Interstellar Miner

Chapter 341 Times change

Chapter 341 Times change
Mo Xuan said to Bao Qingyun: "This fellow Daoist Bao, my name is Hua An. We are destined to meet each other. We will try our best to help you with your wish, but it is hard to say whether anyone is willing to worship you as a teacher." gone."

If the old and majestic chef wants to accept apprentices, how many people will be crowded, this guy actually asked if anyone would like to worship me as a teacher?Bao Qingyun shook his head amusedly, young people nowadays.

Xiaoyun curled his lips and said, "I think it's better to give him the whole body of a puppet and send him away."

Mo Xuan gave Xiaoyun a blank look, why is this Bao Qingyun an old man, throw him outside, he is so old-fashioned, he accidentally said the wrong thing, and he doesn't even know how he died.

You bastard, the old man had an attack again, Xiaoyun snorted.

Puppet body? !Bao Qingyun widened his eyes, looked at Xiaoyun in disbelief, and stammered: "This...Master, do you know how to make a puppet body for me?"

"Not happy, you go find him." Xiaoyun directly dumped Bao Qingyun to Mo Xuan, since you accepted it, then you should take responsibility yourself.

Bao Qingyun looked at Xiaoyun anxiously, and said eagerly: "Master, if you have something to discuss, it is easy to discuss! If I have a puppet body, I can cook for you immediately, and you will be satisfied."

"Sorry, I'm out of luck." Xiaoyun turned his body away, ignoring Bao Qingyun.

Bao Qingyun was in a hurry, oh, what can I do!

Mo Xuan coughed, and said, "Isn't it puppetry? I know how to do it. It's up to me." Mo Xuan quickly assembled a puppet mouse, which really matched Bao Qingyun's sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks.

Bao Qingyun looked at the puppet mouse who was about the same age as him now. Although he didn't say a word, the disgust on his face was clearly revealed.

"I'd better maintain the current state." Bao Qingyun didn't dare to offend Mo Xuan easily, and declined Mo Xuan's kindness.

Mo Xuan curled his lips, what, this puppet mouse is so cute, Mo Xuan put the puppet mouse on the ground, and gently tapped the puppet mouse.The puppet mouse gained a bit of wisdom, and started playing in the room alive and kicking.

Alas, Bao Qingyun couldn't help but stare at the puppet mouse a few more times, and decided to maintain the human soul form after careful consideration.Forget about mice, but if it is a rabbit or something, it can be considered. It would be great if it can be in human form!

Xiao Yun glanced at the mouse puppet beast running around, and the corner of his mouth slanted.

Mo Xuan rubbed his chin, and had some control over Bao Qingyun's thoughts, so he said to him: "Bao Qingyun, although you have lived for a long time, your real age is only 1000 to [-], and we are all older than you. , I’ll call you Xiao Bao.”

Bao Qingyun had an unbelievable expression on his face, you are all older than me?They look pink and tender, are they real or fake?In other words, is it easier to become an immortal now than it was back then?
Immortal, that is a power that only exists in legends, and Bao Qingyun has only heard of it, but has never really seen it.At that time, most of the immortal cultivators were bigu, but Bao Qingyun loved food very much. His talent for cultivating immortals was actually very good, but he just devoted himself to studying cooking skills, but in the end he was delayed in the golden core period, exhausted his lifespan, and had no choice but to lose his soul. Store it in the Soul Sealing Jar!

"Are you all immortals?" Bao Qingyun asked in surprise.

Mo Xuan smiled and nodded, that's necessary.

What a fairy!Bao Qingyun clicked his tongue for a while, hey, hey, he has been sealed for too long, and he can't keep up with the times at all!

"Here, it's ready." With just a few words, Xiaoyun formed a one-foot-tall puppet, which was completely in the image of Bao Qingyun, with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks.

Wow!Bao Qingyun was amazed and grateful, master, you are really amazing!The old man admires it, no, Xiaosheng admires it, admires it extremely!Seeing that Xiaoyun had no objection, Bao Qingyun got into the puppet's body, wow, it's so comfortable, it doesn't panic at all, on the contrary, it has a wonderful feeling of being constantly nourished, it's great!

Bao Qingyun moved his hands and feet in admiration. Although there are obvious differences with the real body, he is no longer a soul, but has a real body!Moreover, this puppet can also use some simple Taoism, and even absorb the aura around it to nourish itself. This is too high-end, what an amazing technique!

Bao Qingyun sincerely admired it, the fly in the ointment is that it is too small, there is no way to hold the kitchen knife with small hands.This is already very good, Bao Qingyun joyfully danced the celebration dance of his hometown, so happy today!

Xiaoyun glanced at Mo Xuan proudly, did you see that, you are far behind.

Mo Xuan chuckled, I was only advancing in order to retreat, and now my goal has been achieved.Mo Xuan said to Bao Qingyun: "Xiaobao, the outside world has changed a lot. We are just idle, so let's take you to the food street to have a look. You should watch more and talk less, understand?"

Bao Qingyun nodded in understanding. Is it a food street? It's street snacks. Let's start with the snacks and see the changes in culinary skills in this world.

Mo Xuan put Xiaoba away, spread out his right palm to Bao Qingyun, and came up.

Bao Qingyun flew up staggeringly and landed on Mo Xuan's palm, he was still not used to it for the time being.

Don't hesitate, let's go.

Previously, Mo Xuan and his party traveled together with Shang Mengyu and Zhang Hailu, and Mo Que'er did not release Sanmao. Now that they were going to the food street, Sanmao was finally able to come out to get some fresh air.

San Mao raised his head to the sky and let out a crane cry, shook the three hairs on the top of his head, spread his huge wings, and stretched his body happily.Mo Xuan nodded approvingly, Sanmao has grown up again, even in this fourth layer of time and space, it is quite cool, but I have seen many more cool mounts, so let's treat it as a low-key.

Wow, Bao Qingyun's mouth was wide open in shock, this... is this a crane?This is too huge and too cool!Bao Qingyun once raised a crane that was only as tall as one person. This crane is as tall as three people. This is the car of a fairy!

Mo Xuan and his party floated onto San Mao's broad back.Sanmao spread his wings and flew towards the food street, fast and steady.

Since going to the sky, Bao Qingyun's mouth has never been closed again, wow, what kind of place is this, a town?Nima, how can there be such a huge town in the world!Wow, there are so many magical mounts in the sky. This crane is already huge and impressive. I didn’t expect there to be something even more formidable. Wow, that’s the legendary Jiaolong. It’s so extravagant to use a Jiaolong to pull a ride!
Mo Xuan and Mo Que'er looked at each other, and they both missed one. If the more handsome and powerful one was still there, it would definitely be the most attractive mount now, not losing to those dragons at all.

Xiao Ba, who was dozing off in the animal control bag, rolled his eyes wide and flattened his mouth. The master is really serious, how many years have passed, and he still misses this one, hey, a mistake will cause eternal hatred!
Bao Qingyun only felt that he was a fool who didn't know anything. When he got to the back, he didn't even let out any exclamation. He just opened his mouth and looked around, up and down, just like in a dream!

Sanmao was very fast. After a while, he arrived at the food street and landed lightly. The streets on the ground were overcrowded, and Sanmao was suspended in midair.

Mo Xuan and his party found a gap and landed on the ground. San Mao also really wanted to enjoy the food street, but there was really no place, so he could only shrunk his head and got into Mo Que'er's animal control bag.

Bao Qingyun couldn't react for a while, this... This is a street of gourmet food, by the way!I participated in the Wanchu Conference back then, and there was no such a bustling scene!What kind of street is this? It's [-] times more exaggerated than the food city!

The areas are clearly separated, and the area where Mo Xuan falls is the small section for kebabs, which is the category of street food.

Bao Qingyun secretly swallowed his saliva, but completely forgot that he is now a puppet body, so he has no saliva at all.Bao Qingyun was undecided, and was stunned to see the guy behind the kebab stall cutting the meat on the spot!I saw a flash of light, and the big ham was carefully processed. According to the different regions of the ham, it was cut into pieces, slices, and diced meat, and there was not even a single tendon left on the removed bones!

Bao Qingyun couldn't help but secretly swallowed his saliva again. Although he could do it himself, it was the result of thousands of years of hard work!I never thought that any handyman in this street stall could have such a standard!
For a while, Bao Qingyun didn't know what to say!Time has really changed, Bao Qingyun smiled wryly, he calmed down, and then looked at the chef's craftsmanship.

There are more than [-] processes for the simplest kebab, every detail is accurate to the millisecond, and the seasoning is even more dazzling to Bao Qingyun. Although this puppet body has no sense of smell, it can However, Qingyun seemed to smell the aroma of barbecue that made people's index finger move!
Mo Xuan bought three kebabs, and Kong Ling and Mo Que'er each took one out of Mo Xuan's hand and tasted it together.

Bao Qingyun carefully observed the details of the roast meat chewing after it entered Mo Xuan's mouth, and the more he watched, the more startled he became. This is definitely a unique skill that only the top chefs of his era possessed. Unexpectedly, it is only a street stall now.

Mo Xuan nodded slightly, not bad.

It's just not bad... Bao Qingyun's body couldn't help shaking, almost being crushed by the huge impact!Bao Qingyun gritted his teeth, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, no wonder Hua An said that it is hard to say whether anyone is willing to worship me as a teacher!The unique culinary skills that I am proud of are now considered unique culinary skills?

Xiaoyun cast a teasing glance at Bao Qingyun, who was dazed in a daze, and saw if there was one, this kind of class can only set up a street stall, can your antique-level cooking skills keep up with the times?

"Xiao Bao, what do you think?" Xiao Yun asked with a smile.

"It's okay." Bao Qingyun pursed his lips and replied.

Xiaoyun smiled, this place is just a street stall after all, I will take you to a few well-known restaurants later to see and see for yourself!

Bao Qingyun sighed and looked towards the kebab stall again, seeing that guy quickly cut another piece of ham.

Huh, Bao Qingyun blinked his eyes, the first time he looked at it was very experienced, but now it is not very good, some details are not well controlled, or it is exactly the same as the cutting method of the ham just now .It is obvious that two hams cannot be exactly the same, and the shape, weight, fat and thinness all have changes, but that guy simply cuts the meat according to the parts!If there is a little more change, the finishing touch can be added. Of course, such a little change requires years of continuous training, exploration, and research!There is still a big gap between this guy's knife skills and supernatural skills!
Looking at the kebab master again, Bao Qingyun couldn't help secretly marveling when he saw the first skewer, it was really good craftsmanship, but now watching him roast the second and third skewers, it was completely copying the previous method And the process is exactly the same!However, the difference between a master and a low hand is actually there!
According to the slight difference in the meat quality of the barbecue, there are also slight differences in the method and duration of the fire, but this cook obviously cannot control the subtle differences, so he cannot be called first-class.

However, it cannot be ruled out that the two of them are working for a long time, and they don't want to bother all the time, so they just play around with it.

Bao Qingyun staggered and flew towards the barbecue stand.

Oh, don't run around, don't look at the barbecue stall, there is only a cook and a waiter, but they are also two immortals!Mo Xuan hurriedly followed.

(End of this chapter)

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