Interstellar Miner

Chapter 334 Babelfly

Chapter 334 Babelfly

Xiao Yun giggled, and said, "It's inconvenient on the street now, let's talk about it later. Mo Xuan, what about you, what have you gained?"

Mo Xuan chuckled, and showed his spoils to Xiaoyun and his two wives in a show of treasure.

Why?Xiao Yun wondered, "Mo Xuan, why are you messing with all this mess?"

Mo Xuan curled his lips and said, "How can it be broken? These are all sets of gorgeous and exquisite porcelain. If you dig a cave in the Four Immortals and store them for millions of years, they are antiques!"

Xiaoyun really wanted to spray Moxuan's face, but after thinking about it, forget it, he really has nothing to say to such a petty guy!If you want to let it go, let it go!
Kong Ling and Mo Que'er couldn't help but smile at each other, Xuan's idea is actually quite whimsical, the so-called antiques, aren't they all stored, and weren't all freshly baked back then!
Kong Ling and Mo Que'er showed off their trophies at the right time, changed the subject, and helped Mo Xuan out.

Mo Xuan didn't think it was a big deal, it's all about human effort, everything is about perseverance, the cheap porcelain I bought today will definitely be worth a lot in the future!

The time agreed upon by Shang Mengyu and Zhang Hailu was approaching, so Mo Xuan and his party gathered Shang Mengyu, Zhang Hailu and the others.

Shang Mengyu smiled and showed everyone a piece of amber jasper she carefully selected, in which a dragonfly-like creature was frozen.

"This is a prehistoric creature, the Skyfly." Shang Mengyu introduced happily. She didn't expect to encounter such a top-quality treasure. This time, she really earned it.

Prehistoric creatures?Mo Xuan blinked, and went back in time. Occasionally, it’s less than 100 million years old. Oops, it’s just a dragonfly with a pair of wings inserted in the middle. It’s so lifelike, and the fake technology is really leveraged!
Mo Xuan thought about it for a while, but he still didn't point it out. Taobao was originally for Tu Yile, and this dragonfly is considered an antique, quite valuable.

Xiaoyun leaned over to take a look curiously, and immediately sneered: "What is the skyfly, isn't it just a big dragonfly with a pair of wings!"

What?Is it a fake?Shang Mengyu was taken aback, frowned and looked at Hu Po again and again.A group of sisters also helped to read and read, but they couldn't see anything.

"Sister, is this really a lie?" A female Xuanxian named Fan Manhan in Gaoshuanggu asked Xiaoyun.

Who is your sister, I am much older than you, okay? Xiao Yun pouted, pointed to the pair of wings in the middle of the dragonfly, and said, "Look carefully, the pair of wings in the middle seem to be natural, but they are actually inserted into the body." , it’s just that the line of sight is blocked, so I can’t see it clearly! I’ve seen Babelfly a lot, so it’s not like this!”

"Sister, you have seen Tongtianfly, how did you see it?" Another female Xuanxian He Xixue asked in surprise.

Oops, I accidentally made a slip of the tongue, Xiaoyun explained: "I also read it in an ancient book, the three pairs of wings of the Babelfly are not so crowded together, and the second pair of wings is bigger than the other two pairs of wings No. [-], which is not usually used, will suddenly flap once it encounters danger, and can break through the speed of sound with ease."

Seeing what Xiaoyun said so clearly, Shang Mengyu and the others looked at each other in amazement, and couldn't help but believe it!

Shang Mengyu gritted her teeth viciously, and actually got her aunt on her head!How dare you!
A group of people immediately rushed to Biyufang with Haohao Tangtang, attracting many passers-by to watch.

Seeing that the visitor was not friendly, the shopkeeper Tianxian hurriedly greeted him with a smile. What's the matter, gentlemen?

Shang Mengyu sneered and threw Amber into the shopkeeper's arms, snorting coldly: "I don't want your fake, I will refund the money."

Fake?There are so many people watching at the scene, if it spreads, how can we do business after it spreads!The shopkeeper said in a deep voice: "Guest officer, if you don't like it, we will return it to you. Why call it a fake! Our Biyufang has been in business for 30 years, and we have never faked it! This prehistoric Babel has passed through at least The appraisal of the three appraisal masters has also issued an appraisal certificate, so why is it fake?"

Shang Mengyu snorted coldly, and immediately announced the points Xiaoyun said to the public.

The shopkeeper was stunned when he heard it. This... the Babelfly is a prehistoric creature that has long been extinct. None of us have seen it with our own eyes. We can only deduce it through archaeology. Is it really the Babelfly you mentioned?

The atmosphere was a little stiff for a while.

No matter what, the shopkeeper killed it with one bite, and never admitted that it was a fake.It didn't matter at first, but according to the rules of Biyufang, only [-]% of the money can be refunded.

"Why! You guys deceived me with this fake product. If you don't admit it, it's fine. If you don't get a full refund, you'll treat me as a bully!" Shang Mengyu was furious immediately!

The onlookers pointed and pointed, and there were different opinions.There are those who support Shang Mengyu, Tongtianfly really shouldn't be so ordinary; there are also those who support Biyufang, thinking that Shang Mengyu is messing around and making trouble for no reason.After all, there are too many things that use various means to maliciously attack opponents' stores!
The shopkeeper wanted to get a full refund, and the big things were turned into small things, but with such a big fanfare, it was hard to get rid of it!Right now the store's reputation is the most important thing, no matter whether it is a fake or not, I can only insist on it, and I will not admit it, but the higher ups should hurry up, how can I, a little fairy, hold down such a group of mysterious immortals!
Soon, the three angels who were in charge of maintaining the order of the street rushed over from the Chess Academy.

This matter is not big, but it is not small.The price of Tongtianfly is indeed very expensive, and it is not an ordinary economic dispute.

The three angels summed it up, and the angel Gao Minghui who took the lead bowed to Shang Mengyu, and said comfortingly: "This fellow Taoist, please be calm, we have already invited Mr. Zhang Ge from our Chess Academy to come here. Help identify."

Shang Mengyu nodded, okay, the reputation of Chess Academy is still guaranteed.

Seeing more and more people onlookers, the shopkeeper was secretly anxious. If it was verified that it was genuine, it would be fine, and a refund would solve all problems. It's all in vain, and the loss will be immeasurable!

Not long after, the short and thin Mr. Zhang Ge from the Chess Academy, who was short and thin with gray beard and hair, walked in while carrying a big wine gourd and pouring wine into his mouth, and muttered: "Tiantianfly, This is a rare item, let the old man have a look."

The shopkeeper offered Amber with both hands with a smile on his face.

Zhang Ge's old eyes widened all of a sudden, and he flicked through and started to play, his mouth also tsk-tsk.

Shang Mengyu and the others couldn't help but secretly frowned, does this old man know what to do?

The shopkeeper is secretly delighted, it seems that the crisis can be resolved!
Old Zhang Ge said in a loud voice: "It's really ingenious! The old man was almost fooled!"

What? !Just as a trace of a smile appeared on the shopkeeper's face, it was completely frozen in an instant!Really fake? !Ruined!

The surrounding audience all exclaimed in amazement, it is really a fake, and now the Biyufang is choking!

"Old Ge, why is this a fake?" An old voice sounded at this moment, and a tall, ruddy-faced old man with the same white beard and white hair walked in with a group of immortals.

Old Zhang Ge squinted his eyes, looked back at the person who came, and said with a smirk: "Fellow Wang, why come here when you have time?"

Wang Xingde snorted coldly, and said: "I also suddenly heard someone say that someone questioned the Babelfly I had identified, and I happened to be watching the thousand-year-old chess game here, didn't I rush over here!"

"Old Wang." The shopkeeper greeted him happily as if seeing a savior. It's great that you are always here!

Wang Xingde patted the shopkeeper on the shoulder with a slight smile, I'm here, Ann.

Wang Xingde turned to Elder Zhang Ge and asked, "Old Zhang Ge, what advice do you have for this Tongtianfly?"

Mr. Zhang Ge stroked his beard, and said cheerfully: "I don't dare to advise, but well, I have seen the introduction of Tongtianfly in "Tongtian Baojian", and the three pairs of wings are half an inch apart, but this one does not match. oh."

Wang Xingde smiled bluntly: "Mr. Ge's words are wrong. I have also read "Tiantian Baojian", but later I found that the introduction of some creatures and treasures above is really biased, mixed with too many personal assumptions! For example, the ancient fairy The precious yin and yang mirror, it is said that it can go back and forth between yin and yang, and eliminate the barrier between life and death, is really nonsense!"

"This..." Mr. Zhang Ge couldn't help frowning. Any ancient book has vague words and places that need to be studied. There is no classic that can guarantee that it is completely accurate and correct!
"Later, I took great pains and finally found the so-called yin and yang mirror." Wang Xingde triumphantly took out a large black round mirror that was one person tall. It was neither gold nor earth, and its appearance was covered with strange patterns, except that a washbasin was missing in the middle. That big crescent shape.

Wow, the legendary ancient fairy treasure, everyone in the audience stretched their necks in amazement.

Zhang Ge couldn't help staring at the yin and yang mirror again and again, comparing it with the introduction in the ancient book, oh, it's just that!This is a genuine ancient fairy treasure!

Huh!Mo Xuan and his party couldn't help but gasp in surprise, and looked at each other a few times. Could the crescent-shaped meteorite we found in Xiangxiu be the missing part of the round mirror?

Mo Xuan rummaged around, and found the meteorite in the shape of a large crescent in the washbasin at the bottom of the most storage bracelet. Comparing it with the missing part of the yin and yang mirror, it was just right, and even the patterns matched. It's the original!

Mo Xuan and his party looked at each other calmly, and couldn't help staring at the yin and yang mirror. This is the original body. What we have gained is only a very small part of what is missing. Miraculous effects, if combined into one body, it might really produce super miraculous effects.

Wang Xingde looked around, tapped the Yin-Yang Mirror a few times with his fingers, and explained: "There is no doubt that this is the genuine ancient fairy treasure Yin-Yang Mirror, which is exactly the same as what is recorded in "Tong Tian Bao Jian", and I almost broke my fortune to get it. hands, and it turned out...there is no magical effect recorded in "Tiantian Baojian" at all."

"Although a small part of this yin-yang mirror is missing, it does not affect its use if it is not enough. According to the introduction in "Tiantian Baojian", this yin-yang mirror must be used during the full moon, and it is nothing more than the need for the lunar energy of the full moon!" Wang Xingde demonstrated live After a while, he tapped the Yin-Yang mirror a few times with his fingers, and the energy of the sun was transferred in, and the Yin-Yang mirror gradually lit up, emitting a gentle red light, but it was useless!
Wang Xingde smiled, shook his head and sighed: "As you can see, I have tried no less than a thousand ways of using it, and only this way of using it has the best effect, but it only has some effects of calming the mind and calming the breath. Half of the effect is related to life and death! So the records in "Tiantian Baojian" are completely nonsense! As for the records of Tongtianfly, I have seen them in two other ancient books "Encyclopedia of Prehistoric Species" and "Mountains, Rivers, Ancient and Modern" , but it is the same as the Tongtianfly sealed in this amber! That's why I identified this Tongtianfly as the real thing!"

Mo Xuan and his party just laughed and said nothing, they are really masters of appraisal, Brick, the white cat has been called a black cat, admiration!
(End of this chapter)

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