Interstellar Miner

Chapter 336 Yin-Yang Mirror

Chapter 336 Yin-Yang Mirror ([-])
Xiaoyun glanced at Wang Xingde disdainfully, and even dared to tease her aunt, it's up to you!

Xiaoyun lightly tapped the middle part of the Yin-Yang mirror with his finger, input the energy of the sun, and saw that the whole body of the Yin-Yang mirror glowed red!

All the people around the audience stretched their necks, waiting to see what happened?
However, it is obviously not that simple to complete the repair of the Yin-Yang mirror. The red square emitted by the repaired part of the Yin-Yang mirror is much weaker, and the operation is obviously more difficult, and it cannot exert its effect.

Wang Xingde broke into a cold sweat secretly, this Shuiyue really wasn't just filling it up casually, it was so natural to paint and repair the dao pattern, could it be that she had seen the whole picture of the yin and yang mirror before?That's why you speak so conclusively that you dare to take the initiative to initiate a bet?

Wang Xingde really felt a little restless, if this Shuiyue really repaired the Yin-Yang Mirror, it would be a trivial matter to lose face, and I would lose a lot of money, the Yin-Yang Mirror is an ancient fairy treasure, a real priceless treasure ah!

Wang Xingde wished he could slap himself on the spot and make you feel cheap, now it's all right, not to mention getting into big trouble, and it may even ruin your reputation!However, the bet has already been formally made through the Liangyi contest, and it is impossible to go back on it!Wait a minute, maybe things will turn around, Wang Xingde's eyeballs rolled cunningly.

Mr. Zhang Ge looked at the Yin-Yang Mirror in amazement, maybe this ancient fairy treasure was really repaired by this Shuiyue.

Xiaoyun touched his chin, and didn't intend to finish the repair in one go. He knocked on the yin and yang mirror, and adjusted the filling part a little, so it should be able to work.

Xiaoyun's onion-like tender white fingers point to the Yin-Yang Mirror again, and the Yin-Yang Mirror immediately emits a soft red light, and the patterns on the mirror surface seem to come alive and become brighter and brighter.

The onlookers couldn't help but hold their breath, has it really been repaired?

The Yin-Yang Mirror suddenly emitted a dazzling crimson light, centering on itself, a transparent red cover with a diameter of 20 meters appeared, covering all the people around it.

Oops, this is?The surrounding audience immediately exclaimed, is it really good?Can go back and forth between yin and yang, and eliminate the barrier between life and death?What is the specific method of operation?Are you going to enter the cover?

Mo Xuan and his party had relevant experience before, so they took the lead and walked into the hood.

Some daring and curious spectators rushed into the transparent red cover.When the others came back to their senses, the hood was already full and there was no room for them.

Wang Xingde's face turned red and then pale, he gritted his teeth, waiting for the follow-up development of the matter.

The red light in the transparent cover gradually disappeared, and the Yin-Yang mirror returned to its original dark appearance, but the translucent red cover was still there.

Huh!The senses of the immortals present were extremely sensitive, and they felt that there seemed to be something gathering rapidly from all directions. It was not the category of heaven and earth spiritual power, but it seemed to be a kind of energy.

Mo Xuan and his party also looked at each other in amazement, it seemed that it was not the same as when they were in Xiangxiu Xing. What is the effect of a complete yin and yang mirror?

A stream of inexplicable energy poured into the red transparent cover, and Mo Xuan could sense a magical energy surrounding him, as if it was also sensing him.

Everyone inside the red transparent cover couldn't help but wonder, can it really go back and forth between life and death?

At this moment, a fairy suddenly turned red eyes, stared at the Yin Yang mirror stupidly, and shouted: "Lian'er, Lian'er, is it really you?" The fairy rushed through the crowd desperately In front of Yin Yang mirror, looking at Yin Yang mirror foolishly, unknowingly tears flowed down his face.

The immortals inside the hood couldn't help but look at the Yin-Yang mirror. The black mirror surface became hazy at some point, and if you look closely, there seems to be a vague figure.

"Ayou, Ayou, is that you?" A female earth fairy rushed over with red eyes, but was blocked by a light curtain, and could only stare at her lover on the other side of the light curtain.

"Father, mother, I finally see you again! How are you doing?"

"Xiaofeng, it's really you! I've already avenged you!"

"Senior brother, do you know that I have always admired you, and I hate God for being jealous of talents!"

"Brother Wang, back then you and I were fighting for life and death, but at the last moment you accepted the killing move and was beaten to death by me. I will live in regret all my life. Brother Wang, I am sorry for you!" a man said. Tianxian sat down on the ground and burst into tears.


All of a sudden, inside the red transparent cover, there were crying, laughing and howling, life was full of emotions.

Seeing the people outside the red transparent cover, they kept pushing inside, but in the end, there was nothing. Oh, what's going on?One step too late!

Although Mo Xuan didn't quite believe this, he stared at the Yin-Yang Mirror for a while. At first, the mirror surface was hazy and foggy, but gradually it became clear, and the figures of the deceased grandparents appeared, didn't they It's a phantom, but the current entity, which is exactly the same as what Mo Xuan saw before he set off.

This... Mo Xuan couldn't help but widen his eyes. He looked at his grandparents for a while, and saw that the grandparents on the other side of the mirror also looked blank. They looked at Mo Xuan, saw Mo Xuan, and called out: " Xuan'er? Is it really you?"

Mo Xuan was taken aback, and hurried forward, alas, the yin and yang mirror was packed, Mo Xuan could only wave to his grandparents, it's me, it's me!Is it you?
Grandpa Moshi asked strangely: "Xuan'er, where are you? What is this mirror?"

There seems to be some delay, Mo Xuan used his supernatural powers to force himself to the front, watching behind his grandparents for a while, isn't this the Mo Family Spirit Island?Could it be that this yin and yang mirror can actually break through the barrier of the boundary membrane, and get in touch with grandparents in the second layer of time and space in this fourth layer of time and space, darling, this is too high-end!

"Xuan'er, where are you? Are you back already, are you joking with grandpa?" Mo Shi asked strangely.

"I'm still outside, and I won't be able to go back for a while. This mirror is a magic weapon. It seems that I can get in touch with you directly."

"That's good, I'll contact you when I have time." Mo Shi nodded happily.

A Mohist child came over and said happily, "It's Grandpa Zu."

A group of kids swarmed up, looking at Mo Xuan's side, what kind of place is grandpa's side, it's so crowded, it looks so lively!

Mo Que'er didn't take it seriously at first, but soon noticed something, her complexion changed, and she looked towards the yin and yang mirror. There was a little insignificant and inconspicuous crimson in the dimly lit mirror, jumping slowly, this... this is Mother's breath!

Mo Que'er also rushed forward, calling out to a point of red, "Mother, mother, is that you? Answer me! I'm Ling'er! Mother!"

Kong Ling was also surprised to see the deceased old man who lived in Qingyuan Netherland.

Xiaoyun didn't know what he saw, and his face was half smiling, half crying, half crying.

Wang Xingde and Zhang Gelao were also in tears, crying and crying!

Mo Xuan was about to say a few more words to his grandparents when the surface of the yin-yang mirror suddenly went dark.Hey, why is this gone!

"Mother!" Mo Que'er also burst into tears, mourning unceasingly.

Mo Xuan hurriedly put his arms around Mo Que'er to comfort him.

Mo Que'er hurriedly looked at Xiaoyun, come on, my mother still seems to have a glimmer of life left, let me try again!
The immortals who saw the deceased were all in a hurry, why did they disappear after a while, are there any more?
Xiaoyun pointed at the Yin-Yang mirror, but the Yin-Yang mirror only flashed red for a while and then went out, shaking his head and saying: "It seems that there is no way to use it again for a while."

Oops, there were sighs one after another for a while, as if lost.

The onlookers who have not experienced the magical effect of the Yin-Yang Mirror can only watch it eagerly. It is truly an ancient fairy treasure. It seems that it can really go back and forth between Yin and Yang, eliminating the barrier between life and death!Amazing!

"Master Shuiyue, how long will it take for this yin and yang mirror to be used again?" A female Xuanxian eagerly held Shuiyue's hand.

Xiaoyun waved his hand, signaling everyone to be safe and calm, and said: "The details are yet to be studied, I will live in this little fairy world for a while, and everyone can come to me if they need it, but the number of places is limited, so the price can only be high." The first is priority, I only need energy, and I don’t want anything else.”

Immediately, several Xuanxians rushed to place a deposit, I go first, I go first!
Mo Xuan rolled his eyes speechlessly, but this yin and yang mirror is indeed a super cornucopia!

At this moment, Wang Xingde coughed a few times, walked up to the Yin-Yang mirror, and the old god said: "Fellow Taoist Shuiyue, this Yin-Yang mirror belongs to me, okay! When will it be your turn to decide!"

Everyone looked at Wang Xingde in unison. They have seen shameless people, but they have never seen such shameless people!In full view, everyone is a witness, why do you still want to go back on your word?There are no doors!
Old Zhang Ge coughed, pointing at the Liangyi competition plate above his head, as a friendly reminder, all of this has been recorded, and you may not be able to bear the consequences of reneging on your promises!
Wang Xingde stroked his beard and sighed: "However, this game cannot be established at all! On the one hand, it is just a 1000-year-old maid, and on the other hand, it is an ancient fairy treasure Yin and Yang Mirror, whose value is immeasurable. The two parties are completely unequal. This so-called Naturally, the gamble will not stand! Even if it is stabbed to the side of the four little Taoist monarchs, it will still not stand!"

Boss Zhang Ge frowned, although Wang Xingde's strong words were unreasonable, but after serious calculation, this bet really cannot stand!

The onlookers scolded the brazen Wang Xingde together, and he backtracked under the watchful eyes of everyone, so you don't have to mess around in the future!But... with the yin and yang mirror, he really doesn't have to mess around in the future, he can just lie down and wait for the money!People's hearts can never stand the test!

Xiaoyun sighed and shook his head, and said, "I'm willing to take a big loss and bet on you for 1000 years, so why isn't it valid?"

"This is the Yin-Yang Mirror, an ancient fairy treasure, so it's just scrap metal!" Wang Xingde said angrily.

The old god Xiaoyun said: "Isn't it scrap metal in your hands, but it's a yin and yang mirror in my hands!"

That's right!When the bet took effect, the yin and yang mirror was not the current yin and yang mirror!The onlookers all stood on Xiaoyun's side, brazen guy, step aside, it's really an eyesore!

Wang Xingde looked at the yin and yang mirror in front of him, and really wanted to roll and run, but with so many Xuanxian powers present, he could only move this idea for a while, and could only continue to force his words, killing the game with one bite. Yibi Wupan issued an arbitration application!
In fact, Xiaoyun doesn't care anymore, there was only a small fragment of the yin-yang mirror before, and she really couldn't see anything. Now that she has explored the yin-yang mirror, although it is extremely ingenious, it can't help her.It's time to make another one!It's just that it's not very easy to earn energy in this way!

Xiao Yun was not interested in staying here and waiting for the result of the arbitration, so he waved at Yin Yang Mirror!

Wang Xingde was startled, thinking that Xiaoyun would roll the Yin-Yang mirror and run away if he didn't want to wait for the result, so he shouted angrily, and punched Xiaoyun!
(End of this chapter)

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