Interstellar Miner

Chapter 338 Water Moon Master

Chapter 338 Water Moon Master ([-])

Xiaoyun smiled slightly, it seems that today he met a big gold master, although it is a combination of two Xuanxian and one Jinxian, but these three are obviously equal and have a great friendship.

Xiaoyun was not in a hurry to accept the fairy ticket, and directly introduced the ancient treasure in his hand: "This is the ancient fairy beast Golden Toad, which feeds on gold. Judging by the size of this Golden Toad, it should have been around for 2 years. The most precious thing about the golden toad is that he swallows gold and will continue to refine gold in his stomach to form topaz, which is far more extensible than gold. This topaz is the best material, with excellent anti-corrosion and anti-rust effects. It is extremely tough, and one sesame-sized yellow crystal is enough to cover thirty flying swords. As for whether there is yellow crystal in the stomach of this golden toad, it is not clear, even if it is only the golden toad itself, it is also a good treasure .”

The male Jinxian, male Xuanxian and female Xuanxian were all moved. Originally, they only wanted to know for sure whether the so-called ancient creatures sealed in this piece of amber were real or fake. Unexpectedly, Xiaoyun crackled and said a lot. It turned out that the legendary The top-grade material yellow crystal that exists is produced by this golden toad, so I really gained knowledge today!

The female Xuanxian asked: "If there is yellow crystal in the stomach of the golden toad, where exactly is it, can it be taken out by directly tearing open the stomach?"

Xiaoyun shook his head and said: "Of course it's not that simple. The yellow crystal is like a gas in the stomach of the golden toad. It cannot be condensed without special techniques. I can help to investigate. If there is a yellow crystal, I can also help to take it out. , but a total of [-] grades of fairy stones will be charged."

Nv Xuanxian was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly took out two emerald green jade tablets and put them on the coffee table beside Xiaoyun, money is not a problem.

Xiaoyun started tinkering on the spot, using several unimaginable methods to survey the golden toad, then nodded to the female Xuanxian and said, "Congratulations, this golden toad has quite a lot of yellow crystals in its stomach."

The female Xuanxian also couldn't help but smiled happily, and looked at Xiaoyun eagerly, Master Shuiyue, then please.

Xiaoyun smiled calmly, holding the amber golden toad in his left hand, took out a long needle in his right hand and pointed at Amber, carefully selected a position and pierced it in.

The three big brothers couldn't help but widen their eyes, and saw that the long needle pierced the hard amber, as if it had been plunged into the water, and ripples were produced.

Xiaoyun slowly turned the long needle, penetrated bit by bit, and finally pierced into the golden toad's body.Then Xiaoyun closed his eyes and felt the long needle with his fingers.

The three big brothers dare not show their air, for fear of disturbing Xiaoyun.

After spending a stick of incense, a smile appeared on Xiaoyun's face, and he opened his beautiful eyes.Xiaoyun let go of the long needle in his right hand, opened it and shook five fingers. Visible to the naked eye, a little golden airflow slowly flowed out from the tiny channel in the middle of the long needle, and gathered in Xiaoyun's palm. It was as small as a sesame seed, Gradually increase.

After a full two sticks of incense, the golden air mass, half the size of a fist, stopped growing.Xiaoyun breathed a sigh of relief, put the golden toad on the coffee table, and surrounded the golden air mass with both hands, making it continuously compressed and condensed, and finally compressed into a golden crystal the size of a ping-pong ball!

The three bosses with staring eyes really couldn't see Xiaoyun's manipulation techniques at all, it's really amazing!

Xiaoyun gently pulled out the long needle, and handed back the finished yellow crystal and the golden toad to the female Xuanxian.

The female Xuanxian took it carefully as if she had found a treasure, and first looked at the yellow crystal. Although it looked light, it was really heavy in the hand. Its weight was dozens of times that of the original golden toad. It was really too heavy. Amazing!

The golden toad in the amber is also almost intact. Only by carefully observing the acupuncture point can one barely see a negligible small needle hole on its body.

The female Xuanxian sincerely admires her, she is really amazing!
Xiaoyun also put away the three emerald jade cards with a smile, this is the first bucket of crystals in the fourth layer of time and space!whee!
That's right, the crystal Xiao Yun is referring to is topaz!The yellow crystal the size of a ping-pong ball that Xiaoyun handed to Nvxuanxian was actually less than one-third, and the other two-thirds or more were seized by Xiaoyun's usual black hands without anyone noticing.

The male golden fairy couldn't sit still anymore, he stood up and bowed to Xiaoyun, and said, "Master Shuiyue, I once obtained an ancient treasure from a historic site, but this ancient treasure was somewhat damaged. I don't know if you can help me fix it, Master?"

Xiaoyun smiled slightly and said, "Let me take a look first."

The male golden fairy nodded, carefully arranged several barriers around it, and then took out a pitch-black black iron fan that was one and a half feet long and two inches wide.

As a result, Xiaoyun opened the black iron fan slowly, tsk tsk, it was a big iron fan, made up of eighteen pieces of black iron, but two of the black iron pieces were broken.

Xiaoyun flipped the black iron fan a few times, and pondered: "Although only two pieces are damaged, its effect is not displayed at all, so the two damaged pieces must be the central part of this black iron fan. I can't fix it now, is there any other relevant information?"

Gritting his teeth, the male Jinxian still said that he took out the materials he had collected so hard for Xiaoyun to read and refer to.

Oh, it's actually an ancient fairy treasure, the Qiankun Fan, which has the magical effect of destroying heaven and earth, which is too extravagant for a golden fairy!Mr. Xiaodao has more or less!
Xiaoyun pondered for a quarter of an hour, and said to the male Jinxian, "I'm only [-]% sure of repairing it. If it fails, this black iron fan will be completely scrapped. Seventy percent of the original power. Do you want to repair it, fellow daoist?"

Is it only [-]% sure?The male Golden Immortal was fighting with heaven and man, and he was pacing in the living room for a while. After so many years, he has never had a clue, and he dared not show it to others easily. It is not easy to meet such a brilliant Master Shuiyue. It is a rare opportunity!
The male Xuanxian and the female Xuanxian make eye contact, and transmit the sound to the male Jinxian. Maybe you can try it. We have witnessed the level of Master Shuiyue with our own eyes. The [-]% certainty is already very high!The two masters I looked for before were not even [-]% sure!
The male Jinxian gritted his teeth fiercely, and said to Xiaoyun: "Master Shuiyue, please help me repair it. If you have any conditions, just tell me what materials you need."

Xiaoyun said: "Others are fine, I have them here, the most important material needed for repair is black iron core, it needs about a hundred catties."

Although this Xuan Tie Xin is only one more heart character than Xuan Tie, the three big bosses all changed their faces, and looked at each other. We should be able to get Xuan Tie Xin if we piece together things for ten catties and eight catties, but one hundred catties... ...It's not that I can't afford it, but that I can't sell it at all!
Xuantiexin and other high-quality refining materials have always been encountered but not sought after. When you are lucky, you can dig up a large piece. When you are unlucky, you can't dig one or two in 10 years!
Xiao Yun knew the expressions of the three of them, and asked, "How many Xuan Tie Xins do you have?"

The three big guys got it together, and the total was less than four catties, which was a small piece the size of half a fingernail!

Xiaoyun pondered and said: "As for Xuan Tiexin, I know a collector. He should still have a lot of stock on hand, but that guy is very stingy, and he refuses to sell easily."

The male Jinxian immediately said that sincerity is not a problem, as long as I can have Xuan Tiexin, I am willing to pay as much as I want, how long will it take?

Xiaoyun smiled slightly and said, "Coincidentally, that collector is fond of Go, so he is watching the game here."

"That's really great. Where is he, I'll go find him right away." The male golden fairy beamed with joy.

Xiaoyun shook his head slightly, and said: "His cultivation is ordinary, and he only does business with acquaintances."

The male Golden Immortal couldn't help frowning, but thinking about it, it was true that with such a heavy treasure as a hundred catties of black iron heart on his body, he really couldn't just reveal his whereabouts casually.

"Specifically, let me contact that guy first to see if he is willing to make a move, I will contact you again. If not, you can only come to me after you have collected a hundred catties of black iron heart." The fan was returned to the male Jinxian.

That's the only way to go, the male Jinxian sighed slightly, left his contact information, and sincerely asked Xiaoyun for a while, as the old saying goes, money is not a problem!

Xiaoyun cheerfully sent the three bosses out, and saw Xiao Ergan standing at the door with a smile, but there were several groups of guests visiting, and they had been waiting in line for quite a while.Master Shuiyue, are you free?
Xiao Yun curled her lips, forget it, it’s a good idea to get a little more while I’m free now, so hurry up!Xiao Yun pondered that there are quite a few rich masters in these four levels of time and space, so I would like to ask for more!

After coming and going, Xiaoyun received another ten batches of guests in one day.Xiaoyun's asking price is getting higher and higher, but relatively speaking, Xiaoyun only needs the fairy stone, and he will help identify things for the money, and the rest of the masters may not be as good as Xiaoyun, but they basically have no love for the fairy stone. Ask them for help, either to ask for some extremely scarce materials, or to help collect something with their lives.So, it is better to give money directly!

Except for one group of guests who didn't have enough money and had to go back and make it up again, the other nine groups of guests all gave money quickly.

Although the ten groups of guests were silent about their appraising treasures, from the moment they entered Xiaoyun's guest room with serious faces, to the time they came out with smiles on their faces, a fool could see the result!
In just one or two days, Master Shuiyue's name has already become famous!Countless people came here admiringly, most of them were curious about the yin and yang mirror, and many of them wanted to ask Master Shuiyue to help appraise and repair the magic weapon.
A certain master who turned his back on his word is really a former master!

Rare things are the most precious, and the master is the same, so Xiao Yun asked Xiao Er to hang up the no-customer sign on the grounds that he was a little tired.Xiaoyun happily played with the loot he got with his black hands. It is really a lot of money. If you have money, you can also snatch the best treasures, which is really good.

By the way, there is still a big order. Xiaoyun immediately contacted the male golden fairy, and negotiated with him in a friendly manner. In the end, the male golden fairy had to accept it with a face full of pain, and slammed his mouth. The money went.

The collector Xiaoyun mentioned was of course Mo Xuan. In fact, Xiaoyun found Xuan Tiexin while shopping in Gaosheng Xiaoxianjie, and it was placed under the counter. It was a waste of money!Xiaoyun casually smashed a high-grade spirit stone, and bought the long black iron heart weighing half a ton.

The shop owner was also puzzled. It has been many years since a piece of iron lump has been placed under the counter, and there are still people buying it. The forest is so big that there are all kinds of birds. Tsk tsk, a top-grade spirit stone, earning a lot of money Yes!

Xiao Yun originally wanted to use Xuan Tie Xin to scare Mo Xuan, but he didn't think that Mo Xuan was very treacherous and failed, so he gave it to Mo Que'er casually.Mo Que'er later gave it to Mo Xuan.

Xiaoyun curled her lips. If she knew it, she would have put it away by herself, and now she sold it for a sky-high price of only one hundred catties. Mo Xuan really has no eyes. He didn't even want to sell it to him at such a cheap price as [-] third-grade immortal stones, hum!
(End of this chapter)

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