Chapter 361
"Wow~~~~" As soon as He Jiaguang took a sip, he couldn't help howling like a wolf. It was so delicious that he almost swallowed his tongue together!
"Young man, come and try it too." Bao Qingyun greeted Zi Che Liang.

Zi Che Liang walked over curiously, took a sip, and couldn't help but let out a sigh of admiration. He had never eaten such a delicious dish in his life, and his whole body was crispy. It was extremely delicious!Words can hardly describe how delicious it is!
Bao Qingyun asked: "How do you feel?"

He Jiaguang and Zi Cheliang nodded wildly, they couldn't think of anything else besides delicious food!
Unprofessional, Bao Qingyun shook his head dissatisfied, put the dish in his hand on the long table casually, and went back to continue working.

He Jiaguang and Zi Cheliang surrounded him involuntarily, and wiped out the dish in a short while.He Jiaguang licked the plate even more.

Zi Cheliang couldn't help smiling when he saw it.

The two of them continued to eat and eat, and their stomachs were rounded without feeling it, and they couldn't eat anymore, so they had to walk out of the kitchen together, fearing that if they ate any more, their stomachs would burst!It turns out that sometimes, the dishes are too delicious, which is also a kind of horror!

He Jiaguang and Zi Cheliang sat and rested in the gazebo in the courtyard.He Jiaguang had a lot to say to Zi Cheliang, but he didn't know what to say when the words came to his lips.

Zi Cheliang actually had a lot of things he wanted to say to He Jiaguang, but he couldn't say a word in the end.

The scene was a little awkward for a while.

He Jiaguang hesitated again and again, and still suggested: "Ah Liang, it's not a problem for us to sit around like this, why don't we go to the game room for the next game."

Zi Cheliang pondered for a while, and said, "Okay, I'll let you two."

He Jiaguang pursed his lips and hummed.In fact, He Jiaguang wanted to say that he would play in sequence, but he also knew that there was still a big gap between him and Ah Liang, so he could only agree.

He Jiaguang led Zi Cheliang to the game room on the left side of the courtyard.

Zi Cheliang glanced at it, and found that the chess room was quite simple, with only a few ordinary torreya wood chess pieces.

"Let's take the No. 23 bus." He Jiaguang suggested.

Zi Cheliang frowned and said, "We're here to visit Senior Hua'an, so take the No. 21 bus."

He Jiaguang let out a bit of reluctance.

Thousands of years later, the two young Go geniuses who were evenly matched once again sat face to face on both sides of the chessboard. Both of them were full of emotions, and they didn't say a word, just bowed to each other, please advise!
He Jiaguang first placed two black stones on the chessboard, and Zi Cheliang placed a white stone.The game between the two officially began.

Both He Jiaguang and Zi Cheliang were concentrating on each move, and they made each move with such deliberation, never ambiguous and hasty.

Minutes passed by.

The chess game has already reached the middle game, the black and white pieces have been at loggerheads all the time, just entangled and entered the middle and back game, the battle situation is getting more and more fierce, the chessboard is full of wars, and fierce offensive and defensive battles are going on!
Little by little, Zi Cheliang's white stone regained the disadvantage of giving up the two stones first.

He Jiaguang felt the huge pressure like a mountain. The current Ah Liang is really strong, and he can still force himself into such a mess when he is letting his two sons go. Ah Liang's progress is really terrifying!He Jiaguang gritted his teeth and fought fiercely with Zi Cheliang to the end without showing any weakness!
Go is originally a tragic battlefield where either you die or I live!In the case of playing games in sequence and fairness, it is almost impossible to draw!There are bound to be winners and losers!Even if you only lose half an eye, it is still a loss!
The winner will always step on the loser to a higher peak!
Some losers got up, patted the dust, gritted their teeth and continued to move forward; while more losers were trampled into the mud, struggling to get up, but halfway they were trampled by one foot after another. I'm on my body, I can't get up!

Obviously, Zi Che Liang is a winner, even in the Chess Academy where there are many masters, he is already considered number one.And He Jiaguang is one of the losers, a loser who has struggled for a thousand years and finally got up again!
Now He Jiaguang can only look at the back of Ah Liang who used to walk side by side with him, and try his best to catch up!

When it came to the back game, He Jiaguang and Zi Che Liang stared at the chess game, the atmosphere was extremely depressing and dignified!

He Jiaguang calculated quickly. Although the upper left corner can do work, it will lose the third eye; the small dragon in the middle with A Liang has no temper at all; the lower right corner is developing well; if you fight again, if A Liang let the two sons still lose, how can they be worthy of being Ah Liang's opponent!There must be a turning point somewhere, the thousand-year endgame that was once thought impossible to win has been proven to be winable!There must be a chance, I will figure it out myself.

Zi Cheliang also frowned slightly. Although Baizi had the upper hand, the battle line was too long and not thick enough. Before the end, it was really hard to predict who would win!

Have!He Jiaguang dropped a son!
Zi Cheliang pondered for a while, and then dropped a son!
A crisp sound lingered in the game room, the chess game finally came to an end!Neither He Jiaguang nor Zi Cheliang made any mistakes. In the final count, He Jiaguang won by a small margin!

Finally winning, He Jiaguang secretly heaved a sigh of relief, but he also knew that this was not a victory at all, after all, A Liang let his two sons come!I am still far behind!
He Jiaguang and Zi Cheliang started to discuss this game of chess from scratch. It was pretty good at first, but gradually, the two quarreled more and more times, and their voices became louder and louder!

Just when the two were arguing, a gentle voice intervened: "It's quite lively."

He Jiaguang and Zi Cheliang turned their heads and saw a handsome young man with thick eyebrows and big eyes walking in with a smile.

He Jiaguang and Zi Cheliang were so embarrassed that they hurriedly stood up and bowed to the visitor.

"Greetings to Hua'an Fifth Duan." "Senior Hua'an."

Mo Xuan waved his hand, indicating that there is no need to be polite, walked over to look at the chess game between the two, nodded slightly, sat down, and said, "Let's discuss together."

He Jiaguang and Zi Cheliang glanced at each other, sat back down, and continued to discuss. With Mo Xuan sitting beside them, even if they argued, their voices softened a lot!

After listening for a while, Mo Xuan smiled cheerfully, and said meaningfully: "Actually, everyone has their own strengths, and there is a way they are used to, which may not be applicable to others. In the eyes of others, it is a weakness. In a specific person, there will be strengths and weaknesses. Everything has two sides. For example, if you are too strong, you will lack flexibility. Xiaoguang, you are the cosmic flow straight to the vast sky; So, if you know your own strengths and weaknesses, you can use your strengths and avoid your weaknesses as much as possible, there is no need to delve into it. There is no truly impeccable trick in the world!"

Is that so?He Jiaguang and Zi Cheliang looked at each other in amazement. In this way, our argument is indeed a bit naive because we take it for granted. We both want to impose our own ideas on each other, which really shouldn't be.Senior Hua An is really no ordinary chess player.

Zi Cheliang couldn't help but asked the doubts in his heart: "Senior Hua An, how did you use your magic hand?"

He Jiaguang actually wanted to ask a long time ago, but he never had the nerve to ask. He secretly thought that Ah Liang was more straightforward.

Mo Xuan laughed happily, and said, "It's hard to say, the most important thing is a flash of inspiration. But, in the final analysis, it is the truth that things must go against each other!"

ah?Both He Jiaguang and Zi Cheliang blinked blankly, expressing their incomprehension. How could Go have something to do with the extremes of things?

Mo Xuan explained patiently: "The sun is at a low point, and the moon is full and at a loss, which means that everything in the world will go from prosperity to decline, and there are already signs of decline and withering in the heyday. The same is true in a person's life. When you are in prosperity, you should stay sober and take precautions; when you are in decline, you should not give up on yourself.”

"Taiji produces two appearances, which are heaven and earth or yin and yang, and all things are born from it. Therefore, all things contain the opposite sides of yin and yang. That is to say, they all contain two factors of affirmation or negation. Therefore, there are two trends in the development of things: one affirms itself and continues to measure. development; or negate itself, transform into the opposite."

"Isn't that how the Eight Diagrams come about? Yin and Yang are distinguished from affirmation and negation, and transformed into Taiyin, Shaoyang, Sun, and Shaoyin. Taiyin Erer becomes Kun and Gen; Shaoyang becomes Xun and Kan; Taiyang becomes Sanqian and Dui ;Shaoyin Erer becomes Zhen and Li. In this gossip, Qiankun is the negation of two qualitative changes caused by the accumulation of quantity. Gen and Dui are the negation of qualitative change caused by the accumulation of quantity first and then transformed into opposites. Xun and Zhen It is the negation that transforms to the opposite first and then causes qualitative change due to the accumulation of quantity. Kan and Li are the negation of the two transformations to the opposite, that is, the negation of negation.”

"From the eight trigrams to the sixty-four trigrams, every change is a negation. The transformation to the opposite undoubtedly produces new things. The development in the original direction is not unchanged, but the qualitative change is caused by the increase in quantity. It is the so-called full moon When the water is full, it will overflow, and the grains will become grain piles, and the dripping water will become the sea."

He Jiaguang and Zi Che Liang were still blinking blankly. Although they were already familiar with gossip, what did it have to do with Go?
It seems that the two boys still haven't been able to understand clearly, so Mo Xuan pointed out: "Go is just a method in the world. A chessboard is like a small universe, and white and black are yang and yin. As the saying goes, a single yang does not grow, and a single chessboard is like a small universe. Yin does not grow. The relationship between Yin and Yang is not isolated and static, but relative, dependent, ebb and flow, and transforming.”

"Looking back at your previous game of chess, you can see that white pieces dominate for a while, black pieces dominate for a while, and in the end it's just two and half. Isn't this just an infinite change of yin and yang in the universe?"

ha?He Jiaguang and Zi Che Liang were stunned and speechless. This... What is the realm and height of Senior Hua An? !
He Jiaguang and Zi Cheliang think about it carefully, whether it is this game of Go, or their previous ups and downs in life, everything is closely related to the Yin and Yang Dao in this world!

Master!This is the real master!Both He Jiaguang and Zi Cheliang sincerely admired them!Senior Hua An is not only a senior in Go, but also a mentor in his own life!
He Jiaguang and Zi Cheliang stood up together, straightened their clothes, bowed deeply to Mo Xuan, and implored the teacher to accept us as disciples!
OK, I accept it!Mo Xuan stood up with a slight smile, helped up the two disciples, they were already members of his own family, you are welcome, sit down.

He Jiaguang and Zi Cheliang are both in the fog. Senior Hua An, no, Teacher Hua An is so easy to talk to?According to the legend, the senior masters have set up many tests in accepting apprentices. Isn't it impossible to become a master in 80 or [-] years?That's it?
(End of this chapter)

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