Interstellar Miner

Chapter 339 The Universe Fan

Chapter 339 The Universe Fan

Xiaoyun waited and waited, waited and waited.

Mo Xuan, Kong Ling, and Mo Que'er are still in the process of dual cultivation!
During that period, the male Jinxian couldn't wait to urge Xiaoyun countless times!Xiaoyun really didn't want to wait any longer, so he just kicked the door in and got up!

"Xiao Yun, what are you doing!" Mo Xuan roared angrily.

"A super big order, will you accept it?" Xiaoyun hummed.

"Whatever the super big order, I won't accept it!" Mo Xuan was furious. He was in the mood for excitement, but you suddenly kicked the door out, almost frightening you!It is tolerable or unbearable!

"Forget it then, I don't want 500 million first-grade immortal stones." Xiaoyun turned and left.

"Hey, Xiaoyun, what are 500 million first-grade immortal stones?" Mo Xuan hastily called to stop Xiaoyun.

"Stop talking nonsense, quickly give me that black iron heart." Xiaoyun urged.

"Xuan Tiexin? What the hell?" Mo Xuan had long forgotten about it.

"When I was promoted to the Little Immortal Realm, I wanted to sell you 500 third-rank fairy stones, that is, four to five hundred first-rank fairy stones, which you didn't even want! Now they offer [-] million first-rank fairy stones to buy! "Xiaoyun hummed and chirped.

Fuck!Remember that piece of iron lump you bought for a high-grade immortal stone!To be able to sell 500 million first-grade immortal stones by changing hands?It has turned over 1 times!One must know that even the current Heavenly Sword Sect may not be able to collect such a large number of first-grade immortal stones at once!real or fake?
"What's going on, Xiaoyun, tell me carefully." Mo Xuan hurriedly put on his clothes and jumped off the big bed, not caring to cover up his majestic chest muscles.

Kong Ling and Mo Que'er, who were pretty and blushing on the big bed, also pricked up their ears curiously. How did Sister Xiaoyun do it? She actually accepted such a super big order, which is amazing!

Xiaoyun blushed, turned away, briefly narrated, and finally curled her lips and said: "When you are all foolish and flirtatious, I am working hard to make money!"

Mo Xuan laughed dryly, we are trying our best to cultivate both ways, so what kind of nonsense, romantic and happy!Mo Xuan coughed and asked, "How many black iron hearts do you want, it's impossible to have the whole piece."

"Just give me half of it." Xiaoyun said.

"How much is this half?"

Xiaoyun raised her brows, and scolded: "Look at your miser's posture, don't forget, I found this black iron heart from Taobao, and it is temporarily stored at your side."

"That's not what you said at the time." Mo Xuan smiled, took out the whole piece of black iron heart and handed it to Xiao Yun, and said, "Remember to store the extra ones."

This is almost the same, Xiaoyun Shi Shiran took Xuan Tiexin and was about to leave.

Mo Que'er hurriedly asked: "Sister Xiaoyun, have you finished making the Yin-Yang mirror?"

Xiaoyun blinked and said, "The arbitration result hasn't come out yet. Even if I can imitate it, the effect will be discounted. Don't worry, Que'er."

Mo Que'er pursed her lips, but still couldn't let go, even if there was only a glimmer of life for my mother, I must find a way to save her!

"By the way, Que'er, you seal a fire for me, and your fire is more powerful in refining the black iron heart."

Mo Que'er responded, stretched out her tender little hand out of the bed curtain, pinched a formula, snapped her fingers, and a light blue flame danced happily in Mo Que'er's palm.

Mo Que'er grabbed it with her little hand, sealed the flame, and gently threw it towards Xiao Yun.

Xiao Yun caught Huo Miao with a smile, and said as he walked out: "Okay, you continue! This time it happened suddenly because I was wrong, don't worry, I won't bother you any more." Xiao Yun was very understanding Closed the door.

Mo Xuan breathed out, and when he turned his head, he saw Mo Que'er's tender pink hands protruding out of the bed curtain, hooking his fingers at him, and then shrank back into the bed curtain seductively.

Mo Xuan raised his thick eyebrows, grinned and made a tiger pounce, grabbed the bed curtain with both hands, and slipped in, leaving the rest of his Taoist robe fluttering down.


Shang Mengyu, Zhang Hailu and the others met again, and wanted to call Mo Xuan and the others to go shopping together, but Mo Xuan obviously hadn't rested well, and Master Shuiyue was also in the meeting, so he could only leave a message and set off first.

Walking on the street, you can hear immortals talking about Master Shuiyue everywhere. The thousand-year chess game was almost overwhelmed. Shang Mengyu and Zhang Hailu couldn't help but click their tongues secretly. At the same time, we are very fortunate that we can compete with the Four Immortals. It's really lucky to get acquainted with two immortals.They were still curious before, why Shuiyue, who is a celestial fairy, can sit on an equal footing with such outstanding three Xuanxians Hua An, Huo Qingling, and Wu Nianxuan, and was named the Four Immortals, not the Three Immortals, and now they have a deep understanding Well, if Master Shuiyue is willing to accept apprentices, those apprentices will have to squeeze their heads!

Speaking of which, why hasn’t there been a response to the Liangyi competition board? I guess the Fighting Department is also in the middle of the game. The magic effect of the Yin-Yang mirror is obvious to all. Although it has no attack power or defense power, its rarity is not inferior to any A peerless weapon.

Shang Mengyu and Zhang Hailu were just onlookers, they didn't rush into the red transparent cover, and they could only watch others witness the miracle.


Xiaoyun room.

All the tables and chairs in the living room were put away, and Xiaoyun set up a well-regulated forging room on the spot, refining the black iron heart on the spot.

The male Jinxian, male Xuanxian and female Xuanxian all stood in the corner eagerly.The male golden fairy clenched his fists, and he was fighting with heaven and man, half the success rate!

If he succeeds, he will be able to own the Ancient Immortal Treasure Qiankun Fan. Although the magic effect will be discounted and it will not destroy the world, but it is also an extremely rare treasure. It is very likely that his combat power will be doubled, and he will become a golden fairy all at once The best among them!Thinking of the bright future, the male golden fairy couldn't control himself.

But when he thought that the failure meant that the Qiankun Fan was damaged, and this time he would lose all his money by selling everything, the male Jinxian's heart was tightly clenched together.

Hey~ The Golden Immortal sounds awesome, but in fact, there are four little Taoist monarchs on top of their heads, surrounded by a group of golden immortals who are like wolves and tigers, and there are sects and families standing behind them. He sighed, it would be great if he was still a Xuanxian and didn't become a Jinxian.

You can advance bravely in the torrent, and if you don't advance, you will retreat!It is precisely because the sect has become a golden immortal that the sesame seeds can bloom steadily, and it is only one step away from the middle power!But even though I was lucky enough to become a golden immortal, no matter how difficult it is to make progress, I can only look up to Lord Xiaodao for the rest of my life!
If you can't improve your own strength, you can only think of other ways. After going through untold hardships, you can get this Qiankun Fan, but it is a damaged product, which has never been repaired.At this moment, Master Shuiyue was born out of nowhere, giving him enough hope again!

Can it be done?No matter how anxious the male golden fairy was, he could only wait patiently.

Minutes passed by.

The beads of sweat on Xiaoyun's forehead didn't even bother to wipe it off, and he was concentrating on the final repair of the Qiankun Fan, the last step!

Of course, Xiaoyun is still very sure, but he is afraid of the unexpected in everything, the smaller the chance, the higher his level will be if he succeeds!
Xiaoyun snapped his fingers and sealed the blue flame again.The Qiankun Fan shone with jet-black light, faintly floating in mid-air.

Xiaoyun pretended to wipe the sweat from his forehead, looking exhausted, and carefully grabbed the Qiankun Fan.

With a loud bang, Xiaoyun suddenly opened the Qiankun Fan and waved it lightly. It was not bad. Although Xuan Tiexin was mostly low-grade and affected a small part of the Qiankun Fan's effects, most of the effects were restored.

What happened?The male golden fairy really wanted to rush over immediately, but his feet seemed to be filled with lead, and he couldn't lift them up.

Xiaoyun smiled and nodded to the male golden fairy, it's done!
The male golden fairy couldn't help shaking, it's done, is it really done? !Very good!

The male Xuanxian hurriedly supported the male Jinxian, and grabbed his arm hard, calm down!

The male Jinxian took a deep breath, walked up to Xiaoyun, and took the Qiankun Fan with slightly trembling hands.

Xiaoyun warned: "Don't try your power here, it will be troublesome if you destroy this little fairy world."

The outstretched hand of the male Golden Immortal paused before firmly grasping the Qiankun Fan, gently stroking the fan body, feeling the terrifying power hidden in the Qiankun Fan, and couldn't help but feel frightened. The mighty power of the ancient fairy treasure Qiankun Fan!

The male golden fairy secretly swallowed his saliva, and slowly opened the Qiankun Fan. The eighteen pieces of black iron were so natural that he couldn't even notice that two of them had been repaired.

"Master Shuiyue, thank you so much! I owe you a huge favor, and I will definitely repay it in the future! By the way, I haven't introduced myself yet. I am Ge Yixian, the head of Ruisi Garden." Ge Yixian's face was flushed with excitement, and he couldn't speak fluently.

The male Xuanxian also introduced himself: "Ruisiyuan, Shan Kangyu." It's time to get acquainted with Master Shuiyue.

The female Xuanxian also signed up with a smile: "Ruisiyuan, Zhuang Zhidie."

Xiaoyun nodded with a smile, it turned out that all three belonged to Ruisiyuan.

Ruisiyuan has a great power of Jinxian, but the number of Xuanxian is still a little less, and it can be regarded as the leader among the small forces.Now that Ge Yixian has this Qiankun Fan, he is like a tiger with wings added, and it is only a matter of time before Ruisiyuan becomes a middle-level player!
Xiaoyun sighed: "To be honest, I didn't expect that it would be possible to repair it successfully. There is still some element of luck."

The three bosses were so grateful that they blushed with excitement.

Xiao Yun exhorted: "There are a few things to pay attention to. After all, this Qiankun Fan has been repaired. Some functions cannot be used freely. Excessive use will damage the Qiankun Fan. Try to avoid using it; The normal line and red line of the fan should be kept within the normal line, and try to avoid exceeding the red line, so as to prolong the service life of the Qiankun fan; besides, you should also remember the daily maintenance of the Qiankun fan, and it must not be sloppy at all.”

Hmm, Ge Yixian nodded again and again, in front of Master Shuiyue, one must know how to be humble, and must not pretend to understand!
"By the way, this is to use the extra black iron heart." Xiaoyun took out a small piece of black iron heart and handed it to Ge Yixian.

"Oh, Master Shuiyue, this piece of black iron heart is my little favor, so you can accept it." Ge Yixian, who was already at ease, refused straight away.

Xiaoyun shook his head slightly, and said in a righteous voice: "I have always been innocent in my business. I can't take less of what I deserve, and I won't take more of what I don't deserve. Fellow Daoist Ge, please take it back."

Ge Yixian smacked his lips, but nodded and put it away, saying that this black iron heart weighs more than eight catties, and it is still very valuable!Master Shuiyue is really too open and aboveboard!Ge Yixian suppressed the urge to rush to the void to try the Qiankun Fan, and tried his best to establish a good relationship with Master Shuiyue. It would be great if he could dig Master Shuiyue to Ruisi Garden!

Ge Yixian just thought about it, with Master Shuiyue's ability, the six super powers are not just picked at random!But Ge Yixian still had the cheek to mention it, and went to Ruisi Garden to sit and sit when he had time.

Xiaoyun agreed, and got up to see him off.

The three of Ge Yixian really wanted to stay for a while longer, but they also knew that there were still many people waiting in line to visit Master Shuiyue, so they could only bid farewell to Master Shuiyue.

Then Ge Yixian and the others flew the battleship away from the Little Immortal Realm, made two long-distance leaps, and came to a desolate void.

(End of this chapter)

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