Interstellar Miner

Chapter 337 Water Moon Master

Chapter 337 Water Moon Master ([-])

Zhang Ge raised his eyebrows, waved his sleeves, and stopped Wang Xingde's attacking fist, what are you doing!
Xiaoyun curled her mouth in disdain, she didn't want to run away from the Yin-Yang mirror, but just took off the crescent meteorite she filled up, and said to Mr. Zhang Ge: "Mr. Ge, this piece of broken You can put away the rotten copper and iron, and tell me when the arbitration result comes out."

Then Xiaoyun patted his butt and left directly.Mo Xuan and his party followed closely behind with a sneer.

Shang Mengyu, Zhang Hailu and the others surrounded Xiaoyun, joking half-truthfully, Master Shuiyue, may I ask you to accept apprentices, our family has many smart boys, you can choose whatever you want?We also have a few ancient treasures that we don't know the purpose of, so I'll leave it to you then!
Uh... Wang Xingde stared blankly at the yin and yang mirror that was missing a piece, his lips trembled, and he couldn't say a word.

The audience couldn't help clapping and applauding, making you feel shameless, and don't even think about it, if you want to go back, there will be chicken feathers for you, and you won't be a piece of scrap metal!I said before that others were ignorant, but now my face is swollen!
All the dignified ancient fairy treasures have been treated as waste treasures, and your journey as an appraiser has come to an end!

The celestial son who bought the Tongtianfly was very puzzled, it seems that it is really a fake Tongtianfly!This is a big loss!By the way, can I return it?

Facing Wang Xingde, Zhang Gel put away the incomplete yin and yang mirror.

Wang Xingde's face was ashen, and he stood there like a goose.

The treasurer of Biyufang accompanied Wang Xingde and Mr. Zhang Ge into the VIP room with a smiling face. The two elders had a short rest. Come and serve good tea!

Most of the onlookers dispersed, and a small half of the good-natured people stayed and waited to see the good show.

Soon, the news spread like wildfire, quickly spread throughout the entire Little Immortal Realm, and even spread towards the starry sky in all directions!
The dignified ancient fairy treasure was regarded as a waste treasure, and that Master Shuiyue repaired the yin and yang mirror in full view!Many people at the scene verified that the yin and yang mirror can really go back and forth between yin and yang, eliminate the barrier between life and death, and see deceased relatives and friends who will never be seen again!
People's attention is all focused on Shuiyue Master and Yin Yang Mirror, but a brazen guy who reneges on his promises in public, why don't you just die, it's an eyesore!

The martial arts department specially set up by the four Xiaodao lords received this explosive news even before the message sent by the Liangyi competition board arrived!
Four Immortals, Shuiyue!A new sect that has only been established for a few days, a master who only has his name registered in the book and has nothing else!

The Martial Arts Department did not dare to underestimate this news, maybe the four little Taoists will pay close attention to this incident in person!
The geniuses on the Baijie Collection list are indeed the most popular, but it is those masters who are ingenious and have reached the pinnacle of skill!
Although that Master Shuiyue only had one example, she had repaired the Yin-Yang Mirror, an ancient fairy treasure, and turned waste into treasure in public, that's enough!Master Shuiyue is already firmly seated on the throne of master!
Bei Junxian, who was on a break, was drunk with Fang Tiancheng in Zuixian Tower, when he was summoned urgently by Shangfeng.

Four Immortals?Water Moon?Bei Junxian was shocked, sobered up immediately, and reported the information he had to Shangfeng. The Shuiyue of the Four Immortals really didn't have much information to say, but the strength of the other three members Very good!

Shangfeng pondered for a moment, then got up and paced back and forth in the hall, should the bet stand or not?If it was just a waste treasure Yin-Yang Mirror, it would definitely be established, but now it has been proven that the Yin-Yang Mirror is a genuine product at a fair price, and it is only because of its incompleteness that it cannot show its magical effect.

In this way, it is really difficult to judge!

What's more troublesome is that we all know that the backstage of Biyufang is Hanlifang, which ranks second among the middle powers and has three powerful golden immortals, so it is not easy to offend!
But the Four Immortals Sect is unknown and weak.Of course, Master Shuiyue can’t be offended casually. Although she has just emerged, who knows what kind of noble position she will have in the future. It's cannon fodder!

Shangfeng was very entangled, and finally had to report to the higher-ups. This incident will inevitably cause a storm in the city. No matter how we judge, we will make the right voice, hey!
The upper layer was also tangled up, so they could only report to the upper layer and ask for instructions.

Xiaoyun didn't care how entangled others were at this time, he acted like a big sister, leading a large number of Xuanxian younger sisters and younger brothers to swagger through the market, sweeping all the way in the food street, although Xiaoyun didn't even have a mouthful of soup from the beginning to the end. Drink a sip.

Mo Xuan is not as optimistic as Xiaoyun. Some of the treasures and antiques business will not be covered by the backstage. The shop in Biyufang may be insignificant, but it is really uncertain who is standing behind it!And the yin and yang mirror is really hot, we are new here, and we are pushed to the top of the limelight, Xiaoyun can really cause trouble!
Mo Xuan didn't want to be treated as a street mouse by everyone when he first arrived in the fourth floor of time and space, so he could only run for his life.

But things have already happened, and it won't help if you continue to entangle, you can only cover up with water and soil, and soldiers will block it!

Kong Ling and Mo Que'er were only slightly worried, and their attention quickly shifted to the food on the food street. There are so many delicious foods that they have never seen before, and they are so delicious!Began to eat!
A large number of people ate and drank a lot in the gourmet street, even the gods were a little bit full, so they found a well-known Ruyi Inn to stay.

It is indeed a famous inn on the fourth floor of time and space. It is very tall, but the price is also very expensive.

Mo Xuan didn't eat much, he knelt on the bed and carefully massaged the bulging bellies of Kong Ling and Mo Que'er who were lying on the big bed after eating a lot.

Both Kong Ling and Mo Que'er had burning cheeks, bit their lips lightly, and looked at Mo Xuan with blurred eyes.

Mo Xuan was soaked in the deep affection of the two women, and his tenderness was like water. He smiled naively, and warned: "Everything should be in moderation, next time don't eat so much."

The two girls hummed sweetly, feeling that Mo Xuan's words of concern were sweeter and more delicious than any food in the world.

Next room.

"Although this ancient treasure is considered an ancient treasure, it is only of ornamental value."

"This function is too incomplete to fix."

"It's a fake."

"This is actually a strangely shaped incense burner."


Xiaoyun easily dismissed Shang Mengyu and Zhang Hailu who were appreciating treasures, and then began to play with the black and broken earthen jar she found.

From the outside, this broken earthen jar is really a broken earthen jar, there is nothing unusual about it, even if you observe carefully, you can still see two tiny cracks on the broken earthen jar!But this broken earthen jar is obviously from last year, and it is worth two dollars, but no one has bought it, so this broken earthen jar has been kept in the warehouse until now, and it was taken by Xiaoyun.

Xiaoyun tapped on the broken earthen jar, and unconsciously, the two tiny cracks became bigger and bigger, and finally joined together.Strange dao patterns suddenly appeared on the body of the ordinary broken earthen jar, shining faintly.

Suddenly, a puff of green smoke rose from the broken earthen pot, and the puff of green smoke swayed slowly, and finally condensed into a foot-sized old man in green robe floating above the earthen pot, with unkempt grass-like hair and monkey cheeks with a sharp mouth.

The green-robed old man looked around, and laughed happily, "I'm finally out again!"

Xiao Yun curled her lips and said, "Stop yelling nonsense, the origin of your name, what's your skill, hurry up and tell me."

The green-robed old man stared at Xiao Yun with two eyes like will-o'-the-wisps, and said in surprise, "It turns out fellow Taoists are also of the same kind."

"Same size as you." Xiaoyun viciously tapped the head of the green-robed old man with his fingers, and scolded, "Sign up."

The green-robed old man looked a little worried, but he also knew that the situation was stronger than others, so Shi Shiran could only roll up his sleeves, bowed, and called himself: "Old man Bao Qingyun, nicknamed the God of Cooking."

Chef?Xiaoyun rolled his eyes, because he still expected that what was sealed in this crockpot would be a master of refining equipment, a master of alchemy, etc., but he didn't expect it to be some kind of broken chef!

Seeing that Xiao Yun's reaction was not quite right, Bao Qingyun couldn't help but wondered: "Fellow Daoist, haven't you heard of the old man's name?"

"Oh, are you famous?" Xiaoyun became a little interested.

Bao Qingyun raised his head proudly, and said: "Slightly notorious, I have won the championship of the [-]th Ten Thousand Cooking Competition in my life."

The Ten Thousand Chefs Competition doesn't sound very good, Xiao Yun curled her lips, no matter how delicious your dishes are, I can't eat them.Xiaoyun signaled: "Okay, okay, go in quickly, I will call you out when I need you."

"Hey, Fellow Daoist." Bao Qingtian wanted to ask something else, but Xiao Yun forcefully stuffed it back into the broken earthen jar and put it into the storage bracelet.

Xiaoyun continued to play with the other two treasures he found on Taobao. These two treasures are better, the broken earthen jar is really useless, it's a waste of his expression.

Not long after, there was a knock on Xiaoyun's door, and Xiaoer's voice sounded outside the door: "Master Shuiyue, there are three guests who want to visit you, I wonder if it's inconvenient for you."

Xiaoyun frowned and asked, "Who is it?"

Xiao Er replied: "They didn't say the specific origin, they only said that they wanted to ask Master Shuiyue to help identify an ancient treasure."

Gu Bao, it's interesting, Xiaoyun smiled slightly, and said: "I'm not busy right now, please."

Soon two men and one woman followed Xiao Er into the living room of Xiao Yun's guest room.

Xiaoyun glanced at the three of them, hey, one Jinxian and two Xuanxians are honored guests, Xiaoyun smiled slightly and got up to greet them.

"Master Shuiyue." All three of them bowed to Xiaoyun very politely.

"Three friends, please sit down." Xiaoyun motioned.

The three of them sat casually on the chairs in the living room.

Xiao Er walked out tactfully and closed the door.

Xiaoyun didn't ask about the origins of the three, and directly said the matter: "I don't know what kind of ancient treasure the three want me to help identify. If you don't mind, let me take a look at it."

The female fairy looked at the two companions questioningly, and the male golden fairy nodded slightly, and she took out a piece of amber the size of a brick, and sealed a strange golden creature inside.

Nv Xuanxian held the amber in both hands, carefully handed it to Xiaoyun, and asked, "I wonder if Master Shuiyue recognizes this kind of creature?"

Xiaoyun ended up looking at Amber, clicked his tongue, nodded, and said, "Yes."

The three bosses couldn't help but smile, and Nv Xuanxian asked eagerly: "Dare to ask Master Shuiyue, what kind of creature is this?"

Xiaoyun coughed, rubbed his fingers remindingly, and asked someone to appraise the treasure, so he must have some fun!

The female Xuanxian smiled, and said, "Master Shuiyue, if you have any requests, just ask."

Xiaoyun glanced at the three of them meaningfully, and said, "I will charge you five thousand first-grade immortal stones to appraise this ancient treasure."

The female Xuanxian nodded with a slight smile, and directly took out a piece of emerald green jade tablet and gently placed it on the coffee table beside Xiaoyun.Like the fairy ticket launched by the Time and Space Treasure Square on the third floor, this piece of jade is equivalent to five hundred and three grades of mysterious stones, and the third grade of mysterious stones is much more precious than the first grade of fairy stones. One more immortal stone.

(End of this chapter)

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