Interstellar Miner

Chapter 335 Yin-Yang Mirror

Chapter 335 Yin-Yang Mirror ([-])

Elder Zhang Ge frowned and said, "Friend Wang Daoist, you're being too unreasonable. How can you assume that the records of Tongtianfly are also wrong just because one or two treasures in "Tongtian Baojian" are distorted!"

Wang Xingde stroked his beard and smiled and said, "Master Ge, I didn't say that. I just thought that the records in "Tiantian Treasure Mirror" may not be true, so I specifically referred to other ancient books, and finally decided that this Tongtianfly is genuine. Moreover, there are two appraisers who hold the same opinion as me. It is because of the appraisal results of the three of us that Biyufang put this Tongtianfly on the counter for sale! It is also because it is not completely sure that it is genuine, So the price is not too outrageous!"

Old Zhang Ge pursed his lips, he was a little speechless, his argument had already been refuted by Wang Xingde with the facts, and the record of Tongtianfly in "Tongtian Baojian" was not completely credible!

Appreciating treasures and appraising treasures, who dares to say certainty, certainty, and affirmation, isn't it all based on the eyesight of the master appraiser!After all, no one can see Babelfly with his own eyes, and it's not all recorded in ancient books!

With the identification and certification of three master appraisal masters, even if this Tongtianfly is really a fake, it is still worth the price. If you hype it up and resell it, you will surely make a profit!

Immediately, a Xuanxian said to Shang Mengyu: "This fellow Taoist, if you don't like it, then I am willing to buy it at the original price."

Another celestial son hurriedly said: "My grandpa likes this one. If fellow Taoists are willing to give up their love, I am willing to buy it at a high price!"

Shang Mengyu hesitated to exchange glances with the sisters, this...

Or forget it, even if it's fake, but at least this Tongtianfly looks more real than real, so it's not a loss if you buy it.

Xiaoyun rolled his eyes and was about to scoff.

Mo Xuan hastily tugged Xiao Yun's arm, okay, okay, one more thing is worse than one less thing, it's enough for things to be like this, let's stop.

Xiaoyun glanced at Mo Xuan unhappily, you timid guy.

Mo Xuan also gave Xiaoyun a blank look, you have the guts, you go and provoke those golden immortals, don't get involved with me!

Xiaoyun thinks about it too, the current self is only a half-assed combat power, it's better to keep a low profile.But the yin and yang mirror looks really hot, I really want to abduct it!

At this time, Shang Mengyu also has some concerns, since he has already decided in his heart that it is a fake, then let's change hands!Shang Mengyu sold the amber to that elder brother Tianxian, and made a profit of [-]% after changing hands.Shang Mengyu couldn't help showing a smile, and I'll invite everyone on the food street later.

Okay, there is no girl who doesn't like free food, let's go.

It stands to reason that things should come to an end here, and big things should be turned into small ones.

However, Wang Xingde was not forgiving, Shi Shiran put away the yin and yang mirror, and sneered at Shang Mengyu's direction: "It's fine if I don't know anything, and I'm ashamed to run out!"

Although the voice is not loud, but there are all immortals present, who would not hear it!
This sentence can stab a hornet's nest!

Shang Mengyu and the others all stopped in their tracks with a cold face, and looked back coldly, if you have the guts, try to say something again.Elder Zhang Ge also had an angry look on his face, so there is something else to say about Tongtianfly, but it's just to save face for you, and you don't want to make things worse, don't be ignorant of flattery!
Immediately, the immortals who were leaving the venue gathered together again. It seems that there is a good show to watch!

Wang Xingde couldn't help but his face changed slightly, and he yelled inwardly, "You're making your mouth cheap, the other party is a lot of mysterious immortals, and you are a heavenly immortal, so how can you afford to offend me!"
Mo Xuan also smiled coldly, you are the real Guan Gong playing big swords in front of you, Xiao Yun is the real master of appreciating treasures, what kind of onion on the ground are you, you dare to be so arrogant!

Xiaoyun didn't want to cause trouble at first, but this guy is so self-inflicted, so he can't help himself!Xiao Yun immediately sneered back: "What you said is really too right, I don't know much, and even ran out to embarrass others! I'm blushing for you!"

"What did you say! Say it again if you have the guts!" Wang Xingde immediately became angry and glared at Xiaoyun.I can't afford to offend a large number of mysterious immortals, how dare you, a little angel, preach to Lao Tzu?

What is the most important thing as a Master of Appraisal?Save face!

Lost face, even if you are rich in learning, knowledgeable about the past and the present, no one will buy you, please appraise the treasure, it is tantamount to abolished!

Xiao Yun sneered and said, "I don't even know the ancient fairy treasure Yin-Yang mirror, what is it that I don't know?"

Yin and Yang mirror? !Wang Xingde sneered again and again: "Just now I have confirmed that the so-called yin and yang mirror is just a nonsense to deceive the world, and everyone has witnessed it with their own eyes. Tell me, how can the yin and yang mirror have the magical effect of going back and forth between yin and yang, and eliminating the barrier between life and death !"

Xiaoyun sighed speechlessly: "You didn't see such a big hole! The broken magic weapon can't work, it's so common, it's because you don't see it!"

Wang Xingde was so angry that he blew his beard and stared at his eyes, what a yellow-mouthed child, this is clearly a preposterous statement, but there is no way to refute it, the incomplete magic weapon is indeed difficult to exert its real effect!
Wang Xingde gritted his teeth and said: "That's good, since you are so capable, then you can patch up the hole and show everyone the magical effect of the Yin-Yang Mirror!"

Xiao Yunquan rolled up his sleeves and snorted coldly: "Okay, but if I repair it and prove the magical effect of the Yin-Yang mirror, your Yin-Yang mirror will belong to me!"

Mo Xuan secretly smiled wryly, Xiaoyun is really a troublemaker, now he can't keep a low profile!
Just because of you yellow-mouthed kid?Also repair the ancient fairy treasure, blow it up and you will!You think you are the creator!

Wang Xingde clapped his hands and said, "Okay! As long as you have the ability, I will give you the yin and yang mirror for free! But if you can't do it, I still need a servant girl by my side, and you will be my servant girl for 1000 years!" Still don't believe it Yes, you can and that ability!
Wang Xingde obtained the yin and yang mirror 20 years ago. At that time, he was not a treasure appraiser, but an ordinary fairy. He accidentally discovered this weird yin and yang mirror while shopping. It was smashed down with nine first-rank immortal stones.

Looking back, in order to study this weird and unknown thing, Wang Xingde began to search all over the world for information, and then he accidentally found out that this weird mirror he bought at random was actually an ancient fairy treasure Yin-Yang mirror!

Wang Xingde was ecstatic, he felt that he had made a lot of money and would have nothing to worry about in his life, but he didn't know how to use this yin and yang mirror, and he didn't dare to let other appraisers see it.Wang Xingde could only look up the information by himself, expending countless painstaking efforts, and unknowingly became a master of appraising treasures, but this yin and yang mirror was always useless. The old man was speechless.

Immediately Wang Xingde took out the yin and yang mirror again, holding on to his long beard, the old god was glancing at Xiaoyun, aren't you capable, you can mend it for me!This is a bet you initiated yourself, if you dare not accept it, get out of here!
Shang Mengyu and the others could not help but change their expressions slightly, and looked at Mo Xuan inquiringly, or just forget it, endure the calm for a while, there is no need to take Fellow Daoist Shuiyue into it!
Mo Xuan gave Shang Mengyu and the others a reassuring look, don't worry, it's okay, Xiaoyun knows in his heart, if it really doesn't work, take out the original meteorite and repair it, it's all right.

Is it really okay?Shang Mengyu and the others are still not at ease, if it is because of us that fellow Taoist Shuiyue is in deep trouble, they will be too sorry.

Xiaoyun turned to Mr. Zhang Ge, and said, "Mr. Zhang Ge, please be a witness, so that someone will not admit it later."

Zhang Ge nodded his head, it is no problem to be a witness, but can you really do it?The Yin-Yang Mirror is an ancient fairy treasure. Although I also feel that it cannot be that simple, it is too long after all. No one knows how the Yin-Yang Mirror is forged, and how to use it in detail!
Xiaoyun nodded very firmly, please.

Elder Zhang Ge took a deep breath, carefully took out a Liangyi competition plate, set the game, and threw it to the sky.

The onlookers hurried out of the area.

The two martial arts competition boards suddenly became larger, with the word Yin Yang on it, and a white light shone downward, covering Xiaoyun and Wang Xingde.

Wang Xingde grinned, you little girl really dare to take it!Why don't you give away the maid for nothing, I will train you well later, and let you know how powerful I am!
Wang Xingde bowed to the Liangyi competition plate, and reported: "Xinghuazong, Wang Xingde." The word "Yang" lit up.

Xiaoyun also reported: "Four Immortals, Shuiyue." The Yin character also lit up.

The Liangyi competition board flickered a few times, confirming both sides of the betting game.

The onlookers whispered to each other, although Xinghuazong is a small force, but its reputation is not small, it can be said that masters of appreciating treasures get together, no one dares to offend them easily, and they may have to ask for help at any critical moment; What is the Four Immortals Sect, I have never heard of it before, alas, a new sect that has just been established for a few days, dare to make such a bet, don't you just want to be famous and crazy!

Being a maid for 1000 years is no joke!It is said that the older fairies are a little distorted psychologically, and they like to use various tricks to play and destroy young and beautiful female fairies!This Shuiyue is so weird, I really can't bear to see her being toyed with and destroyed!

Xiaoyun walked up to the Yin-Yang Mirror, looked up and down, stroked the texture of the Yin-Yang Mirror carefully, sometimes pondering, sometimes talking to himself, so that's what happened.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Xiaoyun took out pieces of meteorite cores and gestured at the hole, and finally chose a dark, earth-type meteorite core.

Wang Xingde almost burst out laughing when he saw this scene, please, although this yin and yang mirror looks dark, it is forged from a material that has never been seen before, you want to repair it if you get a broken meteorite!I have wanted to repair it countless times in the past 20 years, but I don't even have a clue, how dare you think about it!

Xiaoyun stroked his chin and pondered for a while, then began refining, and after a while, he created a crescent shape, gesturing to the hole in the yin and yang mirror, there was a little deviation, after some modification, it was almost done.Xiaoyun directly filled the crescent meteorite into the hole, clapped his hands, it was done.

Now it's not just Wang Xingde, but even the novice crowd who are watching are rolling their eyes, please, you don't think you can just block the hole and this yin and yang mirror will work!Can you stop being so whimsical!
Be a maid for 1000 years!This is no joke!You also...

Xiaoyun pursed his lips and smiled, stopped putting on airs, took out a talisman pen, and began to draw on the crescent meteorite filled in, and in a short while, the meteorite was filled with strange patterns.

Um?This... this is... all the onlookers couldn't help but stare their eyes round. Looking at the yin and yang mirror at this time, it is completely natural, and there is not even a trace of repairing it!Could it was really repaired by this Shuiyue in a few clicks!

Wang Xingde couldn't help but thump in his heart when the old god was there, Mumu looked at the full version of the Yin-Yang Mirror, this...won't it? !impossible!She must have just drawn it randomly, and she still doesn't believe it, just fill the hole with a piece of meteorite and it will be able to mend this ancient fairy treasure yin and yang mirror!
(End of this chapter)

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