Interstellar Miner

Chapter 360 The Farewell of Fate

Chapter 360 The Farewell of Fate

He Jiaguang was stunned for a while, and then returned to the Little Immortal Realm of Chess Academy.

Ah Liang is already a celestial being, but I am only an earthly celestial being. Whether it is cultivation or chess skills, I am far behind!He Jiaguang sighed and returned to his small courtyard, only to see Mrs. Qiu and Si Junxian waiting impatiently in the courtyard.

"Ah Guang, you can be regarded as coming back. Come on, let's compete. Let me two this time." Si Junxian hurriedly greeted.

"I came first, okay? I'll go first!" Qiu was too anxious.

He Jiaguang smiled bitterly, and said, "I'm not in the mood today, I want to hurry up and practice."

Mrs. Qiu and Si Junxian looked at each other, knowing that Ah Guang must have been stimulated by Che Liang's success as a god.

The two stepped forward and patted He Jiaguang on the shoulder, okay, okay, don't worry about it!
Mrs. Qiu comforted: "Ah Guang, you think that Zi Cheliang is so unattainable now. You are not the only one. No one in the student department thinks so, and no one wants to live or die!"

Si Junxian persuaded: "I know, Ah Guang, that you were able to compete with Zi Cheliang before, and you were very unwilling, but we used to be able to chop vegetables as you like, but now we can only play handicap with you. Who can we complain to!"

Mrs. Qiu continued to play: "We are also very envious of your Go talent, Ah Guang, but it's useless to be envious. You can't compare but you can't compare. Only by being content can you be happy! Of course, we are not saying that we will give up for the rest of our lives. There is a process, don't the masters of the ninth and tenth dans also come out slowly! Sooner or later, we will catch up with you and Zi Cheliang!"

Si Junxian continued earnestly: "So you have to recognize yourself and your opponent. If you want to reach the sky in one step, you will only step on the air and fall half to death. You have to make a detailed plan, race against time, persevere, work hard, and never give up!"

He Jiaguang smiled wryly and nodded, "Okay, okay, I'm just feeling a little depressed and don't want to play Go. Why are you two talking so much?"
Mrs. Qiu and Si Junxian smiled and rubbed their hands. We have the same goal, and we just want to play chess with you and improve ourselves. You know, Ah Guang!
He Jiaguang really has nothing to say to these two buddies, alright, alright, then I will accompany you to the next game!

"Ah Guang, you are probably not in good shape right now. I don't want to give up. We will play first and last." Qiu Tai eagerly rubbed his hands.

Whatever you want, He Jiaguang pushed open the door of the game room and walked in, followed by Mrs. Qiu and Si Junxian.

In the first round, He Jiaguang faced Qiu Tai.As a result, Qiu Tai held the black first and played 21-way Go.The 23th route is not strong enough, and the 21rd route is too time-consuming, and the students in private discussions basically use the [-]st route.

Qiu Tai cheered up and went all out!Although it was easy to beat Ah Guang in the past, and it was like cutting vegetables, but now in the department of students, no one dares to pat their chests and say that they can win Ah Guang in sequence!If he can win a game against Ah Guang now, then he can brag about it in the future, which will save him a lot of face!
He Jiaguang was indeed a little out of shape. In the middle of the game, Bai Zi and Hei Zi kept sticking together, and it was difficult to distinguish the winner.But with the passage of time, Mrs. Qiu's black son gradually became overwhelmed, and was defeated by Bai Zi, and he gave up his son and gave up when he failed to persist until the end.

Si Junxian smacked his lips and said, "It's my turn, Ah Guang, let me have two sons."

He Jiaguang nodded, cleared the chessboard, and started playing against Si Junxian.

The so-called letting two pieces means that Si Junxian puts two black pieces on the chessboard first with the black pieces, and then He Jiaguang plays the white pieces.This kind of system is to make the two players who originally have a difference in chess ability draw closer to each other, which increases the fun and helps to hone the chess ability. The side with the better chess ability has already taken the lead in the game because the opponent puts the piece first, so it must try its best to take the lead. Attack violently, while the weaker side can try to defend the board to learn the correct way to deal with offense and defense.The number of handicap, depending on the difference in chess strength between the two sides, generally ranges from two to 24 handicap, and professional chess players can even put 36 handicap against beginners.

The position of the child is placed in the four corner star positions when the second to fourth child is placed, the fifth to eighth child is placed in the star position on the four sides, the ninth child is placed in the Tianyuan position in the center, and the ninth child is placed in the ninth child. The location of the midpoint of the subinterval.

Si Junxian is also a super rookie in the current college student department. He is only a little less popular than the rookie Wang Maixia.

However, even though he was handed over to two players, Si Junxian still played extremely hard and had to take a long test. After playing a game, he was already drenched and almost collapsed from exhaustion. In the end, he still lost!

Si Junxian exhaled, raised his head and glanced at He Jiaguang, the current Ah Guang is really unstoppable, he has already recovered the strength of the rookie king back then, and even improved a lot!Gone are the good old days when you could chop vegetables at will!

He Jiaguang played two games of chess, and his mood immediately became much better. After all, Mrs. Qiu and Si Junxian's strength is still quite good, and it feels good to win them.

He Jiaguang sent Qiu Tai and Si Junxian away, and began to retreat and practice hard here.

However, He Jiaguang didn't stay in seclusion for a long time, and soon got out of the seclusion, but he hadn't practiced seriously for a long time, and he was really at a loss in terms of cultivation!He Jiaguang remembered what Senior Hua An said, if you don't understand anything about cultivation, you can go to him, and your heartbeat immediately turned into action!
He Jiaguang hurried to Mo Xuan's small courtyard. Mo Xuan had invited him as a guest a few times before, and after playing a few games, he was quite familiar with it!

He Jiaguang walked in a hurry, but when he turned the corner, he felt a gust of fragrant wind rushing towards him, and bumped into a girl!
"You don't have eyes when you walk!" The girl frowned and stood still, and immediately the Lion roared.It's no wonder that the fourth level of time and space is still very conservative. It would be quite embarrassing if a man and a woman who are not in a Taoist relationship have a physical relationship.

Fortunately, both of them have the strength of earth immortals and have the body protection of immortal energy, so they can't be regarded as really colliding with each other, and there is no skin-to-skin relationship, but such a collision is not a good thing!
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it." He Jiaguang apologized again and again, looked up, hey, isn't this the newcomer Wang Maixia, long time no see!
The two were stunned for a moment, and they couldn't help but think of the game they played against each other, and the winning and losing three eyes!
Mai Xia stomped her feet angrily, and said coquettishly, "He Jiaguang, how do you walk?"

He Jiaguang hastily apologized again and again, I really didn't mean it.

Mai Xia was silent for a moment, and said: "I was wrong in the last round, I will pay you back next time." After Mai Xia finished speaking, she walked directly in front of He Jiaguang.

The lingering fragrance gradually faded away, and He Jiaguang woke up in a daze, oh, what am I doing here?By the way, I'm going to seek advice from Senior Hua An about my doubts about cultivation.

He Jiaguang couldn't help turning his head to look at the direction Mai Xia was leaving, and left reluctantly.

Mai Xia said it beautifully, but she really had no idea in her heart. She has studied He Jiaguang's recent chess records, and it really is not what it used to be!Can the current me really beat He Jiaguang?Hmph, what can't be done, my goal is Zi Cheliang's senior, He Jiaguang is still far behind Zi Cheliang!Next time I play chess, I must beat him!

Mai Xia returned to her small courtyard and continued to work hard!

He Jiaguang walked for a while, and was able to see Senior Hua An's quiet courtyard from a distance.Eh, that's... Ah Liang? !

He Jiaguang walked over hesitantly, it really was Ah Liang, why did he come?He Jiaguang walked over and called Zi Cheliang a few times, but Zi Cheliang was still undecided.

He Jiaguang pursed his lips, now that Ah Liang no longer sees me at all?
But it's not a problem to wait outside the courtyard like this. He Jiaguang knew that this wooden sign was actually hung by Master Shuiyue. Even if Senior Hua An didn't have time, he didn't have to wait outside the door.

He Jiaguang walked over, pushed open the concealed courtyard door, and looked back at Ah Liang.

The courtyard door creaked suddenly, Zi Cheliang woke up from his contemplation, but saw He Jiaguang, huh?

He Jiaguang greeted, "Ah Liang, go into the yard and wait."

Zi Cheliang followed He Jiaguang into the elegant and unique courtyard in a daze.

He Jiaguang looked around and saw that Senior Hua An's bedroom door was tightly closed, so he said to Zi Che Liang, "Ah Liang, Senior Hua An should be busy now, we may have to wait for a while."

Zi Cheliang hesitated and said, "Ah Guang, are you familiar with Senior Hua An?"

He Jiaguang scratched his head and said, "It's okay, Senior Hua An knew me when he broke the mess, and he even invited me to visit here a few times later."

Zi Cheliang nodded in surprise.

A gust of wind blew by, and both of them smelled an extremely wonderful fragrance, and their mouths drool involuntarily!Zi Cheliang was secretly surprised, why is it so fragrant?
He Jiaguang swallowed directly, and asked, "Ah Liang, are you hungry? Let's go eat together, it's delicious, let's go."

He Jiaguang led the way familiarly, and led Ah Liang into the kitchen on the right.

Originally a small kitchen of less than [-] square meters was expanded to thousands of square meters by the space magic circle. Zi Cheliang was dazzled by all kinds of knives, vegetables, fruits, meat, and kitchen utensils. Holy Court, those who don’t know think it’s a culinary academy!
"This way." He Jiaguang led Zi Cheliang to a long table filled with all kinds of finished dishes.

Zi Cheliang glanced roughly, there were at least a thousand dishes on this long table, and it was obviously divided into several areas, there was an area for cold dishes, and there was an air-conditioning circle to keep them fresh; the area for hot dishes was steamed. Teng Teng, the heat preservation circle is running freely; there is also a pastry area, soup area...

Darling, this is too luxurious!It's just eating, it's so extravagant and wasteful!Zi Che Liang's affection for Hua'an's fifth dan has plummeted!
"Ah Liang, eat whatever you want." He Jiaguang's mouth was full, and he had already started to eat, and whimpered, "Some dishes are very delicious, so you must eat more, but there are also some dishes that taste weird. If you want to take it out and put it aside, remember to use that recording crystal to explain what is wrong."

Um?Zi Cheliang couldn't help wondering again, isn't this a branch of a culinary academy?Zi Cheliang has been standing outside the courtyard for half a month, and he is really hungry, and the aroma is so tempting.No matter what, Zi Cheliang followed Ah Guang and started eating, woo woo, it's really delicious!
Huh, the taste of this dish is indeed a bit weird, so Zi Che Liang took the dish aside, explained it with the recording crystal, and then continued to eat, only feeling that his hands and mouth could not stop at all.

"Xiaoguang is here, and he brought his friends. It's just right, let's taste the old dish together." Bao Qingyun appeared on the stage with a dish.

Zi Cheliang was taken aback, and looked Bao Qingyun up and down in surprise. Is this a puppet?Could this self-proclaimed old man be a ghost?

"Come on." He Jia ran over naked.

(End of this chapter)

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