Interstellar Miner

Chapter 363 The Grand Parade

Chapter 363 The Grand Parade

The third layer of time and space, the Heavenly Sword Gate.

Unknowingly, Xiao Moxuan No. [-] has been in charge of Tianjianmen for more than three years.

Although Xiao Moxuan No. [-] used to be the acting dean of Xiuxian College, and almost the real power leader of the first layer of time and space, after all, it still can't be compared with the huge Tianjianmen today!Whether it is the number of planets, or the base number of immortals and ordinary people, they are not at the same level at all.

However, Xiao Moxuan No. [-] has the relevant experience transmitted to him by his deity, and he quickly adapted to his current identity, working hard day and night for Tianjianmen, and dedicated himself to death.

There are already three avatars now, if you don't perform well, you may never have the chance to show up again in the future!

So Little Moxuan No. [-] is not afraid of suffering or tiredness, patrolling the territory, giving speeches to boost morale, these things that Moxuan himself finds trouble and is not willing to do all of them!Even, Xiaomoxuan No. [-] has started to form the Tianjianmen Xiaoxianjie, paving the way for advancing to the fourth level of time and space in the future!
After all, the Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm is shared by Taiyi, Qianzao, Guxin and Li Taishi!After all, Kong Jianmen is single and weak, so he doesn't have much right to speak!After all, Xiaoxianjie is still home!So many high-quality upper fairy world fragments are not for nothing. In just one year, the size of the Tianjianmen small fairy world is already much larger than the current Gaosheng small fairy world!
Tianjianmen is now one mind at a time, and the end is as stable as an iron bucket!

Little Moxuan No. [-] didn't think it was good enough, so he organized Haohaotangtang's Tianjianmen military parade, and sincerely invited representatives of surrounding forces to come to watch the ceremony and promote force!

On the day of the military parade, the entire Tianjian Star was full of gongs, drums and firecrackers, and the huge parade square was filled with red flags and crowds of people!Many faction delegations came uninvited, and Xiaomoxuan No. [-] always refused to come, the more the better!

On the highest platform, No. [-] Xiaomoxuan sat on the throne of the head of the sect.On the second high platform, there are seven vice sect master thrones.

Xuanyuanjian, Helian Liangbo, Che Xiangchen, Huang Cang, Guan Qiuyi and his disciples are sitting on the throne of the deputy sect master!In addition, there are two vacant thrones for the vice sect masters, which are the thrones of Kong Ling and Mo Que'er.

Below that are the numerous core elders, inner elders, and outer elders of Tianjianmen.

The team that Mo Xuan brought together from the beginning of Canglan Star, Tian Li, Housing Department, Lu Yang, Song Shi, Si Kou Huai, Zuoqiu Yezhi, etc., are now all powerful and majestic. One step and three shakes!

Xiao Moxuan No. [-] stood up solemnly, followed by the five deputy sect masters!
The noisy military parade square fell silent in an instant, and it was full of chills!

The delegations of all parties felt overwhelming pressure coming over them head-on, and their complexions changed suddenly!
"Military flag please!" A shocking tiger roar shook the ground of the entire parade square a few times!The kitten acts as a trumpet player energetically. In the words of the master, the louder the sound, the better the effect. This is what I want!
The phalanx formed by the 81 elite sword immortals of Jiujiu descended from the sky to protect the military flag and landed on the flag platform. The 81 immortal swords of Jiujiu soared into the sky and quickly formed a perfect defensive formation!The captain of the guard suddenly inserted the general flag into the slot, opened it against the wind, and made a rustling sound!
On the military flag, two huge fairy swords, one white and one black, are intersected together, sparks overflowing and swallowing mountains and rivers, symbolizing the mighty and unyielding of Tianjianmen!

"The military parade has officially begun!" Kitten roared again!
According to the practice of the earth, the grand parade set up by Xiaomoxuan No. [-] is firstly an infantry team!

The elite cultivators selected from various planets, 1000 people in a square, walked through the square one by one, marching neatly and shouting slogans such as "Heavenly Sword Gate is mighty" and "Serve the people"!

Although these elite cultivators have humble cultivation bases, an ordinary immortal can easily destroy a camp of thousands of people!However, the immortals of the powerful delegations from all sides saw in them the temperament that their own immortal cultivators did not have!All of them can't help stretching their necks to look carefully, what's going on?

This is the phalanx of the qi training period, and this is the phalanx of the foundation building period. If you don't know it, you may think it is the immortal phalanx!No matter how you look at it, it's obviously not a fake face project, but a real energy and full of energy!This is the grassroots unit of Tianjianmen?The immortals of the delegations from all parties couldn't help but click their tongues secretly!
The infantry regiment of 2 immortals passed by one by one, followed by the infantry team formed by the half-immortals!He was only a half-immortal, but the orderly pace of a camp of thousands of people made the huge square tremble slightly!

The Jindan stage, Nascent Soul stage, and Mahayana stage teams are distinct!

This is our Tianjianmen army, and the onlookers are all excited, unable to control themselves for a long time.

Followed by the Tianjianmen Immortal Infantry Regiment!
They were all immortal cultivators before, so well-trained, and some say, but it is too exaggerated for the immortals to train so strictly and in unison!

For a long time, the immortal is also an immortal and high above the immortal!Otherwise, how could it be called the Immortal Gap!But the current scene completely overwhelmed the cognition of the immortals from all delegations. Tianjianmen actually treated the immortals as ordinary cultivators. This...isn't it true?Should it be just a special case within a special case?

If it is true, then the combat effectiveness of such an army composed of all immortals is really terrifying!

I didn't expect this to count!Even more exciting is yet to come!The [-] Immortal Infantry Regiment had just walked over boldly, and the Earth Immortal Infantry Regiment was dispatched!
Ouch!All of a sudden, the immortals of the power delegations from all sides couldn't help but be dumbfounded, like a ghost!
The Tianjianmen Earth Immortal Infantry Regiment has formed five super camps of gold, wood, water, fire and earth, each with a large force of 2 people!
Xiao Moxuan No. [-] smiled lightly, those in front were just appetizers, from now on they are the real meat dishes!

The Earth Immortal Infantry Regiment did not pass through directly, but stayed in the main square of the military parade as in the rehearsal!
"Formation!" The kitten roared!
The one hundred thousand earth immortals of the five camps instantly spread and interspersed together like heavenly maidens scattered flowers!
In just a few blinks, a super-giant formation of five elements and five elements was formed, and the huge formation enveloped the entire Heavenly Sword Star!
The expressions of all the immortals in the delegations from all parties changed, what a terrifying execution ability!What a terrifying formation!

There are a total of eleven heavenly immortals in the delegations of various forces. You can ask yourself, even if all eleven heavenly immortals join forces, they may not be able to break through such a terrifying formation of five elements and five unique elements!

The best way to deal with this five-element and five-jue formation is not to be surrounded by it, otherwise it will definitely be a narrow escape!

After all, this is just a military parade, not to take the opportunity to strangle the angels of the visiting missions. The five elements and five unique formations only lasted for a while and then dispersed!

In such a short period of time, the immortals of the delegations from all parties were already covered in cold sweat!If Tianjianmen really wanted to do something just now, we can only explain it here!It's really a walk before the gate of hell!

After the infantry regiment parade is over, the next step is the mobile unit!

Forget about one-star and two-star warships, they have long been behind the times!The first to appear was the Hongwu Battleship Brigade, which formed a neat formation comparable to an infantry regiment and flew close to the ground. The scene was spectacular!
In the past, the new warships of Tianjianmen were all trying to cover up, but they only showed up occasionally, and they were never displayed publicly!This time, the military parade made a serious appearance!
The people of Tianjianmen screamed and sprinkled flowers, and the scene got out of control several times!

Next is the No. [-] battleship squadron, the No. [-] battleship squadron, the three-star battleship squadron, the four-star battleship squadron, the latest tortoise shell series battleship squadron launched by the Black Star Gate, and the final star battleship squadron!

In the end, millions of warships turned the entire sky of Tianjian Star into a dense blackness!
Seeing this, the immortals of the delegations of various forces have turned pale!Although I have known for a long time that Tianjianmen is extremely powerful today, but I have never had an intuitive understanding!

Now watching the Tianjianmen military parade on the spot, I really saw it!It's already so strong that it defies the sky. Who dares to fight against such a Heavenly Sword Sect? It's pure death!
It's not that the angels in the mission are exchanging glances with each other, the strength of the grass around the Tianjianmen is obviously hopeless, only we, the big and medium forces, form an anti-tianjianmen alliance and work together to suppress the Tianjianmen!Otherwise, these three layers of time and space will be the back garden of Tianjianmen sooner or later, and our good days will be over!

However, all the angels are very clear in their hearts that they have been tossed by the resistance alliances of various families. In the past one or two years, those small forces have made a lot of noise. Opponents are not easy!

Under such circumstances, it is too difficult to coordinate a sniper attack to suppress Tianjianmen!

At this time, Xiao Moxuan No. [-] flew up into the sky and waved his hand as a signal.All of a sudden, the huge square fell silent.

Xiao Moxuan smiled slightly and started his speech: "A piece of straw, thrown on the street, is garbage; tied with cabbage is the price of cabbage; tied with hairy crabs, it is the price of hairy crabs. So who is tied with ,Very important!"

"Being with people with dreams will inspire dreams, being with excellent people will not be mediocre, being with hardworking people will not learn laziness, being with sunny people will not complain, making friends with people with positive energy, It will affect your life! A person will reflect different values ​​on different platforms.”

"And our Heavenly Sword Sect has been established by the two Sect Masters Xuanyuanjian and Helian Liangbo. After so many years of hard work and hard work, we have finally achieved the current super overlord! People can live and work in peace and contentment, eat enough and wear warmth There is no way to make everyone cultivate immortality, but we can already make everyone go to elementary school to read and write, and bid farewell to illiteracy!"

"I feel proud and proud to be able to join the Heavenly Sword Sect and become a member of the Heavenly Sword Sect!"

"Heavenly Sword Gate!" "Proud!" "Proud!"...

The mountain roars and the tsunami!The entire Heavenly Sword Star was trembling with excitement!
"The current Tianjianmen is very good, but there are still many shortcomings! All of us must persevere and work hard for a better tomorrow! Create a better and better Tianjianmen!"

"Heavenly Sword Gate!" "Work hard!" "Struggle!"...

"Last word! We are the best!"

"We are the best!" "We are the best!"...

The entire Heavenly Sword Gate is boiling with enthusiasm!
Surrounded by such boiling, the immortals of the delegations of various forces are in dire straits, and they don't know how to express themselves!

The significance and influence of this Tianjianmen military parade are so huge and far-reaching!
(End of this chapter)

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