Chapter 358
Kong Ling is not happy anymore, what's the matter, I am such a smart and good apprentice, Xiao Bao, you still think this or that, as for it!Letting all of you gods taste the dishes made by my majestic Princess Kongjianmen is a reward for your face. It's unreasonable to be so disrespectful!
Both Mo Que'er and Xiao Yun were holding back their laughter, and they were too lazy to complain in their hearts anymore!The majestic kitchen god was almost pissed to death, and all the gods were almost poisoned to death by you, Kong Ling, you are really amazing!
It was useless for Kong Ling to coerce and lure her, so she had no choice but to seek help from Mo Xuan, Xuan, don't worry about Go, come back to save the game!

At this moment, Mo Xuan was still attentively listening to the discussion of the thousand-year chess game, and when he received Kong Ling's distress signal, he could only go back to the small courtyard, secretly found Bao Qingyun, grabbed him, and refused to give him any excuses or excuses. If there is an opportunity, he directly promises that he will help him find a serious and good apprentice to inherit the mantle.Kong Ling, you just make do with it first, she is really smart, it may be because your education method is too gentle, only strict teachers can produce excellent students!In the future, you can teach as you like. You can set up targets for her that must be completed every day. Don't let her do everything!
Bao Qingyun was deeply disappointed in Kong Ling for a long time in his heart, and he didn't expect her to have any high achievements in cooking. It's pretty good not to be mad at her!Bao Qingyun only cared about one thing, and grabbed Mo Xuan's arm, are you sure and sure you can find me a good apprentice to inherit the mantle?

Mo Xuan nodded with certainty, and explained the experience of the candidate he had in mind.It was none other than Liu Meilin, the daughter-in-law of the Mo family. In her early twenties, she had already won several top ten rankings in the county's culinary competitions, and was taken by Mo Chunming, the eldest grandson of the Mo family. Wanted to marry by force, but was knocked dizzy by Mo Xuan who had just returned angrily with a cloth shoe!

Later, it was Mo Que'er who secretly kept Mo Xuan away and personally came to the door to make a matchmaking match. After thinking twice, Liu Meilin married Mo Mingzhi, a new immortal of the Mo family, and achieved a good deed.

Mo Xuan only found out later, and smiled slightly, which is actually quite good.

But the newly promoted immortal is quite similar to Mo Xuan, which made Kong Ling talk about it for several years.

Liu Meilin is now the chief chef of the Moji chain of restaurants opened by the Mo family, her culinary skills are unquestionable, even if she is not as good as Bao Qingyun, the master chef, it should not be too far behind.

After Bao Qingyun heard about Liu Meilin's deeds, he couldn't help being moved. Even if there were exaggerations, that Liu Meilin was definitely not simple!There are still more than 800 years before the next Wanchu Competition, so there is plenty of time, and there is still time!

So, Bao Qingyun obediently went back to teach Kong Ling carefully.

Mo Que'er and Xiao Yun were secretly surprised, how did Xuan do it?Bao Qingyun, who was about to hang himself, was actually persuaded by him, amazing!

Kong Ling was also taught by Mo Xuan, she stopped being too ambitious, lowered her proud head, and studied in a down-to-earth manner with an open mind.

Bao Qingyun no longer expected Kong Ling to inherit his mantle, but only wanted to teach her how to cook and cook, as long as she could make do.

In this way, the relationship between master and apprentice has improved a lot.

The food made by Kong Ling is no longer poisonous, and it is barely on the table.Although the taste is still not good, none of the guardian angels who were dragged by Kong Ling to taste the dishes resigned!
And Hanlifang's assassination team has been guarding outside the Qishengyuan for more than half a year, and finally issued the latest order from above, and there are two words of weakness: go back!
The assassination team, who hadn't planned to be able to go back alive, returned happily. They had been playing Go to pass the time for the past six months, and they fell in love with Go without knowing it. They kept playing Go on the way back!
The discussion of the Millennium Chess Game lasted for two full years before it came to an end.

The avatars of the three Xiaodao Lords did not leave in a hurry, and stayed in the Chess Academy for the time being, preparing to play a few rounds with the two tenth-dan masters, and it would be best to play a few more rounds with Hua An's fifth-dan master.

After discussing for two full years, everyone is a little tired, so for the time being, they will go back to their respective courtyards and have a good rest.

The millennium chess game has finally come to a perfect end, and the chess idiots outside the Chess Academy are finally satisfied, and they leave the Little Fairyland of the Chess Academy orderly with smiles on their faces, and go home!Continue to study strange things, maybe next time you will be admitted to the Chess Academy!
However, there are still many immortals gathered in the square outside the Chess Academy, unwilling to disperse, not because they are not satisfied with Go, but because they are always thinking about Master Shuiyue's yin and yang mirror, and they really want to meet their relatives and friends who are separated by yin and yang.It's a pity that Master Shuiyue has never appeared in public since he entered the Chess Academy, even if he wanted to invite her to appraise treasures, he couldn't help it.

Some gossip has already spread, but the cheeky Hanlifang sent an assassination team, and they have been squatting in the Little Immortal Realm of the Chess Academy, waiting to assassinate the four immortals of the Four Immortals Sect!Shameless!
But Chess Saint Academy now has three avatars of Xiaodao Lords and a large number of Golden Immortals, and even assassinated a chicken feather, a little insight!

Huo Qingling has already entered the Xuanbang, and the umbrella is in place; Master Shuiyue has a transcendent status, so let's see which force dares to deal with her; Hua'an fifth-dan is not a powerful person in the Xuanbang, but it has won the avatars of the three little Taoist monarchs Thanks to his appreciation, the entire Four Immortals have lived in the Chess Academy, isn't this what it means to protect the calf!What kind of shit assassination team, hurry up and get out!

The real assassination team that has been squatting in the square has to go along with the public, even the bullshit assassination team hasten to get out as soon as possible, and they scolded very fiercely!
When Mo Xuan returned to her small courtyard, she was dragged directly into the kitchen by Kong Ling who was wrapped in an apron, and eagerly asked her to taste some special dishes she had cultivated in the past two years.Mo Xuan nodded again and again, delicious!Ling'er is really talented in cooking.

Bao Qingyun stared at him from the sidelines, this Immortal Hua'an is really powerful, he opened his eyes and said nonsense, it was more true than the truth, I admire it!

In fact, Mo Xuan never paid much attention to food, clothing and housing. After so many years of eating big white steamed buns, and tasting Kong Ling's carefully prepared specialty dishes, they are indeed delicious!

Xiaoyun has been very leisurely in the past two years. She has explored the yin and yang mirror for a long time, and even imitated it, making it more real than the real one. If she doesn't tell it, no one will be able to see it It was an imitation, and of course the real one was embezzled by her.

Mo Que'er wanted to get in touch with her mother through the yin and yang mirror, but to no avail. The life and death of the mother who was swallowed by the demon devouring beast was still uncertain, or she was in the middle of life and death, and she was in time. In the sealed area, the images shown by the Yin-Yang Mirror are intermittent and blurry, making it difficult to detect the truth!
Mo Que'er didn't dare to try again and again, so as not to have some bad influence on her mother!In the past two years, Mo Que'er has been burying her head in self-cultivation. She knows very well in her heart that only by becoming stronger than that demon devouring beast can she save her mother!
Mo Que'er was practicing like crazy at first!

Fortunately, Xiaoyun and Kong Ling comforted Mo Que'er from time to time. They couldn't eat hot tofu in a hurry, and they had to practice step by step and steadily. There was no good fruit to be eager for success.

Mo Que'er finally listened to it, so she was not so impatient.

Mo Xuan returned, and Mo Que'er, who had been working hard, finally came out of the customs.

"Queer." Mo Xuan hugged Mo Que'er lovingly into his arms, and comforted him, "Mother-in-law is a pure-blooded fire phoenix after all, and maybe there is a life-saving trump card at the bottom of the box. If you can be reborn from nirvana, as long as you have a chance, I will do everything possible to help you. Time passes extremely slowly in the time-sealed area, which gives us plenty of time. Believe me, I will do what I say!"

"My mother-in-law sacrificed herself to save you because she wanted you to live a good life. If you were blinded by hatred, you would have let down her mother-in-law's painstaking efforts."

Mo Que'er gave a low hum, and gently rubbed her face against Mo Xuan's chest.

Mo Xuan returned to the bedroom with Mo Que'er in his arms, and Kong Ling also returned to the bedroom after a while. After two years of separation, it is naturally time for a warm double cultivation.

"Ling'er, do you still have an apron? Give Que'er one." Mo Xuan rubbed his hands and said eagerly.

"Why?" Kong Ling didn't understand, so she took out an apron from the storage bracelet and handed it to Mo Que'er.

Mo Xuan chuckled and said, "You will know later."

Hey, apron temptation, I like it.


The seven golden immortals were also thinking about the yin and yang mirror, so they came to Mo Xuan's small courtyard together to visit Master Shuiyue.

Xiaoyun has nothing to say, the experience of Yin Yang mirror can have one hundred places at a time, and the one with the highest price will get it.

But the other party is also a golden fairy boss, and the avatars of the three little Taoist monarchs are also very interested in reading Yin Yang Mirror.Xiaoyun still gave them a friendly price.

This removed ten places, and for the remaining ninety places, Xiaoyun was not polite at all!

Shang Mengyu, Zhang Hailu and the others also wanted to experience it. Xiaoyun promised to give each of them a free trial voucher in the future. This time, it is necessary to make a lot of hype, so forget it.Shang Mengyu and Zhang Hailu happily agreed, Master Shuiyue, you are so kind!

The [-]th dan of Qu Caiyi and the [-]th dan of Yun Yuanjia of the Academy of Chess Saints personally presided over the auction on their behalf, and the price of the yin and yang mirror experience coupons has skyrocketed!
Soon it was the day when the Yin Yang mirror was officially experienced, and there were more immortals gathered on the square outside the Chess Academy than before watching the thousand-year-old chess game!

A huge boxy wooden platform was built in the center of the square, on which were set up several exquisite spirit-gathering magic circles, which can appropriately prolong the experience time of the Yin-Yang Mirror.

With their incomparably strong financial resources, local tyrants and immortals who snatched the places to experience the Yin and Yang mirror stepped onto the ring one by one. In modern times, the other three celestial beings are all top masters in various fields.

The rest of the tens of millions of immortals can only surround the wooden platform, watching eagerly the local tyrants on the wooden platform can experience the legendary ancient fairy treasure Yin-Yang mirror in style.

To say that there is no jealousy, envy and hatred in my heart is to deceive myself and others!Many young immortals secretly clenched their fists. Sooner or later, I will rise to the top and become a mighty one!
Accompanied by a melodious and melodious bell, the three Xiaodao Lords, the seven Golden Immortals and Master Shuiyue all arrived!
The Yin Yang Mirror Experience Conference has officially started!
Xiaoyun took the Yin-Yang mirror out of the storage bracelet and placed it in the center of the wooden platform. With a light touch on the mirror, the Yin-Yang mirror immediately shone with light, and quickly transformed into a hundred mirror clones covering the high platform.

In this way, every experiencer can correspond to a mirror, and there is no need to be crowded together like last time, and they may not be able to see clearly even if they stretch their necks.

The clones of the three little Daoist monarchs couldn't help but clicked their tongues, and nodded in admiration. It really is a miracle!
One hundred yin and yang mirror experiencers each stand in front of a mirror clone, everything is ready and only owes the east wind!
(End of this chapter)

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