Chapter 340
Ge Yixian flew out of the battleship with the Qiankun Fan in his hand, took a deep breath, opened the Qiankun Fan with a bang, and waved it, alas, it was still a bit difficult, obviously he was not able to exert the full power of the Qiankun Fan yet!Instead of being surprised, Ge Yixian was overjoyed, although his progress was extremely slow, there was still room for improvement after all, and the power of the Qiankun Fan would naturally be even greater by then!
Ge Yixian has almost mastered how to use the Qiankun Fan, so let's try it with [-]% strength first.Ge Yixian waved the Universe Fan towards the endless void, although there was no sound, the vast void area in front of Ge Yixian was turned upside down, the space collapsed, even the warships behind Ge Yixian were violently Trembling, wobbling drunk in general!
The terrifying power made a spellcaster like Ge Yixian dumbfounded, this the Universe Fan?Even a single blow from the Golden Immortal with all his strength may not be able to cause such a terrifying effect!
Shan Kangyu and Zhuang Zhidie who stayed in the battleship also looked at each other, and asked Ge Yixian how much strength he used through sound transmission.

Thirty percent?It only took [-]% of the force!Gosh!Our Ruisi Garden is really developed now!

While the three of Ge Yixian were excited and happy, they were even more grateful to Master Shuiyue, and they must repay Master well when they have the opportunity!

Mo Xuan got dressed under the service of Kong Ling and Mo Que'er, and then combed the long hair of the two girls with a jade sandalwood comb in each hand.

"Let's cut stones later." Mo Que'er suggested.

Mo Xuan hummed, it's been a long time since he cut stones, this time he wants to have a good time.

Mo Xuan contact Xiao Yun, want to come together?

Xiaoyun quickly replied, it is necessary, I still have a client on hand, wait for me for a while.

After a while, Xiaoyun hurried over.Xiao Ba, who likes to join in the fun, also jumped out of the animal control bag by himself.

Mo Xuan first took out a meteorite as big as a stone mill. The thick shell of this meteorite had been taken out by the gambling stone shop, but there was still a thin layer of shell left. When the meteorite was shaken lightly, one could clearly feel it. There is liquid sloshing inside.

Under normal circumstances, the more condensed the core of the meteorite, the higher the level, while the core level of the liquid meteorite is generally not much higher.

Of course, there are exceptions to everything!
Mo Xuan let the meteorite float in mid-air, cut open the shell bit by bit from above, and soon saw a thick black liquid like thick ink inside.

Kong Ling and Mo Que'er also stretched their necks.

Xiaoyun nodded with his tut tut, the meteorite core with mixed attributes of darkness and water is a rare commodity!

Mo Xuan carefully removed the upper half of the shell, and saw a large ball of black liquid dangling in the bowl.

Xiaoyun took out a long needle, inserted it into the black liquid, nodded and praised: "The outside is the third grade of Xuan level, the middle is the second rank of Xuan level, the core reaches the first rank of Xuan level, and it is almost a yellow level!"

Xiao Ba dipped some black liquid into his mouth with a tentacle and licked it, um, it tastes pretty good!
Mo Xuan took out a small porcelain bottle and collected the jet black liquid in it.

Then, Mo Xuan took out a big black thing with a diameter of ten meters.Mo Xuan and the three women worked together to remove the shell of this big guy. After cutting off the hard shell more than four meters thick, the core of the meteorite inside could not be seen.

If it were someone else, they probably wouldn't have any intention of cutting it off, but Mo Xuan and the others are full of confidence. This is a meteorite that Xiao Bada can pick and choose carefully, and it will definitely not be far behind!Go ahead and cut!
Finally, when the core of the meteorite was cut, the four of Mo Xuan quickly processed it, and the dark yellow core of the meteorite came out!Although the total is only as big as a fist, but... Mo Xuan's eyes are shining for a long time, Huang Ji!This is the yellow level that surpasses the mysterious level!Metal and soil mixed attributes, super best!
The energy levels of meteorite cores from low to high are: D, C, B, A, Earth, Heaven, Immortal, Mysterious, and Yellow!

As for the Xuan level, there are only less than one-thousandth of the impurities, so only the attributes need to be introduced, and there is no need to introduce the energy storage rate. Even if it is as big as a fingernail, the weight is above the tonnage!

The yellow level above the mysterious level is even more remarkable, the impurities that are less than one ten-thousandth are the essence of the essence, which can be encountered but not sought after!
Originally, Mo Xuan only hoped to have the opportunity to obtain the yellow quality, but he did not expect to actually get it!Xiaoba is really awesome!Mo Xuan laughed and slapped Xiaoba, we can make a fortune, Xiaoba, you are definitely the greatest contributor!Our two brothers team up, it is really good for everything!

Xiao Ba also beamed happily, secretly looking at the core of the yellow-level meteorite, thinking that when he has the opportunity, he must have a good taste.

Mo Xuan happily put away the core of the yellow-level meteorite, and then cut the stone. If he can cut out another yellow-level meteorite, that would be awesome!
Metallicity, the second grade of mysterious level; the mixed attribute of wood and earth, the first grade of mysterious level; the mixed attribute of light and fire, the first grade of mysterious level...

The cores of top-quality meteorites were cut out by Mo Xuan. Mo Xuan and his party were full of expectations. Huang Jie, Huang Jie, where are you?Come out quickly!

Before I knew it, there was only the last one left, and I still couldn't cut out the yellow one!Mo Xuan pursed his lips, contented and happy, he had already cut out a yellow grade, that's enough.

Mo Que'er and Kong Ling are still full of expectations, maybe the last one will explode!

The result turned out to be a meteorite core with mixed attributes of magnetism and gold, and a first-grade immortal grade.

The two girls twitched their lips, it's not enough!

Mo Xuan clapped his hands and said, "Okay, there are still so many stone gambling shops, and we have plenty of opportunities to shop for treasures."

Mo Que'er and Kong Ling nodded obediently, I know, we just haven't jumped so frightened for a long time, and we are a little into the drama!

Mo Xuan rubbed his chin, saying, I haven't been an interstellar miner for a long time, I'd better practice my skills if I have the chance.Ever since Xiao Ba was born, the chances of getting enough food and clothing by oneself have become less and less, and after becoming the head of Tianjian Sect, it is even more difficult to stretch out one's clothes and eat one's mouth. This is not good, self-reliance is the kingly way.

Now that we have come to these four layers of time and space, starting from scratch and starting from scratch, we can no longer enjoy ourselves as before, we have to work hard!

"By the way, Miss Xiaoyun, what kind of treasure is that crock pot you found?" Mo Que'er was still thinking about it.

Mo Que'er didn't ask, Xiaoyun almost forgot, oh, and immediately took out the broken earthen jar.

Mo Xuan and his party saw a puff of green smoke suddenly rising from the broken earthen jar, and the puff of green smoke swayed unsteadily, and finally condensed into a foot-sized old man in green robe floating above the earthen jar, a mess like grass The hair and the cheeks of a monkey with a sharp mouth are exactly Bao Qingyun, who claims to be a chef.

It can be regarded as seeing the light of day again, Bao Qingyun burst into tears, and lamented countless times during the confinement by Xiaoyun that he was unkind to others!Why?There is a circle of people around, you have never seen God of Cooking, what is there to watch!Of course, Bao Qingyun only dared to think about it, but he didn't dare to say it.

"What is this? Artifact spirit?" Mo Que'er looked at Bao Qingyun loudly.

Xiao Ba squinted his eyes and leaned forward. Is this stuff delicious?

The corner of Bao Qingyun's mouth twitched, he shook his head and sighed: "The old man is not a spirit, but a real person, cough, soul!"

Mo Que'er curled her lips and said, "There's no difference."

The majestic Master of Cooking actually became like a spirit, Bao Qingyun was speechless, but he didn't dare to refute Mo Que'er, he looked around cautiously, did he know anything?
Hey hey!You big octopus, what do you want to do so close, be careful that I will cook you!Bao Qingyun glared at Xiao Ba.

He was so weak that he still dared to stare at me. Xiaoba stared back viciously. He had never seen the most handsome and coolest Demon Devourer in the entire universe!
Mo Xuan patted Xiao Ba, don't make trouble, turned to ask Xiao Yun: "Xiao Yun, what's going on?"

Xiaoyun curled her lips and explained: "This broken earthen jar looks ordinary, but it is actually a relatively ancient soul sealing jar. In the past, it was not easy to cultivate immortals, and some cultivators' bodies collapsed and died of old age, but their souls still existed temporarily. But it can't survive for a long time, but it can be preserved through this kind of soul sealing jar. Generally speaking, the people sealed in this kind of soul sealing jar are masters with special skills. I thought they would be masters of refining equipment, masters of alchemy or something , but thought it was a cook.”

What is rice!Bao Qingyun angrily justified his name: "The old Bao Qingyun, nicknamed the God of Cooking, has won the championship of the [-]th Ten Thousand Cooking Competition in his life."

Oh, God of Cooking!Mo Xuan, Mo Que'er, and Kong Ling couldn't help but look at Bao Qingyun with interest.

Kong Ling is still very picky about food. It would be great if there is such a chef who can cook for her anytime and anywhere, so that she can eat whatever she wants.

Kong Ling looked at Bao Qingyun's current state and asked, "Then can you still cook in this state?"

Bao Qingyun pursed his lips and sighed: "The old man only has his soul left, even if he wants to do it, he can't do it. Life and death are very common, and the old man's use of this soul jar to continue his life is not because he is greedy for life and afraid of death. I have never been able to receive a satisfactory apprentice to pass on the mantle, and I don’t want to lose my unique skills, so I have the audacity to survive until now! If you can help the old man achieve his wish, the old man will let the apprentice work for you for free for 100 years!"

Xiao Yun pouted and said, "It's only been 100 years, so what kind of repayment is that?"

Bao Qingyun looked worried and said: "This little girl, it's not that you are old, you must know how to be content, and the years rush like water, how many 100 years can you have!"

Xiaoyun rolled his eyes, and said speechlessly: "I said, old man, don't compare your old yellow with the present, how old were you when you died?"

Isn't it different now?Bao Qingyun Mumu replied: "Oldness is the cultivation base of the Golden Core Stage, and the lifespan is 1000 and two hundred." Although Qingyun's apprentices had excellent culinary talents, but their cultivation talents were mediocre, they all fell into the ground before Bao Qingyun.In desperation, Bao Qingyun chose the Soul Sealing Jar, which was against the sky at the time!

Only 1000 or [-] years old, dare to call yourself a chef?Xiaoyun had the urge to kick the broken earthen jar away.Please, there are a lot of chefs who are over [-] years old these days, and no one dares to call themselves a chef. You little guy doesn't know how to be humble.

Mo Xuan, Kong Ling and Mo Que'er were also a little speechless, and smiled at each other.

What's wrong?Bao Qingyun was at a loss.

(End of this chapter)

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