Interstellar Miner

Chapter 333 Taobao shopping

Chapter 333 Taobao shopping
Chess Academy is not a place that can be entered casually.

The huge square at the gate of the courtyard is full of people who are watching the thousand-year-old chess game with their heads up!

Mo Xuan and his party were stunned and couldn't squeeze in. Fortunately, the huge chessboard was floating above the Chess Academy, and they could see it with their eyesight.

Shang Mengyu and Zhang Hailu suggested, since we can't make it through, let's go shopping first!
OK!Go shopping!The female fairies all smiled and clapped their hands, let's go!
Only Mo Xuan was still reluctant to part with him. He turned his head and looked at the huge chess game again and again, tsk tsk, the situation of this 27-way Go game looks too complicated. It is really not at the same level as the ordinary 21-way and [-]-way. In this way, is there any change in the rules?

Xuan, go to Taobao!You have to wait until the shopping is over, anyway, it will take several years to make a random move in the thousand-year chess game, Kong Ling and Mo Que'er forced Mo Xuan away from the left and the right.

Mo Xuan has already memorized the chess game, although it is not clear whether the next move is white or black, but the chess game is very deep, enough for Mo Xuan to ponder for several days.

What do you think of the prosperity of the fourth layer of time and space?A commercial street is enough!

Wow!Kong Ling and Mo Que'er couldn't help but let out a sincere exclamation, they really gained knowledge today!

Mo Xuan looked up, darling, is this a commodity street? It is simply a commodity empire!The Taobao street in the third-level space-time high-rise Little Immortal Realm is already very big, but compared with this place, it is the difference between a giant dragon and an earthworm!

That really isn't even comparable at all, it's not at the same level at all!

There are hundreds of millions of immortals in just such a street!There is a lot of people, and it is extremely prosperous!
Even if you are a fairy, you can't walk down such a street for a few years!
Shang Mengyu and Zhang Hailu were also overjoyed, they haven't seen such a lively street for a long time, this time we really came to the right place!Taobao, Taobao, let's hurry to Taobao!

A group of people came to the subdivided Taobao Street.Needless to say, the street is wide, but the shops on the street are very small. Of course, the smallness is only because the facades cannot be enlarged. At a glance, the shops are densely packed together, with a gap in the middle Almost gone!

And every store has a universe inside, and the space inside is huge!
With such a large number of stores, whether the store's business is good or not depends on whether the big signboard at the door is attractive enough, whether it is conspicuous enough, and whether the voice of the staff at the door is loud enough!
"Walk around, take a look, take a look, there are so many rare treasures, it's time to test your eyesight! After passing this place, there will be no such shop!"

"There is no explanation for betting on stones! Betting on stones! Time-honored shops, no cheating, cheating, and guaranteed reputation!"

"All kinds of flying magic weapon vomit blood and jump off the building at a big sale!"

"Antique calligraphy and paintings, famous masterpieces! Don't enter if you don't have money!"

"Fairies, birds, and beasts will drive on behalf of the driver, and you will get a free refund if you don't want to pull the wind. Let's take a look!"

"All kinds of Dao methods and Dao formulas are available in ancient and modern times!"

"Recycling all kinds of magic weapon fragments, the price is fair, and children are not deceived."


The yelling came one after another, and each wave was higher than the last. These aspects are similar to Gaosheng's Little Immortal Realm, and it is lively just watching it.

After all, everyone has different hobbies, so Shang Mengyu and Zhang Hailu made an appointment with everyone to meet up in [-] hours, go to the food street to enjoy delicious food, and disband.

Mo Xuan led the three daughters into a stone betting shop named Geely. They said that they hadn't gambled on stones for many years, and their hands were really itchy. I don't know if the meteorites in the fourth layer of time and space are powerful enough?
"Invite the four guest officers, I wish the four good luck and prosperity. Please~" A waiter greeted him with a smile on his face, greeted a few times, and led the way in front.

Even Xiaoer is an immortal, tsk tsk!

Hey, it's really big inside, and the number of meteorites is hundreds of millions. Such a shop can't wait to be half a block away from the meteorite gambling in Gaosheng Xiaoxianjie!What kind of background is this!The fourth layer of time and space is really rich!Mo Xuan and his party secretly sighed.

Xiao Ba in the animal control bag snickered for a while, finally it's time for me to show my skills again!Tsk tsk, not bad, there are so many good meteorites, get rich!

The grotesque meteorite mines are like bonsai, placed with clearly marked prices, and set up in the picturesque garden, which has a special scenery and interest.Coupled with the fact that there are people coming and going, and guests are coming and going, it feels very good to the senses.

Xiao Er led the way ahead, took Mo Xuan and his party to a somewhat remote meteorite garden, and greeted: "Four guests, this place is relatively secluded, you can choose slowly."

Mo Xuan glanced a few times, then curled his lips into a smile, you think we are Xiaobai.Mo Xuan glanced at Xiao Er with a half-smile, and said, "Please change the place."

Xiao Er's expression remained unchanged, he nodded yes, and led Mo Xuan and his party to a meteorite garden, where there were already a dozen guests wandering around.

A guest knocked on a meteorite for a while, took it off and cut it open on the spot. The core part is the first-rank immortal energy core, which is considered a big profit!
The onlookers were amazed, what luck!Let's hurry too!I bought a few meteorites and cut them up, but they were all garbage, so depressing!
Mo Xuan secretly laughed, this kind of low-level childcare trick is really good!

As the saying goes, out of ten gambles and nine cheats, there is another one that relies on cheating!
Mo Xuan didn't come here to gamble on stones, but to actually shop for treasures.

Mo Xuan still remembers that when he first went to work in the void after becoming a fairy, he was lucky enough to meet a small meteorite belt, and also harvested a small earth-level first-grade sun. At that time, it was called happiness, and he was dumbfounded , Drooling, almost tears!Later, he was attacked by Xiaoba and the others!

The past is like smoke!

Nowadays, not to mention earth-level, sky-level, and fairy-level meteorites, mysterious-level meteorites are not much to look at. After all, Mo Xuan is now the sect master of Tianjianmen. No matter how precious mysterious-level meteorites are, they cannot stand There are many people in Tianjianmen, and the accumulation of less makes more.

Now the black-grade top-quality meteorite in Moxuan's storage bracelet can already be weighed by the ton!

However, in these four layers of time and space, the mysterious meteorites are a bit behind the times!What Mo Xuan is aiming at now is the Huang rank above Xuan rank!

Of course, the premise of all this is that there is Xiaoba, the god-defying prospecting god!
If there was no Xiaoba, Mo Xuan would not be happy to take the initiative to send him to his door to be slaughtered!Staying away from gambling is everyone's responsibility!
You must know that the Tao is one foot tall and the devil is ten feet high. You think your eyesight is good enough, but how can you stand against more treacherous merchants!You can tell by looking at the store, the more magnificent the store, the more money you make!
Seeing that this shop is so bad, Mo Xuan is not polite, he took a few small rubbish meteorites and cut them up on the spot, they are all rubbish!Then he led Xiao Er to wander around, shopping here and there, and took down the top-quality meteorites one by one, exhausting the fairy-level Xiao Er.

Call it a day, leave, the next one!
Xiao Er sent Mo Xuan and his party out, went back and filled a big pot of water, sighed, and muttered speechlessly: "I thought I met a master, but it turned out that some people who don't understand pretend to understand, how can anyone bet on stones so old?" Those who ran away, hmph, turn around and cut it open to your death!"

There are really quite a few stone gambling shops, Mo Xuan and his party are picky and picky, with Xiao Ba guiding the way, and only go in those who really have the best meteorites.

Speaking of which, although some stone gambling shops are not as bad as the first one, they have set up a lot of rules, such as requiring stones to be cut on the spot, you can buy the cut out top-quality meteorite cores, and cut out five fairy-level meteorite cores and send them off to customers, etc. wait.

With Mo Xuan's current wealth, he doesn't need to be greedy for cheap anymore, he knows how to accept it when he sees it!

Greed for petty gains often leads to big losses. This is what Mo Xuan learned from his painful experience when he was still on Earth. When he was a child, Mo Xuan loved to attend gatherings, but he couldn’t resist the temptation to play various street games. How simple it looks , the rewards are so generous.In the end, Mo Xuan always loses all his money, and all the money he saved to buy lollipops, sugar figures, and cotton candy was all spent, and in the end he could only watch other people's children eat sweets. Cheers, envy, jealousy.

Merchants always open stores to make money. Once they don't make much money, it won't be long before they close their doors.Gambling with stones is not just taking advantage of the subtle psychology of the public who likes to be greedy for petty gains, feels that it is impossible to lose money all the time, and has a feverish mind and wants to make enough money once!

In the end, the betting stone shop is making a lot of money!Only a very few people can make money, and most people lose a lot.Even great experts in this way will sometimes miss, and if a big expert misses, it may be bankrupt.

In fact, the nature of gambling stones is not too bad, more or less you can get some meteorite cores, which can be a little comforting.

In fact, the worst kind of betting is the kind of gambling where money is bet, and once the betting is wrong, there will be no return of even a penny, and often such extremely profitable bets are controlled by those super-large forces. Put on a good name, such as Cuju, lottery tickets, etc., and you can earn a lot!

But the public has been losing everything, and gradually it has become a habit. While it is their own fault, it has to be said to be sad.

Wanting to make a fortune from gambling is an act of death in itself.The real gambling has nothing to do with luck!

Closer to home, Mo Xuan and his party have been shopping for a long time, and it's no fun to search for meteorites all the time, and my feet are a little sore from walking!Mo Xuan and the three women together, let's break up too, let's start the real Taobao!

Mo Xuan turned and turned, and went into an antique shop. There is a specialization in art, and Mo Xuan's ability to go back in time is the most suitable for searching for antiques!

A 10-year-old gray duck puppet in the third layer of time and space can be sold for a sky-high price, but it can’t be done in the fourth layer of time and space. Mo Xuan casually walked around. There are many antiques of 50 million years old, and the prices are very low. Cheap, you get what you pay for!

After visiting several antique shops, Mo Xuan couldn't find any cheap and high-quality fish that slipped through the net. It seems that the treasure appraisers in the fourth floor of time and space had two brushes.

Mo Xuan rubbed his chin, thinking that if he bought a large number of cheap ceramics and stored them for millions of years, they would definitely be very valuable by then, not much more cost-effective than buying antiques at a high price now, hehe!
Just do what you want, and Mo Xuan starts to sweep the streets, collecting as much cheap and exquisite ceramics as you can!
After walking all the way, Mo Xuan discovered that the gods on the street are indeed bad street goods. Many gods seem to be very young, as if they have just gone out to practice, and they are almost at the level of the third-tier fairy son of time and space!And Xuan Xian is still very scarce, Mo Xuan has been shopping for a long time but has not been able to see a few Xuan Xian!

The law and order on the fourth floor is really good. Xuanxian and Tianxian are generally very low-key, and there is no one walking sideways with their nostrils upturned!
Before I knew it, it was time to join the three girls.

Both Kong Ling and Mo Que'er pouted slightly. Although they found a lot of good products, the prices were not cheap, and in the end they couldn't get a few good ones. This time shopping was a bit uncomfortable!
Xiaoyun was smiling, obviously gaining a lot.

Mo Xuan, Kong Ling, and Mo Que'er all looked at Xiaoyun eagerly. Sister Xiaoyun, what treasure have they won?
Xiaoyun chuckled, and took out a broken black earthen jar with a treasure offer.

Oops, what is this?The three of Mo Xuan couldn't help looking at the broken earthen jar, but they couldn't see anything famous, so they could only humbly ask Xiaoyun for advice.

Xiaoyun smiled complacently, and said awesomely: "I don't know much about it, but it's a real treasure! Of course, this broken earthen jar is worthless, and it's just in the corner full of dust. I just bought a sample Little gadget, asked for it as a gift."

The three of Mo Xuan nodded, um, um, what is the mystery of this earthen jar?

(End of this chapter)

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