenient.

This is the treatment of the Xuanxian-level team. Nowadays, the Little Immortal Realm of the Chess Academy is overcrowded. If the Celestial Immortals have no way to find a berth, they can only stay in the void and lead the team to fly into the Little Immortal Realm to watch the battle. .

No matter how come all the way here, the thousand-year chess game is still not to be missed.Shang Mengyu and Zhang Hailu led the team to the Chess Academy in a hurry, and there was a phantom of a super huge chessboard floating in the sky above the Chess Academy, which could be seen from a long distance away.

Mo Xuan luckily glanced at the chess game for a few times, and couldn't help but be amazed, it's really amazing skills!
(End of this chapter)

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