Chapter 343
The barbecue master and the waiter looked at Bao Qingyun eagerly, master, don't leave, just accept us!Registered disciples are also fine!Why don't you teach us a few tricks!
"The next Wanchu Conference, we will see you again by chance." Bao Qingyun waved his hands old-fashionedly, and left with Mo Xuan and his party.

This guy is pretty stinky, Xiaoyun curled his lips, saying what's the use of you being dragged by a small stall.

"I made a lot of money this time, so I'll treat you to a big meal." Xiaoyun led a group of people into the most famous Wang'er restaurant in the surrounding area.

A clerk greeted him swiftly, and greeted him warmly: "Four guests, welcome to our Wanger restaurant. The restaurant is a bit busy at the moment, and the lobby may have to wait for a while. There are still a few rooms available in the private rooms. .”

Xiaoyun waved his hand brazenly: "The best private room, let your chefs do some unique skills quickly, money is not a problem."

Big customer!The guy was taken aback, and immediately greeted him more enthusiastically, Pidianpidian led the way, and the four of you went upstairs to invite.

Fei Cui Pavilion.

Mo Xuan looked around, how could this be a private room? There were mountains and water, birds singing and flowers scenting, elegant and unique. There was an Eight Immortals table in a big octagonal gazebo, and four fairy-level sweet maids stood obediently by the side. .

Mo Xuan and his party sat down casually, while Bao Qingyun stood on the edge of the Eight Immortals table.

The maid walked over and respectfully handed over the menu. Mo Xuan opened it and looked at it. There were so many dishes, such as dry-clothed white meat, steamed hairtail fish from an old altar, fattened river stone beef, stewed beef with snowflakes...

Xiaoyun was still not satisfied, and asked the buddy: "What are the unique skills of your chefs, it is best to perform them live."

The waiter replied respectfully: "Guest officer, our Second Chef Wang has two famous unique skills, one is emerald cabbage, which turns an ordinary cabbage into a magical one, and it cooks like an emerald. Shining and moving, it is crispy and delicious, and extremely delicious; the second is tofu carving, tofu is fragile and can only be carved underwater, and the eyes depend on our chef's knife skills."

Bao Qingyun nodded slightly, wanting to see how this Wang Er's skills are.

The waiter paused, and said, "As for live performances, our Second Chef Wang is always busy and may not be free. I have to ask for instructions."

Xiao Yun casually took out a first-grade immortal stone and put it on the table of the Eight Immortals, saying: "Please come, here is your tip."

The man secretly swallowed his saliva, and trotted out without stopping.

Mo Xuan gave Xiaoyun a blank look, you are too prodigal, although the price of the fourth-level time-space is much more expensive than the third-level time-space, but we a large group of people have eaten so much, and the total is less than one first-grade immortal stone!

Xiaoyun smiled indifferently, isn't making money just to spend money, how much can be saved by saving money!

Forget it, Mo Xuan, Kong Ling, and Mo Que'er made some calculations and ordered a few special dishes first.

Not long after, the clerk ran back excitedly, bowed to Xiaoyun happily, and it was done, Chef Wang Erda will be here later.

Xiaoyun smiled slightly, and threw the first-grade immortal stone on the Eight Immortals table to the buddy, rewarding you.

The buddies kept bowing and bowing, so it was time to prepare quickly.

Several special dishes were served on the table one after another, and Mo Xuan and his party tasted them first. After all, it is a big restaurant, which is much more delicious than a small stall.

Bao Qingyun was secretly stunned, the presentation of the dishes is really particular now, it is indeed pleasing to the eye, the appearance alone can increase people's appetite, but I don't know the specific taste.Oops, I have lost my sense of taste!In the future, I can only watch, and I will never taste the ultimate delicacy again, Bao Qingyun secretly sighed.

The buddy has quickly set up the simple kitchen and prepared all the items needed for the performance, just waiting for the chef to come.

When Mo Xuan and his party were halfway through eating, Wang Er, who was short and fat, wrapped in a snow-white apron, and supported by a white chef's hat half a meter away, finally hurried over.

"Sorry for keeping everyone waiting for so long." Wang Er bowed to Mo Xuan and his party.

Xiaoyun waved his hand indifferently, please start immediately.

Mo Xuan and his party stopped picking up vegetables and waited and watched.

Wang Er smiled slightly, and stood behind the long table. He was a little short and couldn't reach it. The clerk quickly brought a wide wooden stool for Wang Er to step on!
Wang Er washed his hands carefully, then carefully selected a Chinese cabbage from a pile of washed fresh Chinese cabbage, cut off the protruding root with one knife, and placed the Chinese cabbage vertically on the chopping board.Wang Er pressed the top of the big white head with his left hand, brushed it with his right hand, and saw a flash of swords and swords.

Wang Er gently put down the kitchen knife with his right hand, and let go, but the Chinese cabbage remained the same, standing whole on the chopping board.

Mo Xuan and his party couldn't help being amazed, they could see that this Chinese cabbage had actually been scratched tens of thousands of times, ranging from deep to shallow, but the Chinese cabbage still maintained its overall integrity, good knife work!
Bao Qingyun rubbed his chin, silent.

Stop talking, Xiaoyun glanced at Bao Qingyun, and continued to enjoy Wang Er's performance.

Wang Er rolled the chopped Chinese cabbage in boiling water for a few times, and then it was out of the pot, placed on a jade plate, and served steaming hot on the Eight Immortals table.

When the heat dissipated, the cooked Chinese cabbage revealed its true appearance. It was as lush and shiny as emeralds, and it was so fragrant that it made people move their index fingers!Worthy of the dish name of jadeite cabbage!

Mo Xuan and his party hurriedly picked up a piece of Chinese cabbage leaf with chopsticks, put it in their mouths and tasted it, wow, it was crispy and delicious, the juice was clear and sweet, and it was extremely delicious. You really get what you pay for!
For a while, the sound of chewing and chewing was endless.

Wang Er grinned, quite pleased with himself.

Bao Qingyun glanced at the jadeite cabbage, and said to Wang Er: "How many years has this master been in charge?"

Wang Er thought for a while and replied, "It's been 3000 years before I know it."

Bao Qingyun clicked his tongue secretly, he really couldn't keep up with the times, it could be tens of thousands of years at every turn.Bao Qingyun nodded, and said to Wang Er: "Cai Xin should be raw."

Wang Er's face froze, he coughed, and said: "Cai Xin is indeed not easy to cook, the four guests can eat the leaves, but they don't need to eat Cai Xin."

Xiaoyun cast a sideways glance at Bao Qingyun, this guy really knows how to pick a bone in an egg, if you put raw cabbage in it, you can eat it too!

Mo Xuan specially added some choy sum and tasted it, well, I really can't taste anything, is there any raw food?
Kong Ling also took a sip curiously, and nodded slightly, it was indeed a bit raw.

Bao Qingyun sighed slightly: "It's a pity, the essence of this emerald cabbage is in the heart! Master, you still need a little fire."

Wang Er looked at Bao Qingyun in amazement, he didn't expect this person to be a great expert, although he didn't want to admit it, but it was indeed lacking a bit of heat, the essence of the cabbage was always out of control!In fact, the number of chefs who can completely control this emerald cabbage in the entire starry sky can be counted on one hand!I can only cook the cabbage properly when I am lucky occasionally.

Xiao Yun pouted and asked Bao Qingyun: "Xiao Bao, can you do it?" He has been a cook for more than 1 years, but you have been a cook for more than 1000 years. The difference in cooking age is ten times.

Bao Qingyun smiled contentedly, nodded and said, "It's okay."

This thing can really be installed!Xiaoyun frowned, and immediately assembled a large puppet body for Bao Qingyun, and asked him to demonstrate it on the spot to see if he could do it, but it is estimated that even if it is assembled, it will be wrong if it misses The original body and other rhetoric, who can't brag!

I don't want to talk to you, Xiaoyun didn't deal with Bao Qingyun whatever he thought, and said to Wang Er: "Master, I heard that you have a unique skill in tofu carving."

Wang Er borrowed the slope to get off the donkey, nodded, and signaled to the buddy.

The clerk brought a whole plate of tender white tofu raised in water to the long table, and moved a transparent glass jar filled with water to Wang Er.

Wang Er scratched a piece of square tofu, held it gently with his left hand, and slowly sank into the water, while holding a carving knife in his right hand, he also sank into the water, calmed down for a moment, and then began to carve!

Mo Xuan and his party couldn't help but widen their eyes, seeing pieces of tofu crumbs slowly sinking into the bottom of the water tank, and the area around Wang's second palm was already white and cloudy.After a while, Wang Er raised his left hand out of the birthday noodles, and that piece of square tofu had been carved into a cute white rabbit.

Wow, what a superb skill!It was the first time for Mo Xuan and his party to see such miraculous knife skills, and they couldn't help but tsk-tsk.

Bao Qingyun still touched his chin, silent.

After a while, Wang Er carved another white turtle.Mo Xuan blinked, is this a race between the tortoise and the hare?
Wang Er gave the clerk a look, and the clerk hurriedly wiped the fine beads of sweat on Wang Er's forehead with a handkerchief.Wang Er took a deep breath, continued to work hard, and carved out a white pig and a white dog in one go.

Four cute little animals were assembled into a plate, with sauce in the middle, and served on the Eight Immortals table.

Mo Xuan and his party couldn't help leaning over to look carefully. The four small animals were lifelike, and there wasn't even a knife scar on their smooth bodies.It's so cute, why would you want to destroy it and eat it!Mo Xuan smacked his lips. If Huali was there, he probably couldn't wait to take a bite.

Before Mo Xuan and his party had time to exclaim in amazement, Bao Qingyun said to Wang Er, who was wiping away his sweat, "The knife skills are good, but these four things are a bit monotonous. Where did you learn the skills? Can Long Tenghu Yue be able to carve them? "

The corner of Wang Er's mouth twitched, and he said patiently: "Tofu carving is a unique skill. No chef academy can teach it. This is my ancestral craft. I can carve eight kinds of small animals. As for the dragon and tiger you said, That is one of Master Chef’s [-] tofu carvings, which has been lost for a long time! My ancestors had studied at Chef Star for many years. Mastered the unique skills of these tofu carvings."

Hey, Bao Qingyun couldn't help being taken aback.

Chef?Mo Xuan asked curiously: "God of Cooking? Eighteen carvings of tofu?"

Wang Er nodded and said, "The Eighteen Tofu Carvings are one of Master Chef's unique skills. Eighteen kinds of tofu carvings are superbly crafted. Dragons leaping and tigers leaping, two dragons playing with pearls, four immortals fighting swords, beautiful mountains and rivers...these eighteen kinds of tofu Most of the carvings have been lost, and there are only eight relatively simple ones that can be made by masters occasionally!"

Even lost most of it!Mo Xuan and his party couldn't help but sigh, what a pity.

See, this is the real God of Cooking!Xiaoyun glanced at Bao Qingyun, and asked, "What other unique skills does that God of Cooking have?"

Master Wang Er sighed and said: "Master Chef has so many unique skills, the most famous ones are the eight dishes in the world: one color of green mountains, two parts of yin and yang, three inches of spring heart, one family of four seas, May snow, six dynasty gold powder, The seven stars accompany the moon, and the eight delicacies cross the sea.”

"The eight delicacies crossing the sea, it is said that Master Chef used the pinnacle of knife skills to open up the scales of eight live fish in an instant, remove the internal organs, and when the soup was served, the eight fish still didn't know that they were dead, swimming in the soup , the taste is extremely delicious, making people fascinated!"

Wow!Awesome!Mo Xuan and his party were not surprised.

"It's a pity that these eight dishes are now only three remaining: Yishi Qingshan, Sihai Family, and Six Dynasties Jinfen. The other five dishes have been lost. My emerald cabbage is at best a small part of Master Chef Yishi Qingshan! "

Oh, it's been lost, what a pity, Mo Xuan and his party are also booing endlessly.

Bao Qingyun let out a long sigh and shook his head, unexpectedly!

Xiaoyun gave Bao Qingyun a sideways look, and asked, "Why are they all lost?"

(End of this chapter)

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