Interstellar Miner

Chapter 362 New Chapters

Chapter 362 New Chapter
He Jiaguang and Zi Cheliang sat back in a daze, and looked at each other, still filled with uncontrollable joy.

It was only then that Mo Xuan remembered, by the way, the two of you probably didn't come here specifically to learn from a teacher or play chess.

Zi Cheliang hastily explained the purpose of his visit, but he had seen Teacher Hua An's miraculous skill in solving the millennium endgame, so he deliberately wanted to visit, and wanted to use that endgame to play a few more words.

Mo Xuan nodded, so, of course, God's Hand is not completely unsolvable, and the reversed universe can naturally be reversed again.Of course, it’s okay to play a few games, but there’s no need to delve into it too deeply. Everything has to be looked forward, and more magic hands are still waiting for us to discover.

It was the disciple who was dull, Zi Che Liang got up again and gave Mo Xuan a deep bow.

Having said it all, there is no need to be so polite, Mo Xuan waved his hand casually and sat down.

Such an easy-going teacher is really nice!Zi Cheliang couldn't help smiling, and sat back.

Mo Xuan looked at He Jiaguang, Xiaoguang, how about you?

He Jiaguang scratched his head in embarrassment. He explained why he came here. He was originally troubled by spiritual problems, so he made a special trip to ask the teacher for advice. As a result, teacher, you just gave me some random advice, and now there is nothing bothering you anymore!
Mo Xuan smiled and said: "I have to go out for a while, and I probably won't be back for a while. If you two don't have anything to do these days, you can stay with me. If you have something to do, you can often come to sit. "

it's okay no problem!we're fine!He Jiaguang and Zi Cheliang hastily expressed their views, then we will disturb you!

"Here, let's play a few games first." Mo Xuan greeted.

Zi Cheliang hurriedly moved another 23-way chess pier over, and sat in a row with He Jiaguang, playing chess with Mo Xuan.

Zi Cheliang quickly arranged the endgame, and played against Mo Xuan according to the idea he came up with during the long test.

He Jiaguang followed the old rules, first placed four sunspots on the chessboard, which meant that Mo Xuan asked the four sunspots to play against him!
Mo Xuan was single-minded, playing chess with the two disciples, but he was still able to handle it with ease. Through the contact jade plate of the Chess Academy, he checked the relevant information of the fourth floor of time and space.

What Mo Xuan was looking for at this moment was the relevant information of the culinary art academy, because both Kong Ling and Bao Qingyun were planning to go to the current professional culinary art academy to make up for it.

Seeing Kong Ling's determination and perseverance, Mo Xuan naturally wouldn't hold her back, but the threat of Hanlifang has always existed.

Mo Xuan learned from Shang Mengyu and Zhang Hailu that the surrounding area of ​​the Four Immortals Little Immortal Realm has been heavily blocked by a battleship squadron from Hanlifang, and everyone has to make a detour.

Even though Mo Xuan and his party have always lived in the Chess Academy and have never returned to the Small Immortal Realm of the Four Immortals, the so-called blockade is useless at all, but that fleet has been staying there regardless of the cost. Xianzong!
Under such circumstances, Mo Xuan was worried that Kong Ling would go out alone, and planned to go together!Of course, Mo Xuan didn't want to learn how to cook, but he was going to apply for a job as a Go teacher at the Culinary Academy!

Just like Chess Academy has many skilled chefs, the Chef Academy also has leisure and entertainment, and Go is naturally recognized as the best entertainment and educational pastime!
With himself standing by the side [-]/[-], even if the Golden Immortal strikes, Mo Xuan is confident that even if he can't beat him, he can always escape!
Mo Xuan smacked his lips, it is the fourth layer of time and space, and he still has to think about escaping!If it is in the lower three layers of time and space, it is completely like an emperor, walking sideways casually, no one dares to mess with it at all!
When Tianjianmen and Kongjianmen have advanced to the fourth level of time and space together, they will sit on a high platform and plan their own strategies, and a group of talented disciples will gallop and compete in the world, that would be great!

Why bother to go to the fourth floor of time and space alone to start from scratch and start from scratch, asking for joy?

But after all, water flows to low places, and people go to high places!
It is as natural as a tree growing taller and a bird flying upward.Only with pursuit can we work hard, and with ideals can we struggle.Only with a "high place" in your heart can you have the motivation to move forward.

Now I have been staying in the lower three layers of time and space to dominate, I am the big brother, I am the best, it is really refreshing, can I come later?
Any Golden Immortal Lower Realm can sweep the lower three layers of time and space, let alone Xiaodao Lord and Dao Lord!There is also the huge threat of the Devil Devouring Beast pressing on the top of the head. When the Devil Devouring Beast escapes one day, if no one can handle it, the entire universe will suffer. At that time, it will be a chicken feather!
And Mo Xuan has always been obsessed with finding the way home. Now he is just a Xuanxian, and he has no ability to penetrate the cosmic boundary membrane. Surviving in the outside world, how to face the unknown challenges of the outside world?

You must know that this universe is only a very weak universe. There are as many strong people in the big universe outside as the carp crossing the river. The powerful beasts such as unicorns, phoenixes, and kunpeng are all caught by one. A grandson?
Mo Xuan is not happy!So even if you are a little bit harder now, more tolerant, and a little grandson, you must improve your own strength as soon as possible. Only with enough strength can you have a strong confidence and capital!

The premise of all this is to first achieve the Golden Immortal!The Golden Immortal, that is, the Daluo Golden Immortal, can live forever and never reincarnate.Only by cultivating to the extreme state where the three flowers gather at the top and the five qi are at the top can one become a golden immortal.

Although Mo Xuan is racing against time to become stronger, he is also mentally prepared for a protracted battle. Jinxian is by no means so easy to achieve!
Don't look at the fact that there are quite a lot of golden immortals on the fourth floor of time and space, but that is accumulated over hundreds of millions of years!Under normal circumstances, it is difficult for a golden fairy to be born in 100 million years!
There is a saying in ancient times that one can become a golden immortal after one hundred thousand catastrophes!This shows how difficult it is to become a Golden Immortal!
Now Mo Que'er's mother still has a glimmer of hope, waiting for her daughter and son-in-law to rescue her.

The advancement of the Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm is facing a huge threat of catastrophe!

Such a huge amount of pressure is all backlogged on Mo Xuan's shoulders alone. In Mo Xuan's mind, each layer of time and space has a clock, and the four clocks are running every moment, like a reminder!
No matter what Mo Xuan can do, he can only smile lightly, if he should fight hard, he has to fight hard, and life is still going on!Everything has a process, no matter how anxious you are!

Two months passed in a flash.

"Master, Mistress, I wish you all the best of luck." He Jiaguang said goodbye to Mo Xuan and his party with great reluctance.

"Master, don't worry, I will take good care of my junior." Zi Cheliang took the initiative to shoulder the responsibility!
He Jiaguang's face turned bitter, and he glanced at Zi Cheliang speechlessly.

Mo Xuan patted Che Liang's shoulder lightly, then He Jiaguang's shoulder, and nodded in relief. Before leaving, he suddenly remembered, and said to the two disciples: "By the way, before you all, I also received one Although the first batch of disciples are much younger than you, none of them are easy-going lamps, and they are all in the process of training now, and I will introduce them to you two when I have a chance in the future."

Master actually has a group of disciples?Both He Jiaguang and Zi Cheliang couldn't help being taken aback, apologizing to Master but never mentioning it, but now they say it, is there any deep meaning?

Mo Xuan and his party had already gone far away in the strategic ship Explorer, while He Jiaguang and Zi Che Liang were still thinking about it.

At first, He Jiaguang and Zi Cheliang thought that the master was easy to talk to, and it was more casual to accept apprentices. However, in the past two months, there were a hundred or eighty college students and even professional chess players who wanted to worship Mo Xuan as their teacher, which was pretty good. , but none of them could get into the master's eyes, even if they cried, made trouble, hung themselves three times, and knelt down, it was completely useless. The master knocked unconscious and threw him out of the door!

Only then did He Jiaguang and Zi Cheliang know the master's vision, and at the same time they were a little complacent.

In the past two months, He Jiaguang and Zi Cheliang really realized how wonderful it is to have a good master.Not only the rapid growth of chess skills, but also the growth of sesame blossoms in terms of cultivation!It takes at least eight hundred lifetimes to cultivate such a good master!

I thought that Master only accepted the two of us as apprentices, but suddenly a group of senior brothers and sisters appeared, He Jiaguang and Zi Cheliang really felt a little stressed, it seems that we have to work harder.

Mo Xuan smiled slightly and looked back at the Chess Academy. Although it was only a small fairy world, it was actually the epitome of the entire four-layer space-time!

Chess Academy has gathered chess players from various forces in various regions of the fourth layer of time and space. However, there is only competition in the Academy of Chess, but no disputes.

Even if the two forces are mortal enemies, but in the Chess Academy, at most the relationship between the two parties is not good, passing by face to face without saying hello, and not shouting and killing when they see each other!

Chess Academy can be said to be a pure land, and it is the projection of the beautiful thoughts of the three little Taoists!
However, where there are people, there will be grievances and grievances, and the four layers of time and space are a comprehensive collection of contradictions!However, under the macro-control of the four little Taoist monarchs, all disputes and battles have been avoided as far as possible from affecting the common people!

But once the time and space in the lower three layers are at war, the first to suffer the disaster is often the common people.
From this, we can see the significant difference between the lower space-time and the high-level space-time!
Mo Xuan smiled slightly, high-level time and space with strong literary and artistic style, we can only do as the Romans do!

The Expedition strategic ship departed from the Little Immortal Realm of the Chess Academy at a moderate speed, and arrived at the Rainbow Bridge Galaxy, which is not too far away from the Little Immortal Realm of the Chess Academy.

The Rainbow Bridge galaxy can be regarded as the most beautiful galaxy in the entire four-layer space-time. From a distance, it looks like a colorful arch bridge spanning the void, and it is covered with tulle-like nebulae. It is dreamlike and beautiful. .Innumerable shining stars of various colors,
Beauty is beauty, the Rainbow Bridge galaxy is not very rich, the number of living planets and small fairylands is not many, so they are only shared by some small forces.

The Zilin galaxy next door to the Chess Academy and the Four Immortals Little Immortals is much richer, and there are two middle-level forces stationed there.

Closer to home.

This Fuyu Culinary Academy can only be regarded as a third-rate culinary academy, which is much worse than the mid-level Ziyun Culinary Academy.

The reason why I chose Fuyu Culinary Arts Academy is because Fuyu is not too far away from Chess Academy, and it is convenient to go to and from; The 100-year term of a Go tutor has expired, and he has decided to change jobs. A new Go teacher is urgently needed.

Hence, Mo Xuan and Kong Ling chose Fuyu.Bao Qingyun is not picky at all, he just wants to get familiar with the current culinary system. Although Fuyu Culinary Academy is a third-rate academy, it is mostly because the results of the Wanchu Competition have not been very good, and they cannot get a good ranking. It does not mean that the teaching system of Fuyu Culinary Arts Academy is not good, and the number of applicants every ten years is still very large.

The warships that were about to enter the Fuyu Little Immortal Realm first had already formed a thick long queue.

"Don't waste time waiting. I, Ling'er, and Xiao Bao will get off here. Que'er, Xiaoyun, I wish you success soon. two should keep a low profile and try not to run too far."

"Husband, I know." Mo Que'er nodded obediently.

"Whispering." Xiaoyun pouted disapprovingly.

Mo Xuan and his party split into two groups and acted separately.

A new chapter has quietly opened!

(End of this chapter)

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