Chapter 342
Bao Qingyun flew in front of the barbecue master, bowed and said hello: "This master, what's your name?"

The barbecue master looked at the little puppet Bao Qingyun in surprise, then at the obviously unfathomable Mo Xuan standing behind Bao Qingyun, nodded and said: "My surname is Wang." But he didn't stop at all, he was grilling the skewers quickly, and he was already familiar with it.

"Oh, Xiao Wang, your barbecue skills are pretty good." Bao Qingyun praised.

The barbecue master smiled and said: "The ancestral craft, let's eat together."

Bao Qingyun asked: "In addition to this flavor of kebab, do you have other flavors?"

The barbecue master nodded and said, "All of them are available, but the stall here only serves this kind of flavor. If you want to taste other flavors, you can go to other barbecue stalls."

Bao Qingyun said: "I used to be a cook, but now that I've become like this, I can't cook anymore. Otherwise, I can learn from you."

The barbecue master looked at Bao Qingyun in amazement, and Mu Mu nodded, feeling very sorry, the cook couldn't hold the kitchen knife, which meant most of his life was lost!

Bao Qingyun exchanged greetings with the barbecue master, and said: "There are a lot of people at the moment, Xiao Wang, you go ahead, I'll go chat with the guy inside."

The barbecue master nodded, you can do whatever you want.

Bao Qingyun flew up to the guy, and said old-fashionedly: "Young man, you are good at knife skills."

The clerk smiled and said, "It's not bad, I have studied at Ziyun Culinary Academy for 300 years, and I have obtained a first-class intermediate diploma."

Bao Qingyun exclaimed, there are culinary arts schools these days.Bao Qingyun asked curiously: "How many people are there in Ziyun Culinary Academy?"

The clerk replied: "There are so many people. Ziyun Culinary Academy recruits 2 people every ten years. At that time, the total number of teachers and students in the school was almost 100 million."

Bao Qingyun couldn't help but click his tongue, a chef academy with 100 million people, this was something that he didn't even dare to imagine back then!When I learned to cook by myself, I started by cleaning and peeling potatoes in restaurants. After I worked hard, I arranged to cut vegetables and hone my knife skills.

The guy cut a piece of ham, which was enough for the grill master Xiao Wang to be busy for a long time. Seeing that Bao Qingyun was particularly interested, he chatted with Bao Qingyun about the Ziyun Culinary Academy.

Ziyun Culinary Academy was founded by Ziyun Xuanxian ancestor more than 30 years ago. At that time, Ziyun Patriarch was just an ordinary fairy, and Ziyun Culinary Academy was only a group of people with only a dozen people. In the elementary school, Ziyun Patriarch continued to participate in the Ten Thousand Cooking Competition, and his ranking continued to rise. The reputation of the college gradually increased, and there were more and more students.

Bao Qingyun interrupted the buddy, is the Ten Thousand Cooking Competition still going on now?
The guy nodded, of course, this is the World Cup in our chef world! It is only held once every 1000 years, and 10,000+ well-known chefs participated in the competition. Those who can break into the top [-] will receive honorary medals. Hanging in the store is a gold-lettered signboard!The top one hundred is considered a master!If he ranks among the top ten many times, he will be the master of the chef world!
Bao Qingyun nodded in amazement. Back then, our Ten Thousand Cooks Competition was only held every 30 years. It was called the Ten Thousand Cooks Competition, but the number of participating chefs was actually only a few thousand!There is no comparison at all. Don't brag about the champion of the [-]th Ten Thousand Cooking Competition.

"Young man, you should cut the ham once and show it to the old man. Maybe the old man can give you some advice. Here, let's just take that ham."

The buddy let out a cry, lifted the ham to the chopping board, calmed down, picked up the meat cleaver and cut it quickly, faster and more accurately.

Bao Qingyun frowned, stroked his chin and asked, "Young man, are you hiding something?"

The clerk nodded and said, "No." Knife craftsmanship depends on everyone's hard work, and it's not easy to steal a teacher, so there is nothing to hide.

Bao Qingyun asked: "When you graduated, how did your teachers evaluate the knife skills?"

The buddy thought for a while and said, "The teacher commented that it's quite satisfactory, the speed is at the top, the quality is at the top, and the skill is good. You can be a teacher. My first-class intermediate diploma is earned by this knife work."

Bao Qingyun hummed, and said: "Your teacher's evaluation is pertinent, is there anything above the first grade?"

"Yes, there are also the special level and the master level. To reach the special level, it takes thousands of years of actual combat and hard work; the master level requires at least tens of thousands of years of hard work."

Bao Qingyun touched his chin. From this point of view, there is no pressure for his knife skills to reach the special level, and he doesn't know if he is a master. After all, the speed of his knife skills cannot be so fast and perfect, but the quality is not a problem.

Today's culinary skills are really extraordinary. The mass-produced apprentices can reach this level, and the genius-level students must be even more amazing that day!Wanchu contest, I really want to be able to participate, there must be masters like Lin, Bao Qingyun is really itchy, but now it is like this!

Bao Qingyun calmed down, and said to the clerk: "Young man, we are destined to meet each other, let me teach you a few tricks."

The buddy is skeptical, if you don't have too many skills, then just learn it, but I don't know if this old-fashioned man has two brushes.

"Take this ham as an example. Your cutting method can only be regarded as quite satisfactory. There are some flaws, which can be overcome by the following three tips. Listen carefully."

The guy nodded, you talk, I'm listening.Um?ah?oh?The buddy's eyes widen as he listens, wait, wait a minute, you keep talking slowly, I can't keep up, oops, I'd better take paper and notes.

"Do you understand these three little tricks?" Bao Qingyun asked.

The buddy blinked blankly, bowed to Bao Qingyun, and said embarrassedly: "Master, I understand what I heard, but I don't know how to do it!"

Bao Qingyun looked back, and Mo Xuan was still standing patiently by the side of the barbecue stall, eating the barbecue slowly, while looking at himself with a slight smile, not in a hurry.Kong Ling and Mo Que'er ate their mouths full of oil at other stalls; Xiaoyun was completely idle there, watching indifferently with eyes overlooking all living beings.

Bao Qingyun secretly sighed, among the immortals all over the street, only Mo Xuan is so different, standing out from the crowd.

Bao Qingyun said to the staff: "Time is running out, you can cut a ham again, I will direct you on the spot, I will only teach you once, you memorize it carefully, it doesn't matter if you can't master it for a while, you can practice slowly."

The man nodded again and again, hurriedly put another ham on the chopping board, and picked up the meat cleaver.

"Don't blindly focus on the speed of the map at ordinary times. The knife skills must be combined with urgency. When it should be fast, it should be fast, and when it should be slow, it should be slow. Let's start..."

The guy was holding a kitchen knife in a fog, looking at the finished ham he had cut, this... I cut it out?After staying in Ziyun College for 300 years, I have only seen such dreamy and pleasing finished ham meat twice!At that time, a large group of onlookers couldn't help sighing, we probably won't be able to achieve such a level in our lifetime!
The buddy never imagined that the ugly puppet in front of him just cut it out after directing it on the spot!Although what I cut out is still a little bit lacking from what I saw back then, but it is completely different from what I cut out before!

Is this really what I cut out?Guys are a little confused!
"Xiaoye, ham!" The barbecue master looked back, wow, is that ham on the chopping board?It's just shining!Is this the leaflet cut out?
The buddy came back to his senses and helped carry the sliced ​​ham over there. He turned around and knelt down facing Bao Qingyun, Master, take me as your apprentice!

"There's gold at the man's knees, boy, get up."

If you don't accept it, I won't get up!The man looked at Bao Qingyun eagerly, master, just accept me!Even if I lose everything, I want to create a life-sized puppet body for you, so that you can pick up a kitchen knife again!And I will be your tongue, my sense of taste is still very good!
Xiaoyun who was looking around suddenly saw this scene and couldn't help blinking in surprise. He couldn't tell that this guy really had two brushes!

Xiao Yun leaned over to Mo Xuan and asked, "What's going on?"

Mo Xuan chuckled, and said, "It's nothing, Xiao Bao casually pointed out a few words to the guy, and the guy immediately bowed to him. Turn around, Xiaoyun, you can rebuild Xiao Bao's puppet body, so we can try his skills."

"Are you paying the bill?" Xiao Yun gave Mo Xuan a sideways look.

Mo Xuan smiled slightly, and said: "Yes. By the way, what about you using the extra black iron heart?"

Xiao Yun shrugged and said, "Then do you want a puppet body, or Xuan Tie Xin?"

"Can I have both?"

Xiaoyun gave Mo Xuan a white look, and said, "Okay, I'll give you a piece then."

At this time, Bao Qingyun has already persuaded the buddy, it is not impossible to accept you as an apprentice, first practice the knife skills.

The buddy has started to practice knife skills hard. He clearly remembers cutting the ham according to the method just now, but he still can’t cut the dreamy effect. What’s wrong?The man looked at Bao Qingyun for help.

Bao Qingyun shook his head slightly: "I have already taught what should be taught. The master leads the door, and the practice is in the individual. Slowly realize the experience, and I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry."

The man secretly gritted his teeth and continued to struggle.

The barbecue master didn't know that Bao Qingyun was a real expert, so his attitude became much humbled. Master, what do you think about my barbecue?
Bao Qingyun said: "I can't operate it, Xiao Wang, you can bake three skewers for me as I said."

"Okay." The barbecue master wished for it, fearing that he would not be able to remember it for a while, he took out a recording crystal, let's record it directly, and study it slowly later.

"Tell me about your condiments." Bao Qingyun ordered.

The barbecue master quickly reported all 54 kinds of condiments.

Bao Qingyun touched his chin and nodded. It turned out that most of them were subdivided, but now they are really fine-tuned. However, it would be too time-consuming and difficult to fine-tune.

Bao Qingyun immediately directed the barbecue master to mix and combine more than twenty kinds of condiments into five handfuls, all right, let's start work.

The barbecue master inherited the family business and has been grilling kebabs for thousands of years. It is the first time in the past 500 years that he has the urge to drool over his own kebabs. It is so delicious!Obviously the seasoning used is half less than the one handed down from his ancestors, but why is it so delicious!I really want to have a taste!

"Fellow Daoist Hua, these three kebabs are a small favor from me." Bao Qingyun said to Mo Xuan.

Mo Xuan unceremoniously took three kebabs from the reluctant barbecue master, and called Kong Ling and Mo Que'er to taste Xiaobao's cooking together.

Mo Xuan took a bite, it was still the original ham, the original seasoning, but the taste was really different!Crispy and delicious, tender and juicy, every time you chew, the rich aroma of baked ham gravy will spread in your mouth.

"It's delicious." Mo Que'er exclaimed, and quickly wiped out the kebabs in his hand, still wanting more.

After Kong Ling ate a whole kebab, she couldn't help but look at Bao Qingyun again. This chef really didn't blow it up, but really had two brushes.

Bao Qingyun smiled calmly, still a little bit complacent.

(End of this chapter)

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