Interstellar Miner

Chapter 357 The Rise of the Four Immortals

Chapter 357 The Rise of the Four Immortals

However, the two masters who moved the fastest were Qu Caiyi [-]th dan and Yun Yuanjia [-]th dan standing on the edge of the chess game!The two golden immortals directly grabbed Mo Xuan's arms.

The two masters were amazingly fast, and Mo Xuan couldn't escape by being inattentive!
"Fellow Daoist Hua'an, go to our Chess Academy and sit down for a while."

"The Millennium Chess Game hasn't been discussed yet, let's discuss it together."

The two masters cordially invited.

Only then did the rest of the onlookers realize that these two were Qu Caiyi's [-]th dan and Yun Yuanjia's [-]th dan. Wow, they are real masters!Idol, please sign your name!

The discussion of the Millennium Chess Game, we really want to listen in on the spot!It's a pity that the Chess Academy is not a place that can be entered and exited casually!

The avatars of the three Xiaodao Lords also smiled and nodded in agreement. Don't pay attention to those clowns, let's discuss the thousand-year chess game together. We also want to hear your opinions.

The other five golden immortals were also invited together, and most of them still wanted to compete with Hua An for a few rounds, which was really itchy.

The kindness is hard to give up, so Mo Xuan could only agree, report the situation to the three women, and then follow a group of big shots into the holy place that countless chess idiots dream of——Chess Academy.

The assassination team went along with the onlookers, and then they were blocked outside the gate of the Chess Academy together!The assassins stared eagerly at the gate of the Chess Academy, and the captain of the assassination sighed faintly. The Chess Academy was almost the back garden shared by the three little Taoist monarchs. Who would dare to die and go in for assassination? Just wait!
Although a large number of mysterious immortals, celestial immortals, and earth immortals cannot enter the Chess Saint Academy, the Chess Saint Academy is still very reasonable, and the discussion process of the thousand-year chess game will be announced to the public.

However, before the official discussion of the Millennium Chess Game, the three Xiaodao Lords, Qu Caiyi 23th dan, Yun Yuanjia [-]th dan, and Mo Xuan each played a game of [-]-way fast chess!

Because it is fast chess, the main competition is quick wit and quick thinking, and the advantages of high ranks have many disadvantages.

There is only one or two hours of rest in the middle of each round. In less than five days, all five rounds will be played!

The more Mo Xuan went down, the smoother he went, and finally won the last two rounds, once again astonishing everyone!
Qu Caiyi 23th dan and Yun Yuanjia [-]th dan, the two masters who lost in fast chess, looked at each other, thinking to themselves, this kid Hua An must have lost to the three clones of Xiaodao Lord on purpose, right?However, it can be seen that Hua An was a little unfamiliar with the [-]-way Go at the beginning, and the charge became more and more fierce in the next few games, so it shouldn't be intentional cheating.

Ever since, following the explosive news that Huo Qingling entered the Xuanbang in World War II, Hua An's record of winning two out of five rapid chess games was admitted by the Chess Academy, and the three Xiaodao Lords personally awarded Hua An the honor of a five-level professional chess player. medal!It is also No.1 throughout the ages!
All of a sudden, the Four Immortals Sect was completely fortified!

The fourth-level time-space is quite different from the lower three-level time-space!

The lower three levels of space-time force are almost everything, it is purely a competition whose fist is bigger!Full of martial arts style!

The martial power of the fourth layer of time and space is not unimportant, and most events are determined by contests, so the list of hundreds of heroes is so brilliant!It's just that compared to the fighting in the lower three layers of time and space, the fourth layer of time and space is much gentler.

Under the high-pressure policy of the four little Daoist lords, all contests must not affect the common people, the planet, the little fairy world, etc.!
Therefore, it is usually the high-level immortals who are fighting to death, but the bottom is calm, harmonious and peaceful, and the contrast is great.

As the saying goes, it is easy to conquer the country, but it is more difficult to defend the country.How to guard the country, of course, depends on management talents!
Therefore, the treatment of four-tier space-time management talents is no worse than that of powerful thugs!
For the rest, the remuneration of master craftsmen, masters of alchemy, professional chess players, chefs, etc. is quite good.

In other words, the fourth level of time and space is a world where talents compete in all aspects!On the basis of martial arts, there is also a strong literary style!
In fact, no matter what your personal preferences are, the higher the level of time and space, the higher the technical content!That's why Xiaoyun regards the lower time and space, which is always fighting and killing, as an indigenous time and space, and can't come to the table.

Impatient, surly, irritable, and yelling and killing immortals can't survive in high-level time and space, and it's easy to die without knowing what's going on!

Closer to home!
The little Sect of Four Immortals has Master Shuiyue who repaired the Yin-Yang Mirror and Qiankun Fan of ancient treasures; Hua An Xuanxian, who won two out of five games, jumped from an amateur chess player to a fifth-level professional chess player; the last Wu Nianxuan, who has a good fighting power, obviously cannot be an idler!It is simply synonymous with bunkers!
In just one month, the Four Immortals had suddenly become the most popular supernova sect in the fourth layer of time and space, and people talked about it.

Mo Xuan's decision to join the Chess Academy was not impulsive, but after careful consideration.

Nowadays, the Four Immortals Sect is already a big tree, and although Mo Que'er has entered the Xuanbang, the safety is guaranteed, but the safety of Xiaoyun and Kong Ling is still worrying. A certificate from the Chess Academy is absolutely beneficial and harmless, and it can also establish relationships with the three little Taoist monarchs, so why not do it!

Mo Xuan was overjoyed to receive the five-level professional chess player medal from the three young masters. After looking at it, it was a diamond-shaped medal made of brilliant diamonds. There were nine stars engraved on the medal, but there were only five stars for the time being. The golden light is shining, and the other four stars are gray!
The gray four stars need to participate in the rank qualifying competition to improve step by step to light up!Duan qualifying is relatively free. Although it is once every 100 years, it is only required to participate once every 1000 years. If you do not participate once every 3000 consecutive years, you will have to drop a rank.After all, the rank players are almost all celestial beings and celestial beings, so it is not uncommon for them to retreat for 800 years!

A solid record is required for promotion, but there is a special case, that is, if you achieve [-] consecutive victories in the round-robin competition, you can be guaranteed a promotion!
The medal is a symbol of honor. Although its material is very precious, its defense is limited, so it only needs to be worn on certain occasions, and it is better to store it carefully at ordinary times. Unless there are special circumstances, it will not be reissued!
Mo Xuan put away the medal with a smile, and immediately applied to the two directors of the Chess Academy, Qu Caiyi [-]th dan and Yun Yuanjia [-]th dan, for the benefits of professional chess players.

The two masters are very considerate, knowing that Hanli Fang wants to take revenge on the Four Immortals, if not for this, Hua An might not have joined the Chess Academy so readily.

The two masters immediately gave orders to arrange a quiet and elegant small courtyard for Hua'an [-]th dan. At the same time, they sent a team of guards to take the remaining three members of the Four Immortals who lived in Ruyi Inn into the chess master as the Hua'an [-]th dan's family members. hospital!The high-level treatment of chess players can be seen!
All of a sudden, Hanlifang's assassination team was completely dumbfounded, this... this... no!Still messing with chicken feathers?

After all, the two masters, Qu Caiyi 1000th Duan and Yun Yuanjia [-]th Duan, have been sitting for [-] years, and they are both mentally and physically exhausted.The two masters burned incense and bathed, and after three days of fasting, the discussion on the thousand-year chess game officially began!

Lectures will be given by two [-]-dan masters, followed by three Xiaodao masters, [-]-dan professional chess players and [-] students from Chess Academy will attend the event!Tens of millions of chess idiots outside the Chess Academy are also listening!

Originally, the influence of the Millennium Chess Game was terrific, but later because the Millennium Endgame was solved, and the yin and yang mirror battle grabbed a lot of limelight, but now Hua An, who has solved the Millennium Endgame, has become a five-stage chess player in the Chess Academy Master Shuiyue and the upstart Huo Qingling also lived in Chess Academy.

It can be said that the influence of Chess Academy is not only not affected, but even better!The entire four-story space-time difference money was full of heated discussions about Chess Academy and Go after dinner. Of course, the vigorous Jinxian battle and Huo Qingling's entry into the Xuanbang were naturally indispensable!
Immediately, many people who didn't play Go before became interested in Go and began to learn Go!
Shang Mengyu and Zhang Hailu, because of Mo Xuan's instructions, didn't go shopping to find treasures anymore, and stayed in the Ruyi Inn as a group honestly, so as not to become the target of Hanlifang's anger.Being idle and bored, the girls also started to learn Go, which seems to be quite interesting, and it also helps a lot with deduction ability.

Even Hanlifang's assassination team was extremely bored, they put five Go boards on the ground, and killed each other two by two to pass the time.

At present, there are more than 14 ranked chess players in the Chess Academy, but they are usually scattered around the fourth floor of time and space, studying chess while taking care of their families, and only selectively return to the Chess Academy during the round-robin competition.This time, because of the Millennium Chess Game, it is not easy to gather [-] rank players.

Of course, the largest number of ranked chess players is the first rank chess player, with a total of more than 7, which is almost half of them!The second is the second dan, with more than 5 players; the third and fourth dans add up to just over 1; There are only four digits in the paragraph!
Mo Xuan became a fifth-level chess player in one fell swoop, and it really fell through the eyeballs of many chess players. They all stared at Mo Xuan with the eyes of rare giant pandas.

Mo Xuan didn't take it seriously at all, he was used to being surrounded by spectators when he was on the third level of time and space, and the old god was sitting with prospective apprentice He Jiaguang to listen to the lecture.

He Jiaguang glanced at Mo Xuan adoringly from time to time, and suddenly he became a five-dan chess player. Senior Hua An is really amazing!I adore him so much!
The millennium chess game has been played for 1000 years, and if we discuss it seriously, it will take at least 80 years.However, everyone's time is so precious, the two tenth-dan masters and the three junior Taoists still skipped a lot, and specially explained some of the most exciting chess games!

Everyone nodded their heads in admiration, and benefited a lot!
The five masters are not only giving lectures, but also asking questions and enlightening the chess players of the Go Academy. Go players must know how to think and choose!
Of course Hua'an's [-]th Duan was called the most, and He Jiaguang beside him was also called many times.Everyone knew like a mirror in their hearts, knowing that the future achievements of Hua'an's fifth stage would be absolutely limitless, and that good-for-nothing He Jiaguang had completely become a thing of the past.

Moxuan's elegant and unique courtyard.

Although Xiaoyun has successfully created a puppet with taste function, the taste system is an extremely complex and huge system with too many unknown factors, so Xiaoyun also needs to debug and study it carefully.

However, Bao Qingyun's strength is too weak right now, and he can't control it at all, so he can only let it go for the time being.

Xiaoyun and Mo Que'er were idle and bored, so they also started playing Go to pass the time.Mo Que'er was quickly killed by Xiao Yun, and he gritted his teeth and came again and again...

Kong Ling's self-esteem is still very strong. Seeing that Xiaoyun, Xuan, and Que'er are all so beautiful, she is naturally not far behind.

So Kong Ling turned her attention to Bao Qingyun. In fact, she had an idea before, and now she officially decided to put it into action!
Kong Ling Shiran walked over and patted the puppet who reported the situation on the shoulder, and said, "Xiao Bao, since you are a chef, I will do what I can, and I will ask you to be my teacher!"

Bao Qingyun stared blankly at Kong Ling for a while, huh? ! !

Bao Qingyun said in his heart: Can I not accept it?How about named disciples?I actually want to retreat and cultivate immortality as soon as possible so that I can use the new puppet body!Uh... well, I don't have a choice at all.

Bao Qingyun has another disciple!
Kong Ling's apprenticeship is not impulsive, but she has made up her mind and is ready to show off her cooking skills!

Kong Ling is ambitious and wants to become a new generation of God of Cooking, and paint the already glittering Four Immortals with a thick layer of gold powder again, so that the Four Immortals can truly deserve their name!

Bao Qingyun taught Kong Ling patiently for a month, and then he had the urge to find a piece of tofu and kill him head-on!This apprentice who is like a god of hell, really can't teach him!
After a month, the easiest way to cut cucumbers, not to mention the uniform thickness, is clearly a strange-shaped polygon, and it is called a creative cutting method!

This apprentice is too lazy to practice knife skills at all, he can cut whatever he wants, and he has to skip knife skills to learn cooking. Throw an egg into the pan!Occasionally go!Such an apprentice can't afford to be hurt!It's simply a life discount!

Three months passed, and Bao Qingyun couldn't take it anymore, so he resolutely went on strike, and he didn't want to teach anymore!
And the dozen or so guarding angels who had been forced by Kong Ling to taste the food also quit their jobs like iron rice bowls one after another!Although the iron rice bowl is very good, but it also has a life, the dishes made by Kong Ling are not dishes, they are clearly intestinal poisons!Eating it once in a while, or staying in a hut for half a night is fine, but Jinxian can't stand it if he eats every day like this!Little life comes first, my friends won't play with you anymore, go to whoever you like!

(End of this chapter)

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