Chapter 359

Xiaoyun's onion-like tender white fingers point to the Yin-Yang Mirror again, and the Yin-Yang Mirror immediately emits a soft red light, and the patterns on the mirror surface seem to come alive and become brighter and brighter.

Immortals who saw this miraculous scene for the first time couldn't help but hold their breath and wait and see.

The yin-yang mirror suddenly emitted a dazzling crimson light, and a transparent red cover with a diameter of 40 meters appeared around itself, covering all the [-] experiencers around it.

The red light in the transparent cover gradually disappeared, and the Yin-Yang mirror returned to its original dark appearance, but the translucent red cover was still there.

Huh!The senses of the immortals present were extremely sensitive, and they felt that there seemed to be something gathering rapidly from all directions. It was not the category of heaven and earth spiritual power, but it seemed to be a kind of energy.

The three little daoist lords also frowned in surprise, feeling carefully.

Strains of inexplicable energy poured into the crimson transparent cover, and one hundred experiencers could feel a magical energy surrounding them, as if they were also sensing him.

That magical energy was thrown into the mirror clone of the Yin-Yang Mirror at will!

Although the experiencers have already been mentally prepared, they are still too excited to see the figures of deceased relatives and friends emerging from the mirror avatar!

"Father, mother, I finally see you again! How are you doing?"

"Ami, is it really you! I'm Afeng! Do you still recognize me?"

"Senior sister, do you know that I have always admired you!"


All of a sudden, inside the red transparent cover, there were crying, laughing and howling, life was full of emotions.

Even the seven golden immortals were full of snot and tears. None of the golden immortals has gone smoothly to their current status, but in fact they have gone through ups and downs and vicissitudes, and they all came out of hard work!
The clones of the three Xiaodao Lords are the calmest. The mirror clones in front of them are full of chaos, but they have already cut off the cause and effect, detached from the outside world, and the yin and yang mirror has lost its corresponding effect on them!

However, the three little Daoist clones could not help sighing secretly when they saw the various life styles around them. It is precisely because there are many regrets, ups and downs in this life that life can be sublimated!
This time, the experience of the Yin-Yang Mirror lasted for a full fifteen and a half minutes. The mirror body of the Yin-Yang Mirror gradually dissipated, and the red transparent cover gradually faded away.

Hundreds of experiencers simply cleaned up their mood, and it really is worth every penny. The long-cherished wish for many years has finally come true, and it is worth it!

The experiencers left with a sigh.

Xiaoyun checked the Yin-Yang mirror on the spot, and then announced: "The cooling time of the Yin-Yang mirror is about ten years. Please wait patiently for the experience quota to be auctioned again after ten years." After speaking, Xiaoyun left.

In fact, yin and yang mirrors can be used once every two or three months. However, scarcity is the most expensive thing. If you sell more, it doesn’t mean you will earn more. The most profitable items are always scarce items, as we all know.

As soon as Mo Xuan and his two beautiful wives completed their double training, they were dragged by the three avatars and the seven golden immortals to play chess for more than half a year. They were very dizzy, and the bosses left the Chess Academy contentedly. , why should I go!

Being able to face-to-face with the three avatars of Xiaodao Lords and two tenth-level masters is a blessing that can only be cultivated through hundreds of lifetimes of good deeds, but Mo Xuan finds it troublesome in his heart. Not false!Playing against those big guys, the pressure in it is not something ordinary Xuanxian can bear!
Mo Xuan Xinyu: With that free time, it's better to spend more time with the two ladies!
Mo Xuan didn't play chess for entertainment, but more for strengthening and exercising his ability in calculation and deduction!But this time, by coincidence, the millennium-old endgame was solved, and Mo Xuan's chess skills have already made a qualitative leap. When he is familiar with the 25-way and 27-way Go, he can start to sprint for a high rank!
Mo Xuan shook his head sighingly, he didn't want to return to the small courtyard so dizzy, so he took a walk in the Chess Saint Courtyard to recover.

Chess Saint Academy is very different from Tai Academy and the Xiuxian Academy founded by Mo Xuan!

The college students are the key training targets of the Chess Academy. The benefits are good, but they can't be regarded as generous, so as not to cultivate the bad habits of being spoiled and pampered.

The treatment of chess players at the first rank is in the shape of a pyramid. The welfare of chess players at the first rank is only better than that of the college students, and the benefits of the second rank are even higher.

After the third stage, it is really good welfare. After all, the third stage is almost a fairy or higher existence, the welfare is too low, and it is not eye-catching!The fourth, fifth and sixth stages are also upgraded step by step on the basis of the previous stage!

And the benefits of seven stages or more are really a fortress, and they are more chic and comfortable than the top leaders of some small forces!

These benefits are just guarantees!

The title of chess player is a real golden sign, even if it is just a chess player, whether it is as a private teacher or a Go class, he can easily live a well-off life, making money far faster than the same level of immortals!

Chess players with [-]th dan or above are all sweet buns no matter where they go, they will be scrambled for, and the salary can be raised at will!
Although Mo Xuan has been delayed in Chess Academy for nearly three years, he has become a very famous fifth-level professional chess player in the fourth level of time and space, and his reputation is no less than those on the Xuanbang!

Moreover, Mo Xuan could face-to-face chess with the three clones of Xiaodao Lords and the two masters of the [-]th stage, although it was just a game of chess, and there was not much chatting.But if it spreads to the outside, it means having the super privilege of Shangda Tianting!
You must know that the top leaders of ordinary middle-level powers have not yet received such treatment!Mo Xuan's current status is so transcendent that even Jin Xian dare not underestimate him!
Chess players with [-]th dan or above can also give lectures in the Chess Academy. Although the income is not as high as outside, it is very convenient to select talented students from among the students and train their own team system.It is extremely difficult to find a genius outside, and all the students in the courtyard are geniuses selected from a million, so just grab them!

Mo Xuan has been entangled in trivial matters all the time, so he couldn't spare time to give lectures.Now that those big bosses have finally left, Mo Xuan can take a good breath and start looking for good seedlings.He Jiaguang and Zi Cheliang are naturally Mo Xuan's first choice targets!
"Senior Brother Hua! Let's compete when you have time."

"Teacher Hua An, at your convenience, can you play a game of guiding chess with me?"

"Junior Brother Hua, let's go for a walk."


Although Mo Xuan didn't know a few people, everyone knew Mo Xuan, the hottest super rookie of Chess Academy, and they all greeted him very politely.

Mo Xuan responded kindly, frantically brushing up his friendliness.

At this moment, the aura of heaven and earth in the Little Immortal Realm of Chess Academy suddenly surged, and more and more black clouds gathered in the sky!

The numerous defensive circles of the Chess Academy have been activated to protect the Chess Academy.

Eh, this is... Celestial Tribulation?Has anyone become a fairy?Mo Xuan swept his eyes and locked on to the target, but it was a retreat room on the top of the emerald green mountain peak in the southwest corner of the Duan Duan area.

With a long cry, a heroic Earth Immortal shot out from the retreat room, flew high into the sky, and guided the Celestial Immortal into the void!

"Wow! It's Zi Cheliang's fourth stage!"

"Senior Zi Cheliang has become a fairy so quickly!"


Chess Academy was alarmed from top to bottom!

It turned out that he was Zi Cheliang, Mo Xuan rubbed his chin and smiled happily.

After a while, the Celestial Tribulation began to fully launch!The rumbling shook the entire Little Immortal World of the Chess Academy.

If this is placed in the lower three layers of time and space, it will definitely attract the attention of countless immortals, but in these four layers of time and space, the Celestial Tribulation is just a common thing. It's not surprising!
However, the catastrophe of the fourth layer of time and space is still very fierce, so we must deal with it carefully, and we must not be sloppy at all!
After He Jiaguang got the news, he rushed into the void immediately, watched Zi Che Liang cross the heavenly tribulation from a distance, and secretly cheered for Zi Che Liang!

"Xiaoguang, don't get so close, if it affects you, you will fall." Mo Xuan appeared beside He Jiaguang, pulled He Jiaguang away, glanced at Tianxianjie, and said, "Don't worry, this Celestial Tribulation doesn't have much murderous intent, your chess friend is fine."

Celestial Tribulation?murderous look?He Jiaguang looked blank, saying why he didn't understand at all?
Mo Xuan shook his head with a funny face, and said earnestly: "You, don't put all your thoughts on Go, you must pay close attention to your cultivation base. Professional chess players are in the later stage, and their chess skills are not much different. They rely more on their calculation and deduction skills , if it’s just an earth immortal, there’s no way to compete fairly with the heavenly and mysterious immortals!”

He Jiaguang nodded oh, I know, I will work hard.

Mo Xuan smiled slightly and said, "If you have any doubts about cultivation, feel free to come to me."

He Jiaguang still nodded, hmmmm.

Mo Xuan smiled, and went back now, two ladies, my husband, I am back.Oh, don't be angry, I'm not playing, I'm working hard!Hey, be good, hurry up and double repair!

The Celestial Tribulation lasted for six days and six nights before it gradually dissipated.

Zi Cheliang heaved a sigh of relief. Although he was a little hasty, he finally survived the celestial calamity and became a celestial being!

Huh!Zi Cheliang turned his head and saw He Jiaguang who was looking at this side with concern from a distance.

Zi Che Liang ignored Ah Guang, flicked his sleeves, and flew directly to the Little Immortal Realm of the Chess Academy.Ah Guang, I won't care too much about you anymore!I'm going to go farther forward, until I reach a place beyond your reach, and I won't let you take a step closer!Whoever is chasing from behind has nothing to do with me!In my eyes, there are only high-level professional chess players who are more powerful than me, and then I can only move forward, keep moving forward...

He Jiaguang looked at Zi Cheliang's receding back, opened his mouth, but still couldn't make any sound, but He Jiaguang was not discouraged, although he was far behind Ah Liang now, but sooner or later I would definitely catch up with you!Sit across from you again, play chess with you, and keep playing chess!
Zi Che returned to the Little Immortal Realm of the Chess Academy without looking back, to check the latest news, what a horse?The millennium chess game of the two [-]th-dan masters has been played, and the millennium endgame between himself and Ah Guang has also been solved by a brilliant hand of Hua An, who was born out of nowhere!Hua An joined the Chess Academy with two wins in five games, and he was directly in the fifth dan!
It has only been two years since I retreated to attack the gods, and so many things happened, Zi Cheliang secretly clenched his fists!

Zi Cheliang hurriedly recruited the game record to solve the endgame, and couldn't help being dumbfounded at this sight, the third son is indeed a well-deserved master of the game!I didn't expect such a powerful Hua'an fifth-dan to appear. This world really is Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon!

Zi Cheliang carefully studied the thousand-year-old chess game of the two [-]th-dan masters, and he couldn't help sighing. The chess skills of the two [-]th-dan masters have already reached the pinnacle, and they are far from what they can match now!I still have a long way to go!
Zi Cheliang didn't want to ask anything about Ah Guang at first, and when he didn't want to take a walk, he heard many professional chess players talking about He Jiaguang!
But He Jiaguang has completely got rid of the negative influence of being plagued by the endgame of the millennium for a full millennium, his chess skills have become more and more superb, and he has almost no opponents in the student department!

Many low-level professional chess players took the initiative to come to play against He Jiaguang, but in the end they were no match at all!

What?Ah Guang is already this powerful now?Zi Cheliang seemed to have heard the footsteps coming from behind, Zi Cheliang clenched his fists tightly, I won't let you catch up with me, I want to rush forward even further!
After inquiring, Zi Cheliang found the small courtyard in the fifth section of Hua'an, and saw the wooden sign "resting, do not disturb" hanging on the door, so he stood outside the door and waited patiently.

Zi Cheliang was not idle, and kept reviewing the chess records of the millennium endgame in his mind, hoping to find a way to crack the hand of God!

(End of this chapter)

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